There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement


We won't condemn Josh Duggar today as an adult for a bit of wrongdoing as a barely post-pubescent teen, years ago.

Bubba's just Bonus Points when Libs get a little too big for their britches about such things.
"A bit of wrongdoing".....these things just keep getting said, don't they?
Only to counter charges of pedophilia, which keep getting said first, don't they?
What do you call it when a young, as in 5 year old, child is molested?
It's called walking away from the board for an hour or two, to take care of business, eh?
Yes...all of you. :D

We won't condemn Josh Duggar today as an adult for a bit of wrongdoing as a barely post-pubescent teen, years ago.

Bubba's just Bonus Points when Libs get a little too big for their britches about such things.
"A bit of wrongdoing".....these things just keep getting said, don't they?
Only to counter charges of pedophilia, which keep getting said first, don't they?
What do you call it when a young, as in 5 year old, child is molested?
When an adult does it... a criminal offense.

When a young post-pubescent sibling does it... a damned ugly and tragic mistake.
Well now..."a damned ugly and tragic mistake" is better than "a bit of wrongdoing"....but do you think it was a mistake on his part, or quite intentional?
How the hell should I know? I can't get into his head, and I can't time-warp backwards to his age of 14.

Hell, it was probably intentional, and, in his mixed-up stew of post-pubescent hormones, it was still one helluva frigging mistake, to undertake that intentional act.
"A bit of wrongdoing".....these things just keep getting said, don't they?
Only to counter charges of pedophilia, which keep getting said first, don't they?
What do you call it when a young, as in 5 year old, child is molested?
It's called walking away from the board for an hour or two, to take care of business, eh?
Yes...all of you. :D
I don't understand, but, I don't mind.
Well, as I have said before, if I came across a 14 year old making a "sad, tragic mistake" with my 5 year old granddaughter, the cost of his mistake would be a couple of broken legs.'s on the internet " eye roll ".

Rati is a fucking liar, a completely reprehensible pile of shit.

The counseling Duggar went to was modeled thus.


What Did Josh Duggar s Counseling Look Like

Calling the counselor a pedophile is exactly the level of Pol Pot slander and libel expected from complete scum like Rati.

You idiot, you didn't even read your own link.

The most obvious problem here is the victim blaming.

4. Why did God let it happen?

Result of defrauding by:

  • Immodest dress
  • Indecent exposure
  • Being out from protection of our parents
  • Being with evil friends.
But there’s also something more insidious going on.

3. What did the offender damage?

What parts do we damage with bitterness and guilt?

Remember that point 3 comes immediately after points 1 and 2, which portray the spirit as more important than the body. In other words, Gothard contends that while the offender damages only the victim’s body, the victim damages their spirit with bitterness and guilt—and that is the greater crime.

This is not best practices for counseling victims of sexual abuse.

What advice does Gothard have for situations where parents find that their teenage son has sexually molested younger children? Let’s look at a Gothard article titled Lessons from Moral Failures in a Family:

- See more at: What Did Josh Duggar s Counseling Look Like

It's an interesting read.
Mikey, I think that you should turn off your computer, take a deep breath, and lay off the sauce for the rest of the night.
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Mikey is more concerned with inflicting bodily harm (which can be traced) than he is with inflicting mental harm via molestation.

Sorry Mikey...............but mental harm can be as bad (if not more so) than physical harm.

Breaking the legs of the one who inflicted the harm is less than the harm inflicted by the one who did the molestation.

But then again..............what do the Christians say about who should be stoned (and not in the good Colorado way)?
Well, I see that this thread took some zany turns while I was soundly snoozing.

Oh, well, at least it gives us respite from that good old chestnut of "bakers" and "gay wedding cakes".

But surely, before the end of the week, some numnut will try to find a way to pin Josh Duggar's fondling of his little sisters' pussies on the gays.
Well, I see that this thread took some zany turns while I was soundly snoozing.

Oh, well, at least it gives us respite from that good old chestnut of "bakers" and "gay wedding cakes".

But surely, before the end of the week, some numnut will try to find a way to pin Josh Duggar's fondling of his little sisters' pussies on the gays.
lol I know right? :D rw'ers and bakers.
Wow 61 pages. There is something seriously warped about you Millennials who tune into this shit.
...The reason the Duggars are all over the media is because of their hypocrisy while campaigning against gay rights, and the piss poor way the family handled the situation.
How does a decade-old post-pubescent sibling-touching-younger-sibling incident manifest hypocrisy, in separate dealings on the subject of the filthy and unclean sexual deviancy and perversion that we call homosexuality?

That sounds to me like a question that you might want to ask the Family Research Council, which fired him, and all the sponsors of the TV show, which withdrew their sponsorship, and the network itself, which has taken them off the air.

