This is why the left wants to control comedians...they bring out the truth...."Woke" leftists and racists...are the same.....


Bob Hope was a Liberal?

Jack Benny was a Liberal?

Bill Cosby was a Liberal?

You really want to claim Bill Cosby as one of your tribe, buddy. You know, the guy who used to drug women and rape them?

He was funny, he was a conservative.

Do you investigate the private lives of liberal comedians before you laugh at their jokes?
Most all the comedy clubs are in cities, the famous ones are in major cities, and the easily offended tend to congregate in the cities, for various reasons.
If you have some SJW losing his shit over some bit a comedian does and creating a bunch of drama, then the venue is going to try to minimize that; it's a business.

So the comedians lose their gigs, and everyone is worse off as a result, which seems to be what happens whenever one of these little progressive bitches open their mouths. They get butthurt and make everyone else as miserable as they are.

Things were a lot nicer back when you could knock a loudmouth right the fuck out without getting a felony charge.

Bob Hope was a Liberal?

Jack Benny was a Liberal?

Bill Cosby was a Liberal?

You really want to claim Bill Cosby as one of your tribe, buddy. You know, the guy who used to drug women and rape them?

you guys claim bill clinton as one of your own, with at least 3 allegations of actual rape under his belt......and not to forget his buddy jeff epstein and harvey weinstein, and matt lauer.......all proud democrat party rapists....
you guys claim bill clinton as one of your own, with at least 3 allegations of actual rape under his belt......

The problem is, none of those were credible.... even Ken Starr said so.

and not to forget his buddy jeff epstein and harvey weinstein, and matt lauer.......

Sorry, Epstein is Trump's buddy. He even wished his pimp/girlfriend well


Bob Hope was a Liberal?

Jack Benny was a Liberal?

Bill Cosby was a Liberal?

You really want to claim Bill Cosby as one of your tribe, buddy. You know, the guy who used to drug women and rape them?

Is it at all weird to you that it was only after Cosby told hood rats to pull up their pants and support the babies that they made that all his legal troubles happened?
Almost as if some people was sending a message.
Is it at all weird to you that it was only after Cosby told hood rats to pull up their pants and support the babies that they made that all his legal troubles happened?
Almost as if some people was sending a message.

Yes, that message was, "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".

If you are going to preach morality, then people who KNOW you are going to question that if you aren't a moral person.

The tragedy of Cosby is that his behavior was well known for years. But his public persona was a positive one. What? America's Dad a masher? Couldn't be.
Is it at all weird to you that it was only after Cosby told hood rats to pull up their pants and support the babies that they made that all his legal troubles happened?
Almost as if some people was sending a message.

Yes, that message was, "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".

If you are going to preach morality, then people who KNOW you are going to question that if you aren't a moral person.

The tragedy of Cosby is that his behavior was well known for years. But his public persona was a positive one. What? America's Dad a masher? Couldn't be.

Some truth to that -
Your side always says "you can't hold us accountable for anything, we flat out told ya that we were pieces of shit to start with"
Some truth to that -
Your side always says "you can't hold us accountable for anything, we flat out told ya that we were pieces of shit to start with"

Here's the major difference. The left doesn't tell people how to live their personal lives. We realize, life is complicated and not always the Ozzie and Harriet fantasy you guys think it should be.

I mean, I guess it was easy for Coz to criticize kids in the hood who didn't have the luck he had, who are just trying to get by day to day without being shot by a racist cop. But despite his success and wealth, he still engaged in far worse behavior.

Bob Hope was a Liberal?

Jack Benny was a Liberal?

Bill Cosby was a Liberal?

You really want to claim Bill Cosby as one of your tribe, buddy. You know, the guy who used to drug women and rape them?

Is it at all weird to you that it was only after Cosby told hood rats to pull up their pants and support the babies that they made that all his legal troubles happened?
Almost as if some people was sending a message.

The idea that we should discount someone's statements, because they did wrong things, is ridiculous to me.

It's kind of like saying "Hitler said 1+1=2, therefore we know that is wrong, because Hitler did terrible things!"

Bill Cosby was dead on right about everything. If anything, his problems later in life, that stemmed all the way back to when he was young, is proof that what he said was right.

If he had followed the advice he was giving to people, none of those problems would have come to haunt him later in life.

Live right. Stop screwing around. Top popping out babies, when you are not married. Get job, earn a living, and take care of your family.

And when you don't do that when you are young, you end up with problems later in life.

Again, I had a co-worker who was working two full time jobs. This guy was black, and I was curious what the other job he worked, paid him. Well the dude brought in his pay stub (not something I would do, but ok), and showed it to me.

He had three child support payments. Three. And he was living with another girl, he was not married to, and she was pregnant.

