This Is Who Conservatives Worship

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I’d vote Ann coulter over him, she would clean house

And I would totally kiss those lovely feet.

View attachment 337631

Until he took his dress off and shoved his cock up your ass.

Don't tease me ...

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ALL Libs and Dems these days ARE fucking loons! Just reading some of their posts on these threads is evidence of that.

Never a dull moment in the wonderful world of USMB. These loons seriously need to get out of their mother's basement. It's no wonder why they rather keep the lockdown further...they are safe in their safe spaces. :rolleyes:
ALL Libs and Dems these days ARE fucking loons! Just reading some of their posts on these threads is evidence of that.

Never a dull moment in the wonderful world of USMB. These loons seriously need to get out of their mother's basement. It's no wonder why they rather keep the lockdown further...they are safe in their safe spaces. :rolleyes:
Exactly. And I love your avatar of your precious Brownie. What a cutie he is!
My god.

The republicans finally found someone more moronic than the bush boy.

I have to give the Republicans credit, they have managed to make George W. Bush look smart by electing Donald Trump to the White House. I never thought that was possible, but comparatively speaking, Bush sounds like an intellectual.
Trump, among many things, is an ENTERTAINER. We see him in the OP acting out and entertaining his fans. Many don’t demand a statesman, would be bored silly if Trump seriously discussed political problems. They want slogans. And entertainment. Trump can be personable, funny. And he has that vicious demagogic side too. People especially like to see that side come out. He can appeal to base instincts, wrap himself in the flag, adopt the old Democratic protectionist program of the Trade Unions (without the actual Trade Unions) and be “entertaining” all at the same time. In other words, a very shrewd and capable politician. He was also very good to our wealthIest elites.

If only Trump were knowledgeable of world history and international politics, if he could work as part of a team, if he had some real character and was less a narcissist ... he might have made a decent President. But as is, he is a disaster. Which doesn’t mean he will not win again!

By the way, I’m not saying that Hillary, in her own very different way, may not have proven just as terrible.
bluzman can give me all the thumbs down he likes. What he cannot do is change the facts. Trump is not conservative; he is anti-gun; his heart is in globalism. He talks a good game, but sells you out and you're none the wiser.
Trump, among many things, is an ENTERTAINER. We see him in the OP acting out and entertaining his fans. Many don’t demand a statesman, would be bored silly if Trump seriously discussed political problems. They want slogans. And entertainment. Trump can be personable, funny. And he has that vicious demagogic side too. People especially like to see that side come out. He can appeal to base instincts, wrap himself in the flag, adopt the old Democratic protectionist program of the Trade Unions (without the actual Trade Unions) and be “entertaining” all at the same time. In other words, a very shrewd and capable politician. He was also very good to our wealthIest elites.

If only Trump were knowledgeable of world history and international politics, if he could work as part of a team, if he had some real character and was less a narcissist ... he might have made a decent President. But as is, he is a disaster. Which doesn’t mean he will not win again!

By the way, I’m not saying that Hillary, in her own very different way, may not have proven just as terrible.

I have to agree with everything you said. We needed someone who was outside of the strict party dogma, and Trump was that person, initially. How many other Republicans were willing to state that the invasion of Iraq was a mistake? Not a single one could do that, or would do that, but Trump did. Looking at the sorry cast of choices Republicans had in 2016, I totally understand why Trump was the nominee, and I totally understand why he defeated Hillary Clinton. I don't blame people for voting for that man in 2016, I will only blame them for re-electing him, as you've had years of unmistakable examples of his ineptitude, corruption, and dishonesty, to say nothing of his naked partisanship that has divided this country like not seen in anyones lifetime.
Trump, among many things, is an ENTERTAINER. We see him in the OP acting out and entertaining his fans. Many don’t demand a statesman, would be bored silly if Trump seriously discussed political problems. They want slogans. And entertainment. Trump can be personable, funny. And he has that vicious demagogic side too. People especially like to see that side come out. He can appeal to base instincts, wrap himself in the flag, adopt the old Democratic protectionist program of the Trade Unions (without the actual Trade Unions) and be “entertaining” all at the same time. In other words, a very shrewd and capable politician. He was also very good to our wealthIest elites.

