There Is No "Far Right" In This Country

Watch me pull a Politichick:

Hey Polychick...

Do you support outlawing all abortions, yes or no?
Do you support gays marrying each other, yes or no?
Do you believe SS and Medicare should be abolished or outlawed, yes or no?
Do you believe Obama is a Marxist, yes or no?
Do you wish to abolish the minimum wage, yes or no?

I'll put these here for you to copy and paste from:


Gee....originally, you claimed that this:
1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.

2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.

3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.

4. Obama is a Marxist.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

...was "an accurate summation" of my views. Or, at least that's what you wrote.'d like to backtrack, and ask me about my beliefs.

You have it backwards, don't you. this your version of an apology?
Watch me pull a Politichick:

Hey Polychick...

Do you support outlawing all abortions, yes or no?
Do you support gays marrying each other, yes or no?
Do you believe SS and Medicare should be abolished or outlawed, yes or no?
Do you believe Obama is a Marxist, yes or no?
Do you wish to abolish the minimum wage, yes or no?

I'll put these here for you to copy and paste from:


Gee....originally, you claimed that this:
1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.

2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.

3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.

4. Obama is a Marxist.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

...was "an accurate summation" of my views. Or, at least that's what you wrote.'d like to backtrack, and ask me about my beliefs.

You have it backwards, don't you. this your version of an apology?

All this discussion and still no closer to substantiating the premise of the OP.
Chill out PoliSpice.

Your zany thread is preposterous on its face. Had you ever taken a 300- level Political Science course at Uni, you'd understand that. :itsok:

As I said earlier, you people Primaried- out your moderates starting in 2010. Whose fault is that?
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Watch me pull a Politichick:

Hey Polychick...

Do you support outlawing all abortions, yes or no?
Do you support gays marrying each other, yes or no?
Do you believe SS and Medicare should be abolished or outlawed, yes or no?
Do you believe Obama is a Marxist, yes or no?
Do you wish to abolish the minimum wage, yes or no?

I'll put these here for you to copy and paste from:


Gee....originally, you claimed that this:
1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.

2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.

3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.

4. Obama is a Marxist.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

...was "an accurate summation" of my views. Or, at least that's what you wrote.'d like to backtrack, and ask me about my beliefs.

You have it backwards, don't you. this your version of an apology?

That was an accurate summation of the GOP. We know that it's an accurate summation of some of your views and NY linked to them.

I've got nothing to apologize for, but you really should answer the questions will put that part of the discussion to rest and you can get back to your ridiculous premise of the thread..."there is no far right because, well the founders". :lol:

Here they are again:

Do you support outlawing all abortions, yes or no?
Do you support gays marrying each other, yes or no?
Do you believe SS and Medicare should be abolished or outlawed, yes or no?
Do you believe Obama is a Marxist, yes or no?
Do you wish to abolish the minimum wage, yes or no?

I'll put these here for you to copy and paste from:

Watch me pull a Politichick:

Hey Polychick...

Do you support outlawing all abortions, yes or no?
Do you support gays marrying each other, yes or no?
Do you believe SS and Medicare should be abolished or outlawed, yes or no?
Do you believe Obama is a Marxist, yes or no?
Do you wish to abolish the minimum wage, yes or no?

I'll put these here for you to copy and paste from:


Gee....originally, you claimed that this:
1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.

2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.

3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.

4. Obama is a Marxist.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

...was "an accurate summation" of my views. Or, at least that's what you wrote.'d like to backtrack, and ask me about my beliefs.

You have it backwards, don't you. this your version of an apology?

You haven't denied holding any of those positions, and your past postings prove you hold those positions.

That amounts to 5 lies on your part.
And you....a sucker.

You've accepted the propaganda....seems it's indelible in the less intuitive.

Nazis, Communists, Marxist, Democrats, Progressives Socialists...and Liberals..all play in the very same league.
With the very same ultimate goals.

