Theory of the day, structure beyond universe pulling matter

Told you guys, dark matter just dissapeared because now something beyond the universe is pulling mass toward it, which eliminates the need for dark matter.

Again, no one knows anything, as suck all is possible and meaningless

Universe mystery: Strange ‘structure’ could lie beyond known universe - NASA shock claim

So where do you think all the matter is hiding?

Have you figured out how telescopes work yet?
Kid the reason for this new theory is that no dark matter is needed, the attractive force is coming from outside the universe. Please try to keep up, I know it's hard but you might just get left back or sent to peel potatoes.

You keep looking thru the telescope, the market dropped today and new buys just opened up.

Really, funny how all the astronomers are still paying off their PHD and Bill Gates is a dropout
Told you guys, dark matter just dissapeared because now something beyond the universe is pulling mass toward it, which eliminates the need for dark matter.

Again, no one knows anything, as suck all is possible and meaningless

Universe mystery: Strange ‘structure’ could lie beyond known universe - NASA shock claim

So where do you think all the matter is hiding?

Have you figured out how telescopes work yet?
Kid the reason for this new theory is that no dark matter is needed, the attractive force is coming from outside the universe. Please try to keep up, I know it's hard but you might just get left back or sent to peel potatoes.

You keep looking thru the telescope, the market dropped today and new buys just opened up.

Really, funny how all the astronomers are still paying off their PHD and Bill Gates is a dropout

Still don't think telescopes can track objects in the sky?
Told you guys, dark matter just dissapeared because now something beyond the universe is pulling mass toward it, which eliminates the need for dark matter.

Again, no one knows anything, as suck all is possible and meaningless

Universe mystery: Strange ‘structure’ could lie beyond known universe - NASA shock claim

So where do you think all the matter is hiding?

Have you figured out how telescopes work yet?
Kid the reason for this new theory is that no dark matter is needed, the attractive force is coming from outside the universe. Please try to keep up, I know it's hard but you might just get left back or sent to peel potatoes.

You keep looking thru the telescope, the market dropped today and new buys just opened up.

Really, funny how all the astronomers are still paying off their PHD and Bill Gates is a dropout

Still don't think telescopes can track objects in the sky?
The funny thing is that fools like you see this and know that

God is not real
The age of the universe (changes yearly by a billion years or so)
It's all a computer simulation because
85 percent of it is missing
unless the big magnets outside this universe are pulling stuff

Yo, if you see something and do not know what it is, then take a photo of it...……….

Drumroll, you still do not know what it is but at least you can show the photo to other people who also will not know what it is.
Told you guys, dark matter just dissapeared because now something beyond the universe is pulling mass toward it, which eliminates the need for dark matter.
That's not what is being hypothesized.

You cant even get it right in your own thread...
Told you guys, dark matter just dissapeared because now something beyond the universe is pulling mass toward it, which eliminates the need for dark matter.
That's not what is being hypothesized.

You cant even get it right in your own thread...
Wrong again, the new theory replaces the gravitation supposedly created by dark matter, with gravitation or some other attractive force coming from outside our universe.

If you need any further clarification let me know
Wrong again, the new theory replaces the gravitation supposedly created by dark matter, with gravitation or some other attractive force coming from outside our universe.
Wrong. Haha, can't even get it right in your own thread...
Wrong again, the new theory replaces the gravitation supposedly created by dark matter, with gravitation or some other attractive force coming from outside our universe.
Wrong. Haha, can't even get it right in your own thread...
Shes purdy embarrassing...I was reading another thread just now and this crack-addict doesnt know the functionality of a basic fucking telescope...and the loon wants to toss the science it doesnt even understand and thinks "cuz gawd" is a replacement
Wrong again, the new theory replaces the gravitation supposedly created by dark matter, with gravitation or some other attractive force coming from outside our universe.
Wrong. Haha, can't even get it right in your own thread...
Shes purdy embarrassing...I was reading another thread just now and this crack-addict doesnt know the functionality of a basic fucking telescope...and the loon wants to toss the science it doesnt even understand and thinks "cuz gawd" is a replacement
lol...for my LOL givers...i didnt even mean that as a joke...

