There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

...The reason the Duggars are all over the media is because of their hypocrisy while campaigning against gay rights, and the piss poor way the family handled the situation.
How does a decade-old post-pubescent sibling-touching-younger-sibling incident manifest hypocrisy, in separate dealings on the subject of the filthy and unclean sexual deviancy and perversion that we call homosexuality?

That sounds to me like a question that you might want to ask the Family Research Council, which fired him, and all the sponsors of the TV show, which withdrew their sponsorship, and the network itself, which has taken them off the air.

Maybe the Family Research Council has joined the vast liberal conspiracy against them.....
And dear Lord, for all those people who claim that the 27 year old sexual pervert came clean about this 5 years ago, that would have to mean that both FRC and TLC are totally stupid and wholly incompetent...

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He came clean on this to his parents when he was 15 and the cops re-interviewed him when he was 18. That makes you stupid and incompetent.

He was caught, Sherlock.

Do you have a link to support that?
Josh Duggar confessed what he had done to his parents. Obviously he was remorseful or he could have just kept his mouth shut.

Is he going to deny it after daddy catches him coming out of his sister's bedroom for the umpteenth time, and the non-family victim's family is involved?

Why don't you make up some more stories bigot.

Give us your made-up version.

I find your lies rather entertaining.

Well, if you were the type who understood facts, you would be lying prostrate on the floor drowning in tears of laughter.

I understand facts and recognize bullshit when I see it.
Is he going to deny it after daddy catches him coming out of his sister's bedroom for the umpteenth time, and the non-family victim's family is involved?

Why don't you make up some more stories bigot.

Give us your made-up version.

I find your lies rather entertaining.

Well, if you were the type who understood facts, you would be lying prostrate on the floor drowning in tears of laughter.

I understand facts and recognize bullshit when I see it.

Have you seen yourself lately?
1. Where did you get those figures?

2. And you STILL chalk this up to "playing doctor", don't you?

It amazes me that you filthy little demagogues think you can bully your way out of things.

No one has defended Duggar - despite your incessant lies - but hey, you lie, it's what you do, it's all you do.

However, the grownups measure a response to the situation. You are a bunch of fucking witch burning freaks, out for blood - not because of what Duggar did, only because of who he is.

Hey, you're a complete scumbag, but you're kind of too stupid to be responsible for the filthy shit you post.
Then, pray tell, why are we arguing if we are all on the same side? That what he did was despicable and he should have been reported for it and at least taken away from his sisters THE FIRST TIME.
Today, in 2015, I would never leave my grandson unsupervised with a priest, or my granddaughter, unsupervised with Josh.
Or Bubba Clinton, for that matter...
Boils down to....We won't condemn Josh Duggar because Clinton.

We won't condemn Josh Duggar today as an adult for a bit of wrongdoing as a barely post-pubescent teen, years ago.

Bubba's just Bonus Points when Libs get a little too big for their britches about such things.
Today, in 2015, I would never leave my grandson unsupervised with a priest, or my granddaughter, unsupervised with Josh.
Or Bubba Clinton, for that matter...
Boils down to....We won't condemn Josh Duggar because Clinton.

We won't condemn Josh Duggar today as an adult for a bit of wrongdoing as a barely post-pubescent teen, years ago.

Bubba's just Bonus Points when Libs get a little too big for their britches about such things.

Damn! What a surprise!
Today, in 2015, I would never leave my grandson unsupervised with a priest, or my granddaughter, unsupervised with Josh.
Or Bubba Clinton, for that matter...
Boils down to....We won't condemn Josh Duggar because Clinton.

We won't condemn Josh Duggar today as an adult for a bit of wrongdoing as a barely post-pubescent teen, years ago.

Bubba's just Bonus Points when Libs get a little too big for their britches about such things.

Damn! What a surprise!
All part of the Friendly Service... no extra charge.
Today, in 2015, I would never leave my grandson unsupervised with a priest, or my granddaughter, unsupervised with Josh.
Or Bubba Clinton, for that matter...
Boils down to....We won't condemn Josh Duggar because Clinton.