See if you can put the pieces of the puzzle together:
"Bernie Sanders Makes His Pitch for Socialism" Bernie Sanders Outlines A Vision for Fixing American Society

"Writing in the radical (and Democratic Socialists of America connected) Chicago magazine In These Times, in March 2008, Joel Bleifuss asserted;
In particular, Obama can be linked to the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the Democratic Party-oriented organization that is a member of the Socialist International.

I understand where you want to go with this. And placing today's Progressives as Socialists MIGHT work to some extent. Obama and Bernie are the easy targets.
But lumping Nazis Communists, Marxist, Democrats, Progressives Socialists...and Liberals just violates everyone's political intuitions. That's where I tried to help with expanding the qualifiers on what's Right and what's LEFT to include an UP/DOWN dimension as well..

For instance -- there ARE Socialists who are not as quick to expand Govt Authoritiy to acheive goals. Politicians that embrace Socialism but don't micromanage your pocketbook, your investments, your wages or your everyday contracts. THESE lefties are in a whole nother quadrant of the 2 dimension charts I offered. They just want to make the trains run on time and preserve collective bargaining.

The way a politician USES and ABUSES the power of govt to acheive goals are the only germane variables in a political spectrum. And that space has at LEAST 3 critical dimensions. The obvious 2 of Economic and Social freedom and an important 3rd --- which is the use of given or usurped power to PROJECT internationally both Force and Economic influence around the world.

I gave up long ago trying to fit the ACTUAL political spectrum to our stunted view of a 2 party system. And LARGELY -- the parties are broken because TOO MUCH power has been taken in ALL those critical dimensions. Leaving us with a lot of nuanced candidates like Trump, Hillary and Paul that really shouldn't be shoehorned into a one dimensional scale.
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Au contraire.. My career is in math and science and engineering.. So when I saw you struggling with trying to find the mean political philosophy on a one dimensional array of
So you want to compare CV's vice the length of our respective Richard's? It's relatively comparable; EE and retired from Intel 11.5 years ago. From some of your expressions, I'm guessing you're a software type. You can guess about Richard! Want to compare the size of cubicles?:rofl:

You sure like to paint things in, which never existed! Who was struggling? I was explaining something to someone who insisted conservatives were a monolithic block and NO OUTLIERS existed on the far right. I've already discredited your misinterpretation of single axis data showing that you simply didn't comprehend that two axes were part of the discussion for each discrete X,Y data point. I refuse to be redundant on your account. Your point has been dulled to flatness.
My other question is -- did you ever read MORE of that Buckley than you quoted -- because it appears you didn't.. Farther on Buckley outlines the agreement he GOT with Goldwater to alienate the John Birchers from his campaign...

I skimmed the entire piece. I used that specific quote because it showed how duplicitous and extreme Right Goldwater really was. In Oct 1962 I lived through the Cuban missile crisis on Vandenberg AFB while my father spent over a week down in an Atlas D missile silo waiting for the launch command. When a teenager is living at a ground zero nuke target back during that era, and the world is at defcon 1 it makes a definite, long lasting impression regarding warfare. And when a few years later, some anti-communist war hawk wants to repeal the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and challenge the USSR to a test of wills, is one to believe that war hawk will moderate after accepting the endorsement of a FAR RIGHT WING organization like the Birchers? It totally disproved that conservatives were/are a monolithic block.

Who gives a damn what Buckley wrote later on when the premise of the OP being addressed was the total absence of FAR RIGHT conservatives in the political spectrum. I showed that Barry Goldwater had extreme RIGHT leanings and an endorsement from the farthest FAR RIGHT organization for POTUS at the time. Only a fucking FAR RIGHT mad man would have wanted to unleash the dogs of nuclear war during that period!

If you want to chat any more on this topic, talk to the hand! Your powder is still wet sharp shooter!

That's a large load of personal info -- just to keep your claims about Goldwater alive. Obama got the endorsement from CPUSA.. Sanders will also -- SHOULD WE BRAND THEM as communists?

