Zone1 There's No Such Thing As Being Pro-Black AND Being Pro-Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Because Trump isn't Pro-Black, he's Pro-white, from his own words and actions.

But don't take my words for it, this top-notch lawyer and Pastor breaks it down perfectly...

Trump is pro America. It’s you racists who are anti-white.

Black people LOVED Trump until their white Democrat masters told them to hate him. Like good servants you obeyed. Now, their white Democrats masters have told them that they aren’t even black unless they vote for Democrats. White liberals have claimed ownership of your very identity. They OWN you.

Because Trump isn't Pro-Black, he's Pro-white, from his own words and actions.

But don't take my words for it, this top-notch lawyer and Pastor breaks it down perfectly...

Here's the problem with young black men. They LIKE IT that Trump is a criminal. A gangsta. Could we be in trouble because of young black men?
Because Trump isn't Pro-Black, he's Pro-white, from his own words and actions.

But don't take my words for it, this top-notch lawyer and Pastor breaks it down perfectly...

John Leguisamo went on the Daily Show and told Hispanics who like Trump's their idiots and why. They believe Trump will fix inflation. Then they showed a clip of Trump on Fox News. The reporter asked him how he would fix inflation. What insightful answer did Trump give?

"I'm gonna drill baby drill".

In other words, nothing. He caused the inflation.
Because Trump isn't Pro-Black, he's Pro-white, from his own words and actions.

But don't take my words for it, this top-notch lawyer and Pastor breaks it down perfectly...

Trump was probably the least racist President we have had. He didn't see black Americans as BLACK but as Americans even though he listened to and supported organizations who were honorably dealing with issues unique to many black Americans. He didn't see black people as useful, helpless idiots/victims as most Democrats do. He saw them and treated them as Americans.




Because Trump isn't Pro-Black, he's Pro-white, from his own words and actions.

But don't take my words for it, this top-notch lawyer and Pastor bread it down
Mustn’t forget to throw out the rubbish later .

BTW a lesson or two on mutual exclusivity , or lack of it , might help in your Logic class .
Trump was probably the least racist President we have had. He didn't see black Americans as BLACK but as Americans even though he listened to and supported organizations who were honorably dealing with issues unique to many black Americans. He didn't see black people as useful, helpless idiots/victims as most Democrats do. He saw them and treated them as Americans.
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If he saw all citizens as Americans and not races, as you're suggesting, then why is he running around the county screaming that whites are being persecuted?
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If he saw all citizens as Americans and not races, as you're suggesting, then why is he running around the county screaming that whites are being persecuted?
He isn't.
I go back to the 80's and Trump being on record as saying the Central Park Five should be "executed" and all 5 were innocent after serving time for a crime they were not a part of. This is also a man who spread and fueled the "Birther" theory that rightwing racists all latched on to.

His track record is deeper than just that, but why rehash his family history? Just look at his father.
Because Trump isn't Pro-Black, he's Pro-white, from his own words and actions.

But don't take my words for it, this top-notch lawyer and Pastor breaks it down perfectly...

Biden Leads you on. What would his policies do for Black generational wealth? Instead of focusing on RACE, think about having a president who helps all Americans, thus helping Black AMericans at the same time.
YOu think 40 - 44 %capital gains tax helps any American who is middle class and trying to move upwards?
That includes Black people.
Because Trump isn't Pro-Black, he's Pro-white, from his own words and actions.

But don't take my words for it, this top-notch lawyer and Pastor breaks it down perfectly...

Your speaker here is RACE obsessed. Holy SH***... you think all black people think the same? DO I think all White people think the same? All those people mentioned ARE black. You and people like this guy, are stuck into one way of thinking... thats why your mystified by other black people you cant understand.
Trump was probably the least racist President we have had. He didn't see black Americans as BLACK but as Americans even though he listened to and supported organizations who were honorably dealing with issues unique to many black Americans. He didn't see black people as useful, helpless idiots/victims as most Democrats do. He saw them and treated them as Americans.
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Under the Trump administration, the Black unemployment rate steadily improved, dropping to 5.4 percent at its bottom in August 2019, compared to 7.5 percent when Trump took office in January 2017. But that achievement is attributable to economic growth that was already revving when Trump took office, economists say.

Under the Trump administration, she said, Black workers did not see employment levels ever go “above the trend.”

In April 2020 when Trump was still president, when unemployment peaked at 14.7 percent — the highest level seen since the Great Depression — the unemployment rate for Black workers was even higher, at 16.7 percent. By September, the share of unemployed Black workers still struggling to find a job only dropped to 12.1 percent.

I've always said Bush's Great Recession was the greatest recession since the Great Depression. Trump's topped Bush's
Employment figures were best ever for blacks during Trump's presidency.

No wonder Marc hates him. That ruins his race pimping narrative that blacks need handouts from whites.
Employment figures were best ever for blacks during Trump's presidency.

No wonder Marc hates him. That ruins his race pimping narrative that blacks need handouts from whites.
Dark Brandon's record blows your Daddy Trump's record out the box.

Nice try though, but you failed...


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