This is one reason i love Trump

Trump is hitting Trump in the face.

Trump has himself by his own balls.

He said it, and the commercials will be playing it over and over.

You keep repeating the same old shit, only tells us that YOU'RE the only one that believes your lies... you can't even back it up with leftist website bullshit... your TOAST to most thinking Republican's, they can SEE you are nothing but the Manchurian Republican I exposed you as a year ago!
We all have heard Trump talking about the necessity of religious registration.

We have all heard him talk about thousands of cheering folks in NJ on 9-11.

And, Vigilante :lol: you along with me and everyone else will be listening to Trump's voice in thousands of anti-Trump campaign commercials.

He has grabbed himself by his balls. He can't jump.

When did Trump say anything about "religious registration?"

Where is your proof that no Muslim in NJ cheered on 9/11?

Why do you keep saying "we all heard" when you so clearly keep hearing things no one else heard? You're starting to crack up and sound unhinged.

And it's interesting.. you think Kasich and Rubio could beat Hillary while Trump stands no chance, yet I don't see one single thread by you trying to take down the two who can beat Hillary. You're wasting your time on the one man you claim cannot win... why is that? Are you loony tunes? Obviously so.
You keep repeating the same old shit, only tells us that YOU'RE the only one that believes your lies...

He's sounding like a crazy person, isn't he?

I mean.... more so than usual! Like... someone probably needs to check on the boy!

The man is a full on DNC PAID instigator that claims he's a KASICK, and YEB man... all the time he has NEVER said one good word about anything Republican... Now you know, he's nothing but a NeoCommunist, of the most threatening kind.... Expose him whenever you see him post his bullshit, he will continue to post the same lines over and over, he's easy to spot!
You keep repeating the same old shit, only tells us that YOU'RE the only one that believes your lies...

He's sounding like a crazy person, isn't he?

I mean.... more so than usual! Like... someone probably needs to check on the boy!

The man is a full on DNC PAID instigator that claims he's a KASICK, and YEB man... all the time he has NEVER said one good word about anything Republican... Now you know, he's nothing but a NeoCommunist, of the most threatening kind.... Expose him whenever you see him post his bullshit, he will continue to post the same lines over and over, he's easy to spot!

Oh I am very familiar with Starskey. He's been toting the liberal kool aid for a long time... and no, he's never been a republican. He is in that camp of young mush-brain hipster liberals who think that Republicans are stupid and won't see through him. Most true conservatives have been wiping shit like him from our boot heels for years.
Vigilante and boss continue to ensure that Trump will be defeated

The mods and opponents are waiting for him in the debates.

The commercials will eviscerate support for his campaign.

Trump did it to himself.
The fun thing is that boss and Vigi have revealed they are progressive statists.
Trump's path to glory:
  • Perform well (as usual) at the Dec 15 debate.
  • Split IA & NH (if he wins both, it’s over).
  • Win NV & SC (where he leads big).
  • Use momentum to dominate the Super Tuesday Primary on March 1.
  • Drive a stake through the GOP establishment. by winning Florida on March 15
  • Destroy hiLIARy in the General Election by winning all 57 states
  • Make America Great Again!
Well said. He speaks his mind and the reason his poll numbers dont go down is because he has a loyal following.

I don't think that's it. Carson and Cruz have loyal followings as well. Again, when they attack Trump with this lying smearing nonsense, he somehow manages to turn it into a BOOST in his numbers. It's not JUST that he holds on to his supporters, he actually picks up NEW supporters the more they try and slime him. In fact, the ONLY thing they have found to work effectively on Trump is to shut the fuck up. Something they seem to have a really hard time doing.
Any examples of this "slime" you claim is happening against Trump?

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Trump's path to glory:
  • Perform well (as usual) at the Dec 15 debate.
  • Split IA & NH (if he wins both, it’s over).
  • Win NV & SC (where he leads big).
  • Use momentum to dominate the Super Tuesday Primary on March 1.
  • Drive a stake through the GOP establishment. by winning Florida on March 15
  • Destroy hiLIARy in the General Election by winning all 57 states
  • Make America Great Again!
And in N.H. where Trump was challenged to be on the ballot, well today....

