The worst thing you can do someone, is what they say they want you to.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
I learned this lesson in High School. If you do what someone wants, you are doing yourself a great favor, and them a huge harm. Let me explain. I had a girlfriend, and being a juvenile and an idiot, I cheated on her. We broke up in a large dramatic scene. I earned it. I was unethical, immoral, and a jackass. I arrived at a party, and two of her friends arrived and told me I shouldn’t be there because she was. I shrugged and left. I didn’t really want to go to the party in the first place, but a friend had asked me to. I did not want another dramatic scene, and worse the cops being called. Besides, I did feel guilty about what I had done, and FYI I’ve never done it again.

I learned the next morning that the party was ruined by my leaving. The girls all stood around all night talking about what they would have said/done if only I had stayed. I learned the lesson, the meanest thing you could do is what they said they wanted you to. I’ve never forgotten that lesson. I’ve even applied it many times since, and it has never failed me.

So California says they do not want ICE to be anywhere in the State. Mayors in other cities say the same. The worst thing you could do to them, is what they want you to. Like me leaving the party that fateful night.

Portland says they don’t want ICE in the city, so move the ICE agents and all of that out. Leave the city. Just walk away. Anarchy Breaks Out in Portland, With the Mayor’s Blessing

So what happens? The Illegals who find this out, and it would take about two days even if you don’t announce the decision, and then Portland is literally a Sanctuary City. Pull the FBI and Marshall’s out too. All of the Federal Agents. Just walk away. Inform the cops that they can handle the Bank Robberies, and good luck.

What happens? The city devolves into Anarchy. I figure it takes about ten days, no more than two weeks. The city is flooded with Illegals, and nobody is there to do anything about it. We’ve heard how the vast majority of Illegals are not really criminals. I mean, other than the Felony of entering the nation illegally, and using fake identifications to get a job. I mean other than those felonies they are not criminals.

So test it. Walk away, and leave Portland to their fate. I figure they’ll be demanding action in two weeks. I bet they would rush to a Judge who would then order all the Federal Agents back to work in the city, but they have been transerred and are no longer assigned to the city. It will take time to put out the announcement that the city has some openings, consider the applicants, and announce the transfers.

Give Portland what they say they want, and then stand back. Enjoy the show. I figure the businesses willl flee the city inside of thirty days, and the Mayor will be on the TV demanding that President Trump send the agents back inside of two weeks. Who wants the over or the under? Trump shrugs and says he just did what Portland wanted, and besides he’s not going to force Federal Authority down the throats of those elected leaders who don’t want it.

Because right now, the people like the Mayor of Portland have the best of both worlds. They have the Feds doing the job regardless of his protestations, and he gets to stand up and sound off with the people he represents. He’s the “good guy” in all of this. Let him have what he says he wants. Who wants to bet that he isn’t on TV crying for help before the month is over? Here is the last big secret. Don’t go back. Don’t send the agents back. Don’t send them back to arrest the illegals. Don’t send them to pick up the illegals in the jails. Don’t send them back ever. Let the mobs destroy the city, and then tell the nation that you have the power to do that again, and you’ll call it the Portland rule. If you want the Feds out of your city, you’ll leave, and good luck Charlie.
I learned this lesson in High School. If you do what someone wants, you are doing yourself a great favor, and them a huge harm. Let me explain. I had a girlfriend, and being a juvenile and an idiot, I cheated on her. We broke up in a large dramatic scene. I earned it. I was unethical, immoral, and a jackass. I arrived at a party, and two of her friends arrived and told me I shouldn’t be there because she was. I shrugged and left. I didn’t really want to go to the party in the first place, but a friend had asked me to. I did not want another dramatic scene, and worse the cops being called. Besides, I did feel guilty about what I had done, and FYI I’ve never done it again.

I learned the next morning that the party was ruined by my leaving. The girls all stood around all night talking about what they would have said/done if only I had stayed. I learned the lesson, the meanest thing you could do is what they said they wanted you to. I’ve never forgotten that lesson. I’ve even applied it many times since, and it has never failed me.

So California says they do not want ICE to be anywhere in the State. Mayors in other cities say the same. The worst thing you could do to them, is what they want you to. Like me leaving the party that fateful night.

Portland says they don’t want ICE in the city, so move the ICE agents and all of that out. Leave the city. Just walk away. Anarchy Breaks Out in Portland, With the Mayor’s Blessing

So what happens? The Illegals who find this out, and it would take about two days even if you don’t announce the decision, and then Portland is literally a Sanctuary City. Pull the FBI and Marshall’s out too. All of the Federal Agents. Just walk away. Inform the cops that they can handle the Bank Robberies, and good luck.

What happens? The city devolves into Anarchy. I figure it takes about ten days, no more than two weeks. The city is flooded with Illegals, and nobody is there to do anything about it. We’ve heard how the vast majority of Illegals are not really criminals. I mean, other than the Felony of entering the nation illegally, and using fake identifications to get a job. I mean other than those felonies they are not criminals.

So test it. Walk away, and leave Portland to their fate. I figure they’ll be demanding action in two weeks. I bet they would rush to a Judge who would then order all the Federal Agents back to work in the city, but they have been transerred and are no longer assigned to the city. It will take time to put out the announcement that the city has some openings, consider the applicants, and announce the transfers.

Give Portland what they say they want, and then stand back. Enjoy the show. I figure the businesses willl flee the city inside of thirty days, and the Mayor will be on the TV demanding that President Trump send the agents back inside of two weeks. Who wants the over or the under? Trump shrugs and says he just did what Portland wanted, and besides he’s not going to force Federal Authority down the throats of those elected leaders who don’t want it.

Because right now, the people like the Mayor of Portland have the best of both worlds. They have the Feds doing the job regardless of his protestations, and he gets to stand up and sound off with the people he represents. He’s the “good guy” in all of this. Let him have what he says he wants. Who wants to bet that he isn’t on TV crying for help before the month is over? Here is the last big secret. Don’t go back. Don’t send the agents back. Don’t send them back to arrest the illegals. Don’t send them to pick up the illegals in the jails. Don’t send them back ever. Let the mobs destroy the city, and then tell the nation that you have the power to do that again, and you’ll call it the Portland rule. If you want the Feds out of your city, you’ll leave, and good luck Charlie.

Excellent analogy. Thanks. I agree humorously.

However, before we pull out of Portland, we should evacuate anyone who desires an out . . . ahead of the legally, federally unchallenged illegal immigration wave. Some of us have family out there who would do anything to protect their heritage and culture. So let's get the Marines in there to do rooftop extractions before the shambling hordes run the place down into the dirt.

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