This is how you get rid of a armed poll watcher.....

Armed poll watchers are there to intimidate.
Can you name a case of there being a poll watcher who WAS armed?
And with the way people get attacked by the Left be it getting gunned down in a ball-field or them showing up at your home with a riot mob, would YOU feel safe out there trying to police elections to keep them honest with no means of self defense?
And just how does a person standing 30 feet away from a drop box minding their own business intimidate a voter unless they are there trying to do something criminal?

-Take pictures of their vehicles and plates. Post their vehicles and plates on the internet.
Well there you go. Now, who is doing the intimidation? Now you know why these people cover their license plates, because they know the first thing the left would try to do is doxx them, when all they are trying to do is bring normalcy to another abnormal election. After all, having "drop boxes" sitting around 24/7 totally unsupervised makes about as much sense as having unattended polling stations! Why not just have empty polling rooms where you just walking in, sign someone's name and vote all by yourself with no one policing the registrations? Either way, the end result is the same: ballots with no chain of custody or way of knowing who signed what or voted for who or whether they should be voting there or not--- We're just collecting papers with candidates on them.

All drop boxes ought to be in locations that are manned with people who can record and certify their validity before ballots being accepted just as when you walk into a polling station.

-Follow them to their house and post their house on the internet.
See what I mean?

Report them to the state police, local police, and sheriff. They may be violating laws.
Yep. You know, that law that prevents people from standing around in public, owning firearms, and esopecially, getting in the way of lying, cheating, thieving democrats from committing election fraud.
Prove it.

This looks like a polling place.

View attachment 716342

Here's a video of the same guy. What's that thing in his hand, Marener? Even you can't deny he's in front of a polling place.

The photo you have here is from 2008. Those two people were told to leave by the police and did so.

Exactly what I said.

Swing and a miss. Strike 2.

This is how you get rid of a armed poll watcher.....​

Wow, resort to gun violence, why are we not surprised.

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