Maybe the Family Research Council has joined the vast liberal conspiracy against them.....
And dear Lord, for all those people who claim that the 27 year old sexual pervert came clean about this 5 years ago, that would have to mean that both FRC and TLC are totally stupid and wholly incompetent...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

He came clean on this to his parents when he was 15 and the cops re-interviewed him when he was 18. That makes you stupid and incompetent.
He was never interviewed by "the cops". He spoke to a pedophile cop off the record and refused to talk to the police when he was 18.
...The reason the Duggars are all over the media is because of their hypocrisy while campaigning against gay rights, and the piss poor way the family handled the situation.
How does a decade-old post-pubescent sibling-touching-younger-sibling incident manifest hypocrisy, in separate dealings on the subject of the filthy and unclean sexual deviancy and perversion that we call homosexuality?

That sounds to me like a question that you might want to ask the Family Research Council, which fired him, and all the sponsors of the TV show, which withdrew their sponsorship, and the network itself, which has taken them off the air.

Maybe the Family Research Council has joined the vast liberal conspiracy against them.....
And dear Lord, for all those people who claim that the 27 year old sexual pervert came clean about this 5 years ago, that would have to mean that both FRC and TLC are totally stupid and wholly incompetent...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

He came clean on this to his parents when he was 15 and the cops re-interviewed him when he was 18. That makes you stupid and incompetent.
He was never interviewed by "the cops". He spoke to a pedophile cop off the record and refused to talk to the police when he was 18.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Well, as I have said before, if I came across a 14 year old making a "sad, tragic mistake" with my 5 year old granddaughter, the cost of his mistake would be a couple of broken legs.
I hope they lock you up BEFORE you achieve your dream of inflicting grave bodily harm on children. Failing at that, I hope the kid you're trying to hurt has a father that kills you first. I know I would.

Sounds like a personal threat, Mikey.....
Yes it does. As a father of 3 boys I felt threatened by what you dream of doing to them and felt it necessary to inform you of my response. That's why vigilante justice is always the wrong choice. If a 14 year old boy hurts your grandchild and you want to break his legs, his daddy will defend him. With deadly force. That's why we have police and the courts.
You are a sick person.
Well, as I have said before, if I came across a 14 year old making a "sad, tragic mistake" with my 5 year old granddaughter, the cost of his mistake would be a couple of broken legs.
I hope they lock you up BEFORE you achieve your dream of inflicting grave bodily harm on children. Failing at that, I hope the kid you're trying to hurt has a father that kills you first. I know I would.

Sounds like a personal threat, Mikey.....
Yes it does. As a father of 3 boys I felt threatened by what you dream of doing to them and felt it necessary to inform you of my response. That's why vigilante justice is always the wrong choice. If a 14 year old boy hurts your grandchild and you want to break his legs, his daddy will defend him. With deadly force. That's why we have police and the courts.
You are a sick person.
What that religion will do to some people...............................
Well, as I have said before, if I came across a 14 year old making a "sad, tragic mistake" with my 5 year old granddaughter, the cost of his mistake would be a couple of broken legs.
I hope they lock you up BEFORE you achieve your dream of inflicting grave bodily harm on children. Failing at that, I hope the kid you're trying to hurt has a father that kills you first. I know I would.

Sounds like a personal threat, Mikey.....
Yes it does. As a father of 3 boys I felt threatened by what you dream of doing to them and felt it necessary to inform you of my response. That's why vigilante justice is always the wrong choice. If a 14 year old boy hurts your grandchild and you want to break his legs, his daddy will defend him. With deadly force. That's why we have police and the courts.
You are a sick person.
What that religion will do to some people...............................
Not sure if religion does it to them or they use religion to justify their sickness.

I am quite sure the "real" St. Michael would cast this poser into hell if he could.
Or Bubba Clinton, for that matter...
Boils down to....We won't condemn Josh Duggar because Clinton.

We won't condemn Josh Duggar today as an adult for a bit of wrongdoing as a barely post-pubescent teen, years ago.

Bubba's just Bonus Points when Libs get a little too big for their britches about such things.
"A bit of wrongdoing".....these things just keep getting said, don't they?
Only to counter charges of pedophilia, which keep getting said first, don't they?
What do you call it when a young, as in 5 year old, child is molested?

Josh Duggars daughter is now 5, and he's had no professional help.
I think it is interesting, the RWs who are excusng Duggar are saying it was just a mistake and just the curiousity of a young teenaer. Really? I never had any thoughts ever at any time growing up or since to molest a child. I don't think the vast majority of people do. He had those inclinations, which means there was something very wrong with him then and probably still is as he has never had any treatment for this behavior. I wouldn't be surprised if he molests again, if he hasn't already done so. It is not normal or natural for a 14 year old to molest children, siblings or not. It suggests something very wrong with his psyche.
ENOUGH with the banter and finger pointing and get back on topic WITHOUT the personal attacks.

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