This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Greetings to All:

This Opening Post contained 'the' 911Truth about what really happened at the Pentagon on 9/11. Everyone is encouraged to try and poke holes in my work.



Greetings to All:

The Pentagon was attacked on 9/11 by a rogue element inside the U.S. military using a plan that almost failed at the very beginning. The inside-job bad guys used a retrofitted and radio-controlled A-3 TNT-filled Jet to launch a missile attack (like this) at 9:31:39 AM (see FAA Timeline here) on Column Line (CL) 14 using this flight path, but the complicated maneuvers caused the radio operator to lose control and altitude at the critical moment, which caused the starboard wing to begin clipping the five downed light poles. The radio operator had a panic attack for fear that the painted up A-3 would crash into the Pentagon lawn, so he pulled back on the joystick to create what the CIT boys are calling the “Flyover Plane,” NOT at 9:38 AM, but at 9:31:39 AM when the Pentagon clocks stopped. The radio operator then began making a wide turn to the north that was witnessed by the C-130 pilot and many other people, until making the final attack strike on the Wedge One Wall between CL 9 and CL 15 at 9:36:27 AM just about 5 minutes later to create Terry Cohen's "Terrible Explosion" that took place 'after' the Original 9:31:39 AM attack.

Terry Cohen News Video

The problem for our inside-job bad guys is that the Pentagon Limestone-clad masonry wall required the ‘inside’ explosion from the missile strike, in coordination with the A-3 CL 9-15 massive explosion, to take down the E-Ring roof during the original 9:31:39 AM attack run. This attack location was chosen far in advance because of the CL 11 control-joint that would bring down the E-Ring roof very effectively. However, the A-3 Jet was forced over the E-Ring roof at 9:31:39 AM and also struck the second story concrete slab in the 9:36:27 AM attack, which means the E-Ring roof fell just one foot (look carefully at the control joint above the fire truck) to become wedged tightly against the northern side of CL-11. Our inside-job bad guys then had a terrible problem, because many explosive charges were needed to eventually bring the E-Ring Roof down at 10:15 AM about 45 minutes after the original missile attack.

Pentagon News 5 Video

This means the inside-job bad guys had to go around fabricating the many different “Official Timelines” (link) that are filled with contradictions (ACAAR = Page 200) in order to give their fake “Flight 77” Cover Story the resemblance of credibility. The inside-job bad guys have been working everyday running their counterintelligence disinformation campaigns to cover their tracks from that time to today.

Lloyd England’s taxi was struck by Pole #1 during the 9:31:39 AM missile strike, which is the reason he saw a single smoke plume (Barbara Honegger's paper) from the original small CL 13-15 entry hole (picture). While he and his partner were wrestling around with the light pole, then the A-3 Jet created the “Big Boom*” that knocked him down and almost killed him for the second time in just 5 minutes. :0) Many people think the light pole evidence was staged, because they are BLIND to the 911Truth that we have been looking at ‘two attacks’ (LetsRoll thread) all along. The second ‘Big Boom’ happened 5 minutes later at 9:36:27 AM, while Lloyd and his helper were removing the pole from his windshield. The next series of explosions started at 9:42 AM, which is event #27 on my Pentagon Timeline here.

The reason you have so much confusion and contradiction between all these Pentagon witnesses is because ‘some’ of them saw the 9:31:39 AM A-3 Flyover and others saw the actual Jet hit the Pentagon at 9:36:27 AM like these two witnesses:

Michael Kelly News Video

Don Wright News Video

The 9:31:39 AM witnesses saw the A-3 disappear into the single smoke plume on the ‘South-of-Citgo’ Flight Path, while the 9:36:27 AM witnesses saw the same painted-up Jet crash into the Pentagon wall using the “North-of-Citgo” Fight Path shown here. The 9:31:39 AM witnesses saw the light poles flying around (witness link), but the 9:36:27 AM people saw no signs of any light poles being hit along the North-of-Citgo Flight Path. That is the reason some so-called Pentagon Investigators think the light pole evidence is all staged. :0) We have small bits of Jet debris (pic), because the A-3 was blown into a kazillion bits at impact. Nobody has ever found one piece of any real Boeing 757-200 Jetliner debris, because this damage and this damage was NOT created by any real 100-Ton Jetliner going any 530 miles per hour. :0) That is the reason no 'time-change' parts (story) have ever been produced by the inside-job FBI/Bushie Administration bad guys in the first place. The damage pattern (pic) is consistent with a ‘three attack’ scenario from the 9:31:39 AM missile strike, the 9:36:27 AM Jet attack ‘and’ the subsequent Controlled-Demolition Explosions that eventually brought the E-Ring roof down at 10:15 AM.

