This is a political comment and should stay in..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Politics this forum discusses "government policies and candidates"...

I am very very frustrated with the POLITICS of Obama because he has by with his OWN words shown he will SAY anything to PROMOTE HIS IDEOLOGY which is the destruction of the USA.

Obama said as much when he said "I prefer a single payer"
He prefers and pushing ACA he favors destroying 1,300 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes & employ 400,000 people!
IS THAT WHAT ALL AMERICANS WANT? The destruction of companies and more importantly having to make up the $100 billion?

He prefers the destruction of a health care system to provide insurance for less the 1/2 of 1% of the country?

Obama pushes the destruction of our way of life as ACA is reducing the work week to 30 hours... all because of ACA!

Obama has ONLY non-profit experiences and NOT once obviously has he ever asked.."Hmmm where does the non-profit
get the money to pay me"???

I know that sounds terrible naive on his part BUT HIS ACTIONS AND WORDS indicates he doesn't know that the
Annenberg Foundation that paid him in Chicago.
Walter Hubert Annenberg (March 13, 1908 – October 1, 2002) was an American publisher, philanthropist, and diplomat most
of his wealth coming from TV Guide!

As a community organizer HE subsisted on profit generating philanthropists like Annenberg!

YET most of you that supported Obama did so NOT because YOU wanted the destruction of the USA obviously but you did so
because of two factors.
1) YOU were ignorant about Obama i.e. who he was, where he came from, who mentored him and especially what he WANTED!
2) And because you were ignorant YOU VOTED for him because you are racists!
YES you are if you voted for him because he is half black!
You couldn't vote against him because YOU were ignorant of his experiences, his agenda,etc. so the ONLY reason you voted
for him was because YOU didn't want to think YOU were racist so you voted for Obama!
Even though you were racist by practicing "Affirmative Action" regarding the Presidency.. which is so classic racist attitude.
Which part of the USA is Oblama destroying?

1) Raising gas prices are destroying families incomes.
Obama has approved 160% LESS Federal OIL leases then Bush. When Federal oil production is reduced that
reduces Federal Revenue and reduces oil supply. Both of which are DESTRUCTIVE!
2) ACA has directly caused
Employers around the country, from fast-food franchises to colleges, have told NBC News that they will be cutting workers’ hours below 30 a week because they can’t afford to offer the health insurance mandated by the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
“To tell somebody that you’ve got to decrease their hours because of a law passed in Washington is very frustrating to me,” said Loren Goodridge, who owns 21 Subway franchises, including a restaurant in Kennebunk. “I know the impact I’m having on some of my employees.”

Goodridge said he’s cutting the hours of 50 workers to no more than 29 a week so he won’t trigger the provision in the new health care law that requires employers to offer coverage to employees who work 30 hours or more per week. The provision takes effect in 16 months.
Businesses claim Obamacare has forced them to cut employee hours - Investigations
in less than two weeks a new millenium will begin with the advent of the nations most sweeping and progressive Health Care Reform in American History.

the citizens will take control of their Health Care rather than the special interest that to date continue to attempt the repeal the sweeping reforms mandated by the ACA.
The rightwing propaganda machine has become so addicted to hyperbole and hysteria that whatever merit any of their messages might have has become drowned out

by the maniacal ravings of end-of-worlders.
We pay twice what the rest of the industrialized world pays for healthcare.

There is no way our healthcare is twice as good.

That is proof that something is wrong.

Conservatives want to do little more than preserve that wrong,

which is why conservatives are wrong.
Which part of the USA is Oblama destroying?

1) Raising gas prices are destroying families incomes.
Obama has approved 160% LESS Federal OIL leases then Bush. When Federal oil production is reduced that
reduces Federal Revenue and reduces oil supply. Both of which are DESTRUCTIVE!
2) ACA has directly caused
Employers around the country, from fast-food franchises to colleges, have told NBC News that they will be cutting workers’ hours below 30 a week because they can’t afford to offer the health insurance mandated by the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
“To tell somebody that you’ve got to decrease their hours because of a law passed in Washington is very frustrating to me,” said Loren Goodridge, who owns 21 Subway franchises, including a restaurant in Kennebunk. “I know the impact I’m having on some of my employees.”

