This Is A Short List Of Things Democrats Seem To Support


:lol: MLK was not a "Republican", Dumbass. This is the hole that trying to make fake points with Googly Images puts you in.

And in the larger picture, "Democrat" and "Republican" don't mean at all now what they meant in the 19th century. The DP was the "states rights" party suspicious of Federal power, while the RP was home to the Liberals and former Whigs -- the party of "big gummint".

But you have fun, trolling the Internets for easily-debunked fake association fallacies in the valiant pursuit of Dumb-Down.

Why can liberals never spell "government" right? It's a fucking easy word.

They keep confusing it with Totalitarianism.

:lol: MLK was not a "Republican", Dumbass. This is the hole that trying to make fake points with Googly Images puts you in.

And in the larger picture, "Democrat" and "Republican" don't mean at all now what they meant in the 19th century. The DP was the "states rights" party suspicious of Federal power, while the RP was home to the Liberals and former Whigs -- the party of "big gummint".

But you have fun, trolling the Internets for easily-debunked fake association fallacies in the valiant pursuit of Dumb-Down.

Why can liberals never spell "government" right? It's a fucking easy word.

Because that word is not "government" -- it's gummint.

In Googly Images it looks like this:


Democrats have become the anti-American party. The groups they support and the activities of the current administration they facilitate are so destructive and anti-America it's difficult to believe. Here's a short list:

  1. They support Planned Parenthood which kills the unborn and then illegally sells their body parts
  2. They support Black Lives Matters, which on 9/11 created a "Fuck Your Flag" Day
  3. They support propping up Iran so they can create nuclear weapons and fund terrorism all over the world
  4. They support the killing of cops.....and memorializing of violent thugs and drug-addicts
  5. They support anarchist groups, which helped organize riots in Occupy WallStreet, Ferguson, and Baltimore
  6. They support throwing Christians in jail for exercising their religious freedoms but do not want to grant rights to everyone who wants to marry
  7. They believe that America is the greatest threat to peace on the planet
  8. They believe that Glowbull Warming is a greater threat than any other
  9. The support Obama's immigration policy in hopes that white Americans' votes will be drowned out by brown illegal votes...even if they're white themselves
  10. They support the IRS when it abuses it's authority, but throws in jail anyone who prevents them from getting a license
  11. They support a president who is a proven liar and make excuses for his lies every damned time
  12. They support a candidate (Hillary) that has committed crimes that any one of us would be doing 20 years in Leavenworth if we had done the same exact thing
  13. They believe that it doesn't matter how many people's lives you destroy as long as you get what you want
  14. They believe that God should be erased from everyone's lives......and this is the primary reason why Democrats believe in all of the above
  15. They hate any woman who runs as a Republican
  16. They hate any black man who runs as a Republican
  17. They hate any Republican who tells the truth....the truth that sounds bad to their ears
  18. They hate the truth
  19. They hate white men......even though they're white men
  20. They hate anyone who disagrees with them, and wants them to lose their jobs, their businesses, their lives
  21. They hate the rich, even though they want to be rich
  22. They love the poor, even though none of them want to be poor
  23. They want to be an individual, but their mindset is similar to The Borg
  24. They hate conservatives, but they totally support the most conservative religion on the planet, Islam
  25. They believe it's wise to put someone in our most important office that doesn't have a clue how to do the job, but because he's black, a woman, or because he's good looking or has good hair


More Muddy anti-American idiocy.

:lol: MLK was not a "Republican", Dumbass. This is the hole that trying to make fake points with Googly Images puts you in.

And in the larger picture, "Democrat" and "Republican" don't mean at all now what they meant in the 19th century. The DP was the "states rights" party suspicious of Federal power, while the RP was home to the Liberals and former Whigs -- the party of "big gummint".

But you have fun, trolling the Internets for easily-debunked fake association fallacies in the valiant pursuit of Dumb-Down.

Why can liberals never spell "government" right? It's a fucking easy word.

Look....for all of the things they get wrong....that have lead to the deaths of over 100 million people? I think we should give them a pass on not spelling government right.

She helped bring down ACORN, a democrat group that were willing to help a sex trafficker set up a brothel with underage girls from Mexico and Central America...and the ACORN employees didn't think twice....

