This is how you get rid of a armed poll watcher.....

This is what Reagan and the NRA did in California in the 1960s.......get triggered by black men with guns.
because they don't shoot? tell that to the folks in Chicago!! I love punks like you!!! you know fking nothing.
I am sure they will accept flower power.
I believe you!
Voter intimidation
prove it

you all said this isn't

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Armed poll watchers are there to intimidate.
Point and Laugh. Post on youtube.
Do TIK TOK challenges in front of them with them in the background.

Trying to intimidate voters? Intimidate them back:
-Take pictures of their vehicles and plates. Post their vehicles and plates on the internet.
-Follow them to their house and post their house on the internet.

Report them to the state police, local police, and sheriff. They may be violating laws.
I think this is what the OP was referring to as it just happened.

WHAT just happened? A guy wearing a backpack or camo gear talking on a cellphone? You answered NONE of my questions: SHOW ME an ARMED poll watcher who did anything to interfere in legitimate voting activities? And who is taking these pictures and video? How is THAT not intimidation?

Then tell me: will these sheriffs posted to these unsupervised drop boxes be looking out for voter fraud? Such as someone trying to stuff a handful of ballots in by themselves? And how is an armed sheriff covered in body armor and weapons less intimidating than some lone poll watcher just looking to catch cheaters?

Bottom line: none of this would be any issue to anyone at all unless they were trying to cheat.
Go vote and don't acknowledge them. Though if you have to say something, then say hello how are you doing and bring them a donut and coffee. With in 2 or 3 days of that, they will be gone.

I like pretending that I'm cheating to get them to hover over toward me so someone can stuff the drop box with 10,000 ballots. Its easy.
I like pretending that I'm cheating to get them to hover over toward me so someone can stuff the drop box with 10,000 ballots. Its easy.
I knew you knew you all cheated. thanks for the omission.
Voter intimidation

What is voter intimidation? Just calling up and whining to someone that some big bad meanie intimidated you? (Mommy, I feel so threatened!) Funny, you have no problem intimidating people any other time! Unless you physically get in my face and threaten me verbally or with a weapon or block me from voting, you haven't intimidated me.

And if you did, I'd lay you out on the sidewalk, then vote.

"Voter intimidation" is graphable, provable evidence that someone is impeding people from voting against their candidate-- -- -- how does a poll watcher know who to intimidate? Will they be intimidating people voting for their candidate as well? How do they know who you are voting for to intimidate you? Do all democrats pull up driving blue cars or wearing blue sports jackets? Just HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT WORK, MORON?
What is voter intimidation? Just calling up and whining to someone that some big bad meanie intimidated you? (Mommy, I feel so threatened!) Funny, you have no problem intimidating people any other time! Unless you physically get in my face and threaten me verbally or with a weapon or block me from voting, you haven't intimidated me.

And if you did, I'd lay you out on the sidewalk, then vote.

"Voter intimidation" is graphable, provable evidence that someone is impeding people from voting against their candidate-- -- -- how does a poll watcher know who to intimidate? Will they be intimidating people voting for their candidate as well? How do they know who you are voting for to intimidate you? Do all democrats pull up driving blue cars or wearing blue sports jackets? Just HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT WORK, MORON?
it's more smoke and mirrors of the demofks.
What is voter intimidation? Just calling up and whining to someone that some big bad meanie intimidated you? (Mommy, I feel so threatened!) Funny, you have no problem intimidating people any other time! Unless you physically get in my face and threaten me verbally or with a weapon or block me from voting, you haven't intimidated me.

And if you did, I'd lay you out on the sidewalk, then vote.

"Voter intimidation" is graphable, provable evidence that someone is impeding people from voting against their candidate-- -- -- how does a poll watcher know who to intimidate? Will they be intimidating people voting for their candidate as well? How do they know who you are voting for to intimidate you? Do all democrats pull up driving blue cars or wearing blue sports jackets? Just HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT WORK, MORON?
Implicit threat of violence and doxxing.

That’s intimidation.
Go vote and don't acknowledge them. Though if you have to say something, then say hello how are you doing and bring them a donut and coffee. With in 2 or 3 days of that, they will be gone.
The right thing to do, in states the don't allow carry at polling places, is to unpolitely ask them what the fuck they think they are doing, call the police, and stand right in front of them until the cops show up. Otherwise, if you feel like counterbalancing these clowns, bring a gun and stand in front of them.
They were armed dumbass.

Show me a picture of the weapon. More importantly, was that a gun-free zone? A lot of people are armed. Ever hear of the 2nd Amendment? If I was out policing a polling site with they way YOU JUST TALKED ABOUT THREATENING PEOPLE FOLLOWING THEM TO THEIR HOME, et. al., I'd want to be armed as well to be protected. From you.

Being armed doesn't intimidate me, it makes me feel safer. POINTING a gun at a person and telling them "Stop right there motherf*@ker and step away from that drop box and don't you dare vote democrat or I will drop you,"--- THAT is voter intimidation.

Still waiting for the evidence that even one person has actually been thwarted from voting.

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