There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

That is irrelevant.

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Yes, you do think reality is irrelevant.

Reality: a 14 year old boy was naughty and punished by his parents.
"sex games" "naughty"....This is truely an interesting study on RW excuse-making and minimizing.

Again you make the case that what Duggar did is a traditional Christian value. It is not but you and the rest of the nits defend him because he pretends to be a Christian.

Josh Duggar is a Christian.
It is because he was raised a Christian that he knew it was wrong what he did and confessed to his parents.
It was handled correctly and his parents took care of it.
None of us are defending what Josh did.
We are defending this family because of what a hateful leftwing tabloid did.
It was handled correctly???


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Did he stop doing it?
Oh, no one knows that for sure.

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But you know for sure that he sexually assaulted his sisters when they claim that he touched them through their clothing...and that the way the press is treating them is worse than anything their brother did.

Why are you perpetrating a War On Women?
He also touched them under their clothing. It was already in the police report. Are you saying that touching over clothing is somehow okay? Have Rightie morals really slipped that far?

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The parents didn't think it was okay either. They sent Josh out of the home to get therapy.

Look at Ravi distorting the truth once again. Shocking.
How many times did it take before they sent him to that police pedophile?

How is it the Duggars fault that the police employed an officer that liked child porn?

He fooled the Police Chief who employed him... But the public is supposed to automatically "know". Sure. Took the police many years after the fact to find this out so that the lefties can now link that up as proof of something.

Lol...i thought all police were good and respectable. Teapers are such hypocrites. Nonetheless, this is a legitimate story to duscusd...too bad teapers want to defend a fucking pervert

What a fucking idiot you are.
You prove my poont....Teaper

Here's the thing.
It would be one thing to say that you have some agreements and some disagreements with Tea Party people. You could even say you don't like their tactics.
If you're moderate or conservative though, you would have at least some agreements.

That's not what you do though. You constantly call them names, and continually belittle them. Most of your posts at some point make some negative reference to the Tea Party or a member. If someone here is a blatant racist, instead of just referring to them as that, you call them
a "Teaper" or other moniker that associates them with the Tea Party.

I think you're nothing more than a plant here for the sole purpose to weaken the Tea Party by creating an atmosphere to make others be embarrassed to be associated with the movement. Divide and conquer in other words.
Well I see another thread has been started. The left obviously using their scorched earth tactics to keep this story alive in order to destroy this family.

Once again it's fear and ignorance of Christians and Christianity that motivates them. Haters gotta hate I guess.
Fear and ignorance of Christians? If Christians think this behavior is okay we should all fear them around our children.

But that's not why you started another thread on this.

Like the other libs on this board, your real reason for starting this thread is to take the opportunity to trash a Christian family, and to keep this story going as long as possible by posting Duggar threads all over the internet.
In your mind the more people see a dark secret of a traditional American Christian family, the more likely traditional families and traditional values will decrease more and more.

Be honest with yourself, if this were a non-traditional family, like say the Kardashian's, you would have made a comment or two and you and the rest of the left would move on.
Again you make the case that what Duggar did is a traditional Christian value. It is not but you and the rest of the nits defend him because he pretends to be a Christian.

Really ? Where ?
What Josh Duggar did in no way is a traditional value of Christianity. Who is making that claim ?

I'm saying this family as a whole is a traditional American family who have traditional Christian values.
They certainly are much larger than the vast majority of American families, but their structure is traditional American.

Josh Duggar obviously has problems and should me monitored the rest of his life.

Again though, you guys don't care anything about that. You know why you and others here are posting all these threads.
Yes, you do think reality is irrelevant.

Reality: a 14 year old boy was naughty and punished by his parents.
"sex games" "naughty"....This is truely an interesting study on RW excuse-making and minimizing.

Josh Duggar is a Christian.
It is because he was raised a Christian that he knew it was wrong what he did and confessed to his parents.
It was handled correctly and his parents took care of it.
None of us are defending what Josh did.
We are defending this family because of what a hateful leftwing tabloid did.
It was handled correctly???


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Did he stop doing it?
Oh, no one knows that for sure.

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Yes we do because Josh had to earn all of the family members trust back.
He has grown up, is no longer a 14 to 15 yr old curious teen who's parents does not allow holding of hands while dating and has chaperones on dates and now knows what female anatomy looks like as well as feels like.
His family has already proven that lying comes easy to them, ergo, it won't surprise me if more such cases pop up.

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So have you. That defense doesn't cut it here.
The only thing seriously warped is the Leftoids refusal to respect the viewpoints of the victims, who feel that the media exploitation is far worse than their repentant brother's touching them years ago.
"Repentant" only because he was caught.

What a crock of shit.

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He wasn't caught. He confessed.

Actually, parents said one of the little girls told. Then, after one of the subsequent molestations, he told them.
Yes, you do think reality is irrelevant.

Reality: a 14 year old boy was naughty and punished by his parents.
"sex games" "naughty"....This is truely an interesting study on RW excuse-making and minimizing.

Josh Duggar is a Christian.
It is because he was raised a Christian that he knew it was wrong what he did and confessed to his parents.
It was handled correctly and his parents took care of it.
None of us are defending what Josh did.
We are defending this family because of what a hateful leftwing tabloid did.
It was handled correctly???


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Did he stop doing it?
Oh, no one knows that for sure.

