This Is A Short List Of Things Democrats Seem To Support

This thread is stupid and if the OP believes what he posted about Republicans he simply can't be taken seriously as a human being.

Well, this is where making posts with Googly Images takes you.

The KKK was founded in 1865, not '68, and by a half-dozen Confederate soldier veterans, not anybody having anything to do with politics, and it was extinguished by 1880 -- hasn't been continuous. And then it was revived in 1915 by a Georgia salesman, also having nothing to do with politics, and a decade later was working to get Republicans elected.

So it's fitting that the logo in the lower left says "Politifake". That's exactly what it is.

Yes...and that is a nice fake out by are trying to say that former Confederate soldiers would be less likely to vote, and if they voted they would be less likely to vote for the democrat party which was the party of the Confederacy. Nice try....and nice fail.

One day some scholar will check the voting rolls in where those democrats who started the klan lived.....

The klan was used by democrats to drive the freed blacks out of political office in the south using violence and murder.
This thread is stupid and if the OP believes what he posted about Republicans he simply can't be taken seriously as a human being.

Allow me to translate this post from leftwing babble to English.......

Begin Translation:

If I believed in God I would say "Oh, My God, stop this." This Mudwhistle poster is pointing out the truth about the left and democrats and he is doing it really effectively.......we can try our usual lies to combat it....but this damned internet makes that harder and harder. In the old days, we could lie about republicans all we wanted, then our democrats in the press and hollywood would repeat the lie and normal Americans would believe it since they don't usually pay attention and used to just trust the democrart press. And on top of that, any attempt to refute the lie would require actually going to a "library" where the conservative would have to poor through micro fiche and the book stacks looking for reference materials in order to find the would take them days to get the truth out while our lies would be broadcast around the world.

Now.....they can refute our lies in nanoseconds....

Damned internet.

How can we maintain control over normal Americans if our lies can be exposed so easily...........GAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

End of Translation.

Well, this is where making posts with Googly Images takes you.

The KKK was founded in 1865, not '68, and by a half-dozen Confederate soldier veterans, not anybody having anything to do with politics, and it was extinguished by 1880 -- hasn't been continuous. And then it was revived in 1915 by a Georgia salesman, also having nothing to do with politics, and a decade later was working to get Republicans elected.

So it's fitting that the logo in the lower left says "Politifake". That's exactly what it is.

Yes...and that is a nice fake out by are trying to say that former Confederate soldiers would be less likely to vote, and if they voted they would be less likely to vote for the democrat party which was the party of the Confederacy. Nice try....and nice fail.

One day some scholar will check the voting rolls in where those democrats who started the klan lived.....

The klan was used by democrats to drive the freed blacks out of political office in the south using violence and murder.

You don't want to tangle with me on this Junior. I've been around this block more times than you've tied your own shoes without help.

Firstly there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party". Does not exist, never did. Second, there wasn't a whooooooole lot of voting going on in the seven months after the Civil War ended in 1865, and they weren't likely old enough to vote anyway. Thirdly, even if they had been, there wouldn't have been a choice of parties -- the Republican Party was only a decade old, wasn't established in the South and neither Lincoln nor Frémont, the two POTUS candidates, even ran in the South at all.

And we DO know where they lived (Pulaski, Tennessee) and we DO know their names (Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord) and we DO know they founded it as a lark social club, which is why it has all those capricious K-alliterations. What we don't know is that they had any political affiliation. Again, there's not a whole lot of politicking during a WAR.


We also know they recruited Civil War general Nathan Bedford Forrest to be the figurehead-- in April of 1867 (which I'm preeeety sure is before 1868) and that Forrest disbanded it in January of 1869 and washed his hands of it.

So 1868?.... No. By Democrats?... No. For the purpose of racism?... No. Vigilantes jumped in and did that. That's exactly why Forrest disbanded it.

What you're apparently oblivious to is the social manifestations of the Civil War, which spawned many such vigilante groups (Men of Justice, Pale Faces, Constitutional Union Guards, White Brotherhood, Order of the White Rose, Red Caps, White League, Knights of the White Camellia...), NONE of which were founded by political activists, ALL of which were founded by vigilante insurgents intent on continuing the War. And today we would know the Klan no better than these obscure historical footnotes, had it not been re-instigated by William Simmons in 1915.

