They Want War - H.R. 758


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
Today the US House passed what I consider to be one of the worst pieces of legislation ever. H. Res. 758 was billed as a resolution “strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin, which has carried out a policy of aggression against neighboring countries aimed at political and economic domination.”
In fact, the bill was 16 pages of war propaganda that should have made even neocons blush, if they were capable of such a thing.
The resolution gives the green light (paragraph 45) to Ukrainian President Poroshenko to restart his military assault on the independence-seeking eastern provinces, urging the “disarming of separatist and paramilitary forces in eastern Ukraine.” Such a move will mean many more thousands of dead civilians.
To that end, the resolution directly involves the US government in the conflict by calling on the US president to “provide the government of Ukraine with lethal and non-lethal defense articles, services, and training required to effectively defend its territory and sovereignty.” This means US weapons in the hands of US-trained military forces engaged in a hot war on the border with Russia. Does that sound at all like a good idea?
Reckless Congress 8216 Declares War 8217 on Russia by Ron Paul --

When will this madness end?

Only 10 congress members voted against this POS resolution.
1) Justin Amash (R-MI)
2) John Duncan (R-TN)
3) Alan Grayson, (D-FL)
4) Alcee Hastings (D-FL)
5) Walter Jones (R-NC)
6) Thomas Massie (R-KY)
7) Jim McDermott (D-WA)
8 George Miller (D-CA)
9) Beto O’Rourke (D-TX)
10 Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)

Rs and little difference between them.
Congressional warpigs still loyal to their MIC masters. Most likely the bill will die in the Senate but I find it disturbing that so many Congress critters still have a 1950's mindset.
I'm not a total Ron Paul fanboy, but his track record for making political predictions is pretty good.
Today the US House passed what I consider to be one of the worst pieces of legislation ever. H. Res. 758 was billed as a resolution “strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin, which has carried out a policy of aggression against neighboring countries aimed at political and economic domination.”
In fact, the bill was 16 pages of war propaganda that should have made even neocons blush, if they were capable of such a thing.
The resolution gives the green light (paragraph 45) to Ukrainian President Poroshenko to restart his military assault on the independence-seeking eastern provinces, urging the “disarming of separatist and paramilitary forces in eastern Ukraine.” Such a move will mean many more thousands of dead civilians.
To that end, the resolution directly involves the US government in the conflict by calling on the US president to “provide the government of Ukraine with lethal and non-lethal defense articles, services, and training required to effectively defend its territory and sovereignty.” This means US weapons in the hands of US-trained military forces engaged in a hot war on the border with Russia. Does that sound at all like a good idea?
Reckless Congress 8216 Declares War 8217 on Russia by Ron Paul --

When will this madness end?

Only 10 congress members voted against this POS resolution.
1) Justin Amash (R-MI)
2) John Duncan (R-TN)
3) Alan Grayson, (D-FL)
4) Alcee Hastings (D-FL)
5) Walter Jones (R-NC)
6) Thomas Massie (R-KY)
7) Jim McDermott (D-WA)
8 George Miller (D-CA)
9) Beto O’Rourke (D-TX)
10 Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)

Rs and little difference between them.
When Alan Grayson and Alcee Hastings vote for something it's a good idea to take the other side.
We could avoid lots of deaths by ceding all of Europe to Putin.
The guy in my avatar, if he were alive today, might feel we've done enough for Europe in the last 100 years.

IMO, since we've successfully encouraged and exported the American model of Capitalist Constitutional Republics...and the world is catching up with's time to take off the training wheels.

Let the rest of the world stand on it's own two feet, no matter how wobbly their legs are.
Today the US House passed what I consider to be one of the worst pieces of legislation ever. H. Res. 758 was billed as a resolution “strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin, which has carried out a policy of aggression against neighboring countries aimed at political and economic domination.”
In fact, the bill was 16 pages of war propaganda that should have made even neocons blush, if they were capable of such a thing.
The resolution gives the green light (paragraph 45) to Ukrainian President Poroshenko to restart his military assault on the independence-seeking eastern provinces, urging the “disarming of separatist and paramilitary forces in eastern Ukraine.” Such a move will mean many more thousands of dead civilians.
To that end, the resolution directly involves the US government in the conflict by calling on the US president to “provide the government of Ukraine with lethal and non-lethal defense articles, services, and training required to effectively defend its territory and sovereignty.” This means US weapons in the hands of US-trained military forces engaged in a hot war on the border with Russia. Does that sound at all like a good idea?
Reckless Congress 8216 Declares War 8217 on Russia by Ron Paul --

When will this madness end?

