The Worst?? Move Over, Carter and Buchanan!!

You said all Obama supporters supported him because he's black. That is so self-evidently wrong that nothing further need be said.

So you can't disprove it?

Disprove what? Your claim that Democrats only vote for black presidential candidates?


Is that what she's implying? Then she's a mindless tool.

I, a HE you fucking bitch, never implied or stated Democrats only voted for blacks. I said Democrats voted for Obama because he's black. Learn the difference or being considered a stupid piece of shit.
the classic Conservatard65 melt down :eusa_drool:

The classic DotCom come out of cowardly hiding post. Where you been, pussy?
We see, and will continue to see, more and more of essays such as the following.

First...the timeline.....then the indictment proving the title.... "America’s Worst President?"

1. "I nominate Barack Obama, the anti-Lincoln.
America’s Worst President?

After Thursday’s terrorist slaughter of policemen in Dallas, it’s fair to say that Barack Obama might well be the worst president in U.S. history. Here’s why.

2. ...America’s domestic politics for the last 60 or 70 years—from sometime between the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v Board of Education school desegregation decision and the 1964 Civil Rights Act—has been the nation’s effort to undo the heinous wrongs that slavery and Jim Crow perpetrated on black Americans...
[Both slavery and Jim Crow are the handiwork of the Democrat Party.]

3. .[but]..civil rights zeal turned into zealotry. We made the integration of our schools, and then the closing of the black-white achievement gap, our principal educational goal for half a century, with the unintended consequence that we neglected actual education and turned urban schools into machines for perpetuating black failure.

4. Judge-ordained busing in Boston, completely contrary to the terms of the Civil Rights Act, made the schools more segregated than ever. A judge-ordained Kansas City school-funding-equalization order, forcing local taxpayers to shell out $2 billion over a decade, including building a bizarrely unnecessary Olympic swimming pool, produced no educational gains whatsoever and proved to anyone with eyes to see that money was not the key to racial equality in education.

5. Then, the colleges turned to affirmative action in admissions, the ed schools taught their students not how to teach or what facts they needed to transmit but only “social-justice” ideology,.... They replaced Plato with Ta-Nehisi Coates.

6. Believing that welfare payments constituted well-deserved reparations for 300 years of slavery and oppression, we New Yorkers created a come-and-get-it dole that ended up with one in eight of our neighbors on the welfare rolls—paid for by the rest of us and resulting in a multi-generational underclass. ...

....the foolish [Liberal] notion that black crime was a manly revolt against oppression—that black criminals were only protesting against the closure of all avenues of honest advancement for their race, as well as against the daily humiliation heaped on African-Americans.

[Are you listening, Obama???]

7. The resulting depolicing of black neighborhoods and unwillingness of courts to punish black criminals drove crime to Hobbesian levels and turned minority neighborhoods into killing fields, where mothers put their kids to bed in the bathtub, trying to keep them safe from stray bullets."
America’s Worst President?

Every debilitating policy above is at the behest of Democrats/Liberals.

It is not credible to imagine that they did so out of the best of intentions.

The Dallas speech of the nation's worst President ever puts the problem in stark perspective.

Coming right up.....

Baby bush crashed the economy and started two unnecessary wars of choice. He is the worst president in my lifetime.

But thanks for yet another useless cut and paste

Actually, it was Democrat policy...ignoring the Constitution and invading the private housing market....that caused the mortgage meltdown.

Pick up a book for once.


"Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
The White House called for tighter regulation 17 times.

Seventeen. That's how many times, according to this White House statement (hat tip Gateway Pundit), that the Bush administration has called for tighter regulation of the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Much if not all of that could have been prevented by a bill cosponsored by John McCain and supported by all the Republicans and opposed by all the Democrats in the Senate Banking Committee in 2005. That bill, which the Democrats stopped from passing, would have prohibited the GSEs from speculating on the mortgage-based securities they packaged. The GSEs' mission allegedly justifying their quasi-governmental status was to package or securitize such mortgages, but the lion's share of their profits—which determined top executives' bonuses—came from speculation."
Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

The Big Lies never die.

I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.

The best three words you ever posted: "I don't think..."

We see, and will continue to see, more and more of essays such as the following.

First...the timeline.....then the indictment proving the title.... "America’s Worst President?"

1. "I nominate Barack Obama, the anti-Lincoln.
America’s Worst President?

After Thursday’s terrorist slaughter of policemen in Dallas, it’s fair to say that Barack Obama might well be the worst president in U.S. history. Here’s why.

