There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

Who is proposing that anything be done to Josh Duggar at this point in time? I think that people are concerned that when these events occurred, the parents did not seem to take them as seriously as was warranted and get Josh the professional help that they should have. Further, that their actions were designed to protect Josh, rather than his sisters.

So the witch burning mob is what?

Seriously catz, what are these freaks asking for?

Duggar was caught and punished over a decade ago - and the counseling unquestionably worked. So what is it that freaks like Rati and the retard assclowns are demanding?

THEY sure the fuck don't know, they are stupid as a pile of bricks and just following orders from the hate sites. But what do you think the end game is here?

I know what it is - and I think you do as well - it's nothing more or less than Khmer Rouge level demagoguery. The hate sites seek to destroy lives on the off chance that this will damage enemies of the party. Josh had his picture taken with a Republican, maybe if the retard assclown squad slanders and libels him enough, it will rub off on the Republican he took a picture with.

We know this IS what it is.

And it's disgusting, and filthy, and has no place in America.

I don't know anything about Josh Duggar, and I don't care about him - but I would leave a small child with him LONG before I would leave it with Rati or Shortbus - I'm dead serious. Not that any of them would be my choice, but the level of depravity from the freaks in this forum scrapes the bottom of the cesspool.
Punished? How so?
Here in AZ, one can get the current addresses of all mid and high risk sex offenders for $25. High Risk generally includes pedephiles. I think that Josh would have qualified had he been treated properly by the criminal justice system, especially since his victims included a babysitter, who wasn't even a member of his family.

Sex Offender Downloadable List - Arizona Department of Public Safety
No, not really. The criteria for qualifying for the sex offender registry varies from state to state and it's never a given. Family courts are reticent to apply this status to a minors unless there is extensive criminal history. I do see that you're still expressing your rage against children and a desire to harm them....for life if possible. Luckily there are saner people who run our juvenile court system.

Mikey, you posted about killing me, which means that I will no longer respond to your posts. I highly recommend that you don't personally engage me further, either. The Mod has already posted a warning, and posts have been deleted. I have nothing else to say to you.
It's a different subject altogether and if it violates the rules then report it. As of right now you are violating the USMB rules by discussing mod actions on an open forum. I suggest you read the rules yourself before trying to correct a post of mine that does not violate the rules as yours did. And if you ask very nicely, I'm sure one of our fair minded mods can show you how to utilize the ignore feature.
You've been asked to stop posting to someone and you continue to do so.....

Fucking mini mod
:bye1: Mal.
Duggar was caught and punished over a decade ago - and the counseling unquestionably worked. So what is it that freaks like Rati and the retard assclowns are demanding? was he punished? By told not to do it again? How do you know the counseling worked? Have you questioned his daughter? Liar. You just showed what a low class you are, defending a self-admitted pedo.
I love to mock the pseudo Christians on this board, who claim to be followers of Christ, but actually live their lives diametrically opposed to his teachings. It used to bother me, somewhat, but Jesus has forgiven me for it. In fact, he forgives me for all kinds of stuff every day, which is sort of like having a perpetual hall pass in high school!
Duggar was caught and punished over a decade ago - and the counseling unquestionably worked. So what is it that freaks like Rati and the retard assclowns are demanding? was he punished? By told not to do it again? How do you know the counseling worked? Have you questioned his daughter? Liar. You just showed what a low class you are, defending a self-admitted pedo.
thats my agument when the Rightists say "yabut he went to counseling!!!"

So what? How do we know he learned or, more importantly, used what was taught to him. ADD TO THAT the fact that the guy he went to for *cough* "counseling" was later sent to prison for..... wait for it..... predation on NUMEROUS underage girls.
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:rolleyes: the duggars put themselves in the political hotseat. who do you think you're kidding?

Thanks Comrade Pot

you and your abject denial of reality are not at all welcome...

and neither are the creepy duggars and their harmful political agenda...

