This GOP Economy- Austerity and Paralysis is ruinous...

I really like how this ass hat Krugman blames the length of the great depression on a blip that FDR made where for 1 second of one moment he !!!SLASHED!!!! spending... Oh how I'd like to see these incredible cuts that FDR made. As I said, anything can be blamed on Austerity, even if it never actually happens. It makes you wonder how it was even possible that Harding got the US out of a Depression in record time doing the polar opposite as Krugman would have, yet FDR does JUST what Krugman wants and the Depression only ended after about 12% of the US population goes to war and many die...

So it seems that to get UE down all the US needs to do is send them to die at war, then they are truly no longer counted lol. Genius!
Ahh yes, now Obama is the ultimate conservative... How did we all not see this before. Maybe Obama should run off this newly found record of austerity, shrinking Government and lowering taxes.

As per usual when things get worse after mass injections of Government regulation and spending "small Government" somehow magically gets *all* and I do mean *all* of the blame. TARP, Obamacare, new wars and the 780 billion dollar stimulus Obama did was all part of that cut cut cut conservative side of Obama that Republicans pretend is not there.

Do you guys honestly try and out do each other with making stupid threads?

Can you read, dupe?- He said Obama wanted to spend after 2/2010 but Pubs have stopped him- no more stimulus, no jobs bills, 600k gov't jobs cut- and a dismal failure Pub economy.... DUH.:lol:

Have a grown up read the OP to you.

"Republicans claim to have the answer: slash spending and cut taxes. What they hope voters won’t notice is that that’s precisely the policy we’ve been following the past couple of years."

Krugman said we slashed spending and I don't know who is stupider, him for saying it or you for not understanding what you posted
Ahh yes, now Obama is the ultimate conservative... How did we all not see this before. Maybe Obama should run off this newly found record of austerity, shrinking Government and lowering taxes.

As per usual when things get worse after mass injections of Government regulation and spending "small Government" somehow magically gets *all* and I do mean *all* of the blame. TARP, Obamacare, new wars and the 780 billion dollar stimulus Obama did was all part of that cut cut cut conservative side of Obama that Republicans pretend is not there.

Do you guys honestly try and out do each other with making stupid threads?

Can you read, dupe?- He said Obama wanted to spend after 2/2010 but Pubs have stopped him- no more stimulus, no jobs bills, 600k gov't jobs cut- and a dismal failure Pub economy.... DUH.:lol:

And yet not a single program has been cut... Spending is at all time highs on par with FDR during the great depression and new regulations are being added daily...

Like I said, it's all blamed on Smaller Government.... somehow. I mean, what was the plan, spend 1 trillion dollars in stimulus every year? Of course things would look good on paper but as FDR proved you still have people starving in the streets. But wow, look at all the money being shuffled around!
The 607,000 job losses are not at the federal level, but at the State and Local government level. Stupidly, the Obama-Biden Stimulus did try to save them. In the context of only $150.0 bil. of the Stimulus, spent on Public Works, then no tax base was created sufficient to stabilize the state and local government problems any further. Even the Nazi's did public works spending, and clearly War Materials Spending. Bush-Cheney, business-in-government, mainly supported War Materials Profiteering, in contrast. The Nazi's knew about logistics, and the needed speed. The Romney Brand of Business In Government, failed to even supply troops in the field, under fire!

That would be Said, "Romney-Ryan" Austerity One!

So by 2012, then this becomes reality: 40% more of increased cuts. At the federal level, this would be said the Rep. Paul Ryan concept of sanity: Clearly gone mad! Mostly, however, Republicans tend to admire the Paul Ryan abs, and even hopefully in public! Others may wonder about "Girlie-Men!" RNC Is Not Like Others, anyone has to notice.

The New Fiscal Nightmare: 2012 State Budgets Cuts

Mostly, anyone who seems to compare himself to a dude who's dad was a Nazi-Sympathizer: Should likely be thought fairly deep into madness(?)!

Even best estimates are that State and Local government spending has remained flat during 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. At one point, even Tax-Free Municipals were thought to be in peril. So while the federal government has been bailing, there has been widespread austerity in play, in government spending, during the "Great Recession." That has occurred at the State and Local government level.

That is Austerity, Two(?)!

Essentially, from state and local government: No help at all has been created, in resolving the crisis.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many find seats at back of the Limo: "A Choice, Not An Echo!" After all, in America: You too, can go out and inherit yourself a department store! Apparently, now: The Romney Brand!)
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I'm gonna head down to the bank, take a loan out for 100k and blow it on wtf ever I want then when the debt hits me I'll demand they give me more and more and more because if I cut my spending I'll be broke and it will be all the banks fault!!!! Because massive debts and always borrowing no longer equals broke, lol.
LOLberals, they never seize to amaze, distort, spin, lie, cover up, fall silent or attack hypocritically..

