This is one reason i love Trump

About two week ago, Trump said to let Putin take care of ISIS.

This week he's saying we should be bombing the blank out of them.

In a few weeks Trump will be saying we should do nothing and the far rightwing radicals like Boss will continue to cheer him on as they have been no matter what.

It's a real-life reality TV show, except way more entertaining.

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It was entertaining...until Trump started going full retard it's just plain scary. The same irrational fear that let Bush and now Obama get away with so much bulltwinkle is probably going to put an ego-bloated head case like Trump in the White House...and the only alleged alternative (Hillary) is just as bad. Excuse my French, but we're fuched.
until Trump started going full retard Nazi

How did he do that?

His own words...and don't start this "liberal media lies" crap...I can listen to and read his words just fine without those morons spinning it and trying to tell me what to think.

"Would I approve waterboarding? You bet your ass I would — in a heartbeat...And I would approve more than that. Don't kid yourself, folks. It works, okay? It works. Only a stupid person would say it doesn't work."

Call me stupid, Donald...
The mods and opponents are waiting for your progressive statist of the far right. He can't run from his words.

And Rubio and Kasich can beat HRC. Trump can't.

And vigi is

Exactly! The precise reason that I keep posting, GO DONALD!

And to think, the RNC is on edge like never before. All the work they have done over the years to expand their tent, has been undone in a few short months by D o n a l d.

I hope that fat blowhard Orangutan gets the nomination, seriously Clinton will gut him like a dead fish and kick his ass in the election..
You want the fat pig rubio to get the nomination?
Rubio and Kasich can easily beat HRC.
Make a bet with me of Clinton wins the WH your done posting on this us message board??

If Rubio or Kasich win I'm outta here forever??

Take the bet don't be a wuss..
Which of the sources I cited qualify as "left"?

All of them if they supported your smears and lies.

But again, doesn't matter if the sources were Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity... THE RESULT was a clear and concise boost in Trump's poll numbers each time a smear has been attempted.

So far, the best strategy against Trump is to ignore him and shut the fuck up. When you've done that, his poll numbers have remained steady and others have been able to make some gains on him. But hey... don't listen to me... go after him some more! Double down and trot out the same debunked bullshit again, I don't care... Trump isn't my main guy anyway. I just love watching him make fools out of the liberal media and turn these "gotchya" moments into political points. It's refreshing to see someone who knows how to handle liberal idiocy and smear jobs. He should give lessons to some of the other candidates.
All of them if they supported your smears and lies.

You wouldn't be Eddie Murphy's cousin "Special K", by any chance?
Messing with retards like boss and vigi and others is just too much fun.

American politics is a tough sport, and it comes with losses and victories both.
until Trump started going full retard Nazi

How did he do that?

His own words...and don't start this "liberal media lies" crap...I can listen to and read his words just fine without those morons spinning it and trying to tell me what to think.

"Would I approve waterboarding? You bet your ass I would — in a heartbeat...And I would approve more than that. Don't kid yourself, folks. It works, okay? It works. Only a stupid person would say it doesn't work."

Call me stupid, Donald...

Well in his own words did he advocate Nazism? Speak of incinerating Jews or Final Solutions? Did he call for conquest of Europe? National socialism? Because IF he did not say those things, he didn't go "full retard Nazi" as you claimed.

I have no problem with the quote you posted. I agree with him, always have. Waterboarding is not torture. And oh, by the way, in case you didn't know it... you ARE stupid!
Nah, HRC would destroy DT.

So EVERY national poll is completely wrong??? :dunno:
I'll make a bet with you when Trump loses your done posting here, if Hillary loses I'm outta here, take the bet or are you yellow???

Why would I want to bet with you on someone I'm not even going to vote for in the primaries? I don't know who will win. That's why we have a goddamn election, dumbass. No one will know until the returns come in and the votes are tabulated.
i would say trump is gonna be pissed about the new ad....basically using the lines about the nazis....

they came for this group and i did nothing...saying that trump will soon come for you
i would say trump is gonna be pissed about the new ad....basically using the lines about the nazis....

they came for this group and i did nothing...saying that trump will soon come for you

We already know what the left is going to do, they can't run on their record. It's abysmal to say the least. Foreign policy is a disaster. The only possible thing that keeps Hillary Clinton from being the worst Secretary of State in US history is mashed potato face, John Kerry. The economic growth is anemic and job growth is stagnant. Civil unrest and violence in the inner cities is at an all-time high. Race relations have never been worse. We have police officers being assassinated all over the country. More people on food stamps than any time in history.

So the liberal left is going to do what they do best... LIE and DIVERT. They will smear their opponents with outright lies and distortions... attack, attack, attack... because they have nothing else in the arsenal.

