There has been highest amount of oil production under Biden than any other President.

If Biden is providing more supply than Trump, he is helping keep the price as low as possible. What else would you have him do?
Trump minions cannot handle the truth
Do i REALLY I have to list the endless mistakes he made with oil? Have we not gone through this a million times before? What happens to your memories? You fucking democrats conveniently forget all the shit you did and supported just a couple years ago, now you claim you never did it. Your feigned ignorance bores me.
MAGA minions have no understanding of economics, both USA and global.
If you think gas prices are determined 100% by the USA you truly don't understand economics.
Always someone else for demofks
I will be shocked if you understand as explained in the article. World supply and demand for gas is based on the largest oil producers in the world. The USA is only one player. Not even the largest producer.

When did he?
The same month he was sworn into office, Biden issued an executive order pausing permits for new oil and gas drilling and mandating more rigorous environmental reviews. In April of 2021, the administration set a target for a 50 to 52 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 2005 levels.

That summer, the administration canceled a key permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and blocked permits to drill in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Hahahah…you really are that LibTarded.
I don’t give a fuck what business you’re in when you’re very best customer says “hey look John, I’m going to tell you to go fuck yourself in a couple of years and I will never buy your product again but I will buy all you bring me until then” what you are actually telling them is “hey John, fuck my ass hard for the next two years will you please.”
Come on man…save face and tell me you understand this basic principle of business?

The POTUS is not the best customer, we the people are. And after Biden made that stupid statement "we the people" said "hold my beer" and have been using more oil than ever and EV sales have taken a nose dive.

The power that you give that man sitting in the White House is just stupid. He is just a dude, he is not a god, despite your worship of the last one
They are laughing at your stupid ass.

The oil companies have seen the writing on the wall.

  • Many companies are moving towards renewable energy sources.
  • Wind and solar farming is being done by oil companies around the world.
  • A 2020 Morningstar report cited Total, Shell, Equinor, and Repsol as leaders in protecting the environment through research, development, and the creation of green energy.

So, what you are saying is that Biden's stupid statement had no impact as they were already doing these things long before he became POTUS.
You mean he cranked up oil production after shutting it down, but he only restarted it when oil prices skyrocketed and he was in political trouble?

Biden is a total fuck up with everything he touches.

RW history books are passed on verbally. The pages got torn up by constantly erasing the pencil and rewriting them.
There has been highest amount of oil production under Biden than any other President.


" still 300,000 barrels below the record set by Mr. Trump"
And National OIL RESERVE is depleteda and he is not re-filling

Biden stolethat oil from the previous buildup
So you are wrong, that was simple
RW history books are passed on verbally. The pages got torn up by constantly erasing the pencil and rewriting them.
Incorrect. All the information is readily online and will be for all of human history.

The same month he was sworn into office, Biden issued an executive order pausing permits for new oil and gas drilling and mandating more rigorous environmental reviews. In April of 2021, the administration set a target for a 50 to 52 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 2005 levels.

That summer, the administration canceled a key permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and blocked permits to drill in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Day 1 he cancelled Keystone.

That limits future supply that was being counted on by the market.


Why is it the cult is so fucking stupid at understanding economics?

It is why the dumb fools love communism, they are stupid.
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Incorrect. All the information is readily online and will be for all of human history.

The same month he was sworn into office, Biden issued an executive order pausing permits for new oil and gas drilling and mandating more rigorous environmental reviews. In April of 2021, the administration set a target for a 50 to 52 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 2005 levels.

That summer, the administration canceled a key permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and blocked permits to drill in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Keystone XL is a boondoggle... It only benefits the Chinese owners of Canadian tarsands at the expense of US taxpayers.

There's not enough oil in ANWR to justify drilling. The majors aren't lobbying for it.

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