This Is Why We Have An Electoral College

Think about it. With a few exceptions, the ownership of a states land area is divided among it's population. Hence the EC power is influenced by acreage over population.
Exactly - People should vote ... NOT acres.
The EC is what allows acres to vote.
So write a Constitutional Amendment to eliminate it and get the states to agree. That's how you do it.
They won't. Nobody wants 5 Big Cities to RULE.
So write a Constitutional Amendment to eliminate it and get the states to agree. That's how you do it.
That would require approval of the states that currently have a franchise advantage. They would not cut off their own noses.
So write a Constitutional Amendment to eliminate it and get the states to agree. That's how you do it.
That would require approval of the states that currently have a franchise advantage. They would not cut off their own noses.
There you go. We have it and it elects the president. Sounds like the best thing to do is play the game by the rules in action. Hillary forgot that and lost. And heck, this is the ONLY election the electoral college effects. The president isn't supposed to be more powerful than Congress or the SC (which makes Quid Pro's reliance on EO's problematic).
They won't. Nobody wants 5 Big Cities to RULE.
Don't you mean they don't want the majority of people to control the electoral college?
The STATES elect the President. Not the "Majority" of the Vox Populi. This is NOT a 'Democracy'. It is a Representative Republic. No. I do NOT want a bunch of Screw Yorkers tellin' me what to do.
There you go. We have it and it elects the president. Sounds like the best thing to do is play the game by the rules in action. Hillary forgot that and lost.
Looks like Trump forgot the rules and lost. And lost bad 306 to 232. And by 7 million votes on top of that.
There you go. We have it and it elects the president. Sounds like the best thing to do is play the game by the rules in action. Hillary forgot that and lost.
Looks like Trump forgot the rules and lost. And lost bad 306 to 232. And by 7 million votes on top of that.
Irrelvant. Hillary lost because she assumed she could ignore "flyover country