This is no witch hunt and there are no spies

James Clapper admitted they were spying on the Trump campaign, stupid.

Except that isn't what he said stupid. This is exactly what I am talking about. Anyone with a brain the size of a grasshopper knows exactly what Clapper is saying, and what he is talking about. You are the cultist Trump idiot we have been talking about.

Clapper lies everytime his lips move. There is no DENYING that there was a decision between him and the FBI to INSERT INFORMANTS in amongst the Trump Campaign. The distinction between an informant and a spy doesn't mean a load of crap in this case.

Listen carefully and follow along because in the Intel world there's a TECHnical difference.

In FACT the argument that they inserted INFORMANTS into the campaign is even worse. Because AN INFORMANT is a spy who was ALREADY PART of the organization under scrutiny. A SPY is someone you INSERT into an organization. The folks mentioned as spying on the Trump campaign were NOT PART of the Trump campaign. That MAKES THEM SPIES...

Clapper is lying to SAVE his sorry ass. It's a matter of time until the names come out and we find that this foolish monkey-wrenching of an opposition campaign in an election is the LARGEST abuse EVER of our Intel orgs and the FBI..

Obama should be perp-walked into Leavenworth prison for what he did to our FBI and DOJ.

When you figure out exactly what he did, you'll be sure to let us know now won't you?
Do a search and you will find many articles much like the following.

DiGenova: ‘Probable cause to arrest Comey’ for Spygate right now

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk

The problem with DeGenova, is the fact that he is constantly contradicting himself for one, by saying we don't have all the information, but second, that there is probable cause for an arrest.

His claims of infiltrating the campaign because it was not a legitimate law enforcement reason is totally insane. The information was obtained through an informant who came forward to relay this information. That is totally a legitimate law enforcement reason to pursue Russia and their attack on our election. That was/is the job of the FBI and Comey. Are you all high on drugs that you do not understand that? You folks are making this shit up as you go, and none of it squares with reality. DeGenova included. He knows better.
No because he's innocent. If an investigation has turned up nothing for over a year, it's done.

Hillary lost, suck it up, move on.
Except the investigation has already gathered up twenty plus people with various charges, who are directly and indirectly tied to Trump, with more on the way. And they have already proven obstruction and conspiracy to defraud the U.S.

Boss, you can holler until the cows come home about "nothing there", and it won't change reality.

When the Sheep finally realize all the grass has been eaten, they'll simply follow Trump off the cliff.

Perhaps the people are "directly and indirectly tied to Trump", but so far none of the charges are.
There is no ‘witch hunt,’ there are no ‘spies.’

Whatever nonsense Trump sycophants might contrive, it doesn’t change the fact that the Russia investigations are perfectly warranted, legal, and appropriate and that Trump’s lie about ‘spies’ is a failed attempt to deflect from the investigations.

The factual evidence says otherwise.
What factual evidence? That's right, you don't have any. More lies!

Congress asked if the NSA was hoovering up innocent Americans communications. clapper said "no". That is a lie, and he knew it was a lie when he uttered it. How can you people be so clueless?
Except the investigation has already gathered up twenty plus people with various charges, who are directly and indirectly tied to Trump, with more on the way. And they have already proven obstruction and conspiracy to defraud the U.S.

Boss, you can holler until the cows come home about "nothing there", and it won't change reality.

When the Sheep finally realize all the grass has been eaten, they'll simply follow Trump off the cliff.

Perhaps the people are "directly and indirectly tied to Trump", but so far none of the charges are.
There is no ‘witch hunt,’ there are no ‘spies.’

Whatever nonsense Trump sycophants might contrive, it doesn’t change the fact that the Russia investigations are perfectly warranted, legal, and appropriate and that Trump’s lie about ‘spies’ is a failed attempt to deflect from the investigations.

The factual evidence says otherwise.
What factual evidence? That's right, you don't have any. More lies!

Congress asked if the NSA was hoovering up innocent Americans communications. clapper said "no". That is a lie, and he knew it was a lie when he uttered it. How can you people be so clueless?
Damn right he was lying. Watch how he lies, then tries to cover his ass.

Perhaps the people are "directly and indirectly tied to Trump", but so far none of the charges are.
There is no ‘witch hunt,’ there are no ‘spies.’

