There is no catastrophe so ghastly that we will reform our gun laws


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfectly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.
good one stupid

because people that want to kill will always find a way?

in socialist norway a couple years ago a guy killed SEVENTY-SEVEN people

and it's harder to get a gun there

libs are obscene losers using a tragedy for political gain
When will we ever reform our knife and baseball bat laws? How many people must be slashed and bashed before we wake up and ban knives and bats? Its a national embarrassment.
There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfectly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.

If a very powerful politician lost his daughter/son in one of these massacres with a democrat in the White House, you may see some traction...

Short of that; nothing. It's too politically costly for anyone to be the grown up and point out the idiocy of the right wing on this.
Americans love our guns...

Nothing can change that

We had JFK, RFK, MLK, Reagan shot and we just sighed and said too bad
We had Columbine, Aurora, Virginia Tech and finally Newton and we did nothing
Our murder rate is triple of that in similar countries...we do nothing

We have our second amendment and are willing to put up with some bloodshed. It is the price of freedom
How about following the laws we already have.
Which by the way are not being followed.
Getting more laws that will just be ignored will not help.
There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfectly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.

If a very powerful politician lost his daughter/son in one of these massacres with a democrat in the White House, you may see some traction...

Short of that; nothing. It's too politically costly for anyone to be the grown up and point out the idiocy of the right wing on this.

add up the carnage of every one of these shootings; it wouldnt come close to the death toll in say....................chicago

libs are losers who lie to themselves
There is no catastrophe so ghastly that we will reform our gun laws


There is also no catastrophe so ghastly that the left will not use to try to strip our rights away
When will we ever reform our knife and baseball bat laws? How many people must be slashed and bashed before we wake up and ban knives and bats? Its a national embarrassment.

I think that when knives and baseball bats account for 2/3 of our murders we should reform our laws. Right now, that honor is held by guns
When will we ever reform our knife and baseball bat laws? How many people must be slashed and bashed before we wake up and ban knives and bats? Its a national embarrassment.

I think that when knives and baseball bats account for 2/3 of our murders we should reform our laws. Right now, that honor is held by guns

good one dope; so 1/3 of the murders dont matter to you?
How many different threads do LOLberals need discussing changes that can only come from an amended constitution?

You have your laws on guns. Lots of them, in fact. hey aren't working. But in liberal logic, we just need one more law. One more ban. One more regulation and throw another billion or two at it and everything will be rainbows and unicorn farts. Liberals are mental, I have concluded.
If we're not going to do anything again, I'd just like to make one request: given that we've all agreed, if only by our passive acquiescence, not to keep this from happening, can we please quit pretending to care? Let's just skip the histrionics this time: no pro forma shock, condolence photo ops, somber speeches, flags at half-mast, meaningless noises from liberals about legislation, meaningless counter-noises from the NRA about armed guards in elementary schools. Why bother going through the motions of soul-searching when we know very well there's nothing to search? If we can't be brave we might at least be honest: when we see the familiar helicopter shots of ambulances outside a school, the clusters of classmates hugging, the sobbing parents being led away, the makeshift shrines of candles and plush toys, instead of looking stricken or covering our mouths or saying "Oh my God" or "How horrible," let's just all look each other in the eye and say: "Shit happens."
how come you never here from left-wing nutjobs until these tragedies happen; and not the everyday carnage of much greater proportion that happens on the streets of liberal cities every day?

is it because those murderers and victims are Black and Hispanic?

idiots and hypocrites
When will we ever reform our knife and baseball bat laws? How many people must be slashed and bashed before we wake up and ban knives and bats? Its a national embarrassment.

I think that when knives and baseball bats account for 2/3 of our murders we should reform our laws. Right now, that honor is held by guns

How many deaths are caused by cars and trucks? should we ban them? There is a price for freedom. Don't ever forget that.
When will we ever reform our knife and baseball bat laws? How many people must be slashed and bashed before we wake up and ban knives and bats? Its a national embarrassment.

I think that when knives and baseball bats account for 2/3 of our murders we should reform our laws. Right now, that honor is held by guns

How many deaths are caused by cars and trucks? should we ban them? There is a price for freedom. Don't ever forget that.

Neither of those is designed to kill. Operator error is almost always to blame and when it isn't mechanical error is.
Guns are just about the only thing that when used properly, take lives.
If we're not going to do anything again, I'd just like to make one request: given that we've all agreed, if only by our passive acquiescence, not to keep this from happening, can we please quit pretending to care? Let's just skip the histrionics this time: no pro forma shock, condolence photo ops, somber speeches, flags at half-mast, meaningless noises from liberals about legislation, meaningless counter-noises from the NRA about armed guards in elementary schools. Why bother going through the motions of soul-searching when we know very well there's nothing to search? If we can't be brave we might at least be honest: when we see the familiar helicopter shots of ambulances outside a school, the clusters of classmates hugging, the sobbing parents being led away, the makeshift shrines of candles and plush toys, instead of looking stricken or covering our mouths or saying "Oh my God" or "How horrible," let's just all look each other in the eye and say: "Shit happens."

Works for me. Bu tyou know you parasites can't keep quiet, so why bother bloviating like this?
If we're not going to do anything again, I'd just like to make one request: given that we've all agreed, if only by our passive acquiescence, not to keep this from happening, can we please quit pretending to care? Let's just skip the histrionics this time: no pro forma shock, condolence photo ops, somber speeches, flags at half-mast, meaningless noises from liberals about legislation, meaningless counter-noises from the NRA about armed guards in elementary schools. Why bother going through the motions of soul-searching when we know very well there's nothing to search? If we can't be brave we might at least be honest: when we see the familiar helicopter shots of ambulances outside a school, the clusters of classmates hugging, the sobbing parents being led away, the makeshift shrines of candles and plush toys, instead of looking stricken or covering our mouths or saying "Oh my God" or "How horrible," let's just all look each other in the eye and say: "Shit happens."

Basically that is the conservative response to anything..."shit happens*". The asterisk is the following; "when it happens to people we care about, we take action."

Again, this is why I say that the only thing that will get Washington to move on this is if a powerful lawmaker's son or daughter is a victim of one of these "shit happens" moments. Then you'll see action taken.
If we're not going to do anything again, I'd just like to make one request: given that we've all agreed, if only by our passive acquiescence, not to keep this from happening, can we please quit pretending to care? Let's just skip the histrionics this time: no pro forma shock, condolence photo ops, somber speeches, flags at half-mast, meaningless noises from liberals about legislation, meaningless counter-noises from the NRA about armed guards in elementary schools. Why bother going through the motions of soul-searching when we know very well there's nothing to search? If we can't be brave we might at least be honest: when we see the familiar helicopter shots of ambulances outside a school, the clusters of classmates hugging, the sobbing parents being led away, the makeshift shrines of candles and plush toys, instead of looking stricken or covering our mouths or saying "Oh my God" or "How horrible," let's just all look each other in the eye and say: "Shit happens."

Basically that is the conservative response to anything..."shit happens*". The asterisk is the following; "when it happens to people we care about, we take action."

Again, this is why I say that the only thing that will get Washington to move on this is if a powerful lawmaker's son or daughter is a victim of one of these "shit happens" moments. Then you'll see action taken.

Legislating away rights because subhumans use guns is nonsensical and evil. It makes no difference what the tool of choice is.
Yeah, funny how no matter how bad things get, people want to be able to defend themselves. You'd think that the worse things got, the more they'd want to get rid of their power to protect themselves. I wouldn't, but you would.

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