CPUSA Says Re-electing Obama is “Absolutely Essential” › AIM Column
Accuracy in Media

Jun 27, 2012 - In reality, the CPUSA's endorsement of Obama for a second term is not... Obama isn't the only Democrat getting various kinds of communist ...
Eliminating visa granting is pretty right wing. So is eliminating sanctuary cities.
Neither are right wing. Both are common sense and simple protectionism of the American people (unless left wing means throwing the American people under the bus)

Sanctuary cities are a flat-out stab in the back of America (especially American workers)
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Eliminating visa granting is pretty right wing. So is eliminating sanctuary cities.
Neither are right wing. Both are common sense and simple protectionism of the American people (unless left wing means throwing the American people under the bus)

Sanctuary cities are a flat-out stab in the back of America (especially American workers)
By refusing to allow sanctuary cities, you are dictating what local citizens have voted for and dictating how they operate their police and other local agencies.
By refusing to grant a visa, you are dictating how an American can conduct both private and business relationships. My wife has been bringing family members over every summer for month long visits for years. Some asshole like you wants to prevent us from sharing time with our family because of your ultra right wing bullshit. Fuck you.
Nope...seems a pretty accurate summation to me.
Your thread premise has failed. There is obviously a far right just as there is a far left and the far right is much farther from the mainstream than the far left least on issues.

1. "Nope...seems a pretty accurate summation to me."
Then you must be either a fool or a liar.
Unless of course, you can find posts of mine that state any of those.

Shall I wait, or go forward with a long and eventful life?

2. "Your thread premise has failed."
Well, then, you should be able to post positions of the Right that are radical relative to the positions on which this nation was founded.

But, you can't, can you.

It is an accurate summation of the GOP...which is probably why you're trying to deflect from it.

I think Dot Com nailed it. This is a humor thread.

"there can be no far right because the founders"? :lol:

SNL skit waiting to happen. :lol:

"It is an accurate summation of the GOP...which is probably why you're trying to deflect from it."

But you claimed they were my positions.

Pretty rapid retreat, huh?

Which ones aren't your position? Are you pro choice or do you think abortion should be outlawed completely?

You're obviously not a fan of gays marrying since you're harping on it a lot in this thread.

How do you feel about the minimum wage and social security? Can't find a cut and paste that echoes how you feel?

You know, the founders didn't want you voting...where does that leave that position?

This is what the NYLiar tricked you into believing.

But, I've seen your posts.....and tricking you into believing nonsense is not that difficult.

Here they are again:

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.

2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.

3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.

4. Obama is a Marxist.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

If I'm a liar, then you are pro-choice, you support same sex marriage, you concede that Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are constitutional, you do not believe Obama is a Marxist, and you support the minimum wage.

So, which is it?
1. "Nope...seems a pretty accurate summation to me."
Then you must be either a fool or a liar.
Unless of course, you can find posts of mine that state any of those.

Shall I wait, or go forward with a long and eventful life?

2. "Your thread premise has failed."
Well, then, you should be able to post positions of the Right that are radical relative to the positions on which this nation was founded.

But, you can't, can you.

It is an accurate summation of the GOP...which is probably why you're trying to deflect from it.

I think Dot Com nailed it. This is a humor thread.

"there can be no far right because the founders"? :lol:

SNL skit waiting to happen. :lol:

"It is an accurate summation of the GOP...which is probably why you're trying to deflect from it."

But you claimed they were my positions.

Pretty rapid retreat, huh?

Which ones aren't your position? Are you pro choice or do you think abortion should be outlawed completely?

You're obviously not a fan of gays marrying since you're harping on it a lot in this thread.

How do you feel about the minimum wage and social security? Can't find a cut and paste that echoes how you feel?

You know, the founders didn't want you voting...where does that leave that position?

This is what the NYLiar tricked you into believing.

But, I've seen your posts.....and tricking you into believing nonsense is not that difficult.

Here they are again:

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.

2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.

3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.

4. Obama is a Marxist.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

If I'm a liar, then you are pro-choice, you support same sex marriage, you concede that Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are constitutional, you do not believe Obama is a Marxist, and you support the minimum wage.

