There Is No "Far Right" In This Country

Conservative political delusions are limited by the will of the People.

You mean what you morons call mob rule when it's something you oppose. California voted with Prop 8 the will of the people. Those like you opposed that will. So much for your argument.
The Prop 8 vote was nothing more than a mobocracy acting upon their will to deny equal protection under the law (via marriage) to a defined minority. It was New Age Jim Crow. Have you ever wondered why their are no provisions for National referendums or plebiscites in the US Constitution?

He supported the latter until I brought up Prop 8, that he agreed with. Suddenly he became pro-mob rule.

lefties are big supporters of mob rule how many times has the left cheered on the prezbo

when he said he simply wrote law using the XO claiming the majority of the people wanted it

Nah....Leftists ARE a mob.

  1. Gustave Le Bon, in his groundbreaking 1896 book, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,” was the first to identify the phenomenon of mass psychology. Both Hitler and Mussolini used his book to understand how to incite a mob.
a. Gustave was the second to bring up mass psychology, the first "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" was published in 1841 and was written by the Scottish journalist (back when they actually did real journalism) Charles Mackay, which exposed mass psychosis for the first time..... accounts of classic scams, grand-scale madness, and deceptions.

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds by Charles MacKay

Hitler, Mussolini...and their pal, Franklin Roosevelt.......Leftists all.

Stalin and FDR=good buds.
Bernie Sanders is Far Left. You lose no matter how you defend that.

And where do you put yourself on the political spectrum?

Conservative Capitalist that believes in limited Socialism and that this nation was founded as a Christian nation with tolerance for all religions and non religions. I believe in non-violent, non-smearing, non-ridicule debate of ideas. I believe that the American vote is a privilege and a right reserved solely for American Citizens and a right that must be preserved and devoid of corruption.

So you wish to categorize yourself as a moderate conservative, i.e. somewhere in the middle of the Right.

So who's to your right? PoliticalChic claims there' no one to your right.

I cannot say who is to my right I know what is to my right and left. I like a healthy debate. I like that the American people never let the pendulum stay too far to one side of the spectrum.

We'll see how long Bernie Sanders....stays.

Did you see this, sis?

"Bloomberg, Sensing an Opening, Revisits a Potential White House Run

His advisers and associates said he was galled by Donald J. Trump’sdominance of the Republican field, and troubled by Hillary Clinton’s stumbles and the rise of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont on the Democratic side."
Let's review some of the far right positions that PoliticalChic would have us believe are really in the mainstream of American beliefs and therefore shouldn't be called 'far right'.

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.


2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.
Again, nope...


3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.
Another chick fail.


4. Obama is a Marxist.

Sorry, no poll on the crazy...we do know that a majority of Republicans think he's a Kenyan Muslim socialist, but they're nuts.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

Not a fact most want it raised, not abolished.


That's a good start. Anyone want to argue that any of the above are mainstream American views with broad public support?

I actually can't think of a thing the GOP wants to do that has broad public support. Not a one.

The NYLiar made up all of the positions that he attributed to me.

And...he got you to believe them.
Let's review some of the far right positions that PoliticalChic would have us believe are really in the mainstream of American beliefs and therefore shouldn't be called 'far right'.

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.


2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.
Again, nope...


3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.
Another chick fail.


4. Obama is a Marxist.

Sorry, no poll on the crazy...we do know that a majority of Republicans think he's a Kenyan Muslim socialist, but they're nuts.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

Not a fact most want it raised, not abolished.


That's a good start. Anyone want to argue that any of the above are mainstream American views with broad public support?

I actually can't think of a thing the GOP wants to do that has broad public support. Not a one.

The NYLiar made up all of the positions that he attributed to me.

And...he got you to believe them.

Nope...seems a pretty accurate summation to me.
Your thread premise has failed. There is obviously a far right just as there is a far left and the far right is much farther from the mainstream than the far left least on issues.
Let's review some of the far right positions that PoliticalChic would have us believe are really in the mainstream of American beliefs and therefore shouldn't be called 'far right'.

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.

2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.

3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.

4. Obama is a Marxist.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

That's a good start. Anyone want to argue that any of the above are mainstream American views with broad public support?

So THAT's why you're known as the NYLiar!!!

Proof? can't find a single post of mine that states any of that.

First of all, nowhere do I say those are your positions. I say those positions exist;

those are far right views you are calling mainstream moderate views. Whether you hold them or not is irrelevant.

But to your claim you've never taken any of those positions, let's start here:

1. Abortion is murder.

You insist you've never taken that position? You lie.

Your quote:
" God forbids murder of the guiltless, and, let's remind all that almost every single abortion in this nation, over 95% of same, the reason given for them has nothing to do with any danger to the mother.