Good for her...
Those videos were edited.....or taken out of context......or something......
Those videos were edited.....or taken out of context......or something......
Liberals are always right and just and true. They are the good guys. All other positions are pure evil and only held by the bad guys. Any proof otherwise is a hoax fabricated by extremist terrorists and not worth even the barest consideration.
Time to go through these:
  • They support Planned Parenthood which kills the unborn and then illegally sells their body parts
  • You rwers have yet to prove that PP is killing fetuses without the mothers consent, and prove that they're selling body parts for profit. By the way, do you know how many abortions PP prevents? Of course you don't.
  • They support Black Lives Matters, which on 9/11 created a "Fuck Your Flag" Day
  • Not all democrats support BLM, but it's a sad fact that racism exists in this country, and cherrypicking what one person does to stereotype a group is ridiculous, then again, you idiots are guilty of this. "ALL HOUSES MATTER."
  • They support propping up Iran so they can create nuclear weapons and fund terrorism all over the world
  • The iran deal would reduce Iran's nuclear capacity, and is hardly a way to help Iran fund terrorism, more fear mongering from the war hawking right.
  • They support the killing of cops.....and memorializing of violent thugs and drug-addicts
  • Prove it. No one supports the killing of cops, it's why cop deaths are at the lowest in DECADES. Not so sure about the violence cops commit though.. Hm.
  • They support anarchist groups, which helped organize riots in Occupy WallStreet, Ferguson, and Baltimore
  • What is an "anarchist" group? Do you know what anarchism is? I'm pretty sure democrats support the government. Organized riots? OWS was hardly a full blown riot, it occurred because of widespread corruption, sure, some nuts were there, but the american people were fed up. Ferguson? The majority weren't rioting, same with baltimore.
  • They support throwing Christians in jail for exercising their religious freedoms but do not want to grant rights to everyone who wants to marry
  • I assume you're referring to Kim Davis, hey, buddy, contempt of court. Religious freedom doesn't give someone the right to be a bigoted idiot. Wait, do not want to grant rights to everyone who wants to marry? I don't understand, another stupid point by the right.
  • They believe that America is the greatest threat to peace on the planet
  • Bullshit, democrats believe that America has destabilized many parts of the world and has a disgusting foreign policy record. I shouldn't have to explain this, although I could make a long post on this all on its own.
  • They believe that Glowbull Warming is a greater threat than any other
  • Global warming, greatly influenced by human activity is a fact, every country accepts this, sorry that you disagree.
  • The support Obama's immigration policy in hopes that white Americans' votes will be drowned out by brown illegal votes...even if they're white themselves
  • Illegal immigrants cannot vote. Ah, you said "brown" great to know you're a racist moron.
  • They support the IRS when it abuses it's authority, but throws in jail anyone who prevents them from getting a license
  • Yes, democrats generally support the IRS, a necessary function, and cherrypicking incidents in a massive thing such as the IRS is telling.
  • They support a president who is a proven liar and make excuses for his lies every damned time
  • Not all democrats support Hillary, and when you discuss "proven liar" you'll need to show these lies.
  • They support a candidate (Hillary) that has committed crimes that any one of us would be doing 20 years in Leavenworth if we had done the same exact thing
  • Name them.
  • They believe that it doesn't matter how many people's lives you destroy as long as you get what you want
  • Now you're just spewing stupid shit.
  • They believe that God should be erased from everyone's lives......and this is the primary reason why Democrats believe in all of the above
  • Democrats support the separation of church and state, a fundamental part of our nation.
  • They hate any woman who runs as a Republican
  • Bullshit. If you refer to fiorina, hey, guess who made those comments? Trump. Idiot.
  • They hate any black man who runs as a Republican
  • No, they really don't, carson supports torture, and has a record of saying crazy things, that has nothing to do with hating black people.
  • They hate any Republican who tells the truth....the truth that sounds bad to their ears
  • What truth? That rape victims shouldn't be able to get abortions? Talk about ruining lives..
  • They hate the truth
  • LOL.
  • They hate white men......even though they're white men
  • What democrats hate white men?
  • They hate anyone who disagrees with them, and wants them to lose their jobs, their businesses, their lives
  • LINK. Oh, and if you refer to bigoted idiots going against civil rights and morons like Kim Davis, yes, fuck them.
  • They hate the rich, even though they want to be rich
  • Democrats don't hate the rich, and they don't all want to become rich, this is a ridiculous talking point the right uses. Democrats believe in utilizing the government to help create a more equal and fair society, this can't happen when more and more wealth accumulates in a minorities hands while wages stay stagnant..
  • They love the poor, even though none of them want to be poor
  • What the fuck? This is just getting stupid now. Democrats are the only ones who want to help poor people, it's proven that welfare REDUCES poverty, and structural unemployment is a real thing you know..
  • They want to be an individual, but their mindset is similar to The Borg
  • Another idiotic talking point.
  • They hate conservatives, but they totally support the most conservative religion on the planet, Islam
  • Democrats support religious freedom and condemn extremists.
  • They believe it's wise to put someone in our most important office that doesn't have a clue how to do the job, but because he's black, a woman, or because he's good looking or has good hair
  • Yeah, another conservative talking point with no substance, democrats elected Obama TWICE because he was doing his job to the best of his ability, and he still does.

