There are More People Who Believe Elvis is Alive Than Who Are Atheists


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I've read that the competition of ideas is supposed to be the most efficient at sorting our truth from fiction. For example the football odds makers 'make book' by staking the odds in such a way that they have about as many people taking one side of the bet as the other. And this method is the best so far at predicting sports results, instead of a gazillion 'scientific' processes and/or methods. The majority of people have more sense than the best mathematicians and scientists when it comes to predicting the results of sports events.

So the fact that about 8% of the population believes that Elvis Presley is still alive, while only about 2% are hard atheists (claim to know God does not exist) should illustrate that the fact that Atheism is losing the debate publicly, as they are only one quarter the number of Elvis Still Lives fanatics and make desperate attempts to restyle their position and count other groups like those between churches, as among their own.

Atheism is the most ridiculous assertion in the history of mankind. The only reason they are taken seriously at all is because of the Jacobin take over of our universities and scientific publications. But that will end in the near future as these ideologues posing as scientists make one bad science decision after another, for example endorsing the Global Warming bullshit and wrecking our educational system that now cannot produce enough scientists and mathematicians for our economy.

Atheism is for LOSERS and nit wits with Daddy issues.
I've read that the competition of ideas is supposed to be the most efficient at sorting our truth from fiction. For example the football odds makers 'make book' by staking the odds in such a way that they have about as many people taking one side of the bet as the other. And this method is the best so far at predicting sports results, instead of a gazillion 'scientific' processes and/or methods. The majority of people have more sense than the best mathematicians and scientists when it comes to predicting the results of sports events.

So the fact that about 8% of the population believes that Elvis Presley is still alive, while only about 2% are hard atheists (claim to know God does not exist) should illustrate that the fact that Atheism is losing the debate publicly, as they are only one quarter the number of Elvis Still Lives fanatics and make desperate attempts to restyle their position and count other groups like those between churches, as among their own.

Atheism is the most ridiculous assertion in the history of mankind. The only reason they are taken seriously at all is because of the Jacobin take over of our universities and scientific publications. But that will end in the near future as these ideologues posing as scientists make one bad science decision after another, for example endorsing the Global Warming bullshit and wrecking our educational system that now cannot produce enough scientists and mathematicians for our economy.

Atheism is for LOSERS and nit wits with Daddy issues.

And all the people that think Elvis is alive....
Are Christians!
Interesting to note that in the sports book business, the public always loses.
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I've read that the competition of ideas is supposed to be the most efficient at sorting our truth from fiction. For example the football odds makers 'make book' by staking the odds in such a way that they have about as many people taking one side of the bet as the other. And this method is the best so far at predicting sports results, instead of a gazillion 'scientific' processes and/or methods. The majority of people have more sense than the best mathematicians and scientists when it comes to predicting the results of sports events.

So the fact that about 8% of the population believes that Elvis Presley is still alive, while only about 2% are hard atheists (claim to know God does not exist) should illustrate that the fact that Atheism is losing the debate publicly, as they are only one quarter the number of Elvis Still Lives fanatics and make desperate attempts to restyle their position and count other groups like those between churches, as among their own.

Atheism is the most ridiculous assertion in the history of mankind. The only reason they are taken seriously at all is because of the Jacobin take over of our universities and scientific publications. But that will end in the near future as these ideologues posing as scientists make one bad science decision after another, for example endorsing the Global Warming bullshit and wrecking our educational system that now cannot produce enough scientists and mathematicians for our economy.

Atheism is for LOSERS and nit wits with Daddy issues.

First there were promises of heaven
Then the threat of Hell
Now the Elvis sighting argument with insults added for good measure.

With so much sound logic--and statistics, going against us, why not believe?:tongue:
World wide atheism figures has risen. See that whole poverty and religion thingy? Yep.

And the number of people that are not claiming a religion/or are atheists is rising in the US. People are leaving churches. It is the attitude (like yours) that is killing it.

The funny thing about forums is that in the real world atheists don't owe you an explanation.
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True atheist would not be arguing in a religious forum.

The fact that they do proves they are not true atheist but closer to agnostics.

I would never argue about something that doesn't exist nor would I try to persuade others.
I've read that the competition of ideas is supposed to be the most efficient at sorting our truth from fiction. For example the football odds makers 'make book' by staking the odds in such a way that they have about as many people taking one side of the bet as the other. And this method is the best so far at predicting sports results, instead of a gazillion 'scientific' processes and/or methods. The majority of people have more sense than the best mathematicians and scientists when it comes to predicting the results of sports events.

So the fact that about 8% of the population believes that Elvis Presley is still alive, while only about 2% are hard atheists (claim to know God does not exist) should illustrate that the fact that Atheism is losing the debate publicly, as they are only one quarter the number of Elvis Still Lives fanatics and make desperate attempts to restyle their position and count other groups like those between churches, as among their own.