Only 10 congress members voted against this POS resolution.
1) Justin Amash (R-MI)
2) John Duncan (R-TN)
3) Alan Grayson, (D-FL)
4) Alcee Hastings (D-FL)
5) Walter Jones (R-NC)
6) Thomas Massie (R-KY)
7) Jim McDermott (D-WA)
8 George Miller (D-CA)
9) Beto O’Rourke (D-TX)
10 Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)

Rs and little difference between them.
When Alan Grayson and Alcee Hastings vote for something it's a good idea to take the other side.
We could avoid lots of deaths by ceding all of Europe to Putin.


Are there people living in Europe?

Are they willing to defend their sovereignty?

Are you aware that we are broke?

Putin is REACTING to US imperialism and bellicosity,
It's none of our damned business!! We have enough problems of our own to contend with (most of them stemming directly from the White House and the Halls of Congress). In the wise words of Thomas Jefferson:

"I am for free commerce with all nations, political connection
with none, and little or no diplomatic establishment. And I am
not for linking ourselves by new treaties with the quarrels of
Europe, entering that field of slaughter to preserve their
balance, or joining in the confederacy of Kings to war against
the principles of liberty." --Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry,

"We wish not to meddle with the internal affairs of any country,
nor with the general affairs of Europe." --Thomas Jefferson to
C. W. F. Dumas, 1793.

"Nothing is so important as that America shall separate herself
from the systems of Europe, and establish one of her own. Our
circumstances, our pursuits, our interests, are distinct. The
principles of our policy should be so also. All entanglements
with that quarter of the globe should be avoided if we mean that
peace and justice shall be the polar stars of the American
societies." --Thomas Jefferson to J. Correa de Serra, 1820.
Favorite Jefferson Quotes
Strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation under President Vladimir Putin which has carried out a policy of aggression against neighboring countries aimed at political and economic domination. H.Res. 758 -

Library of Congress Summary
The summary below was written by the Congressional Research Service, which is a nonpartisan division of the Library of Congress.

Supports the efforts by President Poroshenko and the people of Ukraine to establish a lasting peace for Ukraine that includes:
full withdrawal of Russian forces from its territory, full control of its international borders, disarming of separatist and paramilitary forces in eastern Ukraine, adoption of policies to reduce the Russian Federation's ability to use energy exports and trade barriers as weapons to apply economic and political pressure, and an end to interference by the Russian Federation in Ukraine's internal affairs.
Affirms the right of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and all countries to exercise their sovereign rights within their internationally recognized borders.
Condemns the continuing political, economic, and military aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova and the continuing violation of their sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity.
States that the military intervention by the Russian Federation in Ukraine:
is in breach of its obligations under the United Nations Charter and the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, and poses a threat to international peace. Calls on the Russian Federation to:
reverse its illegal annexation of the Crimean peninsula, end its support of the separatist forces in Crimea, and remove its military forces from that region (other than those operating in strict accordance with its 1997 agreement on the Status and Conditions of the Black Sea Fleet Stationing on the Territory of Ukraine); remove its military forces from Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova, and end its political, military, and economic support of separatist forces; and end violations of the September 2014 cease fire.
Calls on the President to provide the government of Ukraine with necessary defense articles, services, and intelligence in order to defend its territory and sovereignty.
Calls on North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies and U.S. partners to suspend military cooperation with Russia.
Calls on the President to cooperate with U.S. allies to:
(1) refuse to recognize the Russian Federation's illegal annexation of Crimea; and (2) impose visa bans, asset freezes, and sanctions on the Russian Federation and its leadership to compel it to end its violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Urges the President, in consultation with Congress, to review the Treaty readiness of U.S. and NATO armed forces.
Urges the President to hold the Russian Federation accountable for violations of its obligations under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.
Calls on Ukraine, the European Union (EU), and other European countries to support energy diversification initiatives to reduce the Russian Federation's ability to use energy supplies as a means of applying political and economic pressure on other countries.
Calls on the President and the Department of State to develop a strategy to produce or otherwise procure and distribute news and information in the Russian language to countries with significant Russian-speaking populations.
Calls upon the Russian Federation to seek a mutually beneficial relationship with the United States based on respect for the independence and sovereignty of all countries.
It condemns the Russians for invading Ukraine. Offers assistance to Ukraine, and promises help should Russia shut off the supply lines.