That would be the one that persecuted Jews, Catholics, immigrants --- Democratic constituencies --- as well as "loose women", drunks, communists, homosexuals and adulterers, and got Republicans elected in Colorado and Indiana and Oregon and Anaheim.

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OP how do you know for sure, Democrats have to lie to get elected and go right on lying about almost everything. Remember how many Dem's lied in 2008 in red states claiming to be conservatives then voted lock step with thug Obama on everything.

Well, this is where making posts with Googly Images takes you.

The KKK was founded in 1865, not '68, and by a half-dozen Confederate soldier veterans, not anybody having anything to do with politics, and it was extinguished by 1880 -- hasn't been continuous. And then it was revived in 1915 by a Georgia salesman, also having nothing to do with politics, and a decade later was working to get Republicans elected.

So it's fitting that the logo in the lower left says "Politifake". That's exactly what it is.

Yes...and that is a nice fake out by are trying to say that former Confederate soldiers would be less likely to vote, and if they voted they would be less likely to vote for the democrat party which was the party of the Confederacy. Nice try....and nice fail.

One day some scholar will check the voting rolls in where those democrats who started the klan lived.....

The klan was used by democrats to drive the freed blacks out of political office in the south using violence and murder.

You don't want to tangle with me on this Junior. I've been around this block more times than you've tied your own shoes without help.

Firstly there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party". Does not exist, never did. Second, there wasn't a whooooooole lot of voting going on in the seven months after the Civil War ended in 1865, and they weren't likely old enough to vote anyway. Thirdly, even if they had been, there wouldn't have been a choice of parties -- the Republican Party was only a decade old, wasn't established in the South and neither Lincoln nor Frémont, the two POTUS candidates, even ran in the South at all.

And we know where they lived (Pulaski, Tennessee) and we know their names (Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord) and we know they founded it as a lark social club, which is why it has all those capricious K-alliterations. What we don't know is that they had any political affiliation. Again, there's not a whole lot of politicking during a WAR.


We also know they recruited Civil War general Nathan Bedford Forrest to be the figurehead-- in April of 1867 (which I'm preeeety sure is before 1868) and that Forrest disbanded it in January of 1869 and washed his hands of it.

So 1868?.... No. By Democrats?... No. For the purpose of racism?... No. Vigilantes jumped in and did that. That's exactly why Forrest disbanded it.

Okay are saying that these former confederate soldiers never, ever voted in their entire lives, and if they did vote it wouldn't have been for the democrat party over the Republican are a fuckwit and prove it with every post.

The leader of the Confederacy was a democrat, and Nathan Bedford Forrest was a democrat......and yet the founders of the Ku klux klan would not have been lefties will do anything to deny the truth and reality......sell your bullshit somewhere else one here is buying it anymore...

Well, this is where making posts with Googly Images takes you.

The KKK was founded in 1865, not '68, and by a half-dozen Confederate soldier veterans, not anybody having anything to do with politics, and it was extinguished by 1880 -- hasn't been continuous. And then it was revived in 1915 by a Georgia salesman, also having nothing to do with politics, and a decade later was working to get Republicans elected.

So it's fitting that the logo in the lower left says "Politifake". That's exactly what it is.

Yes...and that is a nice fake out by are trying to say that former Confederate soldiers would be less likely to vote, and if they voted they would be less likely to vote for the democrat party which was the party of the Confederacy. Nice try....and nice fail.

One day some scholar will check the voting rolls in where those democrats who started the klan lived.....

The klan was used by democrats to drive the freed blacks out of political office in the south using violence and murder.

You don't want to tangle with me on this Junior. I've been around this block more times than you've tied your own shoes without help.

Firstly there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party". Does not exist, never did. Second, there wasn't a whooooooole lot of voting going on in the seven months after the Civil War ended in 1865, and they weren't likely old enough to vote anyway. Thirdly, even if they had been, there wouldn't have been a choice of parties -- the Republican Party was only a decade old, wasn't established in the South and neither Lincoln nor Frémont, the two POTUS candidates, even ran in the South at all.

And we know where they lived (Pulaski, Tennessee) and we know their names (Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord) and we know they founded it as a lark social club, which is why it has all those capricious K-alliterations. What we don't know is that they had any political affiliation. Again, there's not a whole lot of politicking during a WAR.


We also know they recruited Civil War general Nathan Bedford Forrest to be the figurehead-- in April of 1867 (which I'm preeeety sure is before 1868) and that Forrest disbanded it in January of 1869 and washed his hands of it.

