There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

"Repentant" only because he was caught.

What a crock of shit.

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He wasn't caught. He confessed.
Sure he was caught. The media got a copy of the police report before it was destroyed, and then, when his options were exhausted, he admitted to being a sexual predator. Had the police record been destroyed before the press got ahold of it, I am quite sure the Duggars would be calling then all liars.

So yeah, he was caught.

And if his contrition was really genuine, then he would have admitted it 12 years ago. But he didn't, n'est ce pas??

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He confessed long before the media got a hold of anything.

2003 to be exact.

A female victim told Jim Bob that the perv experimented with her breasts and genital area on many occasions. Get your story straight, please.

Which female victim?

Really, you want a name after all the venting you've done about victim's rights?
He wasn't caught. He confessed.
Sure he was caught. The media got a copy of the police report before it was destroyed, and then, when his options were exhausted, he admitted to being a sexual predator. Had the police record been destroyed before the press got ahold of it, I am quite sure the Duggars would be calling then all liars.

So yeah, he was caught.

And if his contrition was really genuine, then he would have admitted it 12 years ago. But he didn't, n'est ce pas??

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

He confessed long before the media got a hold of anything.

2003 to be exact.

A female victim told Jim Bob that the perv experimented with her breasts and genital area on many occasions. Get your story straight, please.

Which female victim?

Really, you want a name after all the venting you've done about victim's rights?

In other words you made that up.
Sure he was caught. The media got a copy of the police report before it was destroyed, and then, when his options were exhausted, he admitted to being a sexual predator. Had the police record been destroyed before the press got ahold of it, I am quite sure the Duggars would be calling then all liars.

So yeah, he was caught.

And if his contrition was really genuine, then he would have admitted it 12 years ago. But he didn't, n'est ce pas??

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

He confessed long before the media got a hold of anything.

2003 to be exact.

A female victim told Jim Bob that the perv experimented with her breasts and genital area on many occasions. Get your story straight, please.

Which female victim?

Really, you want a name after all the venting you've done about victim's rights?

In other words you made that up.

Why do you want to know the victim's name?
He confessed long before the media got a hold of anything.

2003 to be exact.

A female victim told Jim Bob that the perv experimented with her breasts and genital area on many occasions. Get your story straight, please.

Which female victim?

Really, you want a name after all the venting you've done about victim's rights?

In other words you made that up.

Why do you want to know the victim's name?

Why are you lying?
A female victim told Jim Bob that the perv experimented with her breasts and genital area on many occasions. Get your story straight, please.

Which female victim?

Really, you want a name after all the venting you've done about victim's rights?

In other words you made that up.

Why do you want to know the victim's name?

Why are you lying?

Are you really this desperate to know her name? Why were you venting about the victims previously not having anonymity? Why do you keep vacillating?
No it's not ok but it also is a long way from rape.

That's how I interpreted that statement anyway.
Rape, sexual-assault, or sexual-harassment is A Okay..........if you're a Democrat trying to get back into the WhiteHouse.

I'm sure that Josh was given "Time out" for his misbehavior. However, Jesus gave him a pass, and told him to demonize gays that he does not even know, so I guess that everything is OK.
Well you can't trust the fags, they might molest a child and Joshy Boy knows about child molesters, since he is one...
I'm sure that Josh was given "Time out" for his misbehavior. However, Jesus gave him a pass, and told him to demonize gays that he does not even know, so I guess that everything is OK.
Well you can't trust the fags, they might molest a child and Joshy Boy knows about child molesters, since he is one...

You are not being fair with Josh! He never molested a male child!
I'm sure that Josh was given "Time out" for his misbehavior. However, Jesus gave him a pass, and told him to demonize gays that he does not even know, so I guess that everything is OK.
Well you can't trust the fags, they might molest a child and Joshy Boy knows about child molesters, since he is one...

You are not being fair with Josh! He never molested a male child!
Right, my bad. I forgot, he's the good kind of child molester, a Christian boy who sneaks into his sisters' room and molests them while they sleep. Had he understood knockout drugs he could have gone all the way, which I'm sure he wanted to but that might have waked them up otherwise...
"And he made some bad choices, but, really, the extent of it was mild – inappropriate touching on fully clothed victims, most of it while [the] girls were sleeping.”

wtf? It's okay to inappropriately touch children if they are sleeping?