We won't condemn Josh Duggar today as an adult for a bit of wrongdoing as a barely post-pubescent teen, years ago.

Bubba's just Bonus Points when Libs get a little too big for their britches about such things.
"A bit of wrongdoing".....these things just keep getting said, don't they?
Today, in 2015, I would never leave my grandson unsupervised with a priest, or my granddaughter, unsupervised with Josh.
Or Bubba Clinton, for that matter...
Boils down to....We won't condemn Josh Duggar because Clinton.

We won't condemn Josh Duggar today as an adult for a bit of wrongdoing as a barely post-pubescent teen, years ago.

Bubba's just Bonus Points when Libs get a little too big for their britches about such things.
"A bit of wrongdoing".....these things just keep getting said, don't they?
Only to counter charges of pedophilia, which keep getting said first, don't they?
Today, in 2015, I would never leave my grandson unsupervised with a priest, or my granddaughter, unsupervised with Josh.
Or Bubba Clinton, for that matter...
Boils down to....We won't condemn Josh Duggar because Clinton.

We won't condemn Josh Duggar today as an adult for a bit of wrongdoing as a barely post-pubescent teen, years ago.

Bubba's just Bonus Points when Libs get a little too big for their britches about such things.
"A bit of wrongdoing".....these things just keep getting said, don't they?
Only to counter charges of pedophilia, which keep getting said first, don't they?
What do you call it when a young, as in 5 year old, child is molested?
Or Bubba Clinton, for that matter...
Boils down to....We won't condemn Josh Duggar because Clinton.

We won't condemn Josh Duggar today as an adult for a bit of wrongdoing as a barely post-pubescent teen, years ago.

Bubba's just Bonus Points when Libs get a little too big for their britches about such things.
"A bit of wrongdoing".....these things just keep getting said, don't they?
Only to counter charges of pedophilia, which keep getting said first, don't they?
What do you call it when a young, as in 5 year old, child is molested?
Or Bubba Clinton, for that matter...
Boils down to....We won't condemn Josh Duggar because Clinton.

We won't condemn Josh Duggar today as an adult for a bit of wrongdoing as a barely post-pubescent teen, years ago.

Bubba's just Bonus Points when Libs get a little too big for their britches about such things.
"A bit of wrongdoing".....these things just keep getting said, don't they?
Only to counter charges of pedophilia, which keep getting said first, don't they?
What do you call it when a young, as in 5 year old, child is molested?
When an adult does it... a criminal offense.

When a young post-pubescent sibling does it... a damned ugly and tragic mistake.

Why... what do YOU call it?
Boils down to....We won't condemn Josh Duggar because Clinton.

We won't condemn Josh Duggar today as an adult for a bit of wrongdoing as a barely post-pubescent teen, years ago.

Bubba's just Bonus Points when Libs get a little too big for their britches about such things.
"A bit of wrongdoing".....these things just keep getting said, don't they?
Only to counter charges of pedophilia, which keep getting said first, don't they?
What do you call it when a young, as in 5 year old, child is molested?
It's called walking away from the board for an hour or two, to take care of business, eh?
Boils down to....We won't condemn Josh Duggar because Clinton.

We won't condemn Josh Duggar today as an adult for a bit of wrongdoing as a barely post-pubescent teen, years ago.

Bubba's just Bonus Points when Libs get a little too big for their britches about such things.
"A bit of wrongdoing".....these things just keep getting said, don't they?
Only to counter charges of pedophilia, which keep getting said first, don't they?
What do you call it when a young, as in 5 year old, child is molested?
When an adult does it... a criminal offense.

When a young post-pubescent sibling does it... a damned ugly and tragic mistake.
Well now..."a damned ugly and tragic mistake" is better than "a bit of wrongdoing"....but do you think it was a mistake on his part, or quite intentional?

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