They are going to have to steal the election.

What has changed to prevent the next steal? We still have drop boxes, Dominion voting machines using Softmatic and connected to the internet. No ID's, illegals voting, non verified mail in ballots by the truckload.
It is more urgent to steal this one than the last one. The New World Order expects to have this takeover all wrapped up within the next 7 years. Trump has already put them behind schedule once. If they can successfully steal an election, why wouldn't they steal them from now on?

I agree with this. You should stay home and not bother voting. It won't count anyway.
There is no way for the Democrats to overcome this. That have to cheat. Biden is no match for this:

As we watch Biden stumble and shuffle along, watch Trump saunter up to the stage. I love his bravado...

Starting a little early with your bullshit election lies? Last election, there was 74 million of you and 84 million of us. And your numbers have gone down because you can't control your psycho-bitches in Congress!
Biden even bragged on camera about having the best election fraud set up in history. 👍
Yup. So, don't come and whine after the election. We have given you fair warning.

Stay home on election day or better yet.. go fishing. We. Got. This. :up:
Yup. So, don't come and whine after the election. We have given you fair warning.

Stay home on election day or better yet.. go fishing. We. Got. This. :up:
I'm going to the liberal polling place and spin my tires till they smoke. The resulting terrifying smell of gasoline and rubber should send them scurring
I agree with this. You should stay home and not bother voting. It won't count anyway.
Any person that supports either political party could be considered a cultist.
I'm going to the liberal polling place and spin my tires till they smoke. The resulting terrifying smell of gasoline and rubber should send them scurring
Sure, you do that. That's not gonna change anything since we already fixed the election but hey, knock yourself out. :abgg2q.jpg:
There is no way for the Democrats to overcome this. That have to cheat. Biden is no match for this:

As we watch Biden stumble and shuffle along, watch Trump saunter up to the stage. I love his bravado...


Frankly, the country cannot take another four years of idiotic Democratic policies, however...

The country ALSO cannot take the return of an autocrat-wannabe who aimed a riotous mob against Congress...

I am a registered (D) but more like an Independent who oftentimes votes Republican...

If you are stupid enough to run your Orange Baboon-God again I will vote against you...

If you run somebody else who can advance the Agenda without the Orange Baggage I will almost certainly vote WITH you...

I am not alone...

There are many, MANY millions of American voters out there who feel EXACTLY the same way...

You no longer have the numbers to win JUST through a high turnout rate for Republicans...

You NEED Independents and Swing Voters...

LOTS of them...

You will NOT GET THEM if you stupidly run your Cult Leader again...

The outcome of the 2020 general election was correct and proper and legitimate and legal...

The outcome of the 2024 general election WILL be correct and proper and legitimate and legal...

Stop making Excuses-In-Advance for your upcoming and catastrophic failure...

Stop trying (and failing) to make the American People doubt the legitimacy of their electoral process...

Only un-American piece$ of MAGA $hit do that...
Can you offer the forum credible proof of this alleged "2020 steal"?
One that contradicts the investigations done by state after Republican led legislatures (Michigan), by Republican hired 3rd party investigators (Cyber Ninjas)?
We infinitum....about this so called "steal", yet an assembled "Elite Strike Force Team" of experienced lawyers specifically hired by Don Trump's interests, didn't seem to deliver the convincing proof of such a 'steal; (can't say they didn't try ---over 60 court actions, before over 90 judges, including the Supreme Court ---- Trump’s ‘Elite Strike Force Team’ Falls on Hard Times).

So, good poster BluesLegend what approach do you have left for proving your alleged "steal"? Are you part of that "Strike Force"?


Ummmm, Irish, no we don't.
Prove your assertions.
Or go.


Who or what is this alleged "New World Order"?
Please name names, actions, and vetting on how you have come to your short how do you know about this alleged New World Order?
Or go.


Valid point, poster Magnus, it seems like one helluva trick those Dems did by switching only the top of the ballot from Trump to Biden.....but leaving the down-ballot Republicans to win, and take control of the House.

Those Dems may be playing 3D chess here. (albeit, against checkers players,)

I dunno what "FEEEEEELZ!" are, but 91 indictments are a thing. 91 things. Two impeachments is a thing (albeit no conviction due to jury nullification (think OJ Simpson).
A court verdict of sexual assault. Countless accusations for such assaults. His tightly controlled corporation convicted of fraud. 30,000+ documented "mis-truths" .
So yeah, good poster Sea7, I too, am feeling that the guy ain't trustworthy.

And I ain't alone. After all, that is exactly why Trump lost in 2020 ----- because the American electorate thought he was 'untrustworthy'. (his own paid-for pollster found that out and told him. See Tony Fabrizio, here: Trump pollster's campaign autopsy paints damning picture of defeat


What 'theory(s)' underlie each of those counts?
One theory?
Or are there 91?
How do you know?
Will you explain yourself to the forum?


And then, to end this post on a positive note ---- I offer the perceptive insights of two perceptive posters (see above)
Won't happen! Not the 0%! A crook is a crook is a crook.... And Crooked Donald has been a Crook his whole adult life, and his comeuppance has come....long past due! He won't be able to weasel out of all of his crimes and felonies...... not this time.
Wow you've become even more demented than you used to be.
A crook..who has actually never been caught being a crook. But hey, you say he is so he must be!
If you guys weren't such creepy criminals, you'd be funny.

Eeeeeuw! Poor prolific poster, Lastamender.
Not yet escaped that unfortunate and icky fetish of coprophilia, eh?
Eeeeeeuw x2.
Bowel movements, feces, defecation, and such really is, trust me, Lastamender.... really is off-putting.

Look, mi amigo, there are a lot of sexual perversions out there.....and some, I suppose, not so icky.
My advice, free, of course, is try to channel those unhealthy urges towards something that while still subject to societal shame......ain't quite as dirty, smelly, and revolting as your coprophilia-thingy.

Good luck. ;)


Eeeeeuw! Poor prolific poster, Lastamender.
Not yet escaped that unfortunate and icky fetish of coprophilia, eh?
Eeeeeeuw x2.
Bowel movements, feces, defecation, and such really is, trust me, Lastamender.... really is off-putting.

Look, mi amigo, there are a lot of sexual perversions out there.....and some, I suppose, not so icky.
My advice, free, of course, is try to channel those unhealthy urges towards something that while still subject to societal shame......ain't quite as dirty, smelly, and revolting as your coprophilia-thingy.

Good luck. ;)

So, poor MAGA Lastamender doubles down on his poop-fetish.
So be it. Lastamender is MAGA.

MAGA is Lastamender.

Surely, other MAGAs can't be too awfully proud of a MAGA like Lastamender.

I don't know that for sure. So can only speculate.
Would they want him and his coprophilia habits in their tent?
What would that say about other MAGAs?

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