There goes Donald Trump’s Nobel peace prize (37 dead as US Jerusalem embassy opens)

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As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.

What a stunningly stupid summary of events in Israel. Let us all forget that this was a commitment that begun with Bill Clinton and was kicked down the road repeatedly. Let us forget the deadliest days in the Palestinian-terror campaign was under Obama.

Let us forget that Palestine is a country that criminalizes, jails and kills gays. Let us forget that Palestine is a terror state that routinely targets civilian centers and uses their schools as shields while lobbing missiles at the Jews.

You are a simple minded, obsessed and seething with hatred for a president and will look for and celebrate any opportunity to denigrate his successes. You also share a deep and passionate hatred of America and Trump, which ties you in solidarity with Palestinian bigots.

Keep it up though, I love it. You and your ilk in the media are desensitizing the American public to the constant sky-is-falling predictions of doom and gloom that you so desperately want others to believe about the president, and all but ensuring a 2020 Trump White House.
There was no "commitment". Bill Clinton spent 8 years in the White House and did not move the embassy to Jerusalem. Stop making shit up, Trump lover.

Clinton signed that move into law.

I believe he didn't, as a matter of fact. He just let it sit until it became law without signature.

Thats correct. I was recollecting from memory...which was wrong. It is law now though .

Yup. Which was his intention: to weasel around and get it to be law without having to personally take a stand on it one way or another. And then to sign the waiver and ignore it.
The guy Trump chose to give the opening prayer at the embassy is Robert Jeffress. The guy who has called the Catholic Church an instrument of Satan.

He has also said all Jews are going to hell.

This is the guy Trump sent to represent us in JERUSALEM, ISRAEL. A guy who says all Jews are going to hell.

Jesus H. Christ!

Catholics confess sins to another imperfect human which contradicts biblical doctrine. Israel rejected the Messiah.....and still do.
What a stunningly stupid summary of events in Israel. Let us all forget that this was a commitment that begun with Bill Clinton and was kicked down the road repeatedly. Let us forget the deadliest days in the Palestinian-terror campaign was under Obama.

Let us forget that Palestine is a country that criminalizes, jails and kills gays. Let us forget that Palestine is a terror state that routinely targets civilian centers and uses their schools as shields while lobbing missiles at the Jews.

You are a simple minded, obsessed and seething with hatred for a president and will look for and celebrate any opportunity to denigrate his successes. You also share a deep and passionate hatred of America and Trump, which ties you in solidarity with Palestinian bigots.

Keep it up though, I love it. You and your ilk in the media are desensitizing the American public to the constant sky-is-falling predictions of doom and gloom that you so desperately want others to believe about the president, and all but ensuring a 2020 Trump White House.
There was no "commitment". Bill Clinton spent 8 years in the White House and did not move the embassy to Jerusalem. Stop making shit up, Trump lover.

Clinton signed that move into law.

I believe he didn't, as a matter of fact. He just let it sit until it became law without signature.

Thats correct. I was recollecting from memory...which was wrong. It is law now though .

Yup. Which was his intention: to weasel around and get it to be law without having to personally take a stand on it one way or another. And then to sign the waiver and ignore it.

The guy Trump chose to give the opening prayer at the embassy is Robert Jeffress. The guy who has called the Catholic Church an instrument of Satan.

He has also said all Jews are going to hell.

This is the guy Trump sent to represent us in JERUSALEM, ISRAEL. A guy who says all Jews are going to hell.

Jesus H. Christ!

Catholics confess sins to another imperfect human which contradicts biblical doctrine. Israel rejected the Messiah.....and still do.
You do realize ISRAEL is a Jewish nation, right? RIGHT!?!?
The guy Trump chose to give the opening prayer at the embassy is Robert Jeffress. The guy who has called the Catholic Church an instrument of Satan.

He has also said all Jews are going to hell.

This is the guy Trump sent to represent us in JERUSALEM, ISRAEL. A guy who says all Jews are going to hell.

Jesus H. Christ!

Catholics confess sins to another imperfect human which contradicts biblical doctrine. Israel rejected the Messiah.....and still do.
You do realize ISRAEL is a Jewish nation, right? RIGHT!?!?

Yes and they reject the messiah that rode in on an ass. Have you been over there?
The guy Trump chose to give the opening prayer at the embassy is Robert Jeffress. The guy who has called the Catholic Church an instrument of Satan.

He has also said all Jews are going to hell.

This is the guy Trump sent to represent us in JERUSALEM, ISRAEL. A guy who says all Jews are going to hell.

Jesus H. Christ!