Imagine the guy at a party talking about how "science is bullshit" and doesn't even know the first thing about a telescope. i believe telescopes are first introduced at the elderly age of 2nd grade.

Screaming on the internet like an obsessive recluse about how science is wrong means you're cousins with the ancient aliens guy with ru paul's hairstyle
Wrong again, the new theory replaces the gravitation supposedly created by dark matter, with gravitation or some other attractive force coming from outside our universe.
Wrong. Haha, can't even get it right in your own thread...
The funny thing is that you know that you are incapable of winning an argument so you never even try, as this makes your loss less evident.

You have the IQ of a guppy
Wrong again, the new theory replaces the gravitation supposedly created by dark matter, with gravitation or some other attractive force coming from outside our universe.
Wrong. Haha, can't even get it right in your own thread...
Shes purdy embarrassing...I was reading another thread just now and this crack-addict doesnt know the functionality of a basic fucking telescope...and the loon wants to toss the science it doesnt even understand and thinks "cuz gawd" is a replacement
You fuck telescopes? How
Wrong again, the new theory replaces the gravitation supposedly created by dark matter, with gravitation or some other attractive force coming from outside our universe.
Wrong. Haha, can't even get it right in your own thread...
Shes purdy embarrassing...I was reading another thread just now and this crack-addict doesnt know the functionality of a basic fucking telescope...and the loon wants to toss the science it doesnt even understand and thinks "cuz gawd" is a replacement
lol...for my LOL givers...i didnt even mean that as a joke...

Imagine the guy at a party talking about how "science is bullshit" and doesn't even know the first thing about a telescope. i believe telescopes are first introduced at the elderly age of 2nd grade.

Screaming on the internet like an obsessive recluse about how science is wrong means you're cousins with the ancient aliens guy with ru paul's hairstyle
Astronomers point a telescope at the sky, find something they know nothing about, take a picture and then declare what they just took a picture is. In reality if you do not know what it is, a picture just gives you a picture of something that you do not know what it is. Wait, then somebody writes a book telling you what it is and you buy the BS, they also have your money
Wrong again, the new theory replaces the gravitation supposedly created by dark matter, with gravitation or some other attractive force coming from outside our universe.
Wrong. Haha, can't even get it right in your own thread...
The funny thing is that you know that you are incapable of winning an argument so you never even try, as this makes your loss less evident.

You have the IQ of a guppy
And the tantrums begin...someone call the waaaaahmbulance, Frannie tripped over his own brain again....
Wrong again, the new theory replaces the gravitation supposedly created by dark matter, with gravitation or some other attractive force coming from outside our universe.
Wrong. Haha, can't even get it right in your own thread...
The funny thing is that you know that you are incapable of winning an argument so you never even try, as this makes your loss less evident.

You have the IQ of a guppy
And the tantrums begin...someone call the waaaaahmbulance, Frannie tripped over his own brain again....
Zero refuting information. Comical actually
Wrong again, the new theory replaces the gravitation supposedly created by dark matter, with gravitation or some other attractive force coming from outside our universe.
Wrong. Haha, can't even get it right in your own thread...
Shes purdy embarrassing...I was reading another thread just now and this crack-addict doesnt know the functionality of a basic fucking telescope...and the loon wants to toss the science it doesnt even understand and thinks "cuz gawd" is a replacement
lol...for my LOL givers...i didnt even mean that as a joke...

Imagine the guy at a party talking about how "science is bullshit" and doesn't even know the first thing about a telescope. i believe telescopes are first introduced at the elderly age of 2nd grade.

Screaming on the internet like an obsessive recluse about how science is wrong means you're cousins with the ancient aliens guy with ru paul's hairstyle
Astronomers point a telescope at the sky, find something they know nothing about, take a picture and then declare what they just took a picture is. In reality if you do not know what it is, a picture just gives you a picture of something that you do not know what it is. Wait, then somebody writes a book telling you what it is and you buy the BS, they also have your money
:lol: :lol:
Wrong again, the new theory replaces the gravitation supposedly created by dark matter, with gravitation or some other attractive force coming from outside our universe.
Wrong. Haha, can't even get it right in your own thread...
Shes purdy embarrassing...I was reading another thread just now and this crack-addict doesnt know the functionality of a basic fucking telescope...and the loon wants to toss the science it doesnt even understand and thinks "cuz gawd" is a replacement
lol...for my LOL givers...i didnt even mean that as a joke...