So 1868?.... No. By Democrats?... No. For the purpose of racism?... No. Vigilantes jumped in and did that. That's exactly why Forrest disbanded it.
Are you referring to the same Nathan Bedford Forrest that massacred black troops at Ft Pillow by having them nailed to logs and burned alive AFTER they surrendered???

The guy that was the keynote speaker at the 1868 Democrat National Convention???

Well, this is where making posts with Googly Images takes you.

The KKK was founded in 1865, not '68, and by a half-dozen Confederate soldier veterans, not anybody having anything to do with politics, and it was extinguished by 1880 -- hasn't been continuous. And then it was revived in 1915 by a Georgia salesman, also having nothing to do with politics, and a decade later was working to get Republicans elected.

So it's fitting that the logo in the lower left says "Politifake". That's exactly what it is.

Yes...and that is a nice fake out by are trying to say that former Confederate soldiers would be less likely to vote, and if they voted they would be less likely to vote for the democrat party which was the party of the Confederacy. Nice try....and nice fail.

One day some scholar will check the voting rolls in where those democrats who started the klan lived.....

The klan was used by democrats to drive the freed blacks out of political office in the south using violence and murder.

You don't want to tangle with me on this Junior. I've been around this block more times than you've tied your own shoes without help.

Firstly there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party". Does not exist, never did. Second, there wasn't a whooooooole lot of voting going on in the seven months after the Civil War ended in 1865, and they weren't likely old enough to vote anyway. Thirdly, even if they had been, there wouldn't have been a choice of parties -- the Republican Party was only a decade old, wasn't established in the South and neither Lincoln nor Frémont, the two POTUS candidates, even ran in the South at all.

And we DO know where they lived (Pulaski, Tennessee) and we DO know their names (Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord) and we DO know they founded it as a lark social club, which is why it has all those capricious K-alliterations. What we don't know is that they had any political affiliation. Again, there's not a whole lot of politicking during a WAR.


We also know they recruited Civil War general Nathan Bedford Forrest to be the figurehead-- in April of 1867 (which I'm preeeety sure is before 1868) and that Forrest disbanded it in January of 1869 and washed his hands of it.

So 1868?.... No. By Democrats?... No. For the purpose of racism?... No. Vigilantes jumped in and did that. That's exactly why Forrest disbanded it.

What you're apparently oblivious to is the social manifestations of the Civil War, which spawned many such vigilante groups (Red Caps, White League, Knights of the White Camellia and others), NONE of which were founded by political activists, ALL of which were founded by vigilante insurgents intent on continuing the War. And today we would know the Klan no better than these obscure historical footnotes, had it not been re-instigated by William Simmons in 1915.

That would be the one that persecuted Jews, Catholics, immigrants --- Democratic constituencies --- as well as "loose women", drunks, communists and adulterers, and got Republicans elected in Colorado and Indiana and Oregon and Anaheim.


You dumbass...this is why the internet is so can't keep lying.....

What we don't know is that they had any political affiliation. Again, there's not a whole lot of politicking during a WAR.

Congress of the Confederate States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Because of the defeat of the Confederacy in 1865, only two Congressional elections were ever held; the Second Confederate Congress was selected in November 1863 but served only one year of its two-year term.

So, asswipe, there was an election in the Confederacy during the are a moron.

Well, this is where making posts with Googly Images takes you.

The KKK was founded in 1865, not '68, and by a half-dozen Confederate soldier veterans, not anybody having anything to do with politics, and it was extinguished by 1880 -- hasn't been continuous. And then it was revived in 1915 by a Georgia salesman, also having nothing to do with politics, and a decade later was working to get Republicans elected.

So it's fitting that the logo in the lower left says "Politifake". That's exactly what it is.

Yes...and that is a nice fake out by are trying to say that former Confederate soldiers would be less likely to vote, and if they voted they would be less likely to vote for the democrat party which was the party of the Confederacy. Nice try....and nice fail.

One day some scholar will check the voting rolls in where those democrats who started the klan lived.....

The klan was used by democrats to drive the freed blacks out of political office in the south using violence and murder.

You don't want to tangle with me on this Junior. I've been around this block more times than you've tied your own shoes without help.