Jim Bob Duggar net worth: Jim Bob Duggar is an American politician, real estate agent, and television personality who has a net worth of $3.5 million. James Robert Duggar was born in Springdale, Arkansas in July 1965. He served in the Arkansas House of Representatives from 1999 to 2002. He served as vice chair of the House Corrections and Criminal Law Subcommittee and was part of the Insurance and Commerce Committee and Judiciary Committee. He lost to Tim Hutchinson while running for a United States Senate seat in 2002. Duggar owns several commercial properties and is a licensed realtor. Together with his wife Michelle, he has 19 children, all whose names start with the letter J. An attempt to have their 20th child ended in a miscarriage. The family are members of the Institute in Basic Life Principles organization and are Independent Baptist Christians. Starting in 2009 the Duggars have been featured in the TLC reality series 19 Kids & Counting. The series started its eighth season in April 2014. Jim Bob and his wife have written two books together. Their four oldest daughters also wrote a book, Growing up Duggar. The couple endorsed Mike Huckabee in his 2008 campaign for a Republican presidential nomination. In 2012 they endorsed candidate Rick Santorum, and in 2013 they started supported Ken Cuccinelli.

Jim Bob Duggar Net Worth Celebrity Net Worth

Duggar and his wife endorsed Mike Huckabee in 2008 during his campaign for the Republican Party presidential primaries.[40] In January 2012, the Duggars endorsed former Republican U.S. Senator Rick Santorum for president.[41] In October 2013, the Duggar family began campaigning for Ken Cuccinelli, the unsuccessful Republican gubernatorial candidate in Virginia.

Jim Bob Duggar - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Family Research Council (FRC) is an American conservative Christian group and lobbying organization formed in the United States in 1981 by James Dobson. It was incorporated in 1983.[2] In the late 1980s, the FRC officially became a division of Dobson's main organization, Focus on the Family, but after an administrative separation, the FRC became an independent entity in 1992. Tony Perkins is the current president.

The FRC promotes what it considers to be traditional family values, by advocating and lobbying for socially conservative policies. It opposes and lobbies against LGBT rights (such as same-sex marriage and LGBT adoption), abortion, divorce, embryonic stem-cell research and pornography. The FRC is affiliated with a 501(c)(4) lobbying PAC known as FRC Action.[3] In 2010, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) classified the FRC as an anti-gay hate group, a designation which generated controversy.

Family Research Council - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
For the past few years, Josh Duggar, eldest son of the 19 in the Duggar clan, has been the face of the Family Research Council (FRC) at rallies against LGBT equality across the country. As executive director of FRC Action, the organization’s political arm, he helped fundraise for the organization, hobnob with Republican presidential contenders, and promote its anti-LGBT talking points, including claiming that his lesbian aunt “chooses” her “lifestyle” and that LGBT people are a threat to children.

But Duggar just resigned from FRC after admitting to allegations that he molested several young girls as a teenager, including some of his sisters.

The Family Research Council s Strange Statement On Josh Duggar s Child Molestation Confession ThinkProgress was he punished? By told not to do it again? How do you know the counseling worked? Have you questioned his daughter?

Mertex, you are one of the more stupid posters on this board - I mean, you already know this. Obviously you use the assclown tag to let other posters know that you have an IQ<40 - and thank you for that public service - it really is helpful. Anyone seeing an assclown avatar knows at a glance that poster has the intellect of a dog turd. It's great that you warn people.

Now you can do little more than spew shit from the hate sites, I mean it's not like you're going to have a thought...

The appropriate response to siblings fondling each other is counseling. (though a good paddling still works - but you freaks won't allow it.) Josh was sent to counseling which corrected the behavior.

Liar. You just showed what a low class you are, defending a self-admitted pedo.

Of course, and Jews use the blood of gentile children to make Matzo, I've heard your filth many times before.

Assclown, you have less intelligence than a goldfish turd. You are simply a useful idiot for the masters of your filthy party. Pol Pot (or his twin George Soros) has sent you our to spew demagoguery against those whom the party hates.

you and your abject denial of reality are not at all welcome...

and neither are the creepy duggars and their harmful political agenda...

So then sock - you witch burning freak - you admit that you slander and libel Josh Duggar not because of what he did, but because of who his family is.

I understand, you're gutter scum spreading demagoguery - Khmer Rouge filth blindly spewing hatred.
thats my agument when the Rightists say "yabut he went to counseling!!!"

So what? How do we know he learned or, more importantly, used what was taught to him. ADD TO THAT the fact that the guy he went to for *cough* "counseling" was later sent to prison for..... wait for it..... predation on NUMEROUS underage girls.

You have no argument, you witch burning freak - you have a hate site that tells you what to spew - just like the brain-dead assclown you were posting to.

Hearts filled with hate, heads filled with mush - that's our drooling USMB leftists. :thup:
a child molester really shouldn't go around making political grandstands about threats to children.

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