We are part of NATO and the UN whether you like it or not. Countries have an obligation to take actions against aggressive nations whether they are weak or strong. You don't give Russia a free hand in this situation. And Sanctions and assistance are in order.

To not do this encourages even more from Russia and other nations.

I see no problem with this Resolution.
It condemns the Russians for invading Ukraine. Offers assistance to Ukraine, and promises help should Russia shut off the supply lines.

We are part of NATO and the UN whether you like it or not. Countries have an obligation to take actions against aggressive nations whether they are weak or strong. You don't give Russia a free hand in this situation. And Sanctions and assistance are in order.

To not do this encourages even more from Russia and other nations.

I see no problem with this Resolution.

Unfortunately, America (one of the most corrupt nations on earth these days) shows aggression on a fairly routine basis. We have a Communist leader sitting in the White House and a two-party system that's allowing a full-fledged invasion of our land from unfriendly nations to our south. Why is America's sense of "morality" (at this stage of the game) more genuine than any other nation on earth?
It condemns the Russians for invading Ukraine. Offers assistance to Ukraine, and promises help should Russia shut off the supply lines.

We are part of NATO and the UN whether you like it or not. Countries have an obligation to take actions against aggressive nations whether they are weak or strong. You don't give Russia a free hand in this situation. And Sanctions and assistance are in order.

To not do this encourages even more from Russia and other nations.

I see no problem with this Resolution.

Unfortunately, America (one of the most corrupt nations on earth these days) shows aggression on a fairly routine basis. We have a Communist leader sitting in the White House and a two-party system that's allowing a full-fledged invasion of our land from unfriendly nations to our south. Why is America's sense of "morality" (at this stage of the game) more genuine than any other nation on earth?
We have our problems and have flexed our muscles across the globe....................I would agree with that...............

But not to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia on the global scale............Ukraine is a country and has been openly invaded by Russian forces..........we and the world have an obligation to condemn it..........which is what this bill does and shows support for Ukraine.........................

If you want to say we are the problem...................then do 2 wrongs make a right...................................

You either believe that Russia shouldn't be invading Ukraine or not.........There are only 2 sides to the equation. Which side do you agree with......................
It condemns the Russians for invading Ukraine. Offers assistance to Ukraine, and promises help should Russia shut off the supply lines.

We are part of NATO and the UN whether you like it or not. Countries have an obligation to take actions against aggressive nations whether they are weak or strong. You don't give Russia a free hand in this situation. And Sanctions and assistance are in order.

To not do this encourages even more from Russia and other nations.

I see no problem with this Resolution.

That's because you are a stupid warmonger.

The US has invaded , or threatened to invade, almost every country on the face of mother earth.

Other countries see the need to defend themselves against US imperialism.
It condemns the Russians for invading Ukraine. Offers assistance to Ukraine, and promises help should Russia shut off the supply lines.

We are part of NATO and the UN whether you like it or not. Countries have an obligation to take actions against aggressive nations whether they are weak or strong. You don't give Russia a free hand in this situation. And Sanctions and assistance are in order.

To not do this encourages even more from Russia and other nations.

I see no problem with this Resolution.

Unfortunately, America (one of the most corrupt nations on earth these days) shows aggression on a fairly routine basis. We have a Communist leader sitting in the White House and a two-party system that's allowing a full-fledged invasion of our land from unfriendly nations to our south. Why is America's sense of "morality" (at this stage of the game) more genuine than any other nation on earth?
We have our problems and have flexed our muscles across the globe....................I would agree with that...............

But not to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia on the global scale............Ukraine is a country and has been openly invaded by Russian forces..........we and the world have an obligation to condemn it..........which is what this bill does and shows support for Ukraine.........................

If you want to say we are the problem...................then do 2 wrongs make a right...................................

You either believe that Russia shouldn't be invading Ukraine or not.........There are only 2 sides to the equation. Which side do you agree with......................