It is willful slaughter."

The Religion of Peace and Love

Let's review some of the far right positions that PoliticalChic would have us believe are really in the mainstream of American beliefs and therefore shouldn't be called 'far right'.

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.


2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.
Again, nope...


3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.
Another chick fail.


4. Obama is a Marxist.

Sorry, no poll on the crazy...we do know that a majority of Republicans think he's a Kenyan Muslim socialist, but they're nuts.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

Not a fact most want it raised, not abolished.


That's a good start. Anyone want to argue that any of the above are mainstream American views with broad public support?

I actually can't think of a thing the GOP wants to do that has broad public support. Not a one.

The NYLiar made up all of the positions that he attributed to me.

And...he got you to believe them.

Not one of those positions did I attribute to you in that post. You are lying once again. I attribute you the ones that apply.
Let's review some of the far right positions that PoliticalChic would have us believe are really in the mainstream of American beliefs and therefore shouldn't be called 'far right'.

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.


2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.
Again, nope...


3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.
Another chick fail.


4. Obama is a Marxist.

Sorry, no poll on the crazy...we do know that a majority of Republicans think he's a Kenyan Muslim socialist, but they're nuts.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

Not a fact most want it raised, not abolished.


That's a good start. Anyone want to argue that any of the above are mainstream American views with broad public support?

I actually can't think of a thing the GOP wants to do that has broad public support. Not a one.

The NYLiar made up all of the positions that he attributed to me.

And...he got you to believe them.

Nope...seems a pretty accurate summation to me.
Your thread premise has failed. There is obviously a far right just as there is a far left and the far right is much farther from the mainstream than the far left least on issues.

1. "Nope...seems a pretty accurate summation to me."
Then you must be either a fool or a liar.
Unless of course, you can find posts of mine that state any of those.

Shall I wait, or go forward with a long and eventful life?

2. "Your thread premise has failed."
Well, then, you should be able to post positions of the Right that are radical relative to the positions on which this nation was founded.

But, you can't, can you.
Let's review some of the far right positions that PoliticalChic would have us believe are really in the mainstream of American beliefs and therefore shouldn't be called 'far right'.

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.

2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.

3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.

4. Obama is a Marxist.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

That's a good start. Anyone want to argue that any of the above are mainstream American views with broad public support?

So THAT's why you're known as the NYLiar!!!

Proof? can't find a single post of mine that states any of that.

First of all, nowhere do I say those are your positions. I say those positions exist;

those are far right views you are calling mainstream moderate views. Whether you hold them or not is irrelevant.

But to your claim you've never taken any of those positions, let's start here:

1. Abortion is murder.

You insist you've never taken that position? You lie.

Your quote:
" God forbids murder of the guiltless, and, let's remind all that almost every single abortion in this nation, over 95% of same, the reason given for them has nothing to do with any danger to the mother.

It is willful slaughter."

The Religion of Peace and Love

"First of all, nowhere do I say those are your positions."

Au contraire.. My career is in math and science and engineering.. So when I saw you struggling with trying to find the mean political philosophy on a one dimensional array of
So you want to compare CV's vice the length of our respective Richard's? It's relatively comparable; EE and retired from Intel 11.5 years ago. From some of your expressions, I'm guessing you're a software type. You can guess about Richard! Want to compare the size of cubicles?:rofl:

You sure like to paint things in, which never existed! Who was struggling? I was explaining something to someone who insisted conservatives were a monolithic block and NO OUTLIERS existed on the far right. I've already discredited your misinterpretation of single axis data showing that you simply didn't comprehend that two axes were part of the discussion for each discrete X,Y data point. I refuse to be redundant on your account. Your point has been dulled to flatness.
My other question is -- did you ever read MORE of that Buckley than you quoted -- because it appears you didn't.. Farther on Buckley outlines the agreement he GOT with Goldwater to alienate the John Birchers from his campaign...

I skimmed the entire piece. I used that specific quote because it showed how duplicitous and extreme Right Goldwater really was. In Oct 1962 I lived through the Cuban missile crisis on Vandenberg AFB while my father spent over a week down in an Atlas D missile silo waiting for the launch command. When a teenager is living at a ground zero nuke target back during that era, and the world is at defcon 1 it makes a definite, long lasting impression regarding warfare. And when a few years later, some anti-communist war hawk wants to repeal the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and challenge the USSR to a test of wills, is one to believe that war hawk will moderate after accepting the endorsement of a FAR RIGHT WING organization like the Birchers? It totally disproved that conservatives were/are a monolithic block.