Goodridge said he’s cutting the hours of 50 workers to no more than 29 a week so he won’t trigger the provision in the new health care law that requires employers to offer coverage to employees who work 30 hours or more per week. The provision takes effect in 16 months.
Businesses claim Obamacare has forced them to cut employee hours - Investigations

Obama does not control oil prices. Obama does not stop oil from being produced on private property. Oil rigs operate with high prices and sit idle when prices are low. The price of oil is directly affected by supply and demand.

Employee hours have been cut since 2008. Unless you were self employed, then you traveled further to make less money.
Which part of the USA is Oblama destroying?

1) Raising gas prices are destroying families incomes.
Obama has approved 160% LESS Federal OIL leases then Bush. When Federal oil production is reduced that
reduces Federal Revenue and reduces oil supply. Both of which are DESTRUCTIVE!
2) ACA has directly caused
Employers around the country, from fast-food franchises to colleges, have told NBC News that they will be cutting workers’ hours below 30 a week because they can’t afford to offer the health insurance mandated by the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
“To tell somebody that you’ve got to decrease their hours because of a law passed in Washington is very frustrating to me,” said Loren Goodridge, who owns 21 Subway franchises, including a restaurant in Kennebunk. “I know the impact I’m having on some of my employees.”
Goodridge said he’s cutting the hours of 50 workers to no more than 29 a week so he won’t trigger the provision in the new health care law that requires employers to offer coverage to employees who work 30 hours or more per week. The provision takes effect in 16 months.
Businesses claim Obamacare has forced them to cut employee hours - Investigations

(1) gas prices are cheaper than they were two years ago at this time

(2) inflation this year is running at 2%

(3) employers are adjusting to the law, which will encourage workers to get involved in the electoral process.
Obama and his Socialist/Democrats have put together a coalition. It consists of:

1) The old New England liberals who have their principal origin in the Puritans who settled Massachusetts. They have a long tradition of intolerance. They believe themselves morally and intellectually superior (and used to call themselves "The Elect of God"), and so what ever they believe must be right, and therefore any means by which they win is acceptable. Those Puritans came to America to be free, but free defined as they defined it, and so very soon they were hanging people in Boston Commons because they were Quakers and not Puritans. Later they took out after teenagers who acted silly and burned them as witches. They had lots of children and they took over New England and then fanned out west and founded the rotting socialist cesspools like Chicago and Detroit and Cleveland.

These pinheads have two different motivations. Guilt affects a lot of them for their parents gave them everything they needed. The larger group is motivated by Jealousy. They decided they were smart in high school and laughed at the folks they decided were yokels. They went off to colleges run by pinheads and ran up debt getting an education in things like sociology. The yokel went to work in a car parts place and now has his own franchise, making a nice sum....while the sociology majors can't find jobs except in a bloated federal government. So they are jealous because they can't believe some glorified mechanic is making more money than them.

The ancestors of these pinheaded liberals are the ones who passed the Sedition laws and started putting people in jail who criticized John Adams from Massachusetts. Jefferson pardoned them as soon as he took office.

This segment includes almost all of the media and thus give these pompous asses (Dean, the screamer who ran for president, is a poster child) have control of the media and that gives them way more power than their numbers would dictate. Thomas Jefferson had to deal with them, and concluded that they were for too narrow minded and obnoxious to ever have a majority in this country...but he didn't count on them using tax-payer money (now borrowed money) to buy huge voting blocks...the rest of the Democratic Party consisting of next groups.

2) Blacks

3) Mexicans

4) Public employees and their unions who fund the election of some pinhead member of Group 1 above and then together they loot the treasury six ways from Sunday;

5) Gays;

6) The mentally ill---probably the most loyal Democrats of all; and

7) The young people, who likely pushed Obama over the top. Their know nothing because their hormones are in control, God bless them---but they thought he was "cool" and so they voted in masse for the damn Marxist and are paying the price now.

This is your Democratic Party and they are destroying the greatest society ever on the globe...pretty much following the model which destroyed the old Soviet Union.

