The worst leader in the world is...!!!

Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
You obviously have very little knowledge of world leaders if you think Trump qualifies as worst in the world.
His impact in the world is huge given the influence of the US globally unlike other dictators.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
Wow! You really are one ignorant pos...which means you're a Liberal.
Too informed to be a liberal or worse a con. I think of the two and f3om my experience the dumbest group of people I've encountered in the world are "conservatives^ in the US.
Liberals are ignorant because they can't absorb facts.
Neo-Cons are ignorant of anything that doesn't increase their assets.
I rather deal with liberals anyday than so called "conservatives"
I'm blessed not many cons where I live, the ones i met are extremely dumb about many subjects, very narrow minded, mostly old and have racist views...the young ones are too dumb and poorly educated, obnoxious and ego centric.

The weird thing ithe so called conservatives supposed to be more kind and compassionate but surprisingly they are the racist mean asshole ones. It boggles me....what the hell they tell them in churches these days?
I don't deal with either but neo-Cons always engage me because they want to convince me they aren't heartless, selfish bastards.
I don't deal with Liberals because within 2 seconds they start ranting and can't be dealt with unless you agree 100% with whatever they perceive.
I have lived ina an ultra blue city for 20 years and I love it...I disagree with liberals on many issues but I've never once was discriminated against as a minority muslim. The few cons I came across they are poorly educated or dumb, so close minded and certified racist and bigots.
You met a Con in a city?
There was one person actually working in the city?
By the way, you're buddy JoeB thinks you're helpless without him.
Give me 2 things with which you disagree with Liberals.
I dont agree with abortion, same sex marriage for example.

Dont let him lie to you by playing with words. He supports legalized abortion and the travesty of homosexual marriages. He supports Roe v wade and Obergfell v hodges.
I met tons of gays and most are far better than most conservatives to be honest and by miles. And I dont agree with sqme sex marriage gay lifestyle in general but I respect them as fellow humans. Never once I had an issue with a gay person but conservatives all i see is hate, bigotry, racism and fascism. I say this as a muslim.

I’ll say it again. You lied to Indeependent You support legalized abortion and legal recognition of homosexual marriage.
When you have to lie you are doing something wrong.
Huh? Why would I lie about that ?

At the moment I’m not commenting on the why. I’m just pointing out that you are a liar. It’s what you do. These simplest question leads twisted soul to lie.
Why did you lie to him? Why do you have to hide what you are? And don’t all liberals do that?

You support legalized abortion and legal recognition of homosexual marriage. In support overturning the will of the people on those two issues with court orders.
You are a retard. Why would lie about such a thing on a forum where I'm using a nickname and anonymous?
Dude you are weird as most cons are.

The question isn’t “why” as I explained. I caught you doing it. It’s established fact.
You need medical attention.

Said the communist to the dissident.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
You obviously have very little knowledge of world leaders if you think Trump qualifies as worst in the world.
His impact in the world is huge given the influence of the US globally unlike other dictators.

how about your real country. How does it stack up?

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