There really is no IRS scandal

Listen up lame brain- you're the one spamming a meltdown all over this forum throwing out nothing but a STRAW-MAN and when you've been handed your ass you come back with some other BS completely unrelated to the issue at hand. YOU ASKED HOW A 501C3 can influence politics trying to act as though Conservative 501C3s were the only ones who did it.. so go play your stupid liberal tricks with someone dumb enough to digest the horse shit falling out of your ass.

So you have no problem with Republicans singling out the NAACP for a TWO YEAR investigation of its tax status,

but the IRS doing routine screening for 501c3's, while a Democrat is president, that's the crime of the century?

lol good one.

you seem to be grossly misinformed.

Routine screening was not the complaint. Routine screening is to be expected.

Delays of up to 3 years for an answer was the complaint. The IRS has a 3 month standard for answers of yes or no. They gave answers to all progressive groups within 3 months. Conservative groups, however, would follow the rules and answer all questions...and when months would go by without a response, they would inquire and receive MORE questions. And then MORE questions....and so on.

If you want to debate the topic, know what the complaint is all about first.

Or do as you do. Act naïve and say shit that has no credibility.

you are right ... know what the complaint is all about first. 501 c (3) were first allowed in 2010 by the supreme court ruling for the republicans ... the set time for approving one is base on available personnel they say between 2 to 12 months thats based on how many are applying .. due to the ampunt of applying in 2011 and 2012 the tried to fast track them through by flagging them to be approved ... the problem they had was the majority of them were coming from Tea bagger groups ... making it look like they might me pointing them out ... that was far from the truth ... you republicans need a rally cry and you now think you got one cause fast and furious didn't work bengazi didn't work now its the IRS ...good luck with that one too...
So you have no problem with Republicans singling out the NAACP for a TWO YEAR investigation of its tax status,

but the IRS doing routine screening for 501c3's, while a Democrat is president, that's the crime of the century?

lol good one.

you seem to be grossly misinformed.

Routine screening was not the complaint. Routine screening is to be expected.

Delays of up to 3 years for an answer was the complaint. The IRS has a 3 month standard for answers of yes or no. They gave answers to all progressive groups within 3 months. Conservative groups, however, would follow the rules and answer all questions...and when months would go by without a response, they would inquire and receive MORE questions. And then MORE questions....and so on.

If you want to debate the topic, know what the complaint is all about first.

Or do as you do. Act naïve and say shit that has no credibility.

you are right ... know what the complaint is all about first. 501 c (3) were first allowed in 2010 by the supreme court ruling for the republicans ... the set time for approving one is base on available personnel they say between 2 to 12 months thats based on how many are applying .. due to the ampunt of applying in 2011 and 2012 the tried to fast track them through by flagging them to be approved ... the problem they had was the majority of them were coming from Tea bagger groups ... making it look like they might me pointing them out ... that was far from the truth ... you republicans need a rally cry and you now think you got one cause fast and furious didn't work bengazi didn't work now its the IRS ...good luck with that one too...

conservative groups were targeted; even a Senator was targeted by the IRS

you can delude yourself all day; you only look like a fool
Can you give me a list of all Bush's wrongdoings? I'd like to research them, just out of curiosity. Might even agree with you!

Rumsfeld as SoD.

Well, that's it?....Want to give me specifics about Rummy?

In my eyes, Rumsfeld was the wrong pick for that position in light of the military activity we were facing.

And yes. That's it for me. Otherwise, I think he did a dam good job.
So you have no problem with Republicans singling out the NAACP for a TWO YEAR investigation of its tax status,

but the IRS doing routine screening for 501c3's, while a Democrat is president, that's the crime of the century?

lol good one.

you seem to be grossly misinformed.

Routine screening was not the complaint. Routine screening is to be expected.

Delays of up to 3 years for an answer was the complaint. The IRS has a 3 month standard for answers of yes or no. They gave answers to all progressive groups within 3 months. Conservative groups, however, would follow the rules and answer all questions...and when months would go by without a response, they would inquire and receive MORE questions. And then MORE questions....and so on.

If you want to debate the topic, know what the complaint is all about first.

Or do as you do. Act naïve and say shit that has no credibility.

you are right ... know what the complaint is all about first. 501 c (3) were first allowed in 2010 by the supreme court ruling for the republicans ... the set time for approving one is base on available personnel they say between 2 to 12 months thats based on how many are applying .. due to the ampunt of applying in 2011 and 2012 the tried to fast track them through by flagging them to be approved ... the problem they had was the majority of them were coming from Tea bagger groups ... making it look like they might me pointing them out ... that was far from the truth ... you republicans need a rally cry and you now think you got one cause fast and furious didn't work bengazi didn't work now its the IRS ...good luck with that one too...

In other words...

You responded to my post without reading it.

