This is how you get rid of a armed poll watcher.....

Marener believes that, since the cops asked them to leave and the armed one only had a baton, then they were not armed or intimidating.

Leftists rationalize anything they believe in, and they believe that it's perfectly acceptable to cheat with any aspect of elections. :dunno:
You’re just being dishonest. Removing poll watchers from Arizona is the right thing to do as it was the right thing to do in Philadelphia.

Your accusation implied I wasn’t being consistent, but I was.

And that’s after your initial attempt to prove inconsistency failed because your first photo wasn’t even at a polling place. Just a random street corner.
Go vote and don't acknowledge them. Though if you have to say something, then say hello how are you doing and bring them a donut and coffee. With in 2 or 3 days of that, they will be gone.
"Armed" with a video camera? Why would ANYONE be alarmed about someone videotaping them dropping off a ballot from 70 yards away? Only one kind of person, Airtight! Someone that wants to stuff a bunch of ballots into that box and doesn't want to be caught doing so on video!

You guys got away with that in the last election. It's not going to happen again.
Who decides voter intimidation? You said it was Implicit threat of violence and doxxing. Who has been threatened and who has been doxxed?

Once again, the public have been gamed by the democrats into reacting to an issue that does not yet even exist. If the stupid fucking idiots running the elections simply manned all voting stations which includes drop boxes, there would be no need for poll watchers, no need for sheriffs or police, and no issue with intimidation. And less concern for cheating. But now, instead of doing that, some sherrif will stand out there jerking off while ballot stuffers cheat right under his nose or right behind his back.
The courts decide.

Obviously taking photos of license plates serves one purpose. The watchers are quite aware of this because they have been covering up their license plates.

Manning drop boxes is idiotic. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to be doing so.
You can watch them. This is about people armed, watching them.
A cop is armed. Very armed. If there is a cop watching the drop boxes now, will that intimidate you? Especially if you are BLACK. I mean, we all know cops hate blacks and have it in for them, right?

To your argument. If they aren't armed then this is a hypothetical, so your points are irrelevant and you should shut up already.
No, maybe I should be asking these questions a lot louder to a lot more people.

And yes if you are trying to intimidate voters you should be intimidated back.
No, if you are actually, legitimately caught INTIMIDATING voters via threats, physical obstruction, etc., you should be charged with a crime.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
You’re just being dishonest. Removing poll watchers from Arizona is the right thing to do as it was the right thing to do in Philadelphia.

Your accusation implied I wasn’t being consistent, but I was.

And that’s after your initial attempt to prove inconsistency failed because your first photo wasn’t even at a polling place. Just a random street corner.
Wow! I'm impressed by how authoritative you thought you sounded saying that.
Armed poll watchers are there to intimidate.
Point and Laugh. Post on youtube.
Do TIK TOK challenges in front of them with them in the background.

Trying to intimidate voters? Intimidate them back:
-Take pictures of their vehicles and plates. Post their vehicles and plates on the internet.
-Follow them to their house and post their house on the internet.

Report them to the state police, local police, and sheriff. They may be violating laws.
And if they're harassed at home, or their property is vandalized they can sue your ass for inciting violence and you might catch formal charges.
You are a delusional lunatic who watches too much TV and is in the internet too much.

Go touch grass.

And YOU are a LYING leftard.

You're a complete fucking liar.

Are you DENYING that cops all over the US got on their knees for BLM, which is a MARXIST COMMUNIST organization?

Are you fucking denying that, dipshit?
Don't be pendantic. WE're not talking about police officers.
So then, we have determined so far that NOT ONE poll watcher is even yet KNOWN PROVEN to have been armed at a drop box location, not that this is any sort of crime anyway, and having a legal gun concealed on your person is not an issue regardless since you are perfectly OK with a cop carring one there right out in the open.

Its not wrong. If they are attempting to intimidate through legal means (carrying firearms), then intimidating them back through legal means (posting their faces, licenses and homes) is fine and dandy.
I'm still not seeing the intimidation. Do we need to clear the entire city block of all people near drop boxes just in case one of them is carry a gun and is looking in the direction of the box? And since we have yet to even ESTABLISH one credible act of intimidation other than some snowflake whining to authorities they felt "uncomfortable," you've just explained and justified why poll watchers are showing up protected wearing face coverings and covered license plates!

HERE'S A BETTER IDEA: Just QUIT YER FUCKING CHEATING, have all voting stations including drop boxes supervised that all ballots dropped off are LEGAL, then there would be no need for watchers, sheriffs, guns, fears of intimidation or trying to doxx people back in retaliation.

BTW, retaliation is a CRIME. Just because someone does something to you does NOT give you the right to do it back to THEM. That's called taking justice into your own hands.
Armed poll watchers are there to intimidate.
Point and Laugh. Post on youtube.
Do TIK TOK challenges in front of them with them in the background.

Trying to intimidate voters? Intimidate them back:
-Take pictures of their vehicles and plates. Post their vehicles and plates on the internet.
-Follow them to their house and post their house on the internet.

Report them to the state police, local police, and sheriff. They may be violating laws.

I never heard of armed poll watchers. Is that legal?

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