These aren't the droids you're looking for.

Trumpleheads would have us believe Capt. Clorox was just being sarcastic when he suggested his medical team look in to the injection of disinfectants to treat COVID.

They would have us believe COVID was a nothingburger after 55K deaths, almost 1M cases, and approx. $3T spent to combat the financial effects.

The Liar-in-Chief wants us to believe he is the hardest working prez ever. Read Trump's "Executive Time"-filled leaked private schedules for the past 3 months

He wants us to believe he has been cooped up in the WH for many months.
Trump Warps Space-Time Continuum, Insisting He’s Been Stuck At WH For ‘Many Months’

Mercifully, the majority of Americans recognize much of what President Sunshine says (and his cultists believe) is the exact opposite of the truth. He is the laziest, least informed prez in history. His response to COVID was late, uncoordinated, often contradictory, always incompetent.

Alarmingly, none of the Conman-in-Chief's Orwellian rhetoric presents a problem for The Following. They are more than willing to go along for the magical carpet ride Trump has taken them on. The suspension of reality is, for them, part of what is required to maintain their blind devotion.........something they appear eager to acquiesce to. Golfing, rallies, eternal tweeting, watching hours of TV equates to hard work.............idiotic comments are excused away..............pathological lying is accepted with a shrug..............stealing from a charity is ignored. The trick is to stay on the merry-go-round.

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