2. ...America’s domestic politics for the last 60 or 70 years—from sometime between the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v Board of Education school desegregation decision and the 1964 Civil Rights Act—has been the nation’s effort to undo the heinous wrongs that slavery and Jim Crow perpetrated on black Americans...
[Both slavery and Jim Crow are the handiwork of the Democrat Party.]

3. .[but]..civil rights zeal turned into zealotry. We made the integration of our schools, and then the closing of the black-white achievement gap, our principal educational goal for half a century, with the unintended consequence that we neglected actual education and turned urban schools into machines for perpetuating black failure.

4. Judge-ordained busing in Boston, completely contrary to the terms of the Civil Rights Act, made the schools more segregated than ever. A judge-ordained Kansas City school-funding-equalization order, forcing local taxpayers to shell out $2 billion over a decade, including building a bizarrely unnecessary Olympic swimming pool, produced no educational gains whatsoever and proved to anyone with eyes to see that money was not the key to racial equality in education.

5. Then, the colleges turned to affirmative action in admissions, the ed schools taught their students not how to teach or what facts they needed to transmit but only “social-justice” ideology,.... They replaced Plato with Ta-Nehisi Coates.

6. Believing that welfare payments constituted well-deserved reparations for 300 years of slavery and oppression, we New Yorkers created a come-and-get-it dole that ended up with one in eight of our neighbors on the welfare rolls—paid for by the rest of us and resulting in a multi-generational underclass. ...

....the foolish [Liberal] notion that black crime was a manly revolt against oppression—that black criminals were only protesting against the closure of all avenues of honest advancement for their race, as well as against the daily humiliation heaped on African-Americans.

[Are you listening, Obama???]

7. The resulting depolicing of black neighborhoods and unwillingness of courts to punish black criminals drove crime to Hobbesian levels and turned minority neighborhoods into killing fields, where mothers put their kids to bed in the bathtub, trying to keep them safe from stray bullets."
America’s Worst President?

Every debilitating policy above is at the behest of Democrats/Liberals.

It is not credible to imagine that they did so out of the best of intentions.

The Dallas speech of the nation's worst President ever puts the problem in stark perspective.

Coming right up.....

Baby bush crashed the economy and started two unnecessary wars of choice. He is the worst president in my lifetime.

But thanks for yet another useless cut and paste
Obama supported the war in Afghanistan.

Yet Liberals want to use it to blame Bush.
He had an opportunity to be a great president. Coming in during the recession a moron could have rode the recovery to adulation.

Instead, the ideologue pursued the white whale of Obama care, which people did not want, lied though his teeth to do it, cut deals behind closed doors (what happened to live negotiations on CSPAN) and voters responded by shutting his ass down at the ballot box on the congressional elections before he could jam through the rest of his nonsense.

His foreign policy was a fucking disaster, we can thank him for the explosion of ISIS- and Putin has been using him for a chew toy, as his inexperience and hubris overcame all logic and advice of people with a clue on the international stage.

He's been a fuckup who has left a legacy we'll need decades to correct.

Failure. Complete and utter.
9. "America’s Worst President?"


"And though no admirer of Obama’s politics, I too felt awe at the historical momentousness of it all.

Not everyone shared that sentiment—most notably the new president and his wife, who had sat for more than a decade in the pews of Jeremiah Wright’s Chicago church listening to the reverend firebrand pray for God to damn America for its ineradicable racism.

Though the new president had sworn his oath of office on Lincoln’s Bible, anyone who thought that his election marked the fulfillment of Lincoln’s dream soon heard him and his even more race-obsessed attorney general lambaste America for a racism so deep that white citizens couldn’t even see it, bred in the bone as it was. Colleges even made up a term for this molecular-level racism: micro-aggression."
America’s Worst President?

The Liberal insanity on steroids.
Obama supporters need to be in mental institutions. They've proven that's where they belong by supporting someone simply because of skin color.

What percent of the federal government budget goes to support anyone simply because of their skin color?

Didn't mention the federal budget. Said many Obama supporters support him due to his skin color. Prove me wrong.

You said all Obama supporters supported him because he's black. That is so self-evidently wrong that nothing further need be said.
Well if you disagreed with him you were labeled a racist. How soon we forget.
By the racists who voted Obama because he was black.....