Just my opinion of course.
We pay twice what the rest of the industrialized world pays for healthcare.

There is no way our healthcare is twice as good.

That is proof that something is wrong.

Conservatives want to do little more than preserve that wrong,

which is why conservatives are wrong.

Yes, something is wrong, but obamacare will only make it worse. Its already happening, people are losing jobs, hours are being cut, the unions hate it--------and congress has exempted itself. :eusa_boohoo:
Which part of the USA is Oblama destroying?

1) Raising gas prices are destroying families incomes.
Obama has approved 160% LESS Federal OIL leases then Bush. When Federal oil production is reduced that
reduces Federal Revenue and reduces oil supply. Both of which are DESTRUCTIVE!
2) ACA has directly caused
Employers around the country, from fast-food franchises to colleges, have told NBC News that they will be cutting workers’ hours below 30 a week because they can’t afford to offer the health insurance mandated by the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
“To tell somebody that you’ve got to decrease their hours because of a law passed in Washington is very frustrating to me,” said Loren Goodridge, who owns 21 Subway franchises, including a restaurant in Kennebunk. “I know the impact I’m having on some of my employees.”

Goodridge said he’s cutting the hours of 50 workers to no more than 29 a week so he won’t trigger the provision in the new health care law that requires employers to offer coverage to employees who work 30 hours or more per week. The provision takes effect in 16 months.
Businesses claim Obamacare has forced them to cut employee hours - Investigations

Obama does not control oil prices. Obama does not stop oil from being produced on private property. Oil rigs operate with high prices and sit idle when prices are low. The price of oil is directly affected by supply and demand.

Employee hours have been cut since 2008. Unless you were self employed, then you traveled further to make less money.

he controls the issuing of drilling permits on federal land and in federal waters. He is limiting the supply of US produced oil and gas.

the price of oil goes up when the supply cannot support the demand, the arabs are loving it, obama is making the saudi sheiks richer while americans are struggling to buy fuel.
Which part of the USA is Oblama destroying?

1) Raising gas prices are destroying families incomes.
Obama has approved 160% LESS Federal OIL leases then Bush. When Federal oil production is reduced that
reduces Federal Revenue and reduces oil supply. Both of which are DESTRUCTIVE!
2) ACA has directly caused
Employers around the country, from fast-food franchises to colleges, have told NBC News that they will be cutting workers’ hours below 30 a week because they can’t afford to offer the health insurance mandated by the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
“To tell somebody that you’ve got to decrease their hours because of a law passed in Washington is very frustrating to me,” said Loren Goodridge, who owns 21 Subway franchises, including a restaurant in Kennebunk. “I know the impact I’m having on some of my employees.”
Goodridge said he’s cutting the hours of 50 workers to no more than 29 a week so he won’t trigger the provision in the new health care law that requires employers to offer coverage to employees who work 30 hours or more per week. The provision takes effect in 16 months.
Businesses claim Obamacare has forced them to cut employee hours - Investigations

(1) gas prices are cheaper than they were two years ago at this time

(2) inflation this year is running at 2%

(3) employers are adjusting to the law, which will encourage workers to get involved in the electoral process.

1. demand is down because the economy is slowed
2. correct
3. correct, and what the house did today reflects the will of the people.
Which part of the USA is Oblama destroying?

1) Raising gas prices are destroying families incomes.
Obama has approved 160% LESS Federal OIL leases then Bush. When Federal oil production is reduced that
reduces Federal Revenue and reduces oil supply. Both of which are DESTRUCTIVE!
2) ACA has directly caused
Employers around the country, from fast-food franchises to colleges, have told NBC News that they will be cutting workers’ hours below 30 a week because they can’t afford to offer the health insurance mandated by the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
“To tell somebody that you’ve got to decrease their hours because of a law passed in Washington is very frustrating to me,” said Loren Goodridge, who owns 21 Subway franchises, including a restaurant in Kennebunk. “I know the impact I’m having on some of my employees.”
Goodridge said he’s cutting the hours of 50 workers to no more than 29 a week so he won’t trigger the provision in the new health care law that requires employers to offer coverage to employees who work 30 hours or more per week. The provision takes effect in 16 months.
Businesses claim Obamacare has forced them to cut employee hours - Investigations

(1) gas prices are cheaper than they were two years ago at this time

(2) inflation this year is running at 2%

(3) employers are adjusting to the law, which will encourage workers to get involved in the electoral process.