Catholics confess sins to another imperfect human which contradicts biblical doctrine. Israel rejected the Messiah.....and still do.
You do realize ISRAEL is a Jewish nation, right? RIGHT!?!?

Yes and they reject the messiah that rode in on an ass. Have you been over there?
So you think it's a great idea to send an ass who hates Jews to the new embassy in Israel.

Okay, your retardation has hit a whole new low. Right along with Trump.
Are you kidding me? Arab spring, libya, syria. Seriously? You cant be this naive.

It was given in 2009.

Yes, and subsequently our adventures escalated in the ME, ie arab spring, libya, syria, etc.

The tragic results from the strategic blunder of invading and occupying an oil rich Arab nation that did not attack us or pose a serious threat to it's neighbor or the world's remaining superpower.


Even Booooosh warned Booooooosh.

"While we hoped that popular revolt or coup would topple Saddam, neither the U.S. nor the countries of the region wished to see the breakup of the Iraqi state. We were concerned about the long-term balance of power at the head of the Gulf. Trying to eliminate Saddam, extending the ground war into an occupation of Iraq, would have violated our guideline about not changing objectives in midstream, engaging in "mission creep," and would have incurred incalculable human and political costs."

Reasons Not to Invade Iraq, By George Bush Sr.

"...furthermore, we had been self-consciously trying to set a pattern for handling aggression in the post-cold war world. Going in and occupying Iraq, thus unilaterally exceeding the U.N.'s mandate, would have destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression we hoped to establish. Had we gone the invasion route, the U.S. could conceivably still be an occupying power in a bitterly hostile land. It would have been a dramatically different--and perhaps barren--outcome."
and why obammmy should never have left it.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death. Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.
Hey, congratulations. Maybe even more will die. So just so long as Trump doesn't get credit for something good.


Still wondering why this is “something good”. Care to elaborate?
The deaths that can be pinned on Trump, as the OP did?

Good the Regressive Left, of course.


No. I blame those responsible. I tend to blame Dylan Root for his killing those folks in SC; not his religion. I tend to blame Atta and his conspirators for 9/11, not Islam. I tend to blame that jerk in LV for killing the people at the concert, not the guy who sold him the weapons….

I was asking you what is “good” bout moving our embassy to Jerusalem

Well, it corrects our policy of neutrality to make it ACTUALLY neutral, instead of being just lip service.

It corrects a long-standing historical error on our part.

And it will go along way toward repairing relations with our Middle East allies, who - rightfully, I think - felt that the Obama administration was far more interested in cozying up to America's enemies.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday thanked the United States for the “unprecedented” and “historic” defense aid package, hours before Israeli and US officials were to sign the $38 billion deal in Washington.

“This agreement will ensure an unprecedented level of defense aid for Israel in the next decade,” Netanyahu said in a statement. “This is the largest military aid package the US has ever given out to any nation.”

Netanyahu thanks Obama for ‘historic’ military aid deal

“The agreement will help us continue building our armed forces, improve our missile defense systems,” he added. “I want to thank President Obama and his administration for this historic agreement.”
Hey, congratulations. Maybe even more will die. So just so long as Trump doesn't get credit for something good.


Still wondering why this is “something good”. Care to elaborate?
The deaths that can be pinned on Trump, as the OP did?

Good the Regressive Left, of course.


No. I blame those responsible. I tend to blame Dylan Root for his killing those folks in SC; not his religion. I tend to blame Atta and his conspirators for 9/11, not Islam. I tend to blame that jerk in LV for killing the people at the concert, not the guy who sold him the weapons….

I was asking you what is “good” bout moving our embassy to Jerusalem

Well, it corrects our policy of neutrality to make it ACTUALLY neutral, instead of being just lip service.

It corrects a long-standing historical error on our part.

And it will go along way toward repairing relations with our Middle East allies, who - rightfully, I think - felt that the Obama administration was far more interested in cozying up to America's enemies.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday thanked the United States for the “unprecedented” and “historic” defense aid package, hours before Israeli and US officials were to sign the $38 billion deal in Washington.

“This agreement will ensure an unprecedented level of defense aid for Israel in the next decade,” Netanyahu said in a statement. “This is the largest military aid package the US has ever given out to any nation.”

Netanyahu thanks Obama for ‘historic’ military aid deal

“The agreement will help us continue building our armed forces, improve our missile defense systems,” he added. “I want to thank President Obama and his administration for this historic agreement.”
The US continues to support the rogue state of Israel. Go to wars to protect Israel, gets attacked because of it, spy on its citizens, security at airports where everyone gets molested....all of this is not gonna end well. The US should break from Israel's control before it's too late.