Whatever nonsense Trump sycophants might contrive, it doesn’t change the fact that the Russia investigations are perfectly warranted, legal, and appropriate and that Trump’s lie about ‘spies’ is a failed attempt to deflect from the investigations.

The factual evidence says otherwise.
What factual evidence? That's right, you don't have any. More lies!

Congress asked if the NSA was hoovering up innocent Americans communications. clapper said "no". That is a lie, and he knew it was a lie when he uttered it. How can you people be so clueless?
Damn right he was lying. Watch how he lies, then tries to cover his ass.

It is becoming abundantly clear boss, that you are not playing with a full deck here.

This is the second time I have addressed the same issue about sight and deafness.

The question by Ron Wyden was raised about "Americans" not Russians. Do you understand the difference? Do you understand, that the informant gave the FBI information about Russians?

These things, I am quite sure could easily be deduced by a middle grade school kid with average intelligence, given the proper information. Not sure what grade you are in, but you certainly failed the logic test, based on the information this thread has provided, up against the testimony Clapper gave.

You are not addressing the main subjects of this thread. In case you were wondering, they are Russians. Get with the program.
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Except the investigation has already gathered up twenty plus people with various charges, who are directly and indirectly tied to Trump, with more on the way. And they have already proven obstruction and conspiracy to defraud the U.S.

Boss, you can holler until the cows come home about "nothing there", and it won't change reality.

When the Sheep finally realize all the grass has been eaten, they'll simply follow Trump off the cliff.

Perhaps the people are "directly and indirectly tied to Trump", but so far none of the charges are.
There is no ‘witch hunt,’ there are no ‘spies.’

Whatever nonsense Trump sycophants might contrive, it doesn’t change the fact that the Russia investigations are perfectly warranted, legal, and appropriate and that Trump’s lie about ‘spies’ is a failed attempt to deflect from the investigations.

The factual evidence says otherwise.
What factual evidence? That's right, you don't have any. More lies!

Congress asked if the NSA was hoovering up innocent Americans communications. clapper said "no". That is a lie, and he knew it was a lie when he uttered it. How can you people be so clueless?
How can you be so clueless as to not know what this thread is about? Did you know that the question Congress asked to Clapper had nothing to do with the make believe scandal by Trump, who said there were spies planted in his campaign? Congress asked Clapper about Americans, not Russians. Talk about "clueless". You folks have to go to another topic, so you all can think you have relevancy in this debate. Lol! Based on these last comments, you all have changed the debate. That's funny as hell.
Perhaps the people are "directly and indirectly tied to Trump", but so far none of the charges are.
There is no ‘witch hunt,’ there are no ‘spies.’

Whatever nonsense Trump sycophants might contrive, it doesn’t change the fact that the Russia investigations are perfectly warranted, legal, and appropriate and that Trump’s lie about ‘spies’ is a failed attempt to deflect from the investigations.

The factual evidence says otherwise.
What factual evidence? That's right, you don't have any. More lies!

Congress asked if the NSA was hoovering up innocent Americans communications. clapper said "no". That is a lie, and he knew it was a lie when he uttered it. How can you people be so clueless?
How can you be so clueless as to not know what this thread is about? Did you know that the question Congress asked to Clapper had nothing to do with the make believe scandal by Trump, who said there were spies planted in his campaign? Congress asked Clapper about Americans, not Russians. Talk about "clueless". You folks have to go to another topic, so you all can think you have relevancy in this debate. Lol! Based on these last comments, you all have changed the debate. That's funny as hell.

This thread is about the witch hunt enacted by scumbags like your hero clapper, who has provable lied, and which you don't care about because you want to see a coup happen in this country because you're a statist piece of poo.
Libs think they're gonna keep Comey and Clapper out of jail by spinning on a message board.

Perhaps the people are "directly and indirectly tied to Trump", but so far none of the charges are.
There is no ‘witch hunt,’ there are no ‘spies.’

Whatever nonsense Trump sycophants might contrive, it doesn’t change the fact that the Russia investigations are perfectly warranted, legal, and appropriate and that Trump’s lie about ‘spies’ is a failed attempt to deflect from the investigations.

The factual evidence says otherwise.
What factual evidence? That's right, you don't have any. More lies!