So, which is it?

Here's an interesting exercise....experiment.....

question: are you, and have you always been, a serial liar?

Is the following a accurate description of your......inventiveness:

Would this be an apt description a very large percentage of your posts:
His act includes only two tricks:


b.....obfuscation and changing the subject.

And you say?

It is an accurate summation of the GOP...which is probably why you're trying to deflect from it.

I think Dot Com nailed it. This is a humor thread.

"there can be no far right because the founders"? :lol:

SNL skit waiting to happen. :lol:

"It is an accurate summation of the GOP...which is probably why you're trying to deflect from it."

But you claimed they were my positions.

Pretty rapid retreat, huh?

Which ones aren't your position? Are you pro choice or do you think abortion should be outlawed completely?

You're obviously not a fan of gays marrying since you're harping on it a lot in this thread.

How do you feel about the minimum wage and social security? Can't find a cut and paste that echoes how you feel?

You know, the founders didn't want you voting...where does that leave that position?

This is what the NYLiar tricked you into believing.

But, I've seen your posts.....and tricking you into believing nonsense is not that difficult.

Here they are again:

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.

2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.

3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.

4. Obama is a Marxist.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

If I'm a liar, then you are pro-choice, you support same sex marriage, you concede that Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are constitutional, you do not believe Obama is a Marxist, and you support the minimum wage.

So, which is it?

Here's an interesting exercise....experiment.....

question: are you, and have you always been, a serial liar?

Is the following a accurate description of your......inventiveness:

Would this be an apt description a very large percentage of your posts:
His act includes only two tricks:


b.....obfuscation and changing the subject.

And you say?

I proved you supported all five of the far right positions I posted with quotes from your own posts.

What more do you want?

If you want to prove you don't support those positions, Post Your Positions.
By refusing to allow sanctuary cities, you are dictating what local citizens have voted for and dictating how they operate their police and other local agencies.
By refusing to grant a visa, you are dictating how an American can conduct both private and business relationships. My wife has been bringing family members over every summer for month long visits for years. Some asshole like you wants to prevent us from sharing time with our family because of your ultra right wing bullshit. Fuck you.
FALSE! Those same "local" citizens have voted for federal officials and laws, including US immigration law, which they are in violation of. Only thing keeping their criminal asses out of prison is the presence of Barrack Obama and his attorney general flunkies. These loons think they can do anything. If/whenever the next GOP president (very possibly Trump) takes power, federal prison officials are going to have a lot of work to do, locking up mayors, county commissioners, governors, etc. Rude awakening around the corner for these traitors, throwing the American people under the bus, for votes (as if we didn't know)

You can call me any names your like, but your sanctuary cities, immigrants, and visa workers are a stab in the back of America. You are a sleazy, traitor to the people of this country. You should be arrested for treason, tried, convicted and EXECUTED. And someone as low-life as you, shouldn't even be given a decent burial. I'd have you dumped into a garbage dumpster, with all the rest of the trashbags, you filthy traitor.
"It is an accurate summation of the GOP...which is probably why you're trying to deflect from it."

But you claimed they were my positions.

Pretty rapid retreat, huh?

Which ones aren't your position? Are you pro choice or do you think abortion should be outlawed completely?

You're obviously not a fan of gays marrying since you're harping on it a lot in this thread.

How do you feel about the minimum wage and social security? Can't find a cut and paste that echoes how you feel?

You know, the founders didn't want you voting...where does that leave that position?

This is what the NYLiar tricked you into believing.

But, I've seen your posts.....and tricking you into believing nonsense is not that difficult.

Here they are again:

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.

2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.

3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.

4. Obama is a Marxist.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

If I'm a liar, then you are pro-choice, you support same sex marriage, you concede that Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are constitutional, you do not believe Obama is a Marxist, and you support the minimum wage.

So, which is it?

Here's an interesting exercise....experiment.....

question: are you, and have you always been, a serial liar?