Such as? ONE THING, dupe.

Pubs always say Obama had TWO YEARS of total control...BIG LIE- had less than 6 months.

Pubs always say Barney and F+F caused meltdown. HUGE LIE. Barney was out of power 1994-2007. F+F , after years of 70% of asset market, all of a sudden 2003 Private lenders got 70-80% of market, Booosh regulators/cronies let them run wild...

AND my sig PP3- Pubs and their Propaganda Machine never stop lying- you are SORELY misled, it's a crime, dupes...

Breaking, no Marxists here LOL.
And why the fuck do you guys always jump back on the Nobel piece price bullshit? It’s a fully liberal organization that picks people they like, that’s all, nothing more… They have literally given murderers that prize. The NPP is now purely political, it wouldn’t matter if a true Republican saved the world, they would give it to a liberal who “inspired people to dance!” or some such shit.

Here is why Obama won the NPP: "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"

I used to ask people why Obama won it, like RW and TM, they honestly didnt know....
Anyways I'm out, donbe feeding the Troll, have fun making him look stupid... as if he does not do that enough to himself.
Obama has not been a big spending liberal like fox news and the repubs claim. He didn't slash spending as much as the right wanted but he has cut spending significantly.

When? Last I checked the federal government is spending more than it was last year.
Ahh yes, now Obama is the ultimate conservative... How did we all not see this before. Maybe Obama should run off this newly found record of austerity, shrinking Government and lowering taxes.

As per usual when things get worse after mass injections of Government regulation and spending "small Government" somehow magically gets *all* and I do mean *all* of the blame. TARP, Obamacare, new wars and the 780 billion dollar stimulus Obama did was all part of that cut cut cut conservative side of Obama that Republicans pretend is not there.

Do you guys honestly try and out do each other with making stupid threads?

Can you read, dupe?- He said Obama wanted to spend after 2/2010 but Pubs have stopped him- no more stimulus, no jobs bills, 600k gov't jobs cut- and a dismal failure Pub economy.... DUH.:lol:

Have a grown up read the OP to you.

"Republicans claim to have the answer: slash spending and cut taxes. What they hope voters won’t notice is that that’s precisely the policy we’ve been following the past couple of years."

Krugman said we slashed spending and I don't know who is stupider, him for saying it or you for not understanding what you posted

607k gov't jobs cut, etc is slashing. Welfare/UE spending has increased to keep the UE from being homeless. I'll go with the Nobel Prize winner over your HS drug addict Rush and the rest of the BS PPM. Your whole gang is the world's laughingstock and disgrace, dupe. Change the channel. Boo- look out for the commies and the black helos...:lol::lol::lol:
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Obama has not been a big spending liberal like fox news and the repubs claim. He didn't slash spending as much as the right wanted but he has cut spending significantly.

When? Last I checked the federal government is spending more than it was last year.

And hence you started the countdown to the "But Booooooossssh" response... let's see how long it takes
Can you read, dupe?- He said Obama wanted to spend after 2/2010 but Pubs have stopped him- no more stimulus, no jobs bills, 600k gov't jobs cut- and a dismal failure Pub economy.... DUH.:lol:

Have a grown up read the OP to you.

"Republicans claim to have the answer: slash spending and cut taxes. What they hope voters won’t notice is that that’s precisely the policy we’ve been following the past couple of years."

Krugman said we slashed spending and I don't know who is stupider, him for saying it or you for not understanding what you posted

607k gov't jobs cut, etc is slashing. Welfare/UE spending has increased to keep the UE from being homeless. I'll go with the Nobel Prize winner over your HS drug addict Rush and the rest of the BS PPM. Your whole gang is the world's laughingstock and disgrace, dupe. Change the channel. Boo- look out for the commies and the black helos...:lol::lol::lol:

Oh boy he got a Nobel prize? I feel bad for everyone else that ever got one now. It's about as valuable as a cereal box toy. But yes republicans are the laughingstock. hahahahahaha.
Should Pubs be rewarded for putting us in this mess (WORLD DEPRESSION and dumbazz wars, huge growth of AlQaeda), and now paralyzing the gov't since 2/2010 (and they even lie about THAT)?

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME).

Why in the world do you vote for these disastrous, lying incompetents?

No, Pubs cut spending...they have controlled Congress since 2/4/2010 with a record # of filibusters and now the House.
Obama wants a jobs bill. He wanted more stimulus back in 2010. Too late now.