Congress asked if the NSA was hoovering up innocent Americans communications. clapper said "no". That is a lie, and he knew it was a lie when he uttered it. How can you people be so clueless?
How can you be so clueless as to not know what this thread is about? Did you know that the question Congress asked to Clapper had nothing to do with the make believe scandal by Trump, who said there were spies planted in his campaign? Congress asked Clapper about Americans, not Russians. Talk about "clueless". You folks have to go to another topic, so you all can think you have relevancy in this debate. Lol! Based on these last comments, you all have changed the debate. That's funny as hell.

This thread was started when you mindless drones were still programmed to lie that there was no spy.

Now you drones have been reprogrammed to say having a spy is good. Naturally, given that you have no actual brain, just a clump of receptors to gain a script from you masters, you don't grasp just how stupid you look.

But we normals do.

There is no ‘witch hunt,’ there are no ‘spies.’

Whatever nonsense Trump sycophants might contrive, it doesn’t change the fact that the Russia investigations are perfectly warranted, legal, and appropriate and that Trump’s lie about ‘spies’ is a failed attempt to deflect from the investigations.

The factual evidence says otherwise.
What factual evidence? That's right, you don't have any. More lies!

Congress asked if the NSA was hoovering up innocent Americans communications. clapper said "no". That is a lie, and he knew it was a lie when he uttered it. How can you people be so clueless?
How can you be so clueless as to not know what this thread is about? Did you know that the question Congress asked to Clapper had nothing to do with the make believe scandal by Trump, who said there were spies planted in his campaign? Congress asked Clapper about Americans, not Russians. Talk about "clueless". You folks have to go to another topic, so you all can think you have relevancy in this debate. Lol! Based on these last comments, you all have changed the debate. That's funny as hell.

This thread was started when you mindless drones were still programmed to lie that there was no spy.

Now you drones have been reprogrammed to say having a spy is good. Naturally, given that you have no actual brain, just a clump of receptors to gain a script from you masters, you don't grasp just how stupid you look.

But we normals do.

You obviously do not possess the ability to logically put facts and logic together to incorporate them as one. And you also do not possess the ability to intelligently rebut the same argument that the thread has proven. And silly cartoons won't change it either. Try again!
The factual evidence says otherwise.
What factual evidence? That's right, you don't have any. More lies!

Congress asked if the NSA was hoovering up innocent Americans communications. clapper said "no". That is a lie, and he knew it was a lie when he uttered it. How can you people be so clueless?
How can you be so clueless as to not know what this thread is about? Did you know that the question Congress asked to Clapper had nothing to do with the make believe scandal by Trump, who said there were spies planted in his campaign? Congress asked Clapper about Americans, not Russians. Talk about "clueless". You folks have to go to another topic, so you all can think you have relevancy in this debate. Lol! Based on these last comments, you all have changed the debate. That's funny as hell.

This thread was started when you mindless drones were still programmed to lie that there was no spy.

Now you drones have been reprogrammed to say having a spy is good. Naturally, given that you have no actual brain, just a clump of receptors to gain a script from you masters, you don't grasp just how stupid you look.

But we normals do.

You obviously do not possess the ability to logically put facts and logic together to incorporate them as one. And you also do not possess the ability to intelligently rebut the same argument that the thread has proven. And silly cartoons won't change it either. Try again!

Comrade, the "arguments" of the thread are retarded. Your side has already admitted that they used a spy against the Trump campaign, The new lie is that his is perfectly normal. Bolshevik professor Larry Tribe went on the leftist hate shows to pontificate on how normal it is to spy on the opposition campaign.

The thread title says "there are no spies."

Well, that's just fucking stupid, you ignorant fool.

Stefan Halper is the longtime CIA operative and Cambridge University professor who approached Carter Page, Sam Clovis, and George Papadopoulos during the 2016 campaign. With Page, it’s a bit more interesting since his encounter with him occurred prior to July of 2016, the date which the FBI said was the official start of the counterintelligence investigation into the Trump team (WSJ):

Multiple media sources have now confirmed that American academic Stefan Halper is the “top secret” informant the FBI asked to sidle up to Trump campaign officials in 2016. Some questions follow: Who asked Mr. Halper to keep tabs on the Trump officials, and when and why?

The answers go to the credibility of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s claim that it didn’t open an official counterintelligence probe into Trump-Russia collusion until July 31, 2016. The answers might also show if Obama Administration officials knew about this mission, or if political actors working for the Clinton campaign such as Fusion GPS played a role.