Russia has been invading Ukraine for almost a year now, and they are still not in Kiev? Wow, I must've missed this mass comprehensive takeover of Ukraine..........or someone's exaggerating.
Today the US House passed what I consider to be one of the worst pieces of legislation ever. H. Res. 758 was billed as a resolution “strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin, which has carried out a policy of aggression against neighboring countries aimed at political and economic domination.”
In fact, the bill was 16 pages of war propaganda that should have made even neocons blush, if they were capable of such a thing.
The resolution gives the green light (paragraph 45) to Ukrainian President Poroshenko to restart his military assault on the independence-seeking eastern provinces, urging the “disarming of separatist and paramilitary forces in eastern Ukraine.” Such a move will mean many more thousands of dead civilians.
To that end, the resolution directly involves the US government in the conflict by calling on the US president to “provide the government of Ukraine with lethal and non-lethal defense articles, services, and training required to effectively defend its territory and sovereignty.” This means US weapons in the hands of US-trained military forces engaged in a hot war on the border with Russia. Does that sound at all like a good idea?
Reckless Congress 8216 Declares War 8217 on Russia by Ron Paul --

When will this madness end?

Only 10 congress members voted against this POS resolution.
1) Justin Amash (R-MI)
2) John Duncan (R-TN)
3) Alan Grayson, (D-FL)
4) Alcee Hastings (D-FL)
5) Walter Jones (R-NC)
6) Thomas Massie (R-KY)
7) Jim McDermott (D-WA)
8 George Miller (D-CA)
9) Beto O’Rourke (D-TX)
10 Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)

Rs and little difference between them.
When Alan Grayson and Alcee Hastings vote for something it's a good idea to take the other side.
We could avoid lots of deaths by ceding all of Europe to Putin.

Brilliant! I didn't even know that we controlled Europe.'d like to give it to Putin?

Tough guy!
It condemns the Russians for invading Ukraine. Offers assistance to Ukraine, and promises help should Russia shut off the supply lines.

We are part of NATO and the UN whether you like it or not. Countries have an obligation to take actions against aggressive nations whether they are weak or strong. You don't give Russia a free hand in this situation. And Sanctions and assistance are in order.

To not do this encourages even more from Russia and other nations.

I see no problem with this Resolution.

That's because you are a stupid warmonger.

The US has invaded , or threatened to invade, almost every country on the face of mother earth.

Other countries see the need to defend themselves against US imperialism.
That is a matter of Opinion...........and fails to see the other side of the equation...........................

There is a thread I'm on right now showing how in this century over 100 MILLION Chineese have died as a result of the War and Communist revolution....................Mao was such a great guy...........killing millions to gain power................starving over 30 million more..........................

Perhaps we should look to their lap dog North's going great for them as they slap their own people in gulags...........for daring to say something against their own government.................

Let's look at Stalin and his rise to power...............20 million plus purged to come to power..................

How about Cambodia and the killing fields...................

How about the Genocide in Bosnia........................

How about Hitler and the 10's of millions slaughtered................

How about Japan and the millions slaughtered..............

How about the Islamist who kill any who don't believe as they do..................

How about half the population of Syria displaced by radical islam and the current civil war.................

NO.....NONE OF THIS MATTERS TO YOU DUMB ASS.....................It's ALL ABOUT HOW FUCKED UP WE ARE................If you want these examples to be HOW WE SHOULD BE MAYBE YOU SHOULD GET YOUR FUCKING HEAD EXAMINED...............

We have butted in over time..............we have not been right every time...............but we are a HELL OF A LOT BETTER THAN THE EXAMPLES POSTED.................

Pick a side dumb ass.
It condemns the Russians for invading Ukraine. Offers assistance to Ukraine, and promises help should Russia shut off the supply lines.

We are part of NATO and the UN whether you like it or not. Countries have an obligation to take actions against aggressive nations whether they are weak or strong. You don't give Russia a free hand in this situation. And Sanctions and assistance are in order.

To not do this encourages even more from Russia and other nations.

I see no problem with this Resolution.

Unfortunately, America (one of the most corrupt nations on earth these days) shows aggression on a fairly routine basis. We have a Communist leader sitting in the White House and a two-party system that's allowing a full-fledged invasion of our land from unfriendly nations to our south. Why is America's sense of "morality" (at this stage of the game) more genuine than any other nation on earth?
We have our problems and have flexed our muscles across the globe....................I would agree with that...............

But not to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia on the global scale............Ukraine is a country and has been openly invaded by Russian forces..........we and the world have an obligation to condemn it..........which is what this bill does and shows support for Ukraine.........................

If you want to say we are the problem...................then do 2 wrongs make a right...................................