If only Trump were knowledgeable of world history and international politics, if he could work as part of a team, if he had some real character and was less a narcissist ... he might have made a decent President. But as is, he is a disaster. Which doesn’t mean he will not win again!

By the way, I’m not saying that Hillary, in her own very different way, may not have proven just as terrible.

I have to agree with everything you said. We needed someone who was outside of the strict party dogma, and Trump was that person, initially. How many other Republicans were willing to state that the invasion of Iraq was a mistake? Not a single one could do that, or would do that, but Trump did. Looking at the sorry cast of choices Republicans had in 2016, I totally understand why Trump was the nominee, and I totally understand why he defeated Hillary Clinton. I don't blame people for voting for that man in 2016, I will only blame them for re-electing him, as you've had years of unmistakable examples of his ineptitude, corruption, and dishonesty, to say nothing of his naked partisanship that has divided this country like not seen in anyones lifetime.
I agree with you. Many voted for Trump in 2016 — perhaps reluctantly — believing his promises to end endless wars in the Middle East, to “drain the swamp,” or whatever. Some of his supporters had even earlier voted for Obama, or would have considered Bernie had he been running. I didn’t vote for Trump because I already knew he was a phony (I watched him growing up in NYC). But I understood his appeal. I remember begging friends not to vote for Trump or Hillary. It didn’t fly. Maybe this time some of them will reconsider ...
Trump, among many things, is an ENTERTAINER. We see him in the OP acting out and entertaining his fans. Many don’t demand a statesman, would be bored silly if Trump seriously discussed political problems. They want slogans. And entertainment. Trump can be personable, funny. And he has that vicious demagogic side too. People especially like to see that side come out. He can appeal to base instincts, wrap himself in the flag, adopt the old Democratic protectionist program of the Trade Unions (without the actual Trade Unions) and be “entertaining” all at the same time. In other words, a very shrewd and capable politician. He was also very good to our wealthIest elites.

If only Trump were knowledgeable of world history and international politics, if he could work as part of a team, if he had some real character and was less a narcissist ... he might have made a decent President. But as is, he is a disaster. Which doesn’t mean he will not win again!

By the way, I’m not saying that Hillary, in her own very different way, may not have proven just as terrible.

I have to agree with everything you said. We needed someone who was outside of the strict party dogma, and Trump was that person, initially. How many other Republicans were willing to state that the invasion of Iraq was a mistake? Not a single one could do that, or would do that, but Trump did. Looking at the sorry cast of choices Republicans had in 2016, I totally understand why Trump was the nominee, and I totally understand why he defeated Hillary Clinton. I don't blame people for voting for that man in 2016, I will only blame them for re-electing him, as you've had years of unmistakable examples of his ineptitude, corruption, and dishonesty, to say nothing of his naked partisanship that has divided this country like not seen in anyones lifetime.
I agree with you. Many voted for Trump in 2016 — perhaps reluctantly — believing his promises to end endless wars in the Middle East, to “drain the swamp,” or whatever. Some of his supporters had even earlier voted for Obama, or would have considered Bernie had he been running. I didn’t vote for Trump because I already knew he was a phony (I watched him growing up in NYC). But I understood his appeal. I remember begging friends not to vote for Trump or Hillary. It didn’t fly. Maybe this time some of them will reconsider ...
Not a chance . Trump is the man . Draining the swanp . Get used to it. . Im sure the dems never want that swanp drained.
Not a chance . Trump is the man . Draining the swanp . Get used to it. . Im sure the dems never want that swanp drained.
What I truly don’t understand is how Trump supporters can define “the swamp” as not including corrupt businessmen, lobbyists, “Deep State” Military Industrial interests, Wall Street crony capitalists, private Hedge Fund Managers — all of whom are equally Republican and/or Democrat. How did the “swamp” somehow suddenly become personal or political enemies of Donald Trump? Did only Democrats support our wars and occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan? Was it only Democrats who bailed out the banks and bankrupt capitalists in 2008?
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