That's how Liberals view things. The claim if you disagree with the POLICIES, it's because he's black and it's racist. However, if you vote for him because of skin color, no problem.
As a President, Obamas biggest challenge was facing a Republican opposition intent on total noncooperation. No Republican would cross the aisle, even on initiatives they formerly supported like TARP and healthcare exchanges
At first, Obama thought he would be treated like other Presidents and be given deference on foreign policy and a willingness to negotiate. In an attempt to make Obama a one term president and block any possible success, Republicans unanimously opposed all Obama initiatives

Even in a country facing Depression

Pure BS, Obama got all his initiatives whether the Republicans said they opposed them or not. I can't think of many he did not. The foreign policy disaster is all Obama's and Mrs. Tuzla.

It was not until Obama stopped trying to include Republicans that he really hit his stride. He had a short window of a filibuster proof congress and made the best of it getting stimulus, Obamacare and financial reform through
After that, he used executive actions and foreign policy powers to pass his agenda

So then you agree that through his power grap he got what he wanted. Now all you need to admit that the mess we are in is partly if not largely his fault.
I don't think we are in any way...a mess

Stock market tripled, 10 million new jobs, unemployment rate cut in half, 20 million more have insurance, gay rights

If McCain or Romney had been elected and the economy was exactly the same,

there would be 10 threads a day by RWnuts, including PoliticalChic, crowing about it.
It wouldn't be, they wouldn't of worried more about social issues. Instead of the economy.
1. "I nominate Barack Obama, the anti-Lincoln.
America’s Worst President?

I'm not buying this guy is "pro-Lincoln".

We see, and will continue to see, more and more of essays such as the following.

First...the timeline.....then the indictment proving the title.... "America’s Worst President?"

1. "I nominate Barack Obama, the anti-Lincoln.
America’s Worst President?

After Thursday’s terrorist slaughter of policemen in Dallas, it’s fair to say that Barack Obama might well be the worst president in U.S. history. Here’s why.

2. ...America’s domestic politics for the last 60 or 70 years—from sometime between the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v Board of Education school desegregation decision and the 1964 Civil Rights Act—has been the nation’s effort to undo the heinous wrongs that slavery and Jim Crow perpetrated on black Americans...
[Both slavery and Jim Crow are the handiwork of the Democrat Party.]

3. .[but]..civil rights zeal turned into zealotry. We made the integration of our schools, and then the closing of the black-white achievement gap, our principal educational goal for half a century, with the unintended consequence that we neglected actual education and turned urban schools into machines for perpetuating black failure.

4. Judge-ordained busing in Boston, completely contrary to the terms of the Civil Rights Act, made the schools more segregated than ever. A judge-ordained Kansas City school-funding-equalization order, forcing local taxpayers to shell out $2 billion over a decade, including building a bizarrely unnecessary Olympic swimming pool, produced no educational gains whatsoever and proved to anyone with eyes to see that money was not the key to racial equality in education.

5. Then, the colleges turned to affirmative action in admissions, the ed schools taught their students not how to teach or what facts they needed to transmit but only “social-justice” ideology,.... They replaced Plato with Ta-Nehisi Coates.

6. Believing that welfare payments constituted well-deserved reparations for 300 years of slavery and oppression, we New Yorkers created a come-and-get-it dole that ended up with one in eight of our neighbors on the welfare rolls—paid for by the rest of us and resulting in a multi-generational underclass. ...

....the foolish [Liberal] notion that black crime was a manly revolt against oppression—that black criminals were only protesting against the closure of all avenues of honest advancement for their race, as well as against the daily humiliation heaped on African-Americans.

[Are you listening, Obama???]

7. The resulting depolicing of black neighborhoods and unwillingness of courts to punish black criminals drove crime to Hobbesian levels and turned minority neighborhoods into killing fields, where mothers put their kids to bed in the bathtub, trying to keep them safe from stray bullets."
America’s Worst President?

Every debilitating policy above is at the behest of Democrats/Liberals.

It is not credible to imagine that they did so out of the best of intentions.

The Dallas speech of the nation's worst President ever puts the problem in stark perspective.

Coming right up.....

Baby bush crashed the economy and started two unnecessary wars of choice. He is the worst president in my lifetime.

But thanks for yet another useless cut and paste

Actually it was a world wide economic crash, but I doubt you can remember that long ago.