LOLOLOLO.....that's the problem with conservative bad behavior....they always seem to find excuses for their actions and all the rest can kiss their ass. Amazing how this family can except what their son has done and give it a stamp of approval without blinking an eye. The really odd part in all this is that what he did, I hate that it was with his sisters, but all pre teens are curious about sex and what they should have done is sat their son down and explain to him the birds and the most parents would have done. But going to the cops and the church??? Something clearly more happened here and they need to come clean about it. Or have their frikin heads examined for being stupid??????
The parents didn't think it was okay either. They sent Josh out of the home to get therapy.

Look at Ravi distorting the truth once again. Shocking.
How many times did it take before they sent him to that police pedophile?

I raised 5 kids and I taught all my girls about good touch and bad touch before they could even talk. I did this for the protection of my girls with a house full of men. I taught my boys about the birds and the bees and what was an appropriate time to experience sex and what was happening to their bodies as they approached the teen years...this is a conversation parents must have with their children if they want to avoid the Dugger bs. Going to the cops and to the church...clearly this kid did more than what the parents are willing to discuss or admit to. It just doesn't make sense to me. I'm not hating on a kid who's ignorant parents were more about having 20000 kids vs raising thier kids to be responsible aware adults. The Duggers are an embarrassment as parents and role models for fools who think quantity of kids is better than quality of kids. And shame on the network that found this quantity of value to the public.
The parents didn't think it was okay either. They sent Josh out of the home to get therapy.

Look at Ravi distorting the truth once again. Shocking.
How many times did it take before they sent him to that police pedophile?

I raised 5 kids and I taught all my girls about good touch and bad touch before they could even talk. I did this for the protection of my girls with a house full of men. I taught my boys about the birds and the bees and what was an appropriate time to experience sex and what was happening to their bodies as they approached the teen years...this is a conversation parents must have with their children if they want to avoid the Dugger bs. Going to the cops and to the church...clearly this kid did more than what the parents are willing to discuss or admit to. It just doesn't make sense to me. I'm not hating on a kid who's ignorant parents were more about having 20000 kids vs raising thier kids to be responsible aware adults. The Duggers are an embarrassment as parents and role models for fools who think quantity of kids is better than quality of kids. And shame on the network that found this quantity of value to the public.

Mods, please bring back a "thumbs down" icon.
Find it more objectionable we're saying with that statement that loving siblings can't touch each other affectionately without it being "abusive."

I like when someone touches my 'naughty places.' Can't remember a time when I didn't. So long as such touching is mutually consensual I don't see a problem. Only reason I see the specifics of the Duggar story being any sort of a problem is they were asleep thus unable to consent.

Only in the US is what happened a big deal. And I think the only reason it is is the family was all 'family values' where sex before marriage wasn't part of that narrative. In other words they're being crucified for being hypocrities, not the acts itself.

I've seen bedding commercials recently showing women and their children cuddling. I assume nudist families do that as well but nude. So unless we're saying all nudists are abusing their children, I think we're making 'touching' into something it isn't.

When you deny lab animals touch they mutilate themselves. Touch is crucial to an animals' well-being. Turn all the 'best kinds' of touching into something criminal or sinful and you get people making nutshot videos of themselves. Why have working genitals if you're not supposed to use them?

Bingo on your comment....but people are hating on these people because they themselves have dirt in thier closet, yet they want to call out everyone else.....there's the hypocrisy.
The parents didn't think it was okay either. They sent Josh out of the home to get therapy.

Look at Ravi distorting the truth once again. Shocking.
How many times did it take before they sent him to that police pedophile?

I raised 5 kids and I taught all my girls about good touch and bad touch before they could even talk. I did this for the protection of my girls with a house full of men. I taught my boys about the birds and the bees and what was an appropriate time to experience sex and what was happening to their bodies as they approached the teen years...this is a conversation parents must have with their children if they want to avoid the Dugger bs. Going to the cops and to the church...clearly this kid did more than what the parents are willing to discuss or admit to. It just doesn't make sense to me. I'm not hating on a kid who's ignorant parents were more about having 20000 kids vs raising thier kids to be responsible aware adults. The Duggers are an embarrassment as parents and role models for fools who think quantity of kids is better than quality of kids. And shame on the network that found this quantity of value to the public.

Mods, please bring back a "thumbs down" icon.

How many times did it take before they sent him to that police pedophile?

How is it the Duggars fault that the police employed an officer that liked child porn?