Whatever.....enjoy being blind to reality. Works well for you.
Rumsfeld as SoD.

Well, that's it?....Want to give me specifics about Rummy?

In my eyes, Rumsfeld was the wrong pick for that position in light of the military activity we were facing.

And yes. That's it for me. Otherwise, I think he did a dam good job.

Rummy had a job no one before him had to handle, somethings he did, on looking back, could have been better, but when he left office Iraq was in a much better condition than it is today.....BUT, you were complaining about Bush.... how about something specific about him.... oh, you other haters please jump in, like to hear from you also.
Well, that's it?....Want to give me specifics about Rummy?

In my eyes, Rumsfeld was the wrong pick for that position in light of the military activity we were facing.

And yes. That's it for me. Otherwise, I think he did a dam good job.

Rummy had a job no one before him had to handle, somethings he did, on looking back, could have been better, but when he left office Iraq was in a much better condition than it is today.....BUT, you were complaining about Bush.... how about something specific about him.... oh, you other haters please jump in, like to hear from you also.

I wasn't complaining about Bush.

I simply said that Bush lovers refused to see any of his errors as well.

You asked me for an error...and I offered one (in my opinion).

But I was by no means a Bush hater. I believe anyone else during the 2000-2005 span would have been a disaster for us. He was who we needed.
you seem to be grossly misinformed.

Routine screening was not the complaint. Routine screening is to be expected.

Delays of up to 3 years for an answer was the complaint. The IRS has a 3 month standard for answers of yes or no. They gave answers to all progressive groups within 3 months. Conservative groups, however, would follow the rules and answer all questions...and when months would go by without a response, they would inquire and receive MORE questions. And then MORE questions....and so on.

If you want to debate the topic, know what the complaint is all about first.

Or do as you do. Act naïve and say shit that has no credibility.

you are right ... know what the complaint is all about first. 501 c (3) were first allowed in 2010 by the supreme court ruling for the republicans ... the set time for approving one is base on available personnel they say between 2 to 12 months thats based on how many are applying .. due to the ampunt of applying in 2011 and 2012 the tried to fast track them through by flagging them to be approved ... the problem they had was the majority of them were coming from Tea bagger groups ... making it look like they might me pointing them out ... that was far from the truth ... you republicans need a rally cry and you now think you got one cause fast and furious didn't work bengazi didn't work now its the IRS ...good luck with that one too...

conservative groups were targeted; even a Senator was targeted by the IRS

you can delude yourself all day; you only look like a fool

What % of the applications that were submitted were from conservative groups verse the % of applications that we selected for verification purposes? What was the policy for selecting applications for verification? Was there one?

Backing up user files should never be left up to the user.

What Senator was targeted?
So you have no problem with Republicans singling out the NAACP for a TWO YEAR investigation of its tax status,

but the IRS doing routine screening for 501c3's, while a Democrat is president, that's the crime of the century?

lol good one.

you seem to be grossly misinformed.

Routine screening was not the complaint. Routine screening is to be expected.

Delays of up to 3 years for an answer was the complaint. The IRS has a 3 month standard for answers of yes or no. They gave answers to all progressive groups within 3 months. Conservative groups, however, would follow the rules and answer all questions...and when months would go by without a response, they would inquire and receive MORE questions. And then MORE questions....and so on.

If you want to debate the topic, know what the complaint is all about first.

Or do as you do. Act naïve and say shit that has no credibility.

you are right ... know what the complaint is all about first. 501 c (3) were first allowed in 2010 by the supreme court ruling for the republicans ... the set time for approving one is base on available personnel they say between 2 to 12 months thats based on how many are applying .. due to the ampunt of applying in 2011 and 2012 the tried to fast track them through by flagging them to be approved ... the problem they had was the majority of them were coming from Tea bagger groups ... making it look like they might me pointing them out ... that was far from the truth ... you republicans need a rally cry and you now think you got one cause fast and furious didn't work bengazi didn't work now its the IRS ...good luck with that one too...

Oh for crying freaking out loud. They have admitted wrong doing. You know more than the IRS themselves obviously.

You should just get hold of them and tell them they aren't at fault at all and tell them to rescind their apology. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket.


IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election

By Zachary A. Goldfarb and Karen Tumulty May 10, 2013

The Internal Revenue Service on Friday apologized for targeting groups with “tea party” or “patriot” in their names, confirming long-standing accusations by some conservatives that their applications for tax-exempt status were being improperly delayed and scrutinized.

Lois G. Lerner, the IRS official who oversees tax-exempt groups, said the “absolutely inappropriate” actions by “front-line people” were not driven by partisan motives.

Rather, Lerner said, they were a misguided effort to come up with an efficient means of dealing with a flood of applications from organizations seeking *tax-exempt status between 2010 and 2012.