Firstly there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party". Does not exist, never did. Second, there wasn't a whooooooole lot of voting going on in the seven months after the Civil War ended in 1865, and they weren't likely old enough to vote anyway. Thirdly, even if they had been, there wouldn't have been a choice of parties -- the Republican Party was only a decade old, wasn't established in the South and neither Lincoln nor Frémont, the two POTUS candidates, even ran in the South at all.

And we know where they lived (Pulaski, Tennessee) and we know their names (Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord) and we know they founded it as a lark social club, which is why it has all those capricious K-alliterations. What we don't know is that they had any political affiliation. Again, there's not a whole lot of politicking during a WAR.


We also know they recruited Civil War general Nathan Bedford Forrest to be the figurehead-- in April of 1867 (which I'm preeeety sure is before 1868) and that Forrest disbanded it in January of 1869 and washed his hands of it.

So 1868?.... No. By Democrats?... No. For the purpose of racism?... No. Vigilantes jumped in and did that. That's exactly why Forrest disbanded it.
Are you referring to the same Nathan Bedford Forrest that massacred black troops at Ft Pillow by having them nailed to logs and burned alive AFTER they surrendered???

The guy that was the keynote speaker at the 1868 Democrat National Convention???

This is why the left wants to control the internet......that took little to no time to show pogo is a moron.

Well, this is where making posts with Googly Images takes you.

The KKK was founded in 1865, not '68, and by a half-dozen Confederate soldier veterans, not anybody having anything to do with politics, and it was extinguished by 1880 -- hasn't been continuous. And then it was revived in 1915 by a Georgia salesman, also having nothing to do with politics, and a decade later was working to get Republicans elected.

So it's fitting that the logo in the lower left says "Politifake". That's exactly what it is.

Yes...and that is a nice fake out by are trying to say that former Confederate soldiers would be less likely to vote, and if they voted they would be less likely to vote for the democrat party which was the party of the Confederacy. Nice try....and nice fail.

One day some scholar will check the voting rolls in where those democrats who started the klan lived.....

The klan was used by democrats to drive the freed blacks out of political office in the south using violence and murder.

You don't want to tangle with me on this Junior. I've been around this block more times than you've tied your own shoes without help.

Firstly there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party". Does not exist, never did. Second, there wasn't a whooooooole lot of voting going on in the seven months after the Civil War ended in 1865, and they weren't likely old enough to vote anyway. Thirdly, even if they had been, there wouldn't have been a choice of parties -- the Republican Party was only a decade old, wasn't established in the South and neither Lincoln nor Frémont, the two POTUS candidates, even ran in the South at all.

And we know where they lived (Pulaski, Tennessee) and we know their names (Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord) and we know they founded it as a lark social club, which is why it has all those capricious K-alliterations. What we don't know is that they had any political affiliation. Again, there's not a whole lot of politicking during a WAR.


We also know they recruited Civil War general Nathan Bedford Forrest to be the figurehead-- in April of 1867 (which I'm preeeety sure is before 1868) and that Forrest disbanded it in January of 1869 and washed his hands of it.

So 1868?.... No. By Democrats?... No. For the purpose of racism?... No. Vigilantes jumped in and did that. That's exactly why Forrest disbanded it.

Okay are saying that these former confederate soldiers never, ever voted in their entire lives,
and if they did vote it wouldn't have been for the democrat party over the Republican are a fuckwit and prove it with every post.

Likely they did not, considering they were around 20 years old and the voting age being 21, some might have squeaked though in 1864 only --- which was in the throes of War, but that's speculation. And Lincoln didn't run in the South anyway. And this would have made them around 15 years old in 1860, which again did not feature a Republican in the South.

I think the ignorance is all yours here, boy.

The leader of the Confederacy was a democrat, and Nathan Bedford Forrest was a democrat......and yet the founders of the Ku klux klan would not have been lefties will do anything to deny the truth and reality......sell your bullshit somewhere else one here is buying it anymore...

Wrong. Forrest was a general in the War, not "the leader of the Confederacy" -- that would be Jefferson Davis. Do you know absolutely nothing of your own history?

And no, the founders of the KKK would have had no political party, nor is there an iota of information anywhere saying so. First they were too young, and second there was a FUCKING WAR ON until a few months before they did that, and third, it wasn't founded for a political purpose.

>> "Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, bored young men, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own." << -- Elaine Franz Parsons, "Midnight Rangers: Costume and Performance in the Reconstruction-Era Ku Klux Klan". Journal of American History 92.3 (2005): 811–36.​
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Well, this is where making posts with Googly Images takes you.

