They have noticed.

What Foreign Diplomats Say About US Politics Behind Closed Doors​

When I asked the European ambassador to talk to me about America’s deepening partisan divide, I expected a polite brushoff at best. Foreign diplomats are usually loath to discuss domestic U.S. politics.

Instead, the ambassador unloaded for an hour, warning that America’s poisonous politics are hurting its security, its economy, its friends and its standing as a pillar of democracy and global stability.

The U.S. is a “fat buffalo trying to take a nap” as hungry wolves approach, the envoy mused. “I can hear those Champagne bottle corks popping in Moscow — like it’s Christmas every fucking day.”

Anyone who does not think the reasons the corks in Moscow are popping are the recipient of Vlad's largesse being the presumptive Repub nominee, the House Repub's dysfunction, the drop of faith in election integrity in the error.....sorry, era.......of Trumpery, the belief in conspiracy theories like the existence of the fictitious deep state, the national debt, the dubious credibility of fact (way to go Rupert), the view participants in the 1/6 riot are something other than deluded traitors, or that citizens of the US are not willing to make the commitment to democracy keeping it requires, are not fucking paying attention.
/----/ "conspiracy theories like the existence of the fictitious deep state"
Hey bone head, read this. And it's not friendly towards President Trump.

Civil Service prevents abuse by political employees​

The Deep State is there for a reason: to provide stability to the profession of public service and to prevent abuse by short-term political appointees. Blame it on the Civil Service, the governmental first cousin to tenure in academics. Both were put in place to prevent political dismissals. Both sometimes make it difficult to let incompetent performers go.

One of the vexing problems of popular elections is the tendency to bring in purely political actors to jobs demanding expertise and professionalism. Government has to be competent as well as responsive.

One bulwark against administrative footdragging is the Senior Executive Service, established in 1978 under the Civil Service Reform Act. These appointees serve as a link between cabinet officials and the enormous set of federal employees protected from firing without cause, helping ensure that the leadership core is committed to a president’s policies.
The two sides started to actively divide the nation along party lines in 1993 because a 3rd party contender did far better than they thought possible. The best way to stop this was for them to divide us long party lines and make the other side out to be the enemy so any vote but the one for your chosen party would be unthinkable.

Do you really think it is normal for everything from sports to beer to retail stores to be the subject of partisan debates?
Lol, I voted for good Ole Ross back then.
He showed what can happen if the duopoly loses control of their faithful.
He showed you could use math to balance the budget and pay our bills. He had clear drawn out plans where our taxes should be invested and published them. We got to see them upfront. Could he have gotten his programs passed? We will never know. 4
You've been saying the same thing about Obama. How he's the one really controlling the Biden White House...and he's been out of office for almost a decade. :)
A lot of what we are dealing with is a direct result of Trump's actions (inactions) while in office.
I haven't said diddly squat about Obama.
I'm reading a book about that time in our history. "The Red and the Blue" by Steve Kornacki. It's excellent. He's a surprisingly good writer.
It goes through the history of how Gingrich (largely out of frustration with Dem congressional dominance for decades) radicalized the GOP. Coinciding with the rise of conservative media in the wake of Reagan's colossal error in repealing the Fairness Doctrine. Our politics have never been the same.

But as much as Vlad and other enemies of the US are celebrating our division, they are also celebrating the demise of the GOP in to the POT.
It wasn't a fucking error to repeal the (un)fairness doctrine as it allowed you Leftist vermin to have unfettered monopoly on all media. There was no Conservative voice to counter your lies and misinformation, scumbag. And yes, you are the enemy, pure and simple.
It started with Gingrich’s “Contract with America” which ushered in a whole new toxic brand of politics: us vs. the Enemy of America, not opponents…enemies. Trump capitalized on it and exploited it.

I do not know if we can recover from this.

This was well before Bubba's impeachment.

What Foreign Diplomats Say About US Politics Behind Closed Doors​

When I asked the European ambassador to talk to me about America’s deepening partisan divide, I expected a polite brushoff at best. Foreign diplomats are usually loath to discuss domestic U.S. politics.

Instead, the ambassador unloaded for an hour, warning that America’s poisonous politics are hurting its security, its economy, its friends and its standing as a pillar of democracy and global stability.

The U.S. is a “fat buffalo trying to take a nap” as hungry wolves approach, the envoy mused. “I can hear those Champagne bottle corks popping in Moscow — like it’s Christmas every fucking day.”

Anyone who does not think the reasons the corks in Moscow are popping are the recipient of Vlad's largesse being the presumptive Repub nominee, the House Repub's dysfunction, the drop of faith in election integrity in the error.....sorry, era.......of Trumpery, the belief in conspiracy theories like the existence of the fictitious deep state, the national debt, the dubious credibility of fact (way to go Rupert), the view participants in the 1/6 riot are something other than deluded traitors, or that citizens of the US are not willing to make the commitment to democracy keeping it requires, are not fucking paying attention.
You idiots like to blame Trump and the phantom white supremacists that everyone hears about but never really sees for all the world's problems and divisions, while ignoring the fact that Left wing universities, which are solidly democrat, sing gas the Jews around the world with impunity.

The United States has been infiltrated by Brown shirts and they don't play nice, so I don't foresee this ending well.
The gasp of desperation…but but Hunter!
I agree that Hunter is getting really desperate these days. What a stupid stunt he pulled last week in the Oversight hearing.

He has the misfortune of 23 of his chromosones coming from the Dementia Patient. :sad:

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