Thirty Year Petrie Dish


Aug 14, 2012
Over the past thirty years, the theory of supply side economics and trickle down has been given ample chance to bear its fruit. Twenty of those thirty years, our Country had lead proponents of this theory in the Whitehouse starting with President Reagan.

After thirty years of this theory being attempted its time to bring in Mitt Romney?

If you still believe in supply side trickle down, fine. But Mitt Romney?

Sorry guys.
40 years of redistribution and spending...and poverty is worse than ever, the schools suck worse than ever, and we're horribly in debt. The so called "great society" is dead. For God's sake, let's bury it and move on.
How's that 55 year "War on Poverty" going?

Obama got his redistribution thang going, how's that working?
How is the Reagan War on Drugs going?

War on corruption?

War on war?
We doubled our war military spending since 2001 and we have not ended wars have we?
Frank....All data shows that 30 years of supply side trickle down economics has distributed wealth to a very small few...and not trickled down.

What the heck do you mean about "my" War on poverty? What the heck are you talking about with "Obamas" redistribution of wealth thang?

In thirty years of Supply side trickle down, fewer are wealthy, more are poor with fewer opportunities, and the middle class is shrinking.

For cryin out loud Frank! You need to redistribute some fresh oxygen to your head so you can look at the data and think for yourself!
The last thing we want in a position of leadership is a successful man. We need... No. We DEMAND failure!
You are making my point K&D
30 years of supply side trickle down economics is a FAILURE.

Republicans and Mitt not only demand failure, they perpetuate it.

Look at the data...oh thats right, you guys have a problem with science to.

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