Stimulus didn't work. Pub BIG LIE.

Jobs bills don't work. Huge Pub lie.
LOLberals, they never seize to amaze, distort, spin, lie, cover up, fall silent or attack hypocritically..

Such as? ONE THING, dupe.

Pubs always say Obama had TWO YEARS of total control...BIG LIE- had less than 6 months.

Pubs always say Barney and F+F caused meltdown. HUGE LIE. Barney was out of power 1994-2007. F+F , after years of 70% of asset market, all of a sudden 2003 Private lenders got 70-80% of market, Booosh regulators/cronies let them run wild...

AND my sig PP3- Pubs and their Propaganda Machine never stop lying- you are SORELY misled, it's a crime, dupes...

Breaking, no Marxists here LOL.

Such as? Such as the article by Krugman claiming austerity. Ther eis no austerity here. It's a lie. Spending is up to record deficit levels.

I'm no "dupe", either. Republicans can be just as bad, but LOLberals lie, twist and distort as a religion.

And you're unsurprisingly wrong about GSEs FM&FM. These two were at the very heart of the real estate bubble.
Have a grown up read the OP to you.

"Republicans claim to have the answer: slash spending and cut taxes. What they hope voters won’t notice is that that’s precisely the policy we’ve been following the past couple of years."

Krugman said we slashed spending and I don't know who is stupider, him for saying it or you for not understanding what you posted

607k gov't jobs cut, etc is slashing. Welfare/UE spending has increased to keep the UE from being homeless. I'll go with the Nobel Prize winner over your HS drug addict Rush and the rest of the BS PPM. Your whole gang is the world's laughingstock and disgrace, dupe. Change the channel. Boo- look out for the commies and the black helos...:lol::lol::lol:

Oh boy he got a Nobel prize? I feel bad for everyone else that ever got one now. It's about as valuable as a cereal box toy. But yes republicans are the laughingstock. hahahahahaha.

More breaking News for chumps. LOL> Krugman got a Nobel and has been right on everything since forever- Despite neverending Pub lies and BS. Meanwhile Pubs have feqqed up everything forever...

and now more of the same:

Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT
The downward spiral started when Nancy & Reid took over Congress, American's know this..

Granted.. previously, Republican's were overspending and deserved a butt kicking..
LOLberals, they never seize to amaze, distort, spin, lie, cover up, fall silent or attack hypocritically..

Such as? ONE THING, dupe.

Pubs always say Obama had TWO YEARS of total control...BIG LIE- had less than 6 months.

Pubs always say Barney and F+F caused meltdown. HUGE LIE. Barney was out of power 1994-2007. F+F , after years of 70% of asset market, all of a sudden 2003 Private lenders got 70-80% of market, Booosh regulators/cronies let them run wild...

AND my sig PP3- Pubs and their Propaganda Machine never stop lying- you are SORELY misled, it's a crime, dupes...

Breaking, no Marxists here LOL.

Such as? Such as the article by Krugman claiming austerity. Ther eis no austerity here. It's a lie. Spending is up to record deficit levels.

I'm no "dupe", either. Republicans can be just as bad, but LOLberals lie, twist and distort as a religion.

And you're unsurprisingly wrong about GSEs FM&FM. These two were at the very heart of the real estate bubble.

Keep listening to big liars. Pubs blew it all. 2002-2007. And have blocked everthing since, excep 7/7/2009 till 2/4/2010. Little known fact in this Pub dominated FOXetc/cowardly corporate media...

The only spending that's up is assistance for the out of work, chump. Cronyism and corrupton of regulators and rating agencies, and those selling toxic assets at A ratings around the world, 80% by private agencies, was THE problem- They all made a killing.
607k gov't jobs cut, etc is slashing. Welfare/UE spending has increased to keep the UE from being homeless. I'll go with the Nobel Prize winner over your HS drug addict Rush and the rest of the BS PPM. Your whole gang is the world's laughingstock and disgrace, dupe. Change the channel. Boo- look out for the commies and the black helos...:lol::lol::lol:

Oh boy he got a Nobel prize? I feel bad for everyone else that ever got one now. It's about as valuable as a cereal box toy. But yes republicans are the laughingstock. hahahahahaha.

More breaking News for chumps. LOL> Krugman got a Nobel and has been right on everything since forever- Despite neverending Pub lies and BS. Meanwhile Pubs have feqqed up everything forever...

and now more of the same:

Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT

And what miniscule amount of credibility you may have had, went completely out the window

You are a fucking idiot
Three years after the recession was said to be over and their are people still saying this is a Republican economy even when the democrats were in control of congress when the recession begin. Are you fucking kidding me?

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