This is why MAGA is an unyeilding force.

opting to support or vote for a convicted felon who will only be a dictator on day one...says a lot about trump morons
You can retire the overused "convicted felon" doesn't hold any water. Honestly man, how childish and stupid can you be? Do you think Trump is suddenly now a different person after the verdict? A tag name inserted by a kangaroo court will have no consequence.

Dictator? Oh on day one all democratic political machinery will mysteriously cease to exist?
attempting to imprison the leading candidate against your party is the very definition of tyranny .

'Where are all of the arrests?': Trump demands Barr lock up ...​

Politico › news › 2020/10/07 › trump...

Oct 7, 2020 — Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest ...

Trump compares political opponents to 'vermin' who he will ...​

ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos › Politics › story

Nov 13, 2023 — Trump's extreme rhetoric is being compared to Hitler and Mussolini after he vowed to "root out" his political opponents, who he said "live ...
Hanson always nails it. MAGA is the most powerful and influential political movement of the 21st century.
MAGA has lost nearly every contested eleiction since 2016.

Lost 2018 Midterms
Lost 2020 Elections
Lost 2021 Special elections and Senate
Lost 2022 red wave with historic underperformance
Lost 2023 contested special elections

This does not look like the resume of the most powerful political force.
The best video and most informative video I've seen for answering the question why Trump
It was junk. The video basically said paraphasing: Be careful of an angry Trump! He was mistreated and he is too smart to be fooled again.

There was zero in there about what benefits a Trump candidatcy brings anyone. What the fuck are you seeing in that tripe?
MAGA has lost nearly every contested eleiction since 2016.

Lost 2018 Midterms
Lost 2020 Elections
Lost 2021 Special elections and Senate
Lost 2022 red wave with historic underperformance
Lost 2023 contested special elections

This does not look like the resume of the most powerful political force.
Are the MAGA's tired of winning yet?
Trump is a paper tiger. He really didn't do much as President except be annoying and he will probably do even less and be more annoying the second time. That doesn't give me a reason to vote for Biden. It just gives me more of a reason to vote for a third choice or not at all. So far, RFK and Greens have not made the Virginia ballot so I guess if I do vote, it will be for whichever nutty nutter the Libertarians come up with. They always seem to make the ballot.
Democrats, Rino's, never Trumper's I am providing you with a public services advisory. This is why Trump is unstoppable. You created your own monster.

no doubt you are very slow learners and you feel very aggrieved.

"fuck ypur feelings."

try the violence again and we'll put you on a reservation

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