Nobody can show you a picture of a crashed 100-Ton Jetliner at the Pentagon (Expert Video), because nothing like that ever happened.


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You have never answered what happened to all the people on the plane. Where did 100 people go? Why were there body parts and personal effects of people on the plane found in the Pentagon?

You have never answered what happened to all the people on the plane. Where did 100 people go? Why were there body parts and personal effects of people on the plane found in the Pentagon?
he will never directly answer the question
he will just re-post the same bullshit again and again
Hi Toro:


You have never answered what happened to all the people on the plane. Where did 100 people go? Why were there body parts and personal effects of people on the plane found in the Pentagon?

9/11 Was An Inside Job!!! Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Ashcroft ran the 9/11 investigation 'and' created whatever evidence needed to make 'their' Cover Story make sense.


This is a picture of the West Wedge Wall at Column Line 14 where Bush says a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed going 530 miles per hour. Look at the massive cable spools blocking the path to the 18-feet 3-inch entry hole.


Note the two unbroken windows above and to the left of the little entry hole. No 100-Ton Jetliner crashed here, which means any evidence from a phantom AA77 was PLANTED by the inside-job terrorists that sat in the White House for eight long years.


Do these Navy and Army personnel look ready to save anyone from a crashed Jetliner? No. Why? That never happened!!! I cannot help the fact that you guys are stupid and believe anything coming from the mouths of liars and murderers of innocent Americans . . .


Hi DiveBomb:

he will never directly answer the question
he will just re-post the same bullshit again and again

DiveBomb pastes the same two sentences of BS on all of these 911Truth Topics and never had a 911Truth case for anything. Dive believes George Bush's Conspiracy Theory . . .


. . . What a Joke!!! :0)

[ame=""]A Lot Of Inside-Job Murderers LIE And Get Away With It . . .[/ame]


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Hi Toro:


You have not answered the question. What happened to all the people on the plane? Funerals were held around the country for people who were on the plane. What happened to them?

Bush, Rove, Cheney and Rumsfeld murdered them using the DoD, FBI, CIA, NSA and their subordinate agencies. Wait until the Bio-weapon Virus mutates (my Topic), because many more are about to be murdered too. Most of you have no clue as to what is really going on, because you 'are' worthy of utter destruction (my Topic) . . .



You have not answered the question. What happened to all the people on the plane? Funerals were held around the country for people who were on the plane. What happened to them?

Toro,YOU have never answered THESE questions.How come the FBI "ILLEGALLY" confiscated photos from the hotel and gas station across the street from the pentagon,how come the rescue dogs there just sat there and did NOTHING when they went looking for the bodies? how come they didnt whine and howl and start digging like they do when they DO find bodies? and how the come the luggage was never found? and how come the bodies of the passengers were never found and how come with over a 100 cameras in the pentagan,all they can produce is 2 flimsy photos of a fireball slamming against the wall of the pentagan which doesnt prove an airliner slammed into it? and how come the pentagan,the most advanced airspace in america,was penetrated and not shot down like it SHOULD have been ESPECIALLY after that young worker that Norman Minetta testified to,came in the bunker and said to Cheney-Its 10 miles out,do the orders still stand sir? what were those orders by cheney? to stand there and do nothing when they knew it was coming in? YOU havent been able to answer ANY of these just keep talking crap.

You have not answered the question. What happened to all the people on the plane? Funerals were held around the country for people who were on the plane. What happened to them?

Toro,YOU have never answered THESE questions.How come the FBI "ILLEGALLY" confiscated photos from the hotel and gas station across the street from the pentagon,how come the rescue dogs there just sat there and did NOTHING when they went looking for the bodies? how come they didnt whine and howl and start digging like they do when they DO find bodies? and how the come the luggage was never found? and how come the bodies of the passengers were never found and how come with over a 100 cameras in the pentagan,all they can produce is 2 flimsy photos of a fireball slamming against the wall of the pentagan which doesnt prove an airliner slammed into it? and how come the pentagan,the most advanced airspace in america,was penetrated and not shot down like it SHOULD have been ESPECIALLY after that young worker that Norman Minetta testified to,came in the bunker and said to Cheney-Its 10 miles out,do the orders still stand sir? what were those orders by cheney? to stand there and do nothing when they knew it was coming in? YOU havent been able to answer ANY of these just keep talking crap.
wow, more total bullshit
what a shock, NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have not answered the question. What happened to all the people on the plane? Funerals were held around the country for people who were on the plane. What happened to them?