Democrats have become the anti-American party. The groups they support and the activities of the current administration they facilitate are so destructive and anti-America it's difficult to believe. Here's a short list:

  1. They support Planned Parenthood which kills the unborn and then illegally sells their body parts
  2. They support Black Lives Matters, which on 9/11 created a "Fuck Your Flag" Day
  3. They support propping up Iran so they can create nuclear weapons and fund terrorism all over the world
  4. They support the killing of cops.....and memorializing of violent thugs and drug-addicts
  5. They support anarchist groups, which helped organize riots in Occupy WallStreet, Ferguson, and Baltimore
  6. They support throwing Christians in jail for exercising their religious freedoms but do not want to grant rights to everyone who wants to marry
  7. They believe that America is the greatest threat to peace on the planet
  8. They believe that Glowbull Warming is a greater threat than any other
  9. The support Obama's immigration policy in hopes that white Americans' votes will be drowned out by brown illegal votes...even if they're white themselves
  10. They support the IRS when it abuses it's authority, but throws in jail anyone who prevents them from getting a license
  11. They support a president who is a proven liar and make excuses for his lies every damned time
  12. They support a candidate (Hillary) that has committed crimes that any one of us would be doing 20 years in Leavenworth if we had done the same exact thing
  13. They believe that it doesn't matter how many people's lives you destroy as long as you get what you want
  14. They believe that God should be erased from everyone's lives......and this is the primary reason why Democrats believe in all of the above
  15. They hate any woman who runs as a Republican
  16. They hate any black man who runs as a Republican
  17. They hate any Republican who tells the truth....the truth that sounds bad to their ears
  18. They hate the truth
  19. They hate white men......even though they're white men
  20. They hate anyone who disagrees with them, and wants them to lose their jobs, their businesses, their lives
  21. They hate the rich, even though they want to be rich
  22. They love the poor, even though none of them want to be poor
  23. They want to be an individual, but their mindset is similar to The Borg
  24. They hate conservatives, but they totally support the most conservative religion on the planet, Islam
  25. They believe it's wise to put someone in our most important office that doesn't have a clue how to do the job, but because he's black, a woman, or because he's good looking or has good hair


Democrats have become the anti-American party. The groups they support and the activities of the current administration they facilitate are so destructive and anti-America it's difficult to believe. Here's a short list:

  1. They support Planned Parenthood which kills the unborn and then illegally sells their body parts
  2. They support Black Lives Matters, which on 9/11 created a "Fuck Your Flag" Day
  3. They support propping up Iran so they can create nuclear weapons and fund terrorism all over the world
  4. They support the killing of cops.....and memorializing of violent thugs and drug-addicts
  5. They support anarchist groups, which helped organize riots in Occupy WallStreet, Ferguson, and Baltimore
  6. They support throwing Christians in jail for exercising their religious freedoms but do not want to grant rights to everyone who wants to marry
  7. They believe that America is the greatest threat to peace on the planet
  8. They believe that Glowbull Warming is a greater threat than any other
  9. The support Obama's immigration policy in hopes that white Americans' votes will be drowned out by brown illegal votes...even if they're white themselves
  10. They support the IRS when it abuses it's authority, but throws in jail anyone who prevents them from getting a license
  11. They support a president who is a proven liar and make excuses for his lies every damned time
  12. They support a candidate (Hillary) that has committed crimes that any one of us would be doing 20 years in Leavenworth if we had done the same exact thing
  13. They believe that it doesn't matter how many people's lives you destroy as long as you get what you want
  14. They believe that God should be erased from everyone's lives......and this is the primary reason why Democrats believe in all of the above
  15. They hate any woman who runs as a Republican
  16. They hate any black man who runs as a Republican
  17. They hate any Republican who tells the truth....the truth that sounds bad to their ears
  18. They hate the truth
  19. They hate white men......even though they're white men
  20. They hate anyone who disagrees with them, and wants them to lose their jobs, their businesses, their lives
  21. They hate the rich, even though they want to be rich
  22. They love the poor, even though none of them want to be poor
  23. They want to be an individual, but their mindset is similar to The Borg
  24. They hate conservatives, but they totally support the most conservative religion on the planet, Islam
  25. They believe it's wise to put someone in our most important office that doesn't have a clue how to do the job, but because he's black, a woman, or because he's good looking or has good hair

Haven't seen your ass in awhile.

Must have been banned.
Showing Republicans from over 50 years ago before the Confederate conservatives fled the Democratic Party and became Republicans when the blacks joined the Democrats. I guess there is a point there. Raw and undiluted ignorance about American history. So, were Lincoln and King "Confederates"? That's the only way you could make this historical rewrite work.

The racists stayed in the democrat party, they never left, they just let the racists of the other races join in.....the home of racism is the democrat party, it was in the past, it is now......
quite a delusional statement. And it has been refuted that Martin Luther King was Republican. Please try to keep up.

Democrats have become the anti-American party. The groups they support and the activities of the current administration they facilitate are so destructive and anti-America it's difficult to believe. Here's a short list:

  1. They support Planned Parenthood which kills the unborn and then illegally sells their body parts
  2. They support Black Lives Matters, which on 9/11 created a "Fuck Your Flag" Day
  3. They support propping up Iran so they can create nuclear weapons and fund terrorism all over the world
  4. They support the killing of cops.....and memorializing of violent thugs and drug-addicts
  5. They support anarchist groups, which helped organize riots in Occupy WallStreet, Ferguson, and Baltimore
  6. They support throwing Christians in jail for exercising their religious freedoms but do not want to grant rights to everyone who wants to marry
  7. They believe that America is the greatest threat to peace on the planet
  8. They believe that Glowbull Warming is a greater threat than any other
  9. The support Obama's immigration policy in hopes that white Americans' votes will be drowned out by brown illegal votes...even if they're white themselves
  10. They support the IRS when it abuses it's authority, but throws in jail anyone who prevents them from getting a license
  11. They support a president who is a proven liar and make excuses for his lies every damned time
  12. They support a candidate (Hillary) that has committed crimes that any one of us would be doing 20 years in Leavenworth if we had done the same exact thing
  13. They believe that it doesn't matter how many people's lives you destroy as long as you get what you want
  14. They believe that God should be erased from everyone's lives......and this is the primary reason why Democrats believe in all of the above
  15. They hate any woman who runs as a Republican
  16. They hate any black man who runs as a Republican
  17. They hate any Republican who tells the truth....the truth that sounds bad to their ears
  18. They hate the truth
  19. They hate white men......even though they're white men
  20. They hate anyone who disagrees with them, and wants them to lose their jobs, their businesses, their lives
  21. They hate the rich, even though they want to be rich
  22. They love the poor, even though none of them want to be poor
  23. They want to be an individual, but their mindset is similar to The Borg
  24. They hate conservatives, but they totally support the most conservative religion on the planet, Islam
  25. They believe it's wise to put someone in our most important office that doesn't have a clue how to do the job, but because he's black, a woman, or because he's good looking or has good hair

Haven't seen your ass in awhile.

Must have been banned.

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