There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

...The reason the Duggars are all over the media is because of their hypocrisy while campaigning against gay rights, and the piss poor way the family handled the situation.
How does a decade-old post-pubescent sibling-touching-younger-sibling incident manifest hypocrisy, in separate dealings on the subject of the filthy and unclean sexual deviancy and perversion that we call homosexuality?

That sounds to me like a question that you might want to ask the Family Research Council, which fired him, and all the sponsors of the TV show, which withdrew their sponsorship, and the network itself, which has taken them off the air.

Maybe the Family Research Council has joined the vast liberal conspiracy against them.....
And dear Lord, for all those people who claim that the 27 year old sexual pervert came clean about this 5 years ago, that would have to mean that both FRC and TLC are totally stupid and wholly incompetent...

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He came clean on this to his parents when he was 15 and the cops re-interviewed him when he was 18. That makes you stupid and incompetent.
He was never interviewed by "the cops". He spoke to a pedophile cop off the record and refused to talk to the police when he was 18.

Wrong again. The report that was released was from a police interview when he was 18. That is how the Chief and DA got around the intent of the law not allowing the files on minors from being made public.
How does a decade-old post-pubescent sibling-touching-younger-sibling incident manifest hypocrisy, in separate dealings on the subject of the filthy and unclean sexual deviancy and perversion that we call homosexuality?

That sounds to me like a question that you might want to ask the Family Research Council, which fired him, and all the sponsors of the TV show, which withdrew their sponsorship, and the network itself, which has taken them off the air.

Maybe the Family Research Council has joined the vast liberal conspiracy against them.....
And dear Lord, for all those people who claim that the 27 year old sexual pervert came clean about this 5 years ago, that would have to mean that both FRC and TLC are totally stupid and wholly incompetent...

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He came clean on this to his parents when he was 15 and the cops re-interviewed him when he was 18. That makes you stupid and incompetent.
He was never interviewed by "the cops". He spoke to a pedophile cop off the record and refused to talk to the police when he was 18.

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Wrong again.
How does a decade-old post-pubescent sibling-touching-younger-sibling incident manifest hypocrisy, in separate dealings on the subject of the filthy and unclean sexual deviancy and perversion that we call homosexuality?

That sounds to me like a question that you might want to ask the Family Research Council, which fired him, and all the sponsors of the TV show, which withdrew their sponsorship, and the network itself, which has taken them off the air.

Maybe the Family Research Council has joined the vast liberal conspiracy against them.....
And dear Lord, for all those people who claim that the 27 year old sexual pervert came clean about this 5 years ago, that would have to mean that both FRC and TLC are totally stupid and wholly incompetent...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

He came clean on this to his parents when he was 15 and the cops re-interviewed him when he was 18. That makes you stupid and incompetent.
He was never interviewed by "the cops". He spoke to a pedophile cop off the record and refused to talk to the police when he was 18.

Wrong again. The report that was released was from a police interview when he was 18. That is how the Chief and DA got around the intent of the law not allowing the files on minors from being made public.
Incorrect. He refused to talk to the police, though several members of his family did talk to the police.
That sounds to me like a question that you might want to ask the Family Research Council, which fired him, and all the sponsors of the TV show, which withdrew their sponsorship, and the network itself, which has taken them off the air.

Maybe the Family Research Council has joined the vast liberal conspiracy against them.....
And dear Lord, for all those people who claim that the 27 year old sexual pervert came clean about this 5 years ago, that would have to mean that both FRC and TLC are totally stupid and wholly incompetent...

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He came clean on this to his parents when he was 15 and the cops re-interviewed him when he was 18. That makes you stupid and incompetent.
He was never interviewed by "the cops". He spoke to a pedophile cop off the record and refused to talk to the police when he was 18.

Wrong again. The report that was released was from a police interview when he was 18. That is how the Chief and DA got around the intent of the law not allowing the files on minors from being made public.
Incorrect. He refused to talk to the police, though several members of his family did talk to the police.

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The more I hear about this sordid affair, the more cringe-worthy it is. Their rw apologists here make it even more unsavory.
Apparently, whacked out RWNJS, for the most part, are going to defend sexual pervert Josh Duggar to the very end. Josh is a "Christian" and can therefore do no wrong. And quite apparently, influential "Christians" can go on national TV and lie out their asses about just every single aspect of this gross and sordid series of multiple sexual crimes, but it's OK if you are among the "King's Kids".