Atheism is the most ridiculous assertion in the history of mankind. The only reason they are taken seriously at all is because of the Jacobin take over of our universities and scientific publications. But that will end in the near future as these ideologues posing as scientists make one bad science decision after another, for example endorsing the Global Warming bullshit and wrecking our educational system that now cannot produce enough scientists and mathematicians for our economy.

Atheism is for LOSERS and nit wits with Daddy issues.

Now wait a minute, most of the Christian folks claim atheism is also a form of religion.
So that would make all believers "nit wits with Daddy issues."

But as far as E is concerned he is most certainly alive. E was with Seal Team 6 when they took out Obama and still does undercover work for the DEA with the badge and ID card that Nixon gave him.
His cover is a short order cook at Joyce's Fried Chicken on W. Main St. in Hahira, Ga.
I would have thought the majority of folks would have known these facts.
I've read that the competition of ideas is supposed to be the most efficient at sorting our truth from fiction. For example the football odds makers 'make book' by staking the odds in such a way that they have about as many people taking one side of the bet as the other. And this method is the best so far at predicting sports results, instead of a gazillion 'scientific' processes and/or methods. The majority of people have more sense than the best mathematicians and scientists when it comes to predicting the results of sports events.

So the fact that about 8% of the population believes that Elvis Presley is still alive, while only about 2% are hard atheists (claim to know God does not exist) should illustrate that the fact that Atheism is losing the debate publicly, as they are only one quarter the number of Elvis Still Lives fanatics and make desperate attempts to restyle their position and count other groups like those between churches, as among their own.

Atheism is the most ridiculous assertion in the history of mankind. The only reason they are taken seriously at all is because of the Jacobin take over of our universities and scientific publications. But that will end in the near future as these ideologues posing as scientists make one bad science decision after another, for example endorsing the Global Warming bullshit and wrecking our educational system that now cannot produce enough scientists and mathematicians for our economy.

Atheism is for LOSERS and nit wits with Daddy issues.

And all the people that think Elvis is alive....
Are Christians!

Bullshit, they are all idiot secularists.

Interesting to note that in the sports book business, the public always loses.

You really do not understand how a bookey does his trade, do you, idiot?
World wide atheism figures has risen. See that whole poverty and religion thingy? Yep.

And the number of people that are not claiming a religion/or are atheists is rising in the US. People are leaving churches. It is the attitude (like yours) that is killing it.

The funny thing about forums is that in the real world atheists don't owe you an explanation.

Yeah with the fall of communism we have more atheists? lol, sober up and come back why don't you?
I've read that the competition of ideas is supposed to be the most efficient at sorting our truth from fiction. For example the football odds makers 'make book' by staking the odds in such a way that they have about as many people taking one side of the bet as the other. And this method is the best so far at predicting sports results, instead of a gazillion 'scientific' processes and/or methods. The majority of people have more sense than the best mathematicians and scientists when it comes to predicting the results of sports events.

So the fact that about 8% of the population believes that Elvis Presley is still alive, while only about 2% are hard atheists (claim to know God does not exist) should illustrate that the fact that Atheism is losing the debate publicly, as they are only one quarter the number of Elvis Still Lives fanatics and make desperate attempts to restyle their position and count other groups like those between churches, as among their own.

Atheism is the most ridiculous assertion in the history of mankind. The only reason they are taken seriously at all is because of the Jacobin take over of our universities and scientific publications. But that will end in the near future as these ideologues posing as scientists make one bad science decision after another, for example endorsing the Global Warming bullshit and wrecking our educational system that now cannot produce enough scientists and mathematicians for our economy.

Atheism is for LOSERS and nit wits with Daddy issues.

Now wait a minute, most of the Christian folks claim atheism is also a form of religion.
So that would make all believers "nit wits with Daddy issues."

Militant Atheists are a subset of 'Informal Religionists'. Anything characteristic of a subset does not necessarily apply to the larger super set, dumbass.
I've read that the competition of ideas is supposed to be the most efficient at sorting our truth from fiction. For example the football odds makers 'make book' by staking the odds in such a way that they have about as many people taking one side of the bet as the other. And this method is the best so far at predicting sports results, instead of a gazillion 'scientific' processes and/or methods. The majority of people have more sense than the best mathematicians and scientists when it comes to predicting the results of sports events.

So the fact that about 8% of the population believes that Elvis Presley is still alive, while only about 2% are hard atheists (claim to know God does not exist) should illustrate that the fact that Atheism is losing the debate publicly, as they are only one quarter the number of Elvis Still Lives fanatics and make desperate attempts to restyle their position and count other groups like those between churches, as among their own.

Atheism is the most ridiculous assertion in the history of mankind. The only reason they are taken seriously at all is because of the Jacobin take over of our universities and scientific publications. But that will end in the near future as these ideologues posing as scientists make one bad science decision after another, for example endorsing the Global Warming bullshit and wrecking our educational system that now cannot produce enough scientists and mathematicians for our economy.

Atheism is for LOSERS and nit wits with Daddy issues.

