These "Bat-Shit" Crazy Libberhoids Protesting at Trump Rallies

He'll be lucky if he doesn't end up in Gitmo after Trump is elected. It's time to start treating all terrorists as terrorists. That would put a lot of Leftists in prison where they belong.
. Was Germany in this much chaos when Hitler came to power ? Not saying Trump is the equivalent to a Hitler, but was Germany's circumstances the same where everything finally came to a head in that nation, and therefore it ushered in a strong talking no non-sense type of leader, who was going to right all the wrongs, restore order, and bring back the strength of that nation? Was Hitler right in the beginning, but had soon become engulfed in the power he was given, and ultimately destroyed by that same power given him ? What were the attributes of Hitler, and are we poised to receive or accept a similar type of strong type of leadership to restore order in this nation ? The dangers of allowing a nation to get to far out there, is that it tries to correct itself in a radical way, but let's hope that we are level headed enough to not make the mistakes that were made through out history, and that Mr. Trump has enough of the American character within himself, that he only wishes to restore the American character of the nation and no more.
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Meanwhile ....washed up childstar that rushed the podium is hoping for acting roles.

Maybe he was going to hump Donald's leg? We may never know.

Actually, he had said he was going to spit on him. Of course, that's bad behavior, but not really the scary terrorist attack the right is trying to paint.
The right said that? Where's that found?

And spitting is an assault. Not really a small matter, I hope he gets his pie hole clubbed next time.

I'm not going to find that for you. If you haven't seen him being called a terrorist by the right,you haven't been looking.
Otherwise you can't, scumbag.
Still no knows why they were protesting, just to be protesting??
Dumbass lemmings...
X child stars main goal was to spit on Trump.

That's it. That sums up the liberal mindset. Period.

They got nothing else.
He'll be lucky if he doesn't end up in Gitmo after Trump is elected. It's time to start treating all terrorists as terrorists. That would put a lot of Leftists in prison where they belong.
. Was Germany in this much chaos when Hitler came to power ? Not saying Trump is the equivalent to a Hitler, but was Germany's circumstances the same where everything finally came to a head in that nation, and therefore it ushered in a strong talking no non-sense type of leader, who was going to right all the wrongs, restore order, and bring back the strength of that nation? Was Hitler right in the beginning, but had soon become engulfed in the power he was given, and ultimately destroyed by that same power given him ? What were the attributes of Hitler, and are we poised to receive or accept a similar type of strong type of leadership to restore order in this nation ? The dangers of allowing a nation to get to far out there, is that it tries to correct itself in a radical way, but let's hope that we are level headed enough to not make the mistakes that were made through out history, and that Mr. Trump has enough of the American character within himself, that he only wishes to restore the American character of the nation and no more.
Your concerns are greatly misguided. It isn't Trump or the right that are trampling other's rights and trying to ram their views down our throats.
He'll be lucky if he doesn't end up in Gitmo after Trump is elected. It's time to start treating all terrorists as terrorists. That would put a lot of Leftists in prison where they belong.
. Was Germany in this much chaos when Hitler came to power ? Not saying Trump is the equivalent to a Hitler, but was Germany's circumstances the same where everything finally came to a head in that nation, and therefore it ushered in a strong talking no non-sense type of leader, who was going to right all the wrongs, restore order, and bring back the strength of that nation? Was Hitler right in the beginning, but had soon become engulfed in the power he was given, and ultimately destroyed by that same power given him ? What were the attributes of Hitler, and are we poised to receive or accept a similar type of strong type of leadership to restore order in this nation ? The dangers of allowing a nation to get to far out there, is that it tries to correct itself in a radical way, but let's hope that we are level headed enough to not make the mistakes that were made through out history, and that Mr. Trump has enough of the American character within himself, that he only wishes to restore the American character of the nation and no more.
Your concerns are greatly misguided. It isn't Trump or the right that are trampling other's rights and trying to ram their views down our throats.
. Not saying that in the post, so re-read if need be, but your comprehension wasn't correct on the jest of the post.
Anyone know what these "protesters" are protesting? Answer: They're terrified of Trump. Hence the bullshit.
He'll be lucky if he doesn't end up in Gitmo after Trump is elected. It's time to start treating all terrorists as terrorists. That would put a lot of Leftists in prison where they belong.
. Was Germany in this much chaos when Hitler came to power ? Not saying Trump is the equivalent to a Hitler, but was Germany's circumstances the same where everything finally came to a head in that nation, and therefore it ushered in a strong talking no non-sense type of leader, who was going to right all the wrongs, restore order, and bring back the strength of that nation? Was Hitler right in the beginning, but had soon become engulfed in the power he was given, and ultimately destroyed by that same power given him ? What were the attributes of Hitler, and are we poised to receive or accept a similar type of strong type of leadership to restore order in this nation ? The dangers of allowing a nation to get to far out there, is that it tries to correct itself in a radical way, but let's hope that we are level headed enough to not make the mistakes that were made through out history, and that Mr. Trump has enough of the American character within himself, that he only wishes to restore the American character of the nation and no more.
Your concerns are greatly misguided. It isn't Trump or the right that are trampling other's rights and trying to ram their views down our throats.
. I do agree with this point you make, because the right has been on the defensive for 40 years now.
Still no knows why they were protesting, just to be protesting??
Dumbass lemmings...
X child stars main goal was to spit on Trump.

