There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

Well, as I have said before, if I came across a 14 year old making a "sad, tragic mistake" with my 5 year old granddaughter, the cost of his mistake would be a couple of broken legs.
I hope they lock you up BEFORE you achieve your dream of inflicting grave bodily harm on children. Failing at that, I hope the kid you're trying to hurt has a father that kills you first. I know I would.

Sounds like a personal threat, Mikey.....
Yes it does. As a father of 3 boys I felt threatened by what you dream of doing to them and felt it necessary to inform you of my response. That's why vigilante justice is always the wrong choice. If a 14 year old boy hurts your grandchild and you want to break his legs, his daddy will defend him. With deadly force. That's why we have police and the courts.
You are a sick person.
What that religion will do to some people...............................

religion does a lot of terrible thing to zealots.
What in the world ever happened to Christianity in America? Are the lives of little girls so worthless that sexual abuse is what they deserve, or what?

Sad but true commentary.....most of these rwnj's who claim to be Christian and are here on this thread hate the Middle East and it's customs and yet, the way most of them are defending Josh Duggar and have no concern for the victims (little girls) they are acting just like the Muslims, who don't think much of women at any age.
No one has defended Duggar - despite your incessant lies - but hey, you lie, it's what you do, it's all you do.

Bwahahaha....another proof of your inability to comprehend. Faux News, Sarah Palin and many others have come to his defense....many on this very thread.
1. Where did you get those figures?

2. And you STILL chalk this up to "playing doctor", don't you?

It amazes me that you filthy little demagogues think you can bully your way out of things.

No one has defended Duggar - despite your incessant lies - but hey, you lie, it's what you do, it's all you do.

However, the grownups measure a response to the situation. You are a bunch of fucking witch burning freaks, out for blood - not because of what Duggar did, only because of who he is.

Hey, you're a complete scumbag, but you're kind of too stupid to be responsible for the filthy shit you post.

"Hey, you're a complete scumbag, but you're kind of too stupid to be responsible for the filthy shit you post."

You talking to yourself again?

Oops, someone made him mad and now his rabidly spewing his usual venom on everyone........he can't handle that we're not giving Josh Duggar a pass for molesting his sisters, like him.
that's a given

Oh look, another witch burning freak.

Maybe YOU can rescue the retard assclown for the hypocrisy of her partisan bullshit....

Yeah, and maybe...

Bwahahaha....another proof of your inability to comprehend. Faux News, Sarah Palin and many others have come to his defense....many on this very thread.

Oh, another witch burner - it's downright Salem 1690 around her.

Get your pitchfork, freak.
why would you smack a child for spilling something?

that's kind of messed up.

What would you do to Josh Duggar? Execute him?

You watch a lot of Law & Order and pretend to be a lawyer on the interwebz - what charge would you bring against Josh in a pleading (look it up)?
Josh Duggars gets a pass for molesting his sisters but a child spilling something gets smacked....that's ignorant logic if you ask me.

As an assclown with an IQ<40, what would you proscribe as the punishment for Josh Duggar? Death?

Are you witch burning freaks of one mind.

OH WAIT, you actually are.. Daily Kos News Community Action

Not a one of you can form a thought not posted on a hate site.
Eunuch2008 still thrilled that Duggar got away with molesting his sisters.
What would you do to Josh Duggar? Execute him?

You watch a lot of Law & Order and pretend to be a lawyer on the interwebz - what charge would you bring against Josh in a pleading (look it up)?

Who is proposing that anything be done to Josh Duggar at this point in time? I think that people are concerned that when these events occurred, the parents did not seem to take them as seriously as was warranted and get Josh the professional help that they should have. Further, that their actions were designed to protect Josh, rather than his sisters.
What would you do to Josh Duggar? Execute him?

You watch a lot of Law & Order and pretend to be a lawyer on the interwebz - what charge would you bring against Josh in a pleading (look it up)?

Who is proposing that anything be done to Josh Duggar at this point in time? I think that people are concerned that when these events occurred, the parents did not seem to take them as seriously as was warranted and get Josh the professional help that they should have. Further, that their actions were designed to protect Josh, rather than his sisters.

I'm not sure that anyone is proposing that anything be done all these years later. However, there is a web site that is available to anyone which shows the home address of every sex offender in Louisiana. It is even shown on a map. I think most other states have them too. I found at least 6 within a mile of where I used to live, and most of them were only convicted of being a prostitute. I think that if his state has such a web site, he should have been processed through the criminal system and should appear on such a site as a sex offender.
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Eunuch2008 still thrilled that Duggar got away with molesting his sisters.

Witch burning freak Rati is still thrilled that Lena Dunham molested her 1 year old sister.

Standard Disclaimer: Isn't mindless demagoguery fun?

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