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Yes we do because Josh had to earn all of the family members trust back.
He has grown up, is no longer a 14 to 15 yr old curious teen who's parents does not allow holding of hands while dating and has chaperones on dates and now knows what female anatomy looks like as well as feels like.
His family has already proven that lying comes easy to them, ergo, it won't surprise me if more such cases pop up.

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Leaving out certain details is not lies.
More like they are protecting their children, especially the girls.
The only thing seriously warped is the Leftoids refusal to respect the viewpoints of the victims, who feel that the media exploitation is far worse than their repentant brother's touching them years ago.
"Repentant" only because he was caught.

What a crock of shit.

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He wasn't caught. He confessed.

Actually, parents said one of the little girls told. Then, after one of the subsequent molestations, he told them.

Parents said the victims in question didn't even know and were told after the fact. Josh came to them and confessed out of guilt. He then called the babysitter in question... Who also didn't know... And apologized to her.

But keep lying.
I can assure everyone that if I caught a teenager "playing doctor" with my grandchild, he would quickly get quite an education on doctors, since he would need one right away.
I wonder if anyone would let their kids near him.
An excellent question...or let his children hold sleepovers

Would you let your children have a sleep over at the Kardashian's ?

Or the houses of Roman Polanski or Woody Allen? :)
Roman Polanski for sure...and he's under indictment I believe. Tell us what law Woody Allen broke.
I wonder if anyone would let their kids near him.
An excellent question...or let his children hold sleepovers

Would you let your children have a sleep over at the Kardashian's ?

Or the houses of Roman Polanski or Woody Allen? :)
Roman Polanski for sure...and he's under indictment I believe. Tell us what law Woody Allen broke.

His daughter Dylan said he molested her when she was a child.
Last edited:
"sex games" "naughty"....This is truely an interesting study on RW excuse-making and minimizing.

It was handled correctly???


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Did he stop doing it?
Oh, no one knows that for sure.

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Yes we do because Josh had to earn all of the family members trust back.
He has grown up, is no longer a 14 to 15 yr old curious teen who's parents does not allow holding of hands while dating and has chaperones on dates and now knows what female anatomy looks like as well as feels like.
His family has already proven that lying comes easy to them, ergo, it won't surprise me if more such cases pop up.

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Leaving out certain details is not lies.
More like they are protecting their children, especially the girls.

Lying by omission is lying.


Jeeeez. Quit making excuses for them. They have no trouble with cranking out kids but they don't seem to do much parenting.
The only thing seriously warped is the Leftoids refusal to respect the viewpoints of the victims, who feel that the media exploitation is far worse than their repentant brother's touching them years ago.
"Repentant" only because he was caught.

What a crock of shit.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

He wasn't caught. He confessed.
Sure he was caught. The media got a copy of the police report before it was destroyed, and then, when his options were exhausted, he admitted to being a sexual predator. Had the police record been destroyed before the press got ahold of it, I am quite sure the Duggars would be calling then all liars.

So yeah, he was caught.

And if his contrition was really genuine, then he would have admitted it 12 years ago. But he didn't, n'est ce pas??

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He confessed long before the media got a hold of anything.

2003 to be exact.

A female victim told Jim Bob that the perv experimented with her breasts and genital area on many occasions. Get your story straight, please.
The only thing seriously warped is the Leftoids refusal to respect the viewpoints of the victims, who feel that the media exploitation is far worse than their repentant brother's touching them years ago.
"Repentant" only because he was caught.

What a crock of shit.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

He wasn't caught. He confessed.
Sure he was caught. The media got a copy of the police report before it was destroyed, and then, when his options were exhausted, he admitted to being a sexual predator. Had the police record been destroyed before the press got ahold of it, I am quite sure the Duggars would be calling then all liars.

So yeah, he was caught.

And if his contrition was really genuine, then he would have admitted it 12 years ago. But he didn't, n'est ce pas??

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

He confessed long before the media got a hold of anything.

2003 to be exact.

A female victim told Jim Bob that the perv experimented with her breasts and genital area on many occasions. Get your story straight, please.

Which female victim?
Well I see another thread has been started. The left obviously using their scorched earth tactics to keep this story alive in order to destroy this family.

Once again it's fear and ignorance of Christians and Christianity that motivates them. Haters gotta hate I guess.
Fear and ignorance of Christians? If Christians think this behavior is okay we should all fear them around our children.

But that's not why you started another thread on this.

Like the other libs on this board, your real reason for starting this thread is to take the opportunity to trash a Christian family, and to keep this story going as long as possible by posting Duggar threads all over the internet.
In your mind the more people see a dark secret of a traditional American Christian family, the more likely traditional families and traditional values will decrease more and more.

Be honest with yourself, if this were a non-traditional family, like say the Kardashian's, you would have made a comment or two and you and the rest of the left would move on.
Again you make the case that what Duggar did is a traditional Christian value. It is not but you and the rest of the nits defend him because he pretends to be a Christian.

Josh Duggar is a Christian.
It is because he was raised a Christian that he knew it was wrong what he did and confessed to his parents.
It was handled correctly and his parents took care of it.
None of us are defending what Josh did.
We are defending this family because of what a hateful leftwing tabloid did.

Stop trying to hide Josh behind your lying façade.
A female victim told Jim Bob that the perv had molested her on several different occasions.
I'm sure that Josh was given "Time out" for his misbehavior. However, Jesus gave him a pass, and told him to demonize gays that he does not even know, so I guess that everything is OK.

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