That's it. That sums up the liberal mindset. Period.

They got nothing else.
. Don't want nothing else.
Mommy must be so proud
. Alot of misguided, lazy, basement dwellers amongst us now, and he fits the character well. What, uhh do they have kiosk set up in the front entrances of the colleges, where a new student must pick a cause or radical movement to be a part of, and if they don't they are considered to be the strange ones now ?
He'll be lucky if he doesn't end up in Gitmo after Trump is elected. It's time to start treating all terrorists as terrorists. That would put a lot of Leftists in prison where they belong.
. Was Germany in this much chaos when Hitler came to power ? Not saying Trump is the equivalent to a Hitler, but was Germany's circumstances the same where everything finally came to a head in that nation, and therefore it ushered in a strong talking no non-sense type of leader, who was going to right all the wrongs, restore order, and bring back the strength of that nation? Was Hitler right in the beginning, but had soon become engulfed in the power he was given, and ultimately destroyed by that same power given him ? What were the attributes of Hitler, and are we poised to receive or accept a similar type of strong type of leadership to restore order in this nation ? The dangers of allowing a nation to get to far out there, is that it tries to correct itself in a radical way, but let's hope that we are level headed enough to not make the mistakes that were made through out history, and that Mr. Trump has enough of the American character within himself, that he only wishes to restore the American character of the nation and no more.
Trump isn't Hitler, you triple dumbfuck delight.
Still no knows why they were protesting, just to be protesting??
Dumbass lemmings...
X child stars main goal was to spit on Trump.

That's it. That sums up the liberal mindset. Period.

They got nothing else.
. Don't want nothing else.
Mommy must be so proud
. Alot of misguided, lazy, basement dwellers amongst us now, and he fits the character well. What, uhh do they have kiosk set up in the front entrances of the colleges, where a new student must pick a cause or radical movement to be a part of, and if they don't they are considered to be the strange ones now ?
Only when in mobs otherwise they run to their safe zones.
Meanwhile ....washed up childstar that rushed the podium is hoping for acting roles.


And crazy teabaggers are trying to paint him as a terrorist.
Him is sooo brave. Antagonizing rally goers behind the protection of the police ( which he hates ). Then it's home to the safety of mommy's basement and milk and cookies before bring tucked in.

Still doesn't make his actions as bad as the right wants to portray.
He was wrong in what he, watch my comment be twisted by the RW into support.
Meanwhile ....washed up childstar that rushed the podium is hoping for acting roles.

Maybe he was going to hump Donald's leg? We may never know.

Actually, he had said he was going to spit on him. Of course, that's bad behavior, but not really the scary terrorist attack the right is trying to paint.
The right said that? Where's that found?

And spitting is an assault. Not really a small matter, I hope he gets his pie hole clubbed next time.

I'm not going to find that for you. If you haven't seen him being called a terrorist by the right,you haven't been looking.
Otherwise you can't, scumbag.

There dumb ass
Donald Trump: ISIS Member Attacked Me — Thomas Dimassimo Hoax Claimed True By Trump At Kansas City Rally
He'll be lucky if he doesn't end up in Gitmo after Trump is elected. It's time to start treating all terrorists as terrorists. That would put a lot of Leftists in prison where they belong.
. Was Germany in this much chaos when Hitler came to power ? Not saying Trump is the equivalent to a Hitler, but was Germany's circumstances the same where everything finally came to a head in that nation, and therefore it ushered in a strong talking no non-sense type of leader, who was going to right all the wrongs, restore order, and bring back the strength of that nation? Was Hitler right in the beginning, but had soon become engulfed in the power he was given, and ultimately destroyed by that same power given him ? What were the attributes of Hitler, and are we poised to receive or accept a similar type of strong type of leadership to restore order in this nation ? The dangers of allowing a nation to get to far out there, is that it tries to correct itself in a radical way, but let's hope that we are level headed enough to not make the mistakes that were made through out history, and that Mr. Trump has enough of the American character within himself, that he only wishes to restore the American character of the nation and no more.
Your concerns are greatly misguided. It isn't Trump or the right that are trampling other's rights and trying to ram their views down our throats.
. I do agree with this point you make, because the right has been on the defensive for 40 years now.
The right, by their nature are usually on the defensive. We tend to try to not fix what isn't broken or fix what is broken rather than throwing it out and starting over. The right is more of a defensive ideology. The left, or progressives are offensive by nature. So it's a clash of mentalities and motives but it's the left that is typically stirring up the shit.
Acts like these when President Trump is elected will spell Gitmo