What in the world ever happened to Christianity in America? Are the lives of little girls so worthless that sexual abuse is what they deserve, or what?

Is there not even one single Rightie Christian here who is willing to call out this horrible perversion of his religion for what it is, senza deflection, senza tu quoque?

Guess not...

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My impression is that the Duggars feel like their son investigating his sister's genitals, is on the level of disassembling dad's watch to see how it works.....
My impression is that the Duggars feel like their son investigating his sister's genitals, is on the level of disassembling dad's watch to see how it works.....
Actually, you may be pretty close to the core of this.

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That's what your experience is with? We learn more and more about the kinds of things and behaviors you are familiar with at every post.

I know you think you're clever and that your idiocy is some sort of "gotcha," but you have an IQ less than 40, so you perception fails to match reality.
Then, pray tell, why are we arguing if we are all on the same side? That what he did was despicable and he should have been reported for it and at least taken away from his sisters THE FIRST TIME.

We're not on the same side. You're a witch burning freak with no grasp of appropriate response. You don't kill your child for spilling milk, you smack their hand.

You drooling apes attack Duggar not for what he did, but for who he is and the political position you think you can gain by savaging him.
Boils down to....We won't condemn Josh Duggar because Clinton.

Boils down to, you're a fucking retard who can't follow even rudimentary logic.

What Duggar did was wrong. Counseling was the appropriate response to it. The counseling was done over a decade ago and the behavior has not reoccurred.

It's long over, you witch burning freak.
You idiot, you didn't even read your own link.

The most obvious problem here is the victim blaming.

4. Why did God let it happen?

Result of defrauding by:

  • Immodest dress
  • Indecent exposure
  • Being out from protection of our parents
  • Being with evil friends.
But there’s also something more insidious going on.

3. What did the offender damage?

What parts do we damage with bitterness and guilt?

Remember that point 3 comes immediately after points 1 and 2, which portray the spirit as more important than the body. In other words, Gothard contends that while the offender damages only the victim’s body, the victim damages their spirit with bitterness and guilt—and that is the greater crime.

This is not best practices for counseling victims of sexual abuse.

What advice does Gothard have for situations where parents find that their teenage son has sexually molested younger children? Let’s look at a Gothard article titled Lessons from Moral Failures in a Family:

- See more at: What Did Josh Duggar s Counseling Look Like

It's an interesting read.

I read it, you witch burning freak.

Thing is, despite the slander and libel of your filthy party and their corrupt press, the counseling clearly worked.

You witch burning freaks fail to note that the behavior was corrected.

But then it was never about what Duggar did with you demagogues, only about who he is - and your lust to slander and libel enemies of the party.
That's what your experience is with? We learn more and more about the kinds of things and behaviors you are familiar with at every post.

I know you think you're clever and that your idiocy is some sort of "gotcha," but you have an IQ less than 40, so you perception fails to match reality.
See? More of the same. It's becoming more and more obvious that you talk a combination of your own experiences and projections. For example, you have deep seated esteem issues about your own intelligence, ergo you strike out at others' intelligence.
Then, pray tell, why are we arguing if we are all on the same side? That what he did was despicable and he should have been reported for it and at least taken away from his sisters THE FIRST TIME.

We're not on the same side. You're a witch burning freak with no grasp of appropriate response. You don't kill your child for spilling milk, you smack their hand.

You drooling apes attack Duggar not for what he did, but for who he is and the political position you think you can gain by savaging him.
I am on the side that Josh Duggar was in the wrong. Since we are not on the same side, as you insist......continue with your defense of the pervert Duggar.
See? More of the same. It's becoming more and more obvious that you talk a combination of your own experiences and projections. For example, you have deep seated esteem issues about your own intelligence, ergo you strike out at others' intelligence.


I am on the side that Josh Duggar was in the wrong. Since we are not on the same side, as you insist......continue with your defense of the pervert Duggar.

You're a witch burning freak with a pitchfork and no ability to reason. You shriek for blood because the hate sites tell you to.

You attack Duggar not for what he did, that was dealt with over a decade ago - successfully - but for who he is. Your filthy party thinks that they can gain political advantage through their slander and libel.
Boils down to....We won't condemn Josh Duggar because Clinton.

Boils down to, you're a fucking retard who can't follow even rudimentary logic.

What Duggar did was wrong. Counseling was the appropriate response to it. The counseling was done over a decade ago and the behavior has not reoccurred.

It's long over, you witch burning freak.
For someone who claims that Duggar was wrong, you sure fight alot, defending him.

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