The KKK was founded in 1865, not '68, and by a half-dozen Confederate soldier veterans, not anybody having anything to do with politics, and it was extinguished by 1880 -- hasn't been continuous. And then it was revived in 1915 by a Georgia salesman, also having nothing to do with politics, and a decade later was working to get Republicans elected.

So it's fitting that the logo in the lower left says "Politifake". That's exactly what it is.

Yes...and that is a nice fake out by are trying to say that former Confederate soldiers would be less likely to vote, and if they voted they would be less likely to vote for the democrat party which was the party of the Confederacy. Nice try....and nice fail.

One day some scholar will check the voting rolls in where those democrats who started the klan lived.....

The klan was used by democrats to drive the freed blacks out of political office in the south using violence and murder.

You don't want to tangle with me on this Junior. I've been around this block more times than you've tied your own shoes without help.

Firstly there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party". Does not exist, never did. Second, there wasn't a whooooooole lot of voting going on in the seven months after the Civil War ended in 1865, and they weren't likely old enough to vote anyway. Thirdly, even if they had been, there wouldn't have been a choice of parties -- the Republican Party was only a decade old, wasn't established in the South and neither Lincoln nor Frémont, the two POTUS candidates, even ran in the South at all.

And we know where they lived (Pulaski, Tennessee) and we know their names (Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord) and we know they founded it as a lark social club, which is why it has all those capricious K-alliterations. What we don't know is that they had any political affiliation. Again, there's not a whole lot of politicking during a WAR.


We also know they recruited Civil War general Nathan Bedford Forrest to be the figurehead-- in April of 1867 (which I'm preeeety sure is before 1868) and that Forrest disbanded it in January of 1869 and washed his hands of it.

So 1868?.... No. By Democrats?... No. For the purpose of racism?... No. Vigilantes jumped in and did that. That's exactly why Forrest disbanded it.
Are you referring to the same Nathan Bedford Forrest that massacred black troops at Ft Pillow by having them nailed to logs and burned alive AFTER they surrendered???

The guy that was the keynote speaker at the 1868 Democrat National Convention???

Thanks Obiwan....I found this because of your post.....

1868 Democratic National Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 1868 Democratic National Convention was held at Tammany Hall in New York City. The slogan for the 1868 Democratic National Convention was, "This is a white man's country, Let a white man rule". The convention was notable for the return of Democratic Party politicians from the southern states.

Democrats have become the anti-American party. The groups they support and the activities of the current administration they facilitate are so destructive and anti-America it's difficult to believe. Here's a short list:

  1. They support Planned Parenthood which kills the unborn and then illegally sells their body parts
  2. They support Black Lives Matters, which on 9/11 created a "Fuck Your Flag" Day
  3. They support propping up Iran so they can create nuclear weapons and fund terrorism all over the world
  4. They support the killing of cops.....and memorializing of violent thugs and drug-addicts
  5. They support anarchist groups, which helped organize riots in Occupy WallStreet, Ferguson, and Baltimore
  6. They support throwing Christians in jail for exercising their religious freedoms but do not want to grant rights to everyone who wants to marry
  7. They believe that America is the greatest threat to peace on the planet
  8. They believe that Glowbull Warming is a greater threat than any other
  9. The support Obama's immigration policy in hopes that white Americans' votes will be drowned out by brown illegal votes...even if they're white themselves
  10. They support the IRS when it abuses it's authority, but throws in jail anyone who prevents them from getting a license
  11. They support a president who is a proven liar and make excuses for his lies every damned time
  12. They support a candidate (Hillary) that has committed crimes that any one of us would be doing 20 years in Leavenworth if we had done the same exact thing
  13. They believe that it doesn't matter how many people's lives you destroy as long as you get what you want
  14. They believe that God should be erased from everyone's lives......and this is the primary reason why Democrats believe in all of the above
  15. They hate any woman who runs as a Republican
  16. They hate any black man who runs as a Republican
  17. They hate any Republican who tells the truth....the truth that sounds bad to their ears
  18. They hate the truth
  19. They hate white men......even though they're white men
  20. They hate anyone who disagrees with them, and wants them to lose their jobs, their businesses, their lives
  21. They hate the rich, even though they want to be rich
  22. They love the poor, even though none of them want to be poor
  23. They want to be an individual, but their mindset is similar to The Borg
  24. They hate conservatives, but they totally support the most conservative religion on the planet, Islam
  25. They believe it's wise to put someone in our most important office that doesn't have a clue how to do the job, but because he's black, a woman, or because he's good looking or has good hair

At least I can prove everything I say. I don't just make up wild and crazy bullshit. The very first thing you said:

They support Planned Parenthood which kills the unborn and then illegally sells their body parts

You know that never happened or someone would have been charged with a crime. Any you guys never answer the question on why you refuse to help the born beyond "it's not my kid, why should I pay for it", an answer that's been said many times by USMB Republicans.