Trump's position on the Syrian refugees is, he wouldn't have taken them in. Period. He would have preferred setting up a 'safe haven' in their country instead, manned by NATO allies and personnel from the gulf states. On the condition that we are going to bring them to this country, he said he thinks we should register them in a database so we know who they are and where they are at all times. This was quickly morphed into Trump turning Nazi and demanding all Muslims be registered and in a database... he never said any such thing.

But this is how the liberal left plays ball whenever they can't run on their abominable record.
until Trump started going full retard Nazi

How did he do that?

His own words...and don't start this "liberal media lies" crap...I can listen to and read his words just fine without those morons spinning it and trying to tell me what to think.

"Would I approve waterboarding? You bet your ass I would — in a heartbeat...And I would approve more than that. Don't kid yourself, folks. It works, okay? It works. Only a stupid person would say it doesn't work."

Call me stupid, Donald...

Well in his own words did he advocate Nazism? Speak of incinerating Jews or Final Solutions? Did he call for conquest of Europe? National socialism? Because IF he did not say those things, he didn't go "full retard Nazi" as you claimed.

I have no problem with the quote you posted. I agree with him, always have. Waterboarding is not torture. And oh, by the way, in case you didn't know it... you ARE stupid!

Boss, do you think this is 1942? Trump is a Clown, has always been a Clown, and will always be a Clown. But please keep humping his leg. It is precious...
until Trump started going full retard Nazi

How did he do that?

His own words...and don't start this "liberal media lies" crap...I can listen to and read his words just fine without those morons spinning it and trying to tell me what to think.

"Would I approve waterboarding? You bet your ass I would — in a heartbeat...And I would approve more than that. Don't kid yourself, folks. It works, okay? It works. Only a stupid person would say it doesn't work."

Call me stupid, Donald...

Well in his own words did he advocate Nazism? Speak of incinerating Jews or Final Solutions? Did he call for conquest of Europe? National socialism? Because IF he did not say those things, he didn't go "full retard Nazi" as you claimed.

I have no problem with the quote you posted. I agree with him, always have. Waterboarding is not torture. And oh, by the way, in case you didn't know it... you ARE stupid!

Why some conservatives say Donald Trump's talk is fascist -

Trump is a modern day Fascist. Really, you need to update your knowledge of the world...
until Trump started going full retard Nazi

How did he do that?

His own words...and don't start this "liberal media lies" crap...I can listen to and read his words just fine without those morons spinning it and trying to tell me what to think.

"Would I approve waterboarding? You bet your ass I would — in a heartbeat...And I would approve more than that. Don't kid yourself, folks. It works, okay? It works. Only a stupid person would say it doesn't work."

Call me stupid, Donald...

Well in his own words did he advocate Nazism? Speak of incinerating Jews or Final Solutions? Did he call for conquest of Europe? National socialism? Because IF he did not say those things, he didn't go "full retard Nazi" as you claimed.

I have no problem with the quote you posted. I agree with him, always have. Waterboarding is not torture. And oh, by the way, in case you didn't know it... you ARE stupid!

Boss, do you think this is 1942? Trump is a Clown, has always been a Clown, and will always be a Clown. But please keep humping his leg. It is precious...

You seem to be the one obsessed with Trump's leg. You have the man's quote in your sig line and spend every waking hour here talking about him. I'm a Ted Cruz guy.

People though Reagan was a joke as well. For that matter, people thought Obama was a joke. There are lots of people who ended up in the Oval Office who people thought were clowns and jokes.

And no, I don't think it's 1942, do you?
until Trump started going full retard Nazi

How did he do that?

His own words...and don't start this "liberal media lies" crap...I can listen to and read his words just fine without those morons spinning it and trying to tell me what to think.

"Would I approve waterboarding? You bet your ass I would — in a heartbeat...And I would approve more than that. Don't kid yourself, folks. It works, okay? It works. Only a stupid person would say it doesn't work."

Call me stupid, Donald...

Well in his own words did he advocate Nazism? Speak of incinerating Jews or Final Solutions? Did he call for conquest of Europe? National socialism? Because IF he did not say those things, he didn't go "full retard Nazi" as you claimed.

I have no problem with the quote you posted. I agree with him, always have. Waterboarding is not torture. And oh, by the way, in case you didn't know it... you ARE stupid!

Boss, do you think this is 1942? Trump is a Clown, has always been a Clown, and will always be a Clown. But please keep humping his leg. It is precious...

You seem to be the one obsessed with Trump's leg. You have the man's quote in your sig line and spend every waking hour here talking about him. I'm a Ted Cruz guy.

People though Reagan was a joke as well. For that matter, people thought Obama was a joke. There are lots of people who ended up in the Oval Office who people thought were clowns and jokes.

And no, I don't think it's 1942, do you?

I don't think, I know. You're a partisan hack, and you're full of shit
I would vote for Trump if he got the nomination, but the more I see of him, the less impressed I am with him as a candidate who could win the general election. I am starting to seriously doubt that he could beat Hillary.

If he gets the nomination, I hope I' wrong.

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