Actually it was directly related to bush baby's policies. Australia didn't crash.
So democrats were against poor people owning their own home?

lol, Bush wasn't...
Bush warned about what was fixing to happen. Frank Dodd told him he didn't know what he was talking about.
As a President, Obamas biggest challenge was facing a Republican opposition intent on total noncooperation. No Republican would cross the aisle, even on initiatives they formerly supported like TARP and healthcare exchanges
At first, Obama thought he would be treated like other Presidents and be given deference on foreign policy and a willingness to negotiate. In an attempt to make Obama a one term president and block any possible success, Republicans unanimously opposed all Obama initiatives

Even in a country facing Depression

"Obamas biggest challenge was facing a Republican opposition intent on total noncooperation."
So very early to catch you lying....

It was Obama who refused 'cooperation' or compromise.
"Obama to GOP: 'I won'
President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning - but he also left no doubt about who's in charge of these negotiations. "I won," Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation."
Obama to GOP: 'I won'
Great job by Obama

Republicans thought they could bully the young inexperienced President....He handed them their ass

"Great job by Obama"

1. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Obama economy is 'amazing,' says hedge fund billionaire

2. Now This:
"White House Cuts Economic Growth Forecasts
Budget office sees 1.9% growth in 2016, 2.5% in 2017
The White House now forecasts that gross domestic product will rise 1.9% this year and 2.5% in 2017, down from estimates of 2.6% for both years in its February forecast. It reduced long-run growth forecasts, for years after 2018, to 2.2% from 2.3%.
White House Cuts Economic Growth Forecasts

The only question that remains is which of the following is to blame:
a. Police anti-black bias
b. Guns
c. Fox News
d. Christianity
e. Rush Limbaugh
Never went over 3%?
When did that one become an economic parameter?

Obama was consistently in the 2.5-3 percent GDP range for eight years

That economic "train wreck" that Republicans predicted never happened
Baby bush crashed the economy and started two unnecessary wars of choice. He is the worst president in my lifetime.

But thanks for yet another useless cut and paste

Actually it was a world wide economic crash, but I doubt you can remember that long ago.

Actually it was directly related to bush baby's policies. Australia didn't crash.
So democrats were against poor people owning their own home?

lol, Bush wasn't...
Bush warned about what was fixing to happen. Frank Dodd told him he didn't know what he was talking about.
The greatest economic collapse in 75 years and Bush just let it happen?
Bush "warned"??

Why didn't he do something?
Actually it was a world wide economic crash, but I doubt you can remember that long ago.

Actually it was directly related to bush baby's policies. Australia didn't crash.
So democrats were against poor people owning their own home?

lol, Bush wasn't...
Bush warned about what was fixing to happen. Frank Dodd told him he didn't know what he was talking about.
The greatest economic collapse in 75 years and Bush just let it happen?
Bush "warned"??

Why didn't he do something?
Who controlled both houses when the collapse happened?
Does OP (PoliSpice) realize that she'll be deported back to the Orient if the Repub nominee wins?
Baby bush crashed the economy and started two unnecessary wars of choice. He is the worst president in my lifetime.

But thanks for yet another useless cut and paste

Actually, it was Democrat policy...ignoring the Constitution and invading the private housing market....that caused the mortgage meltdown.

Pick up a book for once.


"Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
The White House called for tighter regulation 17 times.

Seventeen. That's how many times, according to this White House statement (hat tip Gateway Pundit), that the Bush administration has called for tighter regulation of the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Much if not all of that could have been prevented by a bill cosponsored by John McCain and supported by all the Republicans and opposed by all the Democrats in the Senate Banking Committee in 2005. That bill, which the Democrats stopped from passing, would have prohibited the GSEs from speculating on the mortgage-based securities they packaged. The GSEs' mission allegedly justifying their quasi-governmental status was to package or securitize such mortgages, but the lion's share of their profits—which determined top executives' bonuses—came from speculation."
Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

The Big Lies never die.

I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.
No one has ever seen a fail to the order of magnitude of your Omama....all Americans agree....

All Americans except for those who approve of the job he's doing?
Republicans tried that "worst president of all time" "empty chair" in 2012

When they asked....Wouldn't you rather have a Republican?

America replied...Hell no
As a President, Obamas biggest challenge was facing a Republican opposition intent on total noncooperation. No Republican would cross the aisle, even on initiatives they formerly supported like TARP and healthcare exchanges
At first, Obama thought he would be treated like other Presidents and be given deference on foreign policy and a willingness to negotiate. In an attempt to make Obama a one term president and block any possible success, Republicans unanimously opposed all Obama initiatives

Even in a country facing Depression

"Obamas biggest challenge was facing a Republican opposition intent on total noncooperation."
So very early to catch you lying....