Suck on that before pulling your next "disorderly conduct" stunt, asswipes

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He'll be lucky if he doesn't end up in Gitmo after Trump is elected. It's time to start treating all terrorists as terrorists. That would put a lot of Leftists in prison where they belong.
. Was Germany in this much chaos when Hitler came to power ? Not saying Trump is the equivalent to a Hitler, but was Germany's circumstances the same where everything finally came to a head in that nation, and therefore it ushered in a strong talking no non-sense type of leader, who was going to right all the wrongs, restore order, and bring back the strength of that nation? Was Hitler right in the beginning, but had soon become engulfed in the power he was given, and ultimately destroyed by that same power given him ? What were the attributes of Hitler, and are we poised to receive or accept a similar type of strong type of leadership to restore order in this nation ? The dangers of allowing a nation to get to far out there, is that it tries to correct itself in a radical way, but let's hope that we are level headed enough to not make the mistakes that were made through out history, and that Mr. Trump has enough of the American character within himself, that he only wishes to restore the American character of the nation and no more.
Trump isn't Hitler, you triple dumbfuck delight.
. Now who is the dumb one here ? Are you people so ignorant that you can't comprehend a post correctly ? Now go back and read it again, and control your knee jerk reaction better.
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He'll be lucky if he doesn't end up in Gitmo after Trump is elected. It's time to start treating all terrorists as terrorists. That would put a lot of Leftists in prison where they belong.
. Was Germany in this much chaos when Hitler came to power ? Not saying Trump is the equivalent to a Hitler, but was Germany's circumstances the same where everything finally came to a head in that nation, and therefore it ushered in a strong talking no non-sense type of leader, who was going to right all the wrongs, restore order, and bring back the strength of that nation? Was Hitler right in the beginning, but had soon become engulfed in the power he was given, and ultimately destroyed by that same power given him ? What were the attributes of Hitler, and are we poised to receive or accept a similar type of strong type of leadership to restore order in this nation ? The dangers of allowing a nation to get to far out there, is that it tries to correct itself in a radical way, but let's hope that we are level headed enough to not make the mistakes that were made through out history, and that Mr. Trump has enough of the American character within himself, that he only wishes to restore the American character of the nation and no more.
Trump isn't Hitler, you triple dumbfuck delight.
. Now who is dumd one here ? Are you people so ignorant that you can't comprehend a post correctly ? Now go back and read it again, and control your knee jerk reaction better.
I read it and I'll gladly rival my reading comprehension prowess against yours any day. You repeatedly compared Trump to Hitler while claiming you weren't. Your passive aggressive tergiversation didn't go unnoticed. Only a moron thinks Trump is like Hitler.
Acts like these when President Trump is elected will spell Gitmo

Suck on that before pulling your next "disorderly conduct" stunt, asswipes

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
. I'll play the devils advocate here..... You say Gitmo, or hey why not the Gulog, Auschwitz, Dachau, Buchenwald etc.???? You say Trump isn't Hitler, but would'nt your reaction of the event be that of a reaction used by many leaders henchmen in countries where there is no evaluation of the man's mental condition, and no appropriate analysis made, along with no propee treatment being ordered in such cases ? You suggest instead to just throw him into Gitmo eh ? Is Gitmo made for people with mental problems or is it made for hard core killers/combatants who are in their minds sane in their ideologies in which they believe is truth to be found in their brainwashing over time ? Does the guy who rushed the stage have a mental problem or is he as sane as any good stable American in your thinking ? Is it just that he couldn't take the pressure anymore ? An evaluation will be done, and hopefully the proper treatment ordered in the case. Now Trump needs to learn quick from these things, and know that their are a huge amount of mentally unstable people in this nation these days, so toning it down a bit would be a good idea I think. Not wimp out, but focus more on the issues, and less on the loose mouth carrying on so much. I like Trump, but he gets out there sometimes.

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