Is the following a accurate description of your......inventiveness:

Would this be an apt description a very large percentage of your posts:
His act includes only two tricks:


b.....obfuscation and changing the subject.

And you say?

I proved you supported all five of the far right positions I posted with quotes from your own posts.

What more do you want?

If you want to prove you don't support those positions, Post Your Positions.

So you decline to respond to this post?

Here's an interesting exercise....experiment.....

question: are you, and have you always been, a serial liar?

Is the following a accurate description of your......inventiveness:

Would this be an apt description a very large percentage of your posts:


b.....obfuscation and changing the subject.
By refusing to allow sanctuary cities, you are dictating what local citizens have voted for and dictating how they operate their police and other local agencies.
By refusing to grant a visa, you are dictating how an American can conduct both private and business relationships. My wife has been bringing family members over every summer for month long visits for years. Some asshole like you wants to prevent us from sharing time with our family because of your ultra right wing bullshit. Fuck you.
FALSE! Those same "local" citizens have voted for federal officials and laws, including US immigration law, which they are in violation of. Only thing keeping their criminal asses out of prison is the presence of Barrack Obama and his attorney general flunkies. These loons think they can do anything. If/whenever the next GOP president (very possibly Trump) takes power, federal prison officials are going to have a lot of work to do, locking up mayors, county commissioners, governors, etc. Rude awakening around the corner for these traitors, throwing the American people under the bus, for votes (as if we didn't know)

You can call me any names your like, but your sanctuary cities, immigrants, and visa workers are a stab in the back of America. You are a sleazy, traitor to the people of this country. You should be arrested for treason, tried, convicted and EXECUTED. And someone as low-life as you, shouldn't even be given a decent burial. I'd have you dumped into a garbage dumpster, with all the rest of the trashbags, you filthy traitor.
Get back on your medication.
Get back on your medication.

Unfortunately, there is no medication for lost liberals, mired in a world of cluelessness, due to their medias of OMISSION, which withhold tons of important information, leaving them not knowing how much they don't know.
Which ones aren't your position? Are you pro choice or do you think abortion should be outlawed completely?

You're obviously not a fan of gays marrying since you're harping on it a lot in this thread.

How do you feel about the minimum wage and social security? Can't find a cut and paste that echoes how you feel?

You know, the founders didn't want you voting...where does that leave that position?

This is what the NYLiar tricked you into believing.

But, I've seen your posts.....and tricking you into believing nonsense is not that difficult.

Here they are again:

1. Abortion is murder. All abortion should be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest.

2. Neither same sex marriage nor same sex civil unions should be legal.

3. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are unconstitutional and should be outlawed.

4. Obama is a Marxist.

5. Abolish the minimum wage.

If I'm a liar, then you are pro-choice, you support same sex marriage, you concede that Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are constitutional, you do not believe Obama is a Marxist, and you support the minimum wage.

So, which is it?

Here's an interesting exercise....experiment.....

question: are you, and have you always been, a serial liar?

Is the following a accurate description of your......inventiveness:

Would this be an apt description a very large percentage of your posts:
His act includes only two tricks:


b.....obfuscation and changing the subject.

And you say?

I proved you supported all five of the far right positions I posted with quotes from your own posts.

What more do you want?

If you want to prove you don't support those positions, Post Your Positions.

So you decline to respond to this post?

Here's an interesting exercise....experiment.....

question: are you, and have you always been, a serial liar?

Is the following a accurate description of your......inventiveness:

Would this be an apt description a very large percentage of your posts:


b.....obfuscation and changing the subject.

The subject is now your lying about what positions you hold.
Let's start over.

Political Chic says there is no such thing as the Far Right.

Okay, then,

Some Americans think that all abortion should be illegal. Period. No exceptions.

Are they

1. liberals?
2. left of center moderates?
3. centrists?
4. right of center moderates?
5. conservatives?
5. far right extremists?

Pick one and make your case.

Oh, PoliticalChic won't participate because she knows she will lose her original argument if she does.

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