"This great American system, these roads and bridges- you didn't do that,somebody..."

Sure. The taxpayers of America made it happen dummy.

Everyone and every business that pays Fed, State and Local taxes contributed to the building of infrasturcture in this country.

Now some right wing LIBERTARIAN radicals call that socialism and object to public roads.

I think they're nuts but at least I admire their consistency.

Now some right wing LIBERTARIAN radicals call that socialism and object to public roads.

I think they're nuts but at least I admire their consistency.

There were already "roads" before government decided to pave them...

Who the fuck do you think did most of the ground work for these "roads?" oh yeah just regular people who needed a pathway...
The state also butchered native Americans and imposed slavery, then later segregation. I wouldn't go loving it yet. :eusa_eh:
"The state also butchered native Americans and imposed slavery, then later segregation. I wouldn't go loving it yet."

Too late for many people; they absolutely adore it.
The state also butchered native Americans and imposed slavery, then later segregation. I wouldn't go loving it yet. :eusa_eh:

Democrats did....

They love to hate....
Both parties are guilty of abuses, ironically though Democrats were surprising silent in the cold war era; I would have thought they would have spoken up for 'communists' and 'socialists' rather than passively allowed the un-american committee to carry out its witch hunts. But there you go, people are hypocrites. :tongue:
The state also butchered native Americans and imposed slavery, then later segregation. I wouldn't go loving it yet. :eusa_eh:

Democrats did....

They love to hate....
Both parties are guilty of abuses, ironically though Democrats were surprising silent in the cold war era; I would have thought they would have spoken up for 'communists' and 'socialists' rather than passively allowed the un-american committee to carry out its witch hunts. But there you go, people are hypocrites. :tongue:

I agree, but democrats are extremists - they're responsible for just about every injustice committed.

KKK, slavery, internment camps - democrat, democrat, democrat...

Of course you have neo-cons, however they never legislated their bigotry - and there aren't many left today, not like they lasted very long anyways.
There are some fine examples of stunning stupidity on this thread. Repubs are perfect. Dems are evil. That about sum it up for you?

Think I will move along.

Don't waste all your brain power in this one place. Share the wealth. LMDAO.
There are some fine examples of stunning stupidity on this thread. Repubs are perfect. Dems are evil. That about sum it up for you?

Think I will move along.

Don't waste all your brain power in this one place. Share the wealth. LMDAO.

No one - no party is perfect - republicans are just closer to perfect than democrats..... This is coming from a staunch libertarian to boot...
Difficult to see how someone can consider the Republicans better than the Democrats. Both are equally wrong about economics, international relations, social programs and, generally, human nature. Both are, incidentally, war criminals.
The only possible alternative is anything else.
I finally looked at this quotation and the context and it was merely a poor juxtaposition of words, like, "I like to be able to fire people."

All politicians talk too much and if one talks long enough, one says something stupid.

I do not defend or support Obama, I just think the debate should be about much more important things, real issues.

Both parties are culprits and should be turned out.
Democrats did....

They love to hate....
Both parties are guilty of abuses, ironically though Democrats were surprising silent in the cold war era; I would have thought they would have spoken up for 'communists' and 'socialists' rather than passively allowed the un-american committee to carry out its witch hunts. But there you go, people are hypocrites. :tongue:

I agree, but democrats are extremists - they're responsible for just about every injustice committed.

KKK, slavery, internment camps - democrat, democrat, democrat...

Of course you have neo-cons, however they never legislated their bigotry - and there aren't many left today, not like they lasted very long anyways.
There are enough war hawks in the Senate and in Congress, the perpetual war on terrorism hasn't helped America; less civil rights, the economy can't take it and as for budget, can America really afford to pay Pakistan to shelter terrorists and pay Afghanistan's corrupt and incompetent government? :eusa_eh:
Difficult to see how someone can consider the Republicans better than the Democrats. Both are equally wrong about economics, international relations, social programs and, generally, human nature. Both are, incidentally, war criminals.
The only possible alternative is anything else.

That's because the media only focuses on neo-cons and pays no attention or tries to make fools out of those republicans who have solutions, guys like Allen West, Joe Walsh, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Governors like Scott Walker and Chris Christie just to name a few....

The democrat plan is: "lets tax more, spend more, print more money - then lets come up with as many laws as possible - lets take away liberty, lets regulate the US into oblivion."
Not sure what the OP refers to but here is the exact quote, "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen"

Read more: Obama calls 'you didn't build that' furor 'bogus,' as Romney releases new ad | Fox News

Hey Frankie. Did you like it when the Dems pulled Mitts comment about firing people out of context and used it against him? Did you like that? Please post the Obama sentence spoken just before the part you quoted. You know, the comment that puts the later comment in perspective and context.

Repubs doing the same thing to Obama.

It was bull shit for Mitt and it is bull shit for Obama.

Why I bet I could even take some of your comments out of context and make you look.......... differrent than you claim to be. Hell maybe I have already done that.
Like right now, talking like you might be reasonable. LMAO.
Since we're not talking about what Obama actually said, how's this "The government is your one and only reason for living; if you have a life, you didn't make that happen, government did"

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