This is the Muslim Caliphate?

I like this one.

Ingraham: Time for Mass Deportations 'by the Thousands,' End Birthright Citizenships

O’REILLY: Mass deportations, that’s number one. What’s number two?

The whole fucking website is a number two. :D

Personally, Fred Old Boy, what I like hearing is that many Americans are fed up with your Muslim brethren emigrating to this country, refusing to assimilate, and then running off to commit Jihad or planning some act to harm American citizens. Meanwhile, as we all can see, the Muslims around the world, even those who have never met a Jew because there are none in their country, when it comes to the Jews they all appeak in one voice right after they have finished killing each other for the day.
you ever checkout Dearborn Michigan Sally , I hear that it goes by the name of Dearbornistan . I also hear that Minneapolis is similar .
I like this one.

Ingraham: Time for Mass Deportations 'by the Thousands,' End Birthright Citizenships

O’REILLY: Mass deportations, that’s number one. What’s number two?

The whole fucking website is a number two. :D

Personally, Fred Old Boy, what I like hearing is that many Americans are fed up with your Muslim brethren emigrating to this country, refusing to assimilate, and then running off to commit Jihad or planning some act to harm American citizens. Meanwhile, as we all can see, the Muslims around the world, even those who have never met a Jew because there are none in their country, when it comes to the Jews they all appeak in one voice right after they have finished killing each other for the day.

But Jews have committed more terrorist acts in America than Muslims have.
Come to think of it, the American far right have committed more terrorist attacks in America than either Jews or Muslims have.

Personally, Fred Old Boy, what I like hearing is that many Americans are fed up with your Muslim brethren emigrating to this country, refusing to assimilate, and then running off to commit Jihad or planning some act to harm American citizens. Meanwhile, as we all can see, the Muslims around the world, even those who have never met a Jew because there are none in their country, when it comes to the Jews they all appeak in one voice right after they have finished killing each other for the day.

But Jews have committed more terrorist acts in America than Muslims have.
Come to think of it, the American far right have committed more terrorist attacks in America than either Jews or Muslims have.

So tell us, Freddy Old Boy, list for us all the terrorist acts the Jews have committed in America (while we are all aware that since Islam was invented, millions and millions and millions of innocent people have been murdered). As far as I am concerned, I am happy that our Intelligence Services have been on the ball to catch your brethren before they were able to commit some atrocity on the American people. By the way, Freddy Old Boy, since I was reading this morning how you said that you would photograph Roudy and me (as you call in) shagging, I hate to tell you that the papers in Thailand published pictures of you getting it on with one of those transsexuals that are so available there. I hope you enjoyed yourself.
Dear ?Jewish Defense League?: Why aren?t I on your death list? | Intifada Palestine

So tell us, Freddy Old Boy, list for us all the terrorist acts the Jews have committed in America

Don't ask me, ask Irv Rubin.
Go to hell and find the terrorist bastard.

You're comparing Irv Rubin to what your Muslim brethren have done here? You really are silly, Freddy.

I find it amusing how a Muslim convert like Freddy, living in Indonesia, has gone to some NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites to hearn about Irv Rubin when we hear not a word from him about what his own Sunni brethren are doing in his own country when it comes to Christians, Shia, and Aymadiyya.
PressTV - Zionist terrorists target journalists with death threats

But there is one terrorist group that does hate freedom of speech and freedom of the press. That group is the ultra-Zionist "Jewish Defense League" (JDL). (Many Jews are horrified that this vicious terrorist group uses the name "Jewish" in its title – in the same way that Muslims are horrified that ISIL references Islam to justify its barbarities.)

Earlier this month the JDL issued a terrorist death threat to Canadian Press TV correspondent Joshua Blakeney. An email from the Jewish Defense League threatened to "respond with extreme prejudice" to Blakeney's journalistic critiques of Zionism.

The phrase "extreme prejudice" is a well-known euphemism for assassination. The JDL was threatening Blakeney with cold-blooded murder. Why? Because it did not like his reporting.

There are lots more.

Jewish Nazi supporters.

Oh, by the way, Freddy, many NeoNazis have joined up with your Muslim brethren in that old "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" game. I guess Freddy is not too happy that there are people in Europe who would really like to see Freddy's brethren leave since they cause a lot of trouble. After all, look at the huge crime rate of Muslims in Europe.
Oh, by the way, Freddy, many NeoNazis have joined up with your Muslim brethren in that old "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" game. I guess Freddy is not too happy that there are people in Europe who would really like to see Freddy's brethren leave since they cause a lot of trouble. After all, look at the huge crime rate of Muslims in Europe.
Hey Silly-Sally, how about a :link: to your nonsense lies? .. :cuckoo:
JDL's Irv Rubin Brain Dead After Suicide Attempt

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Jewish Defense League Chairman Irv Rubin, jailed for allegedly plotting to bomb a mosque and the offices of a Arab-American congressman, was left brain dead and on life support on Monday after slitting his throat in a suicide attempt.

Not that the bastard terrorist wasn't brain dead before.

Still, they got the git before he bombed the mosque and Christian congressman.

The fiery, controversial Rubin, who emigrated to the United States from Canada in 1961 and has been national chairman of the JDL since 1985, was arrested in December and charged along with another member, Earl Krugel, with the bomb plot on the testimony of an undercover informant.

Prosecutors say that Rubin and Krugel conspired with the informant to plant bombs at the King Fahd Mosque in the Los Angeles suburb of Culver City and an office of Rep. Darrell Issa, a California Republican of Lebanese Christian descent.
Poor old crone Silly-Sally still bat shit crazy and drunk as usual. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Are you fuckin 5 years old???

I honestly never see you post anything intelligent or part of the OP.

I just don't understand how a grown man can consistently act so immature all the time.

Sunni Man, you are by far one of the most epic trolls the internet has ever seen. :cool:
Oh, by the way, Freddy, many NeoNazis have joined up with your Muslim brethren in that old "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" game. I guess Freddy is not too happy that there are people in Europe who would really like to see Freddy's brethren leave since they cause a lot of trouble. After all, look at the huge crime rate of Muslims in Europe.
Hey Silly-Sally, how about a :link: to your nonsense lies? .. :cuckoo:


Jewish Nazi supporters.

Oh, by the way, Freddy, many NeoNazis have joined up with your Muslim brethren in that old "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" game. I guess Freddy is not too happy that there are people in Europe who would really like to see Freddy's brethren leave since they cause a lot of trouble. After all, look at the huge crime rate of Muslims in Europe.

Nice bullshit, but can you comment on your Jewish extremists support for a Nazi, or are you just avoiding it?
Many of the idiot extremist end of the Jews comment about Islam and Nazis, but want to forget Jews supporting Nazis.

Please comment on my link. Do you agree with Jews supporting a Nazi party?

Jewish Nazi supporters.

Oh, by the way, Freddy, many NeoNazis have joined up with your Muslim brethren in that old "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" game. I guess Freddy is not too happy that there are people in Europe who would really like to see Freddy's brethren leave since they cause a lot of trouble. After all, look at the huge crime rate of Muslims in Europe.

Nice bullshit, but can you comment on your Jewish extremists support for a Nazi, or are you just avoiding it?
Many of the idiot extremist end of the Jews comment about Islam and Nazis, but want to forget Jews supporting Nazis.

Please comment on my link. Do you agree with Jews supporting a Nazi party?

So if you're really against Muslim extremism, what do you think about your fellow Muslim Sunni Man's posts. Specifically the one above this post??

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