The fool! He was earning enough money to be upper-middle class. Yet he was living like he was in poverty, while working 80-hours a week.

It wasn't because of racism, or capitalism, or society. He screwed his own life up, by bouncing around from baby momma to baby momma.

Cosby was right. Cosby was no saint, and never claimed to be. But he was dead on right. The hood rats, need to pull their pants up, clean their mouth out with soap, stop screwing around, start living right, taking care of their wife, and owning responsibility for their families.

That is the solution.
Some truth to that -
Your side always says "you can't hold us accountable for anything, we flat out told ya that we were pieces of shit to start with"

Here's the major difference. The left doesn't tell people how to live their personal lives. We realize, life is complicated and not always the Ozzie and Harriet fantasy you guys think it should be.

I mean, I guess it was easy for Coz to criticize kids in the hood who didn't have the luck he had, who are just trying to get by day to day without being shot by a racist cop. But despite his success and wealth, he still engaged in far worse behavior.

"The left doesn't tell people how to live their personal lives"

Get the fuck out of here.
The idea that we should discount someone's statements, because they did wrong things, is ridiculous to me.

It's kind of like saying "Hitler said 1+1=2, therefore we know that is wrong, because Hitler did terrible things!"

Um,no, because Hitler wasn't the person who claimed to be a math genius. Cosby was the guy who claimed to be "America's Dad" and that his status as a celebrity who transcended race gave him moral authority to speak on moral issues.

Bill Cosby was dead on right about everything. If anything, his problems later in life, that stemmed all the way back to when he was young, is proof that what he said was right.

If he had followed the advice he was giving to people, none of those problems would have come to haunt him later in life.

Um, he was telling people to pull up their pants and conform, he wasn't giving advice on "Don't drug women and have sex with them when they trust you."

And when you don't do that when you are young, you end up with problems later in life.

Sigh, you show me any person in his 40's, and I'll show you a person who wishes they had made better choices in their 20's.

The difference is, white folks have a cultural advantage where our mistakes don't follow us for the rest of our lives. Check your privilege, buddy.

Cosby was right. Cosby was no saint, and never claimed to be. But he was dead on right. The hood rats, need to pull their pants up, clean their mouth out with soap, stop screwing around, start living right, taking care of their wife, and owning responsibility for their families.

Cosby DID claim to be a saint. That was his whole image, "America's Dad". And frankly, when you use terms like "Hood Rats", it says a lot more about you than Cosby.
The idea that we should discount someone's statements, because they did wrong things, is ridiculous to me.

It's kind of like saying "Hitler said 1+1=2, therefore we know that is wrong, because Hitler did terrible things!"

Um,no, because Hitler wasn't the person who claimed to be a math genius. Cosby was the guy who claimed to be "America's Dad" and that his status as a celebrity who transcended race gave him moral authority to speak on moral issues.

Bill Cosby was dead on right about everything. If anything, his problems later in life, that stemmed all the way back to when he was young, is proof that what he said was right.

If he had followed the advice he was giving to people, none of those problems would have come to haunt him later in life.

Um, he was telling people to pull up their pants and conform, he wasn't giving advice on "Don't drug women and have sex with them when they trust you."

And when you don't do that when you are young, you end up with problems later in life.

Sigh, you show me any person in his 40's, and I'll show you a person who wishes they had made better choices in their 20's.

The difference is, white folks have a cultural advantage where our mistakes don't follow us for the rest of our lives. Check your privilege, buddy.

Cosby was right. Cosby was no saint, and never claimed to be. But he was dead on right. The hood rats, need to pull their pants up, clean their mouth out with soap, stop screwing around, start living right, taking care of their wife, and owning responsibility for their families.

Cosby DID claim to be a saint. That was his whole image, "America's Dad". And frankly, when you use terms like "Hood Rats", it says a lot more about you than Cosby.

Cosby did claim to be a saint? When? You have video of this?
Or are you lying again?

The difference is, white folks have a cultural advantage where our mistakes don't follow us for the rest of our lives. Check your privilege, buddy.

What are you talking about? I know many white people who have had mistakes follow them the rest of their lives.

Check your lies, buddy.

he was telling people to pull up their pants and conform

Yes. If you conform to good, you do better in life. When you don't, then you don't.
Cosby did claim to be a saint? When? You have video of this?
Or are you lying again

Uh, yeah, we have Video of this. The Cosby show, which ran for 8 years on NBC

What are you talking about? I know many white people who have had mistakes follow them the rest of their lives.

You are obviously clueless if you think that there isn't white privilege, even for the fuckups.

Yes. If you conform to good, you do better in life. When you don't, then you don't.

Uh, pants up or down isn't a "morality" issue. I personally think it looks silly. I think a lot of things look silly that kids do...

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