You either believe that Russia shouldn't be invading Ukraine or not.........There are only 2 sides to the equation. Which side do you agree with......................

Russia has been invading Ukraine for almost a year now, and they are still not in Kiev? Wow, I must've missed this mass comprehensive takeover of Ukraine..........or someone's exaggerating.
When did I say it's a full invasion..............They have invaded in small segments and areas..................I've seen the pentagon briefs where they were saying this......................

Not don't even go there.....................

That doesn't mean they aren't invading and supplying their favorite side there....................

Don't put words into my post that were never there............

BTW...........the world telling them to knock it off is the only damned reason there still is a Ukraine now.
It condemns the Russians for invading Ukraine. Offers assistance to Ukraine, and promises help should Russia shut off the supply lines.

We are part of NATO and the UN whether you like it or not. Countries have an obligation to take actions against aggressive nations whether they are weak or strong. You don't give Russia a free hand in this situation. And Sanctions and assistance are in order.

To not do this encourages even more from Russia and other nations.

I see no problem with this Resolution.

Unfortunately, America (one of the most corrupt nations on earth these days) shows aggression on a fairly routine basis. We have a Communist leader sitting in the White House and a two-party system that's allowing a full-fledged invasion of our land from unfriendly nations to our south. Why is America's sense of "morality" (at this stage of the game) more genuine than any other nation on earth?
We have our problems and have flexed our muscles across the globe....................I would agree with that...............

But not to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia on the global scale............Ukraine is a country and has been openly invaded by Russian forces..........we and the world have an obligation to condemn it..........which is what this bill does and shows support for Ukraine.........................

If you want to say we are the problem...................then do 2 wrongs make a right...................................

You either believe that Russia shouldn't be invading Ukraine or not.........There are only 2 sides to the equation. Which side do you agree with......................

Russia has been invading Ukraine for almost a year now, and they are still not in Kiev? Wow, I must've missed this mass comprehensive takeover of Ukraine..........or someone's exaggerating.
When did I say it's a full invasion..............They have invaded in small segments and areas..................I've seen the pentagon briefs where they were saying this......................

Not don't even go there.....................

That doesn't mean they aren't invading and supplying their favorite side there....................

Don't put words into my post that were never there............

BTW...........the world telling them to knock it off is the only damned reason there still is a Ukraine now.

If Putin wanted the whole of Ukraine, he would have had Russian tanks in Kiev in two weeks. But he wasn't stupid enough to annex the whole of Ukraine. Why would he want a bankrupt country?
Today the US House passed what I consider to be one of the worst pieces of legislation ever. H. Res. 758 was billed as a resolution “strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin, which has carried out a policy of aggression against neighboring countries aimed at political and economic domination.”
In fact, the bill was 16 pages of war propaganda that should have made even neocons blush, if they were capable of such a thing.
The resolution gives the green light (paragraph 45) to Ukrainian President Poroshenko to restart his military assault on the independence-seeking eastern provinces, urging the “disarming of separatist and paramilitary forces in eastern Ukraine.” Such a move will mean many more thousands of dead civilians.
To that end, the resolution directly involves the US government in the conflict by calling on the US president to “provide the government of Ukraine with lethal and non-lethal defense articles, services, and training required to effectively defend its territory and sovereignty.” This means US weapons in the hands of US-trained military forces engaged in a hot war on the border with Russia. Does that sound at all like a good idea?
Reckless Congress 8216 Declares War 8217 on Russia by Ron Paul --

When will this madness end?

Only 10 congress members voted against this POS resolution.
1) Justin Amash (R-MI)
2) John Duncan (R-TN)
3) Alan Grayson, (D-FL)
4) Alcee Hastings (D-FL)
5) Walter Jones (R-NC)
6) Thomas Massie (R-KY)
7) Jim McDermott (D-WA)
8 George Miller (D-CA)
9) Beto O’Rourke (D-TX)
10 Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)

Rs and little difference between them.

The elected government of Ukraine was deposed, and the President or whatever they call him, run out of the country.

Now the usurpers want us to cover their asses.

Fuck that, not worth ONE American life.
It condemns the Russians for invading Ukraine. Offers assistance to Ukraine, and promises help should Russia shut off the supply lines.

We are part of NATO and the UN whether you like it or not. Countries have an obligation to take actions against aggressive nations whether they are weak or strong. You don't give Russia a free hand in this situation. And Sanctions and assistance are in order.