1. Gas prices are 5 cents a gallon cheaper than they were 2 years ago. They are $1.00 a gallon higher than they were 4 years ago. Anyone can cherry pick a chart!

2. What have average wages increased this year?

3. The adjustment is to lay off some full time workers, hire part timers and cut the hours back on other full time workers to less than 30 hours. I will let you guess why since I already know the reason.
(1) a. we were in the height of the Great Recession: of course they were lower
(1) b. when gas is between 90 and 110 dollars a barrel (check the Brent and the WT Crude), the economy is sustainable and can grow.

(2) average wages are lower because of the absolute kow towing of both parties to industry since 1980; this is absolutely awful

(3) you have no idea what the adjustments will be finally
(1) a. we were in the height of the Great Recession: of course they were lower
(1) b. when gas is between 90 and 110 dollars a barrel (check the Brent and the WT Crude), the economy is sustainable and can grow.

(2) average wages are lower because of the absolute kow towing of both parties to industry since 1980; this is absolutely awful

(3) you have no idea what the adjustments will be finally

translation = Bush did it. :lol:
(1) a. we were in the height of the Great Recession: of course they were lower
(1) b. when gas is between 90 and 110 dollars a barrel (check the Brent and the WT Crude), the economy is sustainable and can grow.

(2) average wages are lower because of the absolute kow towing of both parties to industry since 1980; this is absolutely awful

(3) you have no idea what the adjustments will be finally

translation = Bush did it.

No, it was not just Bush; you are always wrong when you suggest that.

From 1980 means RR, GWHB, WJC, GWB, and BHO, as well as more than a thousand congresspeople and senators, as well as We the People who let them do it.
(1) a. we were in the height of the Great Recession: of course they were lower
(1) b. when gas is between 90 and 110 dollars a barrel (check the Brent and the WT Crude), the economy is sustainable and can grow.

(2) average wages are lower because of the absolute kow towing of both parties to industry since 1980; this is absolutely awful

(3) you have no idea what the adjustments will be finally

translation = Bush did it.

No, it was not just Bush; you are always wrong when you suggest that.

From 1980 means RR, GWHB, WJC, GWB, and BHO, as well as more than a thousand congresspeople and senators, as well as We the People who let them do it.

OK, we agree, they all did it. But obama has taken it several steps beyond the others because he has a goal to punish the USA for its greed, arrogance, and slavery.

Read the asshole's books, he says it several times.
We pay twice what the rest of the industrialized world pays for healthcare.

There is no way our healthcare is twice as good.

That is proof that something is wrong.

Conservatives want to do little more than preserve that wrong,

which is why conservatives are wrong.

Please explain why you want to force
18 million people to buy health insurance when they pay their OWN health expenses out of their own pocket?
Why do you want to double insure 14 million people that are already covered by Medicaid?
And do you want to insure 10 million people that have invaded our country???
To cover only 4 million people that need and want health insurance can be done very very simply!

Nationwide, the total amount of uncompensated care provided to the uninsured reached an estimated $56 billion in 2008,
according to one study.
Trauma in the ER: Who pays for the uninsured?

SO TAX the hospitals The $20 billion it costs to cover the 4 million that truly want and need health insurance.
THEN INSTEAD of charging those of us that PAY i.e. Medicare/insurance companies/out of pocket sometimes 6,000% markups
to cover the "uncompensated" which is ADMITTED to be the way they recover...
like this hospital does!
Florida Hospital Tampa 3100 East Fletcher Avenue Tampa, FL 33613
In 2011 Hospital in Tampa sent Medicare 1,362 claims for CAT scan no contrast.
Each claim averaged $3,463, i.e. what the hospital billed Medicare...
The hospital's ACTUAL COSTS to perform the CAT SCAN was $57 a mark up 5,975.44%

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