It won't end well for the ME or russia, or turkey, or iran. We're not under israel' control.
Do is and Israel against the world then. For what? What happened to america first ?

We should take care of ourselves first and then help others. That's what we do.
We give billions to Israel that occupied and kills Palestinians...and we cant even take care of Americans.
Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.
by that logic, Obama deserved his Nobel prize because he didn’t force anyone to riot. Dumbass.

Its an embassy location dummy, its not worth those morons losing their life over.
You just made a fool of yourself. Moving thr embassy has many ramifications...the US is going against 1.7 billion muslims on not a Palestinian matter is a Muslim one.
how is our moving the address of our embassy hurting Palestinians?
Jerusalem is a disputed territory by doing so we recognize that Israel has the right to occupyJerusalem. That's why the whole world is telling not to do...but since we are Israel's bitch , we did it and we open hall on ourselves.
Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.
by that logic, Obama deserved his Nobel prize because he didn’t force anyone to riot. Dumbass.

Its an embassy location dummy, its not worth those morons losing their life over.
You just made a fool of yourself. Moving thr embassy has many ramifications...the US is going against 1.7 billion muslims on not a Palestinian matter is a Muslim one.
how is our moving the address of our embassy hurting Palestinians?
Jerusalem is a disputed territory by doing so we recognize that Israel has the right to occupyJerusalem. That's why the whole world is telling not to do...but since we are Israel's bitch , we did it and we open hall on ourselves.
how do we do that exactly? yell at the crowd of palestinians daily or something? I mean it's fking people in a building. that are american.
It was given in 2009.

Yes, and subsequently our adventures escalated in the ME, ie arab spring, libya, syria, etc.

The tragic results from the strategic blunder of invading and occupying an oil rich Arab nation that did not attack us or pose a serious threat to it's neighbor or the world's remaining superpower.


Even Booooosh warned Booooooosh.

"While we hoped that popular revolt or coup would topple Saddam, neither the U.S. nor the countries of the region wished to see the breakup of the Iraqi state. We were concerned about the long-term balance of power at the head of the Gulf. Trying to eliminate Saddam, extending the ground war into an occupation of Iraq, would have violated our guideline about not changing objectives in midstream, engaging in "mission creep," and would have incurred incalculable human and political costs."

Reasons Not to Invade Iraq, By George Bush Sr.

"...furthermore, we had been self-consciously trying to set a pattern for handling aggression in the post-cold war world. Going in and occupying Iraq, thus unilaterally exceeding the U.N.'s mandate, would have destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression we hoped to establish. Had we gone the invasion route, the U.S. could conceivably still be an occupying power in a bitterly hostile land. It would have been a dramatically different--and perhaps barren--outcome."
and why obammmy should never have left it.

Hogwash, he should have told them he was leaving at the end of 2009, better get your shit together.

Come on, they went to the UN to get us kicked out. Shoulda let those Shiite fucks protect themselves against the Sunnis animals. Unless you want renegotiate, we're outahere.

But the honorable Obama stuck to the terms President Bush signed.

Although under that agreement he could have left at any time.
Yes, and subsequently our adventures escalated in the ME, ie arab spring, libya, syria, etc.

The tragic results from the strategic blunder of invading and occupying an oil rich Arab nation that did not attack us or pose a serious threat to it's neighbor or the world's remaining superpower.


Even Booooosh warned Booooooosh.

"While we hoped that popular revolt or coup would topple Saddam, neither the U.S. nor the countries of the region wished to see the breakup of the Iraqi state. We were concerned about the long-term balance of power at the head of the Gulf. Trying to eliminate Saddam, extending the ground war into an occupation of Iraq, would have violated our guideline about not changing objectives in midstream, engaging in "mission creep," and would have incurred incalculable human and political costs."

Reasons Not to Invade Iraq, By George Bush Sr.

"...furthermore, we had been self-consciously trying to set a pattern for handling aggression in the post-cold war world. Going in and occupying Iraq, thus unilaterally exceeding the U.N.'s mandate, would have destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression we hoped to establish. Had we gone the invasion route, the U.S. could conceivably still be an occupying power in a bitterly hostile land. It would have been a dramatically different--and perhaps barren--outcome."
and why obammmy should never have left it.

Hogwash, he should have told them he was leaving at the end of 2009, better get your shit together.

Come on, they went to the UN to get us kicked out. Shoulda let those Shiite fucks protect themselves against the Sunnis animals. Unless you want renegotiate, we're outahere.

But the honorable Obama stuck to the terms President Bush signed.

Although under that agreement he could have left at any time.
hogwash, too funny. what happened when we left? tick tock.