And this one just amazes me:

They support throwing Christians in jail for exercising their religious freedoms but do not want to grant rights to everyone who wants to marry

First, denying other's rights is not something to be proud of. That's something the Taliban and Isis does, worse, Republicans did nothing to help the Christians of Iraq. Out of one and a half million, 1.3 million disappeared under the Bush Administration. Some were crucified, some fled the country, some were beheaded, some shot, women were raped and forced to become Muslim. The pope pleaded with Bush, publicly. The entire world knows Republican action and inaction led to genocide of a country's entire Christian population. That's provable. That's not something unsupported made up out of a delusional mind.

Well, this is where making posts with Googly Images takes you.

The KKK was founded in 1865, not '68, and by a half-dozen Confederate soldier veterans, not anybody having anything to do with politics, and it was extinguished by 1880 -- hasn't been continuous. And then it was revived in 1915 by a Georgia salesman, also having nothing to do with politics, and a decade later was working to get Republicans elected.

So it's fitting that the logo in the lower left says "Politifake". That's exactly what it is.

Yes...and that is a nice fake out by are trying to say that former Confederate soldiers would be less likely to vote, and if they voted they would be less likely to vote for the democrat party which was the party of the Confederacy. Nice try....and nice fail.

One day some scholar will check the voting rolls in where those democrats who started the klan lived.....

The klan was used by democrats to drive the freed blacks out of political office in the south using violence and murder.

You don't want to tangle with me on this Junior. I've been around this block more times than you've tied your own shoes without help.

Firstly there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party". Does not exist, never did. Second, there wasn't a whooooooole lot of voting going on in the seven months after the Civil War ended in 1865, and they weren't likely old enough to vote anyway. Thirdly, even if they had been, there wouldn't have been a choice of parties -- the Republican Party was only a decade old, wasn't established in the South and neither Lincoln nor Frémont, the two POTUS candidates, even ran in the South at all.

And we know where they lived (Pulaski, Tennessee) and we know their names (Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord) and we know they founded it as a lark social club, which is why it has all those capricious K-alliterations. What we don't know is that they had any political affiliation. Again, there's not a whole lot of politicking during a WAR.


We also know they recruited Civil War general Nathan Bedford Forrest to be the figurehead-- in April of 1867 (which I'm preeeety sure is before 1868) and that Forrest disbanded it in January of 1869 and washed his hands of it.

So 1868?.... No. By Democrats?... No. For the purpose of racism?... No. Vigilantes jumped in and did that. That's exactly why Forrest disbanded it.

Okay are saying that these former confederate soldiers never, ever voted in their entire lives,
and if they did vote it wouldn't have been for the democrat party over the Republican are a fuckwit and prove it with every post.

Likely they did not, considering they were around 20 years old and the voting age being 21, some might have squeaked though in 1864 only --- which was in the throes of War, but that's speculation. And Lincoln didn't run in the South anyway. And this would have made them around 15 years old in 1860, which again did not feature a Republican in the South.

I think the ignorance is all yours here, boy.

The leader of the Confederacy was a democrat, and Nathan Bedford Forrest was a democrat......and yet the founders of the Ku klux klan would not have been lefties will do anything to deny the truth and reality......sell your bullshit somewhere else one here is buying it anymore...

Wrong. Forrest was a general in the War, not "the leader of the Confederacy" -- that would be Jefferson Davis. Do you know absolutely nothing of your own history?

And no, the founders of the KKK would have had no political party, nor is there an iota of information anywhere saying so. First they were too young, and second there was a FUCKING WAR ON until a few months before they did that, and third, it wasn't founded for a political purpose.

Dip that closer, I put a comma between the leader of the Confederacy and Forrest.....and Davis was a democrat as was Forrest.

And are saying that the founders of the klan never, ever voted in any election in their entire lives...that is what you are saying?....dipstick.

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