Now wait a minute, most of the Christian folks claim atheism is also a form of religion.
So that would make all believers "nit wits with Daddy issues."

Militant Atheists are a subset of 'Informal Religionists'. Anything characteristic of a subset does not necessarily apply to the larger super set, dumbass.

What subset are militant Christians like you?
Speaking of odds making Jim what are the odds that the Rapture will be in the next 5 years? I am laying off that bet and taking the over. How about you?
Elvis is sitting on the left hand of God telling him "Don't Be Cruel", as atheists are dragged in front of Him for final judgment. Elvis has always pretty much gotten whatever he wants, and even God is beginning to doubt if He exists....
I would love to believe that I am forgiven for all my wrongs and that it was not my fault but the devil made me do it...and that if I just give all my worldly possessions to the rich I will live out eternity in heaven. But I don't ! I guess I'm more agnostic.

But what do I know I still love Christmas and Easter.
World wide atheism figures has risen. See that whole poverty and religion thingy? Yep.

And the number of people that are not claiming a religion/or are atheists is rising in the US. People are leaving churches. It is the attitude (like yours) that is killing it.

The funny thing about forums is that in the real world atheists don't owe you an explanation.

Yeah with the fall of communism we have more atheists? lol, sober up and come back why don't you?

Even the Pope figured this one out. :eusa_hand: K?

This is the US and you are no where near being persecuted. Did you see that whole poverty and religion thingy?
Its not just Elvis being alive that christians believe. A lot of them regularly post some really weird stuff in the Conspiracy forum.

Some of them are a few French fries short of a Happy Meal. And some use language their god would be ashamed of.
I've read that the competition of ideas is supposed to be the most efficient at sorting our truth from fiction. For example the football odds makers 'make book' by staking the odds in such a way that they have about as many people taking one side of the bet as the other. And this method is the best so far at predicting sports results, instead of a gazillion 'scientific' processes and/or methods. The majority of people have more sense than the best mathematicians and scientists when it comes to predicting the results of sports events.

So the fact that about 8% of the population believes that Elvis Presley is still alive, while only about 2% are hard atheists (claim to know God does not exist) should illustrate that the fact that Atheism is losing the debate publicly, as they are only one quarter the number of Elvis Still Lives fanatics and make desperate attempts to restyle their position and count other groups like those between churches, as among their own.

Atheism is the most ridiculous assertion in the history of mankind. The only reason they are taken seriously at all is because of the Jacobin take over of our universities and scientific publications. But that will end in the near future as these ideologues posing as scientists make one bad science decision after another, for example endorsing the Global Warming bullshit and wrecking our educational system that now cannot produce enough scientists and mathematicians for our economy.

Atheism is for LOSERS and nit wits with Daddy issues.

And all the people that think Elvis is alive....
Are Christians!

Bullshit, they are all idiot secularists.

Interesting to note that in the sports book business, the public always loses.

You really do not understand how a bookey does his trade, do you, idiot?

Sure I do.
He takes advantage of the majority who want to bet.
The suckers.
Now wait a minute, most of the Christian folks claim atheism is also a form of religion.
So that would make all believers "nit wits with Daddy issues."

Militant Atheists are a subset of 'Informal Religionists'. Anything characteristic of a subset does not necessarily apply to the larger super set, dumbass.

What subset are militant Christians like you?

Militant Christian is close enough.

Speaking of odds making Jim what are the odds that the Rapture will be in the next 5 years? I am laying off that bet and taking the over. How about you?

I would say exactly ZERO since I don't believe in the Rapture.
And all the people that think Elvis is alive....
Are Christians!

Bullshit, they are all idiot secularists.

Interesting to note that in the sports book business, the public always loses.

You really do not understand how a bookey does his trade, do you, idiot?

Sure I do.
He takes advantage of the majority who want to bet.
The suckers.

lol, no, that is not what 'making book' is, you lying fraud.
World wide atheism figures has risen. See that whole poverty and religion thingy? Yep.

And the number of people that are not claiming a religion/or are atheists is rising in the US. People are leaving churches. It is the attitude (like yours) that is killing it.

The funny thing about forums is that in the real world atheists don't owe you an explanation.

Yeah with the fall of communism we have more atheists? lol, sober up and come back why don't you?

Even the Pope figured this one out. :eusa_hand: K?

This is the US and you are no where near being persecuted. Did you see that whole poverty and religion thingy?

Lol, I will put it this way; Christians are being forced by law to engage in things they regard as evil.

Even Thomas Jefferson said that was tyranny and persecution, ignoramus.
Yeah with the fall of communism we have more atheists? lol, sober up and come back why don't you?

Even the Pope figured this one out. :eusa_hand: K?

This is the US and you are no where near being persecuted. Did you see that whole poverty and religion thingy?

Lol, I will put it this way; Christians are being forced by law to engage in things they regard as evil.

Even Thomas Jefferson said that was tyranny and persecution, ignoramus.

What are you being forced to do?
The bookies take advantage of the majority who are stupid enough to bet. The house always wins.

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