Imagine the guy at a party talking about how "science is bullshit" and doesn't even know the first thing about a telescope. i believe telescopes are first introduced at the elderly age of 2nd grade.

Screaming on the internet like an obsessive recluse about how science is wrong means you're cousins with the ancient aliens guy with ru paul's hairstyle
Astronomers point a telescope at the sky, find something they know nothing about, take a picture and then declare what they just took a picture is. In reality if you do not know what it is, a picture just gives you a picture of something that you do not know what it is. Wait, then somebody writes a book telling you what it is and you buy the BS, they also have your money
:lol: :lol:
Zero refuting information. Comical actually
Wrong. Haha, can't even get it right in your own thread...
Shes purdy embarrassing...I was reading another thread just now and this crack-addict doesnt know the functionality of a basic fucking telescope...and the loon wants to toss the science it doesnt even understand and thinks "cuz gawd" is a replacement
lol...for my LOL givers...i didnt even mean that as a joke...

Imagine the guy at a party talking about how "science is bullshit" and doesn't even know the first thing about a telescope. i believe telescopes are first introduced at the elderly age of 2nd grade.

Screaming on the internet like an obsessive recluse about how science is wrong means you're cousins with the ancient aliens guy with ru paul's hairstyle
Astronomers point a telescope at the sky, find something they know nothing about, take a picture and then declare what they just took a picture is. In reality if you do not know what it is, a picture just gives you a picture of something that you do not know what it is. Wait, then somebody writes a book telling you what it is and you buy the BS, they also have your money
:lol: :lol:
Zero refuting information. Comical actually
Sorry troll, its nobody's job to "refute" (better buy a dictionary and look that word up, since you used it incorrectly) all the incorrect horseshit you make up.
Shes purdy embarrassing...I was reading another thread just now and this crack-addict doesnt know the functionality of a basic fucking telescope...and the loon wants to toss the science it doesnt even understand and thinks "cuz gawd" is a replacement
lol...for my LOL givers...i didnt even mean that as a joke...

Imagine the guy at a party talking about how "science is bullshit" and doesn't even know the first thing about a telescope. i believe telescopes are first introduced at the elderly age of 2nd grade.

Screaming on the internet like an obsessive recluse about how science is wrong means you're cousins with the ancient aliens guy with ru paul's hairstyle
Astronomers point a telescope at the sky, find something they know nothing about, take a picture and then declare what they just took a picture is. In reality if you do not know what it is, a picture just gives you a picture of something that you do not know what it is. Wait, then somebody writes a book telling you what it is and you buy the BS, they also have your money
:lol: :lol:
Zero refuting information. Comical actually
Sorry troll, its nobody's job to "refute" (better buy a dictionary and look that word up, since you used it incorrectly) all the incorrect horseshit you make up.
You couldn't if you tried. kind of comical actually
Wrong. Haha, can't even get it right in your own thread...
Shes purdy embarrassing...I was reading another thread just now and this crack-addict doesnt know the functionality of a basic fucking telescope...and the loon wants to toss the science it doesnt even understand and thinks "cuz gawd" is a replacement
lol...for my LOL givers...i didnt even mean that as a joke...

Imagine the guy at a party talking about how "science is bullshit" and doesn't even know the first thing about a telescope. i believe telescopes are first introduced at the elderly age of 2nd grade.

Screaming on the internet like an obsessive recluse about how science is wrong means you're cousins with the ancient aliens guy with ru paul's hairstyle
Astronomers point a telescope at the sky, find something they know nothing about, take a picture and then declare what they just took a picture is. In reality if you do not know what it is, a picture just gives you a picture of something that you do not know what it is. Wait, then somebody writes a book telling you what it is and you buy the BS, they also have your money
:lol: :lol:
Zero refuting information. Comical actually
Your opinion is irrelevant. Youre an elderly type...yelling about kids these days and whining to a magical sky dont even know the basics of how a fucking telescope

a fucking...t e l e s c o p e

works...and you want anyone on the internet to consider your opinion as anything valid, in the ethosphere?



You deserve the darwin award, thats 100

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