NH rejects efforts to keep Trump off ballot
The Hill‎ - 45 mins ago
Former New Hampshire GOP Chairman Fergus Cullen filed a complaint against Trump, ...
Well said. He speaks his mind and the reason his poll numbers dont go down is because he has a loyal following.

I don't think that's it. Carson and Cruz have loyal followings as well. Again, when they attack Trump with this lying smearing nonsense, he somehow manages to turn it into a BOOST in his numbers. It's not JUST that he holds on to his supporters, he actually picks up NEW supporters the more they try and slime him. In fact, the ONLY thing they have found to work effectively on Trump is to shut the fuck up. Something they seem to have a really hard time doing.
Any examples of this "slime" you claim is happening against Trump?

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Marc you're a little late to the thread. Go back and read the posts, it's already been addressed. As well as a vigorous defense of the slime which I haven't bothered to question because the validity is not the point here. It's been going on since the beginning of the primary race with Trump and the more it is tried the more it fails miserably and the more Trump surges in the polls as a result.
The more they attack Trump the higher he rises in the polls. He is untouchable. He is making neocon legs shake...

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gestures after arriving for jury duty at Manhattan Supreme Court in New York, August 17, 2015. (REUTERS/Lucas Jackson)

“Nothing disqualifies Trump.”

That was the takeaway of Frank Luntz, the public opinion guru, after leading a focus group Monday night of supporters of Donald Trump’s Republican presidential campaign.

For two and a half hours, Luntz quizzed a group of current and past ardent Trump fans about their views on the businessman. He discussed the candidate’s past liberal stances and played past video of Trump saying provocative things about women. Yet when the focus group was over, not a single person who was planning to vote for him said they had changed their mind.

At one point, Luntz bolted from the room with the focus group to make sure the handful of reporters observing on the other side of the glass understood how big of a deal this was. “My legs are shaking,” he admitted.

“This is absolutely for real,” Luntz said of the intense and loyal support for Trump. “And he is not going away. And he is as strong as every survey shows. All those people who think he’s going to implode have not sat and talked to these voters the way that they should have.”

.‘Nothing Disqualifies Trump’ — What A Focus Group Tells Us About His Supporters
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About two week ago, Trump said to let Putin take care of ISIS.

This week he's saying we should be bombing the blank out of them.

In a few weeks Trump will be saying we should do nothing and the far rightwing radicals like Boss will continue to cheer him on as they have been no matter what.

It's a real-life reality TV show, except way more entertaining.

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About two week ago, Trump said to let Putin take care of ISIS.

This week he's saying we should be bombing the blank out of them.

In a few weeks Trump will be saying we should do nothing and the far rightwing radicals like Boss will continue to cheer him on as they have been no matter what.

It's a real-life reality TV show, except way more entertaining.

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^^^^^^^^^^ A perfect example of a low information voter. ^^^^^^^^^^
About two week ago, Trump said to let Putin take care of ISIS.

This week he's saying we should be bombing the blank out of them.

In a few weeks Trump will be saying we should do nothing and the far rightwing radicals like Boss will continue to cheer him on as they have been no matter what.

It's a real-life reality TV show, except way more entertaining.

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Virtually anything the Left claims Trump has said is incorrect. You either take him out of context or distort his words, or just outright lie altogether. I think it may be one of the reasons none of it is having an effect on his numbers.

Let me state again for the brain-dead... Trump is not who I will vote for in the primaries. My guy has been Ted Cruz from the start and he will be my guy until the end. I just like watching Trump manhandle the left wing media and turn their smears into political gold... it's just brilliant work and I admire it.
About two week ago, Trump said to let Putin take care of ISIS.

This week he's saying we should be bombing the blank out of them.

In a few weeks Trump will be saying we should do nothing and the far rightwing radicals like Boss will continue to cheer him on as they have been no matter what.

It's a real-life reality TV show, except way more entertaining.

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