Toro,YOU have never answered THESE questions.How come the FBI "ILLEGALLY" confiscated photos from the hotel and gas station across the street from the pentagon,how come the rescue dogs there just sat there and did NOTHING when they went looking for the bodies? how come they didnt whine and howl and start digging like they do when they DO find bodies? and how the come the luggage was never found? and how come the bodies of the passengers were never found and how come with over a 100 cameras in the pentagan,all they can produce is 2 flimsy photos of a fireball slamming against the wall of the pentagan which doesnt prove an airliner slammed into it? and how come the pentagan,the most advanced airspace in america,was penetrated and not shot down like it SHOULD have been ESPECIALLY after that young worker that Norman Minetta testified to,came in the bunker and said to Cheney-Its 10 miles out,do the orders still stand sir? what were those orders by cheney? to stand there and do nothing when they knew it was coming in? YOU havent been able to answer ANY of these just keep talking crap.

Such nonsense.

Personal effects found at the site.

"During an interview earlier this week, Koch delicately handled eerie mementos of the crash found during cleanup: Whittington's battered driver's license... a burnt luggage tag and a wedding ring lie on a book dedicated to those lost in the events of Sept. 11, 2001. The wedding ring belonged to Ruth's daughter and the luggage tag belonged to one her granddaughters."

OnlineAthens: News: Vivid memories, but is 9/11's impact fading? 09/11/04

“Suzanne Calley died aboard American Airlines Flight 77 when terrorists hijacked the plane and sent it crashing into the Pentagon... Rescue crews were able to pull Calley’s body from Flight 77’s wreckage.

Jensen [Calley’s husband] spent last year’s anniversary of the national tragedy in Washington, D.C. There, a Pentagon official - assigned to Calley’s family as a liaison - gave Jensen his wife’s wedding ring, which had been recovered from the plane.” | 9-11 sorrow, but a joyful life

Where are all the people? Why can't you answer a simple question? 100 people don't just disappear off the face of the earth after taking off.
Interview with a flight controller who was tracking flight 77.

Hijacked American Airlines Flight 77, which slammed into the Penatgon on Sept. 11, was initially headed directly for the White House at a breakneck speed, the Dulles Airport air traffic controller handling the flight revealed publicly for the first time Wednesday.

In a gripping account to ABC's "20/20," air traffic controller Danielle O'Brien recounted the harrowing series of events that began at 8:25 a.m. that morning, when she monitored the routine takeoff of Flight 77.

For O'Brien, the trauma of Sept. 11 began a little over 40 minutes later, just after she learned that two hijacked airplanes had hit New York's World Trade Center.

"We started moving the planes as quickly as we could," she told ABC's Brian Ross. "Then I noticed the aircraft. It was an unidentified plane to the southwest of Dulles, moving at a very high rate of speed. I had literally a blip (on my radar screen) and nothing more."

Interview with a flight controller who was tracking flight 77.

Hijacked American Airlines Flight 77, which slammed into the Penatgon on Sept. 11, was initially headed directly for the White House at a breakneck speed, the Dulles Airport air traffic controller handling the flight revealed publicly for the first time Wednesday.

In a gripping account to ABC's "20/20," air traffic controller Danielle O'Brien recounted the harrowing series of events that began at 8:25 a.m. that morning, when she monitored the routine takeoff of Flight 77.

For O'Brien, the trauma of Sept. 11 began a little over 40 minutes later, just after she learned that two hijacked airplanes had hit New York's World Trade Center.

"We started moving the planes as quickly as we could," she told ABC's Brian Ross. "Then I noticed the aircraft. It was an unidentified plane to the southwest of Dulles, moving at a very high rate of speed. I had literally a blip (on my radar screen) and nothing more."


I thought they proved later that they were targeting the capitol dome?
Interview with a flight controller who was tracking flight 77.

Hijacked American Airlines Flight 77, which slammed into the Penatgon on Sept. 11, was initially headed directly for the White House at a breakneck speed, the Dulles Airport air traffic controller handling the flight revealed publicly for the first time Wednesday.