It was Obama who refused 'cooperation' or compromise.
"Obama to GOP: 'I won'
President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning - but he also left no doubt about who's in charge of these negotiations. "I won," Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation."
Obama to GOP: 'I won'
Great job by Obama

Republicans thought they could bully the young inexperienced President....He handed them their ass

"Great job by Obama"

1. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Obama economy is 'amazing,' says hedge fund billionaire

2. Now This:
"White House Cuts Economic Growth Forecasts
Budget office sees 1.9% growth in 2016, 2.5% in 2017
The White House now forecasts that gross domestic product will rise 1.9% this year and 2.5% in 2017, down from estimates of 2.6% for both years in its February forecast. It reduced long-run growth forecasts, for years after 2018, to 2.2% from 2.3%.
White House Cuts Economic Growth Forecasts

The only question that remains is which of the following is to blame:
a. Police anti-black bias
b. Guns
c. Fox News
d. Christianity
e. Rush Limbaugh
Never went over 3%?
When did that one become an economic parameter?

Obama was consistently in the 2.5-3 percent GDP range for eight years

That economic "train wreck" that Republicans predicted never happened

You don't like the truth????

That why you picked that avi???'s another dose:

"Great job by Obama"

1. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Obama economy is 'amazing,' says hedge fund billionaire

2. Now This:
"White House Cuts Economic Growth Forecasts
Budget office sees 1.9% growth in 2016, 2.5% in 2017
The White House now forecasts that gross domestic product will rise 1.9% this year and 2.5% in 2017, down from estimates of 2.6% for both years in its February forecast. It reduced long-run growth forecasts, for years after 2018, to 2.2% from 2.3%.
White House Cuts Economic Growth Forecasts
Actually it was directly related to bush baby's policies. Australia didn't crash.
So democrats were against poor people owning their own home?

lol, Bush wasn't...
Bush warned about what was fixing to happen. Frank Dodd told him he didn't know what he was talking about.
The greatest economic collapse in 75 years and Bush just let it happen?
Bush "warned"??

Why didn't he do something?
Who controlled both houses when the collapse happened?

Which legislation caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008?
Does OP (PoliSpice) realize that she'll be deported back to the Orient if the Repub nominee wins?
Actually, it was Democrat policy...ignoring the Constitution and invading the private housing market....that caused the mortgage meltdown.

Pick up a book for once.


"Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
The White House called for tighter regulation 17 times.

Seventeen. That's how many times, according to this White House statement (hat tip Gateway Pundit), that the Bush administration has called for tighter regulation of the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Much if not all of that could have been prevented by a bill cosponsored by John McCain and supported by all the Republicans and opposed by all the Democrats in the Senate Banking Committee in 2005. That bill, which the Democrats stopped from passing, would have prohibited the GSEs from speculating on the mortgage-based securities they packaged. The GSEs' mission allegedly justifying their quasi-governmental status was to package or securitize such mortgages, but the lion's share of their profits—which determined top executives' bonuses—came from speculation."
Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

The Big Lies never die.

I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.
No one has ever seen a fail to the order of magnitude of your Omama....all Americans agree....

All Americans except for those who approve of the job he's doing?
Republicans tried that "worst president of all time" "empty chair" in 2012

When they asked....Wouldn't you rather have a Republican?

America replied...Hell no

Let me refine that:

1. The WORST President in terms of his domestic economic failure


2. The WORST President in terms of his foreign failure
Of....did you want to support his creation of ISIS???

I'd be more than happy to supply a hundred examples of both of the above.

Just say the word.
Bush warned about what was fixing to happen. Frank Dodd told him he didn't know what he was talking about.
The greatest economic collapse in 75 years and Bush just let it happen?
Bush "warned"??

Why didn't he do something?
Who controlled both houses when the collapse happened?

Which legislation caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008?

"Which legislation caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008?"
Glad you asked.

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

He created GSE's Fannie, and his drones followed with Freddie, to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA

Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.

Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.
Bush warned about what was fixing to happen. Frank Dodd told him he didn't know what he was talking about.
The greatest economic collapse in 75 years and Bush just let it happen?
Bush "warned"??

Why didn't he do something?
Who controlled both houses when the collapse happened?

Which legislation caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008?
Loaning people money for a house they cannot afford to pay back. That started again during Carter, gain legs under Clinton. Bush warned it was coming. Dodd told him he was crazy, and it crashed under democrat control. You claim the economy is booming now, when republicans are in control. See how that works?
Actually it was a world wide economic crash, but I doubt you can remember that long ago.