No one was going to force us to leave. You don't think that do you? everyone knew what would happen if we left. and bammy took care of it for the world. Not america.
bak bak bak bak, chicken shit left.
The US continues to support the rogue state of Israel. Go to wars to protect Israel, gets attacked because of it, spy on its citizens, security at airports where everyone gets molested....all of this is not gonna end well. The US should break from Israel's control before it's too late.

It won't end well for the ME or russia, or turkey, or iran. We're not under israel' control.
Do is and Israel against the world then. For what? What happened to america first ?

We should take care of ourselves first and then help others. That's what we do.
We give billions to Israel that occupied and kills Palestinians...and we cant even take care of Americans.

by that logic, Obama deserved his Nobel prize because he didn’t force anyone to riot. Dumbass.

Its an embassy location dummy, its not worth those morons losing their life over.
You just made a fool of yourself. Moving thr embassy has many ramifications...the US is going against 1.7 billion muslims on not a Palestinian matter is a Muslim one.
how is our moving the address of our embassy hurting Palestinians?
Jerusalem is a disputed territory by doing so we recognize that Israel has the right to occupyJerusalem. That's why the whole world is telling not to do...but since we are Israel's bitch , we did it and we open hall on ourselves.
how do we do that exactly? yell at the crowd of palestinians daily or something? I mean it's fking people in a building. that are american.
Just dont be surprised when you see Americans are killed all over the world and American interest is ambushed. We are thr only that backs Israel's crimes and get surprised when we get fucked.
Its an embassy location dummy, its not worth those morons losing their life over.
You just made a fool of yourself. Moving thr embassy has many ramifications...the US is going against 1.7 billion muslims on not a Palestinian matter is a Muslim one.
how is our moving the address of our embassy hurting Palestinians?
Jerusalem is a disputed territory by doing so we recognize that Israel has the right to occupyJerusalem. That's why the whole world is telling not to do...but since we are Israel's bitch , we did it and we open hall on ourselves.
how do we do that exactly? yell at the crowd of palestinians daily or something? I mean it's fking people in a building. that are american.
Just dont be surprised when you see Americans are killed all over the world and American interest is ambushed. We are thr only that backs Israel's crimes and get surprised when we get fucked.
they do today, why would it be different? how many americans are held in North Korea? do you know?
You just made a fool of yourself. Moving thr embassy has many ramifications...the US is going against 1.7 billion muslims on not a Palestinian matter is a Muslim one.
how is our moving the address of our embassy hurting Palestinians?
Jerusalem is a disputed territory by doing so we recognize that Israel has the right to occupyJerusalem. That's why the whole world is telling not to do...but since we are Israel's bitch , we did it and we open hall on ourselves.
how do we do that exactly? yell at the crowd of palestinians daily or something? I mean it's fking people in a building. that are american.
Just dont be surprised when you see Americans are killed all over the world and American interest is ambushed. We are thr only that backs Israel's crimes and get surprised when we get fucked.
they do today, why would it be different? how many americans are held in North Korea? do you know?
Why do we have to get hurt to protect a rogue like Israel? Why do we give them billions and not take care of our own? Why are always the only that protect their crimes?
Oh please Trump forced those freaks in Gaza to riot? You people are pathetic.
by that logic, Obama deserved his Nobel prize because he didn’t force anyone to riot. Dumbass.

Its an embassy location dummy, its not worth those morons losing their life over.
You just made a fool of yourself. Moving thr embassy has many ramifications...the US is going against 1.7 billion muslims on not a Palestinian matter is a Muslim one.
how is our moving the address of our embassy hurting Palestinians?
Jerusalem is a disputed territory by doing so we recognize that Israel has the right to occupyJerusalem. That's why the whole world is telling not to do...but since we are Israel's bitch , we did it and we open hall on ourselves.
------------------------------------ what are you talking about , if heii is happening its happening to the muslims that deserve it 'issis' .
how is our moving the address of our embassy hurting Palestinians?
Jerusalem is a disputed territory by doing so we recognize that Israel has the right to occupyJerusalem. That's why the whole world is telling not to do...but since we are Israel's bitch , we did it and we open hall on ourselves.
how do we do that exactly? yell at the crowd of palestinians daily or something? I mean it's fking people in a building. that are american.
Just dont be surprised when you see Americans are killed all over the world and American interest is ambushed. We are thr only that backs Israel's crimes and get surprised when we get fucked.
they do today, why would it be different? how many americans are held in North Korea? do you know?
Why do we have to get hurt to protect a rogue like Israel? Why do we give them billions and not take care of our own? Why are always the only that protect their crimes?
why did we lose tens of thousands in WW2? You want their deaths to mean nothing?
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