To not do this encourages even more from Russia and other nations.

I see no problem with this Resolution.

Unfortunately, America (one of the most corrupt nations on earth these days) shows aggression on a fairly routine basis. We have a Communist leader sitting in the White House and a two-party system that's allowing a full-fledged invasion of our land from unfriendly nations to our south. Why is America's sense of "morality" (at this stage of the game) more genuine than any other nation on earth?
We have our problems and have flexed our muscles across the globe....................I would agree with that...............

But not to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia on the global scale............Ukraine is a country and has been openly invaded by Russian forces..........we and the world have an obligation to condemn it..........which is what this bill does and shows support for Ukraine.........................

If you want to say we are the problem...................then do 2 wrongs make a right...................................

You either believe that Russia shouldn't be invading Ukraine or not.........There are only 2 sides to the equation. Which side do you agree with......................

Russia has been invading Ukraine for almost a year now, and they are still not in Kiev? Wow, I must've missed this mass comprehensive takeover of Ukraine..........or someone's exaggerating.
When did I say it's a full invasion..............They have invaded in small segments and areas..................I've seen the pentagon briefs where they were saying this......................

Not don't even go there.....................

That doesn't mean they aren't invading and supplying their favorite side there....................

Don't put words into my post that were never there............

BTW...........the world telling them to knock it off is the only damned reason there still is a Ukraine now.

If Putin wanted the whole of Ukraine, he would have had Russian tanks in Kiev in two weeks. But he wasn't stupid enough to annex the whole of Ukraine. Why would he want a bankrupt country?
Pipe lines to Europe go right through that area.....................He's threatened to cut off Europe's oil supplies over Ukraine, but backed down when Europe didn't back down................He cuts off that supply and food chain he bankrupts Russia already..............

I believe in Peace thru Strength..............Europe nor the United States needs to back down just because it is Russia.................Europe doesn't need to bow should Russia decide to cut off it's oil supply...........This is a lot of why he hasn't taken it...............

OPEC, Canada, are chomping at the bit to take over the oil pipelines in Europe and reverse the flow and take the business from Russia.........Putin isn't stupid...............which is why he hasn't proceeded further than minimal intervention.................
It condemns the Russians for invading Ukraine. Offers assistance to Ukraine, and promises help should Russia shut off the supply lines.

We are part of NATO and the UN whether you like it or not. Countries have an obligation to take actions against aggressive nations whether they are weak or strong. You don't give Russia a free hand in this situation. And Sanctions and assistance are in order.

To not do this encourages even more from Russia and other nations.

I see no problem with this Resolution.

That's because you are a stupid warmonger.

The US has invaded , or threatened to invade, almost every country on the face of mother earth.

Other countries see the need to defend themselves against US imperialism.
That is a matter of Opinion...........and fails to see the other side of the equation...........................

There is a thread I'm on right now showing how in this century over 100 MILLION Chineese have died as a result of the War and Communist revolution....................Mao was such a great guy...........killing millions to gain power................starving over 30 million more..........................

Perhaps we should look to their lap dog North's going great for them as they slap their own people in gulags...........for daring to say something against their own government.................

Let's look at Stalin and his rise to power...............20 million plus purged to come to power..................

How about Cambodia and the killing fields...................

How about the Genocide in Bosnia........................

How about Hitler and the 10's of millions slaughtered................

How about Japan and the millions slaughtered..............

How about the Islamist who kill any who don't believe as they do..................

How about half the population of Syria displaced by radical islam and the current civil war.................

NO.....NONE OF THIS MATTERS TO YOU DUMB ASS.....................It's ALL ABOUT HOW FUCKED UP WE ARE................If you want these examples to be HOW WE SHOULD BE MAYBE YOU SHOULD GET YOUR FUCKING HEAD EXAMINED...............

We have butted in over time..............we have not been right every time...............but we are a HELL OF A LOT BETTER THAN THE EXAMPLES POSTED.................

Pick a side dumb ass.

Listen dingle berry

What's with this holier than thou bullshit

Ape Lincoln slaughtered over 600,000 Americans in order to protect taxation and real state.

Slick Willy murdered 90 Davidians on prime TV time after terrorizing them for over 90 days.

We have a massive police state wherein there are 2,400,000 inmates in our prisons.

We have a behemoth government which spies on its citizens , and which also harass them on the highways and airports.

So shut the fuck up.


We have a behemoth federal gove

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