Actually it was directly related to bush baby's policies. Australia didn't crash.
So democrats were against poor people owning their own home?

lol, Bush wasn't...
Bush warned about what was fixing to happen. Frank Dodd told him he didn't know what he was talking about.
The greatest economic collapse in 75 years and Bush just let it happen?
Bush "warned"??

Why didn't he do something?

No, he didn't.

"New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae
Published: September 11, 2003

WASHINGTON, Sept. 10— The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.

The proposal is the opening act in one of the biggest and most significant lobbying battles of the Congressional session.

After the hearing, Representative Michael G. Oxley, chairman of the Financial Services Committee, and Senator Richard Shelby, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, announced their intention to draft legislation based on the administration's proposal. Industry executives said Congress could complete action on legislation before leaving for recess in the fall.

''The regulator has not only been outmanned, it has been outlobbied,'' said Representative Richard H. Baker, the Louisiana Republican who has proposed legislation similar to the administration proposal and who leads a subcommittee that oversees the companies. ''Being underfunded does not explain how a glowing report of Freddie's operations was released only hours before the managerial upheaval that followed. This is not world-class regulatory work.''

Significant details must still be worked out before Congress can approve a bill. Among the groups denouncing the proposal today were the National Association of Home Builders and Congressional Democrats who fear that tighter regulation of the companies could sharply reduce their commitment to financing low-income and affordable housing.

''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''

Representative Melvin L. Watt, Democrat of North Carolina, agreed."

New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

In your face, boyyyyeeeeeee!
We see, and will continue to see, more and more of essays such as the following.

First...the timeline.....then the indictment proving the title.... "America’s Worst President?"

1. "I nominate Barack Obama, the anti-Lincoln.
America’s Worst President?

After Thursday’s terrorist slaughter of policemen in Dallas, it’s fair to say that Barack Obama might well be the worst president in U.S. history. Here’s why.

2. ...America’s domestic politics for the last 60 or 70 years—from sometime between the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v Board of Education school desegregation decision and the 1964 Civil Rights Act—has been the nation’s effort to undo the heinous wrongs that slavery and Jim Crow perpetrated on black Americans...
[Both slavery and Jim Crow are the handiwork of the Democrat Party.]

3. .[but]..civil rights zeal turned into zealotry. We made the integration of our schools, and then the closing of the black-white achievement gap, our principal educational goal for half a century, with the unintended consequence that we neglected actual education and turned urban schools into machines for perpetuating black failure.

4. Judge-ordained busing in Boston, completely contrary to the terms of the Civil Rights Act, made the schools more segregated than ever. A judge-ordained Kansas City school-funding-equalization order, forcing local taxpayers to shell out $2 billion over a decade, including building a bizarrely unnecessary Olympic swimming pool, produced no educational gains whatsoever and proved to anyone with eyes to see that money was not the key to racial equality in education.

5. Then, the colleges turned to affirmative action in admissions, the ed schools taught their students not how to teach or what facts they needed to transmit but only “social-justice” ideology,.... They replaced Plato with Ta-Nehisi Coates.

6. Believing that welfare payments constituted well-deserved reparations for 300 years of slavery and oppression, we New Yorkers created a come-and-get-it dole that ended up with one in eight of our neighbors on the welfare rolls—paid for by the rest of us and resulting in a multi-generational underclass. ...

....the foolish [Liberal] notion that black crime was a manly revolt against oppression—that black criminals were only protesting against the closure of all avenues of honest advancement for their race, as well as against the daily humiliation heaped on African-Americans.

[Are you listening, Obama???]

7. The resulting depolicing of black neighborhoods and unwillingness of courts to punish black criminals drove crime to Hobbesian levels and turned minority neighborhoods into killing fields, where mothers put their kids to bed in the bathtub, trying to keep them safe from stray bullets."
America’s Worst President?

Every debilitating policy above is at the behest of Democrats/Liberals.

It is not credible to imagine that they did so out of the best of intentions.

The Dallas speech of the nation's worst President ever puts the problem in stark perspective.

Coming right up.....

More whites than blacks get welfare you idiot.

It's not the welfare, it's the Body Count, bub.

Buchanan's horrible presidency led to 600K+ dead.

Obabble's will be in the 10s (if not hundreds) of millions once the Middle East Holy War goes full nuclear thanks to his incompetent foreign policy which destabilized the region, and his giving Iran $100B to build nukes.

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