During that period, about 75 groups were selected for extra inquiry — including burdensome questionnaires and, in some cases, improper requests for the names of their donors — simply because of the words in their names, she said in a conference call with reporters.

IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election - The Washington Post[/QUOTE]
you are right ... know what the complaint is all about first. 501 c (3) were first allowed in 2010 by the supreme court ruling for the republicans ... the set time for approving one is base on available personnel they say between 2 to 12 months thats based on how many are applying .. due to the ampunt of applying in 2011 and 2012 the tried to fast track them through by flagging them to be approved ... the problem they had was the majority of them were coming from Tea bagger groups ... making it look like they might me pointing them out ... that was far from the truth ... you republicans need a rally cry and you now think you got one cause fast and furious didn't work bengazi didn't work now its the IRS ...good luck with that one too...

conservative groups were targeted; even a Senator was targeted by the IRS

you can delude yourself all day; you only look like a fool

What % of the applications that were submitted were from conservative groups verse the % of applications that we selected for verification purposes? What was the policy for selecting applications for verification? Was there one?

Backing up user files should never be left up to the user.

What Senator was targeted?

Can you stop with this bullshit? It's called the Federal Records Act. And yes Lerner was expected to make hard copies of her emails and documents.

This is the law.
conservative groups were targeted; even a Senator was targeted by the IRS

you can delude yourself all day; you only look like a fool

What % of the applications that were submitted were from conservative groups verse the % of applications that we selected for verification purposes? What was the policy for selecting applications for verification? Was there one?

Backing up user files should never be left up to the user.

What Senator was targeted?

Can you stop with this bullshit? It's called the Federal Records Act. And yes Lerner was expected to make hard copies of her emails and documents.

This is the law.
Did we have email as correspondence in 1955 when the act was written TD?

What is important to know, is DID the IRS follow this old policy? Did everyone in the irs make paper copies of their emails every single day and save the paper printed emails in some storage facility the size of Alaska? (can't imagine what us tax payers are paying for copy paper each year and for the storage facilities!)

If the IRS staff and management DID NOT make paper copies of their emails, does that exonerate Lois Learner and make it less suspicious that she did not make copies of her own emails, because she did what everyone else did in the IRS, which is not make paper copies of their email?

This goes deeper than pie pastry....
And there's lots more to find out regarding every person in the IRS required to copy and print all of their own emails every day thingy from a 1955 law.... Do they do this? Does the IRS require this today? Make employees physically print their emails instead of saving them in an archive server? WOW, just WOW if this is true!!!!!
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its been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt lost emails happened in the past under another admin with no action taken.

so what action is acceptable for this administration ?
its been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt lost emails happened in the past under another admin with no action taken.

so what action is acceptable for this administration ?

"But Scott Stanzel, a former deputy press secretary in the Bush White House, said the group "has consistently tried to create a spooky conspiracy out of standard IT issues.""We always indicated that there is an e-mail archiving system and a disaster recovery system," Stanzel said. "We also indicated that e-mails not properly archived could be found on disaster recovery tapes. There is a big, big difference between something not being properly archived and it being 'lost' or 'missing,' as CREW would say.""

Actually there was as well as lawsuits, and all emails were recovered. Nothing nefarious was found.
Turns out they had been mislabeled.
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conservative groups were targeted; even a Senator was targeted by the IRS

you can delude yourself all day; you only look like a fool

What % of the applications that were submitted were from conservative groups verse the % of applications that we selected for verification purposes? What was the policy for selecting applications for verification? Was there one?

Backing up user files should never be left up to the user.

What Senator was targeted?

Can you stop with this bullshit? It's called the Federal Records Act. And yes Lerner was expected to make hard copies of her emails and documents.

This is the law.

Think of the trees they saved!

Let impeach the President! Who does he think he is?
its been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt lost emails happened in the past under another admin with no action taken.

so what action is acceptable for this administration ?

"But Scott Stanzel, a former deputy press secretary in the Bush White House, said the group "has consistently tried to create a spooky conspiracy out of standard IT issues.""We always indicated that there is an e-mail archiving system and a disaster recovery system," Stanzel said. "We also indicated that e-mails not properly archived could be found on disaster recovery tapes. There is a big, big difference between something not being properly archived and it being 'lost' or 'missing,' as CREW would say.""

Actually there was as well as lawsuits, and all emails were recovered. Nothing nefarious was found.
Turns out they had been mislabeled.
50 million administration emails under Bush were RECOVERED? How? The Bush Administration, including Cheney and President Bush, purposely deceived the American people and purposely broke the Law by communicating within the gvt, that we pay for, by using the email system of the RNC while doing the government's work, so that we the people would not have the required government records of what they were doing while working for us, and the RNC said their email system crashed and could not supply these 50 million white house email records, if memory serves me.

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