One mystery concerns Mr. Halper’s interaction with Trump aide Carter Page. The New York Times reported on Friday that Mr. Halper’s contact with Trump officials happened only after the July 31 launch of the probe.


But Mr. Page tells us he actually met Mr. Halper in mid-July, at a symposium at England’s University of Cambridge, where Mr. Halper is an emeritus professor. Mr. Page says the invitation to that event came much earlier—the end of May or early June. Mr. Page declined to say who invited him but says it was someone other than Mr. Halper.

Mr. Halper had a central role in the symposium. The event was hosted by the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), a Cambridge research institute.


For the record, Mr. Page says he had never interacted with the CRASSH program at Cambridge before that early summer 2016 invitation. And while he did not speak at the event, he says the organizers paid his round-trip airfare from New York.

Perhaps all of this is a crazy coincidence, but House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes is right to investigate.

Former CBS Reporter: Seems Like The FBI's Spy Operation Against Trump Campaign Was Politically Motivated
Except that isn't what he said stupid. This is exactly what I am talking about. Anyone with a brain the size of a grasshopper knows exactly what Clapper is saying, and what he is talking about. You are the cultist Trump idiot we have been talking about.

Clapper lies everytime his lips move. There is no DENYING that there was a decision between him and the FBI to INSERT INFORMANTS in amongst the Trump Campaign. The distinction between an informant and a spy doesn't mean a load of crap in this case.

Listen carefully and follow along because in the Intel world there's a TECHnical difference.

In FACT the argument that they inserted INFORMANTS into the campaign is even worse. Because AN INFORMANT is a spy who was ALREADY PART of the organization under scrutiny. A SPY is someone you INSERT into an organization. The folks mentioned as spying on the Trump campaign were NOT PART of the Trump campaign. That MAKES THEM SPIES...

Clapper is lying to SAVE his sorry ass. It's a matter of time until the names come out and we find that this foolish monkey-wrenching of an opposition campaign in an election is the LARGEST abuse EVER of our Intel orgs and the FBI..
Obama should be perp-walked into Leavenworth prison for what he did to our FBI and DOJ.
When you figure out exactly what he did, you'll be sure to let us know now won't you?
Do a search and you will find many articles much like the following.

DiGenova: ‘Probable cause to arrest Comey’ for Spygate right now

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk
The problem with DeGenova, is the fact that he is constantly contradicting himself for one, by saying we don't have all the information, but second, that there is probable cause for an arrest.

His claims of infiltrating the campaign because it was not a legitimate law enforcement reason is totally insane. The information was obtained through an informant who came forward to relay this information. That is totally a legitimate law enforcement reason to pursue Russia and their attack on our election. That was/is the job of the FBI and Comey. Are you all high on drugs that you do not understand that? You folks are making this shit up as you go, and none of it squares with reality. DeGenova included. He knows better.
Why are you fighting so hard here ??? Are you one of the deep state cronies who are in denial that this thing is flipping now ?

All of your excuses and analogies still won't wash away all that has gone on in the media about get Trump, get Trump, get Trump, and get him for Russian collusion etc, but now all of a sudden a flip has happened for y'all, otherwise to try and suggest it was just those nasty ole Russians the informat was there to spy on, and not the Trumpster. Good grief.
What factual evidence? That's right, you don't have any. More lies!

Congress asked if the NSA was hoovering up innocent Americans communications. clapper said "no". That is a lie, and he knew it was a lie when he uttered it. How can you people be so clueless?
How can you be so clueless as to not know what this thread is about? Did you know that the question Congress asked to Clapper had nothing to do with the make believe scandal by Trump, who said there were spies planted in his campaign? Congress asked Clapper about Americans, not Russians. Talk about "clueless". You folks have to go to another topic, so you all can think you have relevancy in this debate. Lol! Based on these last comments, you all have changed the debate. That's funny as hell.

This thread was started when you mindless drones were still programmed to lie that there was no spy.

Now you drones have been reprogrammed to say having a spy is good. Naturally, given that you have no actual brain, just a clump of receptors to gain a script from you masters, you don't grasp just how stupid you look.

But we normals do.

You obviously do not possess the ability to logically put facts and logic together to incorporate them as one. And you also do not possess the ability to intelligently rebut the same argument that the thread has proven. And silly cartoons won't change it either. Try again!