In a gripping account to ABC's "20/20," air traffic controller Danielle O'Brien recounted the harrowing series of events that began at 8:25 a.m. that morning, when she monitored the routine takeoff of Flight 77.

For O'Brien, the trauma of Sept. 11 began a little over 40 minutes later, just after she learned that two hijacked airplanes had hit New York's World Trade Center.

"We started moving the planes as quickly as we could," she told ABC's Brian Ross. "Then I noticed the aircraft. It was an unidentified plane to the southwest of Dulles, moving at a very high rate of speed. I had literally a blip (on my radar screen) and nothing more."


I thought they proved later that they were targeting the capitol dome?
that what was believed to be flight 93's target
Interview with a flight controller who was tracking flight 77.

Hijacked American Airlines Flight 77, which slammed into the Penatgon on Sept. 11, was initially headed directly for the White House at a breakneck speed, the Dulles Airport air traffic controller handling the flight revealed publicly for the first time Wednesday.

In a gripping account to ABC's "20/20," air traffic controller Danielle O'Brien recounted the harrowing series of events that began at 8:25 a.m. that morning, when she monitored the routine takeoff of Flight 77.

For O'Brien, the trauma of Sept. 11 began a little over 40 minutes later, just after she learned that two hijacked airplanes had hit New York's World Trade Center.

"We started moving the planes as quickly as we could," she told ABC's Brian Ross. "Then I noticed the aircraft. It was an unidentified plane to the southwest of Dulles, moving at a very high rate of speed. I had literally a blip (on my radar screen) and nothing more."

thanks for posting that
i've heard this before but was unable to find
Witnesses of people who saw flight 77 slam into the Pentagon.

Pentagon Crash Witness Accounts
They saw the aircraft
9-11 Research: Eyewitnesses Accounts
Part 4: Analysis Of Eyewitness Stmts on 9/11 AA F77 Crash into Pentagon, by Penny Schoner, 12/03-2/04
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Foilers like youtube videos. Here's one.


Frank Probst, an information management specialist for the Pentagon Renovation Program, left his office trailer near the Pentagon's south parking lot at 9:36 a.m. Sept. 11. Walking north beside Route 27, the 6'2" Vietnam Veteran looked up, directly into the right engine of a 757 commercial airliner cresting the hilltop Navy Annex. It reached him so fast and flew so low that Probst dropped to the ground, fearing he'd lose his head to its right engine. "Had I not hit the deck, the plane would have taken off my head."

The Retired Officer Magazine

Mark Willams: "When Williams discovered the scorched bodies of several airline passengers, they were still strapped into their seats. The stench of charred flesh overwhelmed him.

'It was the worst thing you can imagine,' said Williams, whose squad from Fort Belvoir, Va., entered the building, less than four hours after the terrorist attack. 'I wanted to cry from the minute I walked in. But I have soldiers under me and I had to put my feelings aside.' "

Another 911 'Passport Miracle' !

More witnesses.


I have more but this has bored me.
Witnesses of people who saw flight 77 slam into the Pentagon.

Pentagon Crash Witness Accounts
They saw the aircraft
9-11 Research: Eyewitnesses Accounts
Part 4: Analysis Of Eyewitness Stmts on 9/11 AA F77 Crash into Pentagon, by Penny Schoner, 12/03-2/04
Bandwidth or Pageview Quota Exceeded

Foilers like youtube videos. Here's one.


Frank Probst, an information management specialist for the Pentagon Renovation Program, left his office trailer near the Pentagon's south parking lot at 9:36 a.m. Sept. 11. Walking north beside Route 27, the 6'2" Vietnam Veteran looked up, directly into the right engine of a 757 commercial airliner cresting the hilltop Navy Annex. It reached him so fast and flew so low that Probst dropped to the ground, fearing he'd lose his head to its right engine. "Had I not hit the deck, the plane would have taken off my head."

The Retired Officer Magazine

Mark Willams: "When Williams discovered the scorched bodies of several airline passengers, they were still strapped into their seats. The stench of charred flesh overwhelmed him.

'It was the worst thing you can imagine,' said Williams, whose squad from Fort Belvoir, Va., entered the building, less than four hours after the terrorist attack. 'I wanted to cry from the minute I walked in. But I have soldiers under me and I had to put my feelings aside.' "

Another 911 'Passport Miracle' !

More witnesses.


I have more but this has bored me.
well, they must ALL be part of the conspiracy

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