He fooled the Police Chief who employed him... But the public is supposed to automatically "know". Sure. Took the police many years after the fact to find this out so that the lefties can now link that up as proof of something.

Lol...i thought all police were good and respectable. Teapers are such hypocrites. Nonetheless, this is a legitimate story to duscusd...too bad teapers want to defend a fucking pervert

What a fucking idiot you are.
You prove my poont....Teaper

Here's the thing.
It would be one thing to say that you have some agreements and some disagreements with Tea Party people. You could even say you don't like their tactics.
If you're moderate or conservative though, you would have at least some agreements.

That's not what you do though. You constantly call them names, and continually belittle them. Most of your posts at some point make some negative reference to the Tea Party or a member. If someone here is a blatant racist, instead of just referring to them as that, you call them
a "Teaper" or other moniker that associates them with the Tea Party.

I think you're nothing more than a plant here for the sole purpose to weaken the Tea Party by creating an atmosphere to make others be embarrassed to be associated with the movement. Divide and conquer in other words.
I have repeqtedly said i agree with much of the tea party mantra but disagree eiththeirvhate. In return, i get called a n1gger by your ilk and have to listen to your accusatipns. Fuck uyouvand your tepaer racist pissies. I am a true conservative....tea Party is a hate group that u support
How is it the Duggars fault that the police employed an officer that liked child porn?

He fooled the Police Chief who employed him... But the public is supposed to automatically "know". Sure. Took the police many years after the fact to find this out so that the lefties can now link that up as proof of something.

Lol...i thought all police were good and respectable. Teapers are such hypocrites. Nonetheless, this is a legitimate story to duscusd...too bad teapers want to defend a fucking pervert

What a fucking idiot you are.
You prove my poont....Teaper

Here's the thing.
It would be one thing to say that you have some agreements and some disagreements with Tea Party people. You could even say you don't like their tactics.
If you're moderate or conservative though, you would have at least some agreements.

That's not what you do though. You constantly call them names, and continually belittle them. Most of your posts at some point make some negative reference to the Tea Party or a member. If someone here is a blatant racist, instead of just referring to them as that, you call them
a "Teaper" or other moniker that associates them with the Tea Party.

I think you're nothing more than a plant here for the sole purpose to weaken the Tea Party by creating an atmosphere to make others be embarrassed to be associated with the movement. Divide and conquer in other words.
I have repeqtedly said i agree with much of the tea party mantra but disagree eiththeirvhate. In return, i get called a n1gger by your ilk and have to listen to your accusatipns. Fuck uyouvand your tepaer racist pissies. I am a true conservative....tea Party is a hate group that u support

"And he made some bad choices, but, really, the extent of it was mild – inappropriate touching on fully clothed victims, most of it while [the] girls were sleeping.”

wtf? It's okay to inappropriately touch children if they are sleeping?

wtf? Where does it say it is OK in that statement?
The parents didn't think it was okay either. They sent Josh out of the home to get therapy.

Look at Ravi distorting the truth once again. Shocking.

But that is a lie.

He never got therapy, and when pressed, the mother admitted it was a lie.

He was sent to a friend of the family, who is also a cop, who made sure to bury the police record. This was ONE FULL YEAR afterCONE FULL YEAR. He helped that cop put some roofs on houses for a couple of months. Shortly afterward, that cop was arrested for Kiddie Porn and is now serving a FIFTY SIX year sentence for his crime. So, that's the kind of "therapy" that Josh Duggar got. So, imagine this: a young teenager, caught playing with four of his sisters' pussies, ends up shacking up with a dude who is watching and distributing kiddie porn. What a fucking winning combination.

It's sick.

Are there no Righties here who cannot see how sick this is? Stop fucking making excuses and accept that the Duggars are really, really, really bad apples. They pulled the wool over an adoring public that allowed them to live a multi-millionaire lifestyle, based on clean christian virture.


Yep. You distorting the truth because you hate Christians is sick. Please stop.
That is not a distortion. It is fact and has been reported many, many times over the last two weeks. Go enlighten yourself over this before sticking your foot in your mouth again.

I would like to see a credible link where it is stated that "caught playing with four of his sisters' pussies" is stated and where they got that information.
Which female victim?

Really, you want a name after all the venting you've done about victim's rights?

In other words you made that up.

Why do you want to know the victim's name?

Why are you lying?

Are you really this desperate to know her name? Why were you venting about the victims previously not having anonymity? Why do you keep vacillating?

Spin spin spin

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