Comrade, the "arguments" of the thread are retarded. Your side has already admitted that they used a spy against the Trump campaign,
No one has said that except folks like you. It's a flat out lie, and you cannot prove otherwise.
The new lie is that his is perfectly normal.
The only "perfectly normal" I see going on here is your own lies.
Bolshevik professor Larry Tribe went on the leftist hate shows to pontificate on how normal it is to spy on the opposition campaign.
There is again, zero evidence anyone spied on the campaign, and you have zero proof of that.

The thread title says "there are no spies."
You folks are just too damn stupid. You all still, from a standpoint of let's say Fifth grade, still cannot understand the difference between "spy" and "spying". Unbelievable! The level of ignorance and stupidity defies imagination.

Stefan Halper is the longtime CIA operative and Cambridge University professor who approached Carter Page, Sam Clovis, and George Papadopoulos during the 2016 campaign. With Page, it’s a bit more interesting since his encounter with him occurred prior to July of 2016, the date which the FBI said was the official start of the counterintelligence investigation into the Trump team (WSJ):
That right there should have gotten your attention, that this investigation started because of Russia. This was an investigation that had its footing about the concern that Russia was trying to interfere in our election. Boss, this isn't that hard to figure out. You yourself are being sloppy by admitting this yourself.

Multiple media sources have now confirmed that American academic Stefan Halper is the “top secret” informant the FBI asked to sidle up to Trump campaign officials in 2016. Some questions follow: Who asked Mr. Halper to keep tabs on the Trump officials, and when and why?
To know answers to those questions, is to give yourself away to those who are committing the crimes. How stupid do you have to be, to do something like that? It's an investigation stupid.

The answers go to the credibility of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s claim that it didn’t open an official counterintelligence probe into Trump-Russia collusion until July 31, 2016. The answers might also show if Obama Administration officials knew about this mission, or if political actors working for the Clinton campaign such as Fusion GPS played a role.
" Might" lives in a bucket with a hole at the bottom of it too. So far, there is zero evidence Obama knew.

One mystery concerns Mr. Halper’s interaction with Trump aide Carter Page. The New York Times reported on Friday that Mr. Halper’s contact with Trump officials happened only after the July 31 launch of the probe.
And? What about it?

But Mr. Page tells us he actually met Mr. Halper in mid-July, at a symposium at England’s University of Cambridge, where Mr. Halper is an emeritus professor. Mr. Page says the invitation to that event came much earlier—the end of May or early June. Mr. Page declined to say who invited him but says it was someone other than Mr. Halper.
When in doubt about everything, bring up a couple possible scenarios that you have no idea that exist, to tell us what? You just told us absolutely nothing. You're just talking shit.
Mr. Halper had a central role in the symposium. The event was hosted by the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), a Cambridge research institute.


For the record, Mr. Page says he had never interacted with the CRASSH program at Cambridge before that early summer 2016 invitation. And while he did not speak at the event, he says the organizers paid his round-trip airfare from New York.

Perhaps all of this is a crazy coincidence, but House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes is right to investigate.
Investigate what? Possible scenarios invented in your head? How stupid and corrupt is that?
Except that has not been proven as my OP has pointed out.

Thanks for your contribution. You've said absolutely nothing of value that resembles a counter argument. Lies and innuendos. That's all you've given us.[/quote]
Name calling and resorting to attack, attack, attack, in the way WTP is doing shows desperation on his part.
Name calling and resorting to attack, attack, attack, in the way WTP is doing shows desperation on his part.
The only desperation I see on here are the liars who keep throwing the same plates of spaghetti up against the wall. In their own desperation they have tried to muscle their way through with lies, that the campaign was spied on with spies. They pretend not to know the difference, while tossing out the same lie. And they've provided no proof to the contrary from my OP. There is no witch hunt, and there are no spies. The thread has maintained it's honesty via the lies the Right keeps pushing. Keep pushing boys and girls. The truth has got you all by the "whatever", and there is nothing you can do about it. Trump pushing ‘Spygate’ could hurt perception of FBI & DOJ
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Too bad that the informant was not used to spy on the campaign. He was used to spy on Russia. Try again!
That's not actually the truth and everyone knows your talking point is bogus
Who is "everyone" and what is your proof that my talking points are bogus? You and the rest have not provided evidence that the informant was used to spy on the campaign? Once again, there is no evidence; Trump pushing ‘Spygate’ could hurt perception of FBI & DOJ

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