Who gives a damn what Buckley wrote later on when the premise of the OP being addressed was the total absence of FAR RIGHT conservatives in the political spectrum. I showed that Barry Goldwater had extreme RIGHT leanings and an endorsement from the farthest FAR RIGHT organization for POTUS at the time. Only a fucking FAR RIGHT mad man would have wanted to unleash the dogs of nuclear war during that period!

If you want to chat any more on this topic, talk to the hand! Your powder is still wet sharp shooter!
Let's review some of the far right positions that PoliticalChic would have us believe are really in the mainstream of American beliefs and therefore shouldn't be called 'far right'.

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.


2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.
Again, nope...


3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.
Another chick fail.


4. Obama is a Marxist.

Sorry, no poll on the crazy...we do know that a majority of Republicans think he's a Kenyan Muslim socialist, but they're nuts.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

Not a fact most want it raised, not abolished.


That's a good start. Anyone want to argue that any of the above are mainstream American views with broad public support?

I actually can't think of a thing the GOP wants to do that has broad public support. Not a one.

The NYLiar made up all of the positions that he attributed to me.

And...he got you to believe them.

Nope...seems a pretty accurate summation to me.
Your thread premise has failed. There is obviously a far right just as there is a far left and the far right is much farther from the mainstream than the far left least on issues.

1. "Nope...seems a pretty accurate summation to me."
Then you must be either a fool or a liar.
Unless of course, you can find posts of mine that state any of those.

Shall I wait, or go forward with a long and eventful life?

2. "Your thread premise has failed."
Well, then, you should be able to post positions of the Right that are radical relative to the positions on which this nation was founded.

But, you can't, can you.

It is an accurate summation of the GOP...which is probably why you're trying to deflect from it.

I think Dot Com nailed it. This is a humor thread.

"there can be no far right because the founders"? :lol:

SNL skit waiting to happen. :lol:
Here is PoliticalChic declaring Social Security unconstitutional, which above she also denies ever doing:

Beating Social Security

"...find the part of the enumerated powers of the federal government that gives it authority to write insurance for its citizens.

Or...admit that Liberal governance is lawless governance."
Let's review some of the far right positions that PoliticalChic would have us believe are really in the mainstream of American beliefs and therefore shouldn't be called 'far right'.

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.


2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.
Again, nope...


3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.
Another chick fail.


4. Obama is a Marxist.

Sorry, no poll on the crazy...we do know that a majority of Republicans think he's a Kenyan Muslim socialist, but they're nuts.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

Not a fact most want it raised, not abolished.


That's a good start. Anyone want to argue that any of the above are mainstream American views with broad public support?

I actually can't think of a thing the GOP wants to do that has broad public support. Not a one.

The NYLiar made up all of the positions that he attributed to me.

And...he got you to believe them.

Nope...seems a pretty accurate summation to me.
Your thread premise has failed. There is obviously a far right just as there is a far left and the far right is much farther from the mainstream than the far left least on issues.

1. "Nope...seems a pretty accurate summation to me."
Then you must be either a fool or a liar.
Unless of course, you can find posts of mine that state any of those.

Shall I wait, or go forward with a long and eventful life?

2. "Your thread premise has failed."
Well, then, you should be able to post positions of the Right that are radical relative to the positions on which this nation was founded.

But, you can't, can you.

It is an accurate summation of the GOP...which is probably why you're trying to deflect from it.

I think Dot Com nailed it. This is a humor thread.

"there can be no far right because the founders"? :lol:

SNL skit waiting to happen. :lol:

"It is an accurate summation of the GOP...which is probably why you're trying to deflect from it."

But you claimed they were my positions.

Pretty rapid retreat, huh?
Let's review some of the far right positions that PoliticalChic would have us believe are really in the mainstream of American beliefs and therefore shouldn't be called 'far right'.

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.

2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.

3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.

4. Obama is a Marxist.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

That's a good start. Anyone want to argue that any of the above are mainstream American views with broad public support?

So THAT's why you're known as the NYLiar!!!

Proof? can't find a single post of mine that states any of that.

First of all, nowhere do I say those are your positions. I say those positions exist;

those are far right views you are calling mainstream moderate views. Whether you hold them or not is irrelevant.

But to your claim you've never taken any of those positions, let's start here:

1. Abortion is murder.

You insist you've never taken that position? You lie.

Your quote:
" God forbids murder of the guiltless, and, let's remind all that almost every single abortion in this nation, over 95% of same, the reason given for them has nothing to do with any danger to the mother.

It is willful slaughter."

The Religion of Peace and Love

This is what you claimed:

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.

2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.

3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.

4. Obama is a Marxist.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

Now you're running from them.


Again, nope...


Another chick fail.


Sorry, no poll on the crazy...we do know that a majority of Republicans think he's a Kenyan Muslim socialist, but they're nuts.

Not a fact most want it raised, not abolished.


I actually can't think of a thing the GOP wants to do that has broad public support. Not a one.

The NYLiar made up all of the positions that he attributed to me.

And...he got you to believe them.

Nope...seems a pretty accurate summation to me.
Your thread premise has failed. There is obviously a far right just as there is a far left and the far right is much farther from the mainstream than the far left least on issues.

1. "Nope...seems a pretty accurate summation to me."
Then you must be either a fool or a liar.
Unless of course, you can find posts of mine that state any of those.

Shall I wait, or go forward with a long and eventful life?

2. "Your thread premise has failed."
Well, then, you should be able to post positions of the Right that are radical relative to the positions on which this nation was founded.

But, you can't, can you.

It is an accurate summation of the GOP...which is probably why you're trying to deflect from it.

I think Dot Com nailed it. This is a humor thread.

"there can be no far right because the founders"? :lol:

SNL skit waiting to happen. :lol:

"It is an accurate summation of the GOP...which is probably why you're trying to deflect from it."

But you claimed they were my positions.

Pretty rapid retreat, huh?

I didn't claim they were your positions, specifically, but above I've proven that at least 3 of them are.

Or was it 4? I'll have to check, lol

Here is PoliticalChic declaring Social Security unconstitutional, which above she also denies ever doing:

Beating Social Security

"...find the part of the enumerated powers of the federal government that gives it authority to write insurance for its citizens.

Or...admit that Liberal governance is lawless governance."

This is what you claimed:

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.

2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.

3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.

4. Obama is a Marxist.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

Now you're running from them.
Here's a whole thread of PC's where she starts by declaring President Obama a Marxist,

despite her lie earlier in this thread that she's never ever done so:

Who Says Obama is Marxist/Collectivist????
This is what you claimed:

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.

2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.

3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.

4. Obama is a Marxist.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

Now you're running from them.

The NYLiar made up all of the positions that he attributed to me.

And...he got you to believe them.

Nope...seems a pretty accurate summation to me.
Your thread premise has failed. There is obviously a far right just as there is a far left and the far right is much farther from the mainstream than the far left least on issues.

1. "Nope...seems a pretty accurate summation to me."
Then you must be either a fool or a liar.
Unless of course, you can find posts of mine that state any of those.

Shall I wait, or go forward with a long and eventful life?

2. "Your thread premise has failed."
Well, then, you should be able to post positions of the Right that are radical relative to the positions on which this nation was founded.

But, you can't, can you.

It is an accurate summation of the GOP...which is probably why you're trying to deflect from it.

I think Dot Com nailed it. This is a humor thread.

"there can be no far right because the founders"? :lol:

SNL skit waiting to happen. :lol:

"It is an accurate summation of the GOP...which is probably why you're trying to deflect from it."

But you claimed they were my positions.

Pretty rapid retreat, huh?

I didn't claim they were your positions, specifically, but above I've proven that at least 3 of them are.

Or was it 4? I'll have to check, lol


This is what you claimed:

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.

2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.

3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.

4. Obama is a Marxist.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

Now you're running from them.


Again, nope...


Another chick fail.


Sorry, no poll on the crazy...we do know that a majority of Republicans think he's a Kenyan Muslim socialist, but they're nuts.

Not a fact most want it raised, not abolished.


I actually can't think of a thing the GOP wants to do that has broad public support. Not a one.

The NYLiar made up all of the positions that he attributed to me.

And...he got you to believe them.

Nope...seems a pretty accurate summation to me.
Your thread premise has failed. There is obviously a far right just as there is a far left and the far right is much farther from the mainstream than the far left least on issues.

1. "Nope...seems a pretty accurate summation to me."
Then you must be either a fool or a liar.
Unless of course, you can find posts of mine that state any of those.

Shall I wait, or go forward with a long and eventful life?

2. "Your thread premise has failed."
Well, then, you should be able to post positions of the Right that are radical relative to the positions on which this nation was founded.

But, you can't, can you.

It is an accurate summation of the GOP...which is probably why you're trying to deflect from it.

I think Dot Com nailed it. This is a humor thread.

"there can be no far right because the founders"? :lol:

SNL skit waiting to happen. :lol:

"It is an accurate summation of the GOP...which is probably why you're trying to deflect from it."

But you claimed they were my positions.

Pretty rapid retreat, huh?

Which ones aren't your position? Are you pro choice or do you think abortion should be outlawed completely?

You're obviously not a fan of gays marrying since you're harping on it a lot in this thread.

How do you feel about the minimum wage and social security? Can't find a cut and paste that echoes how you feel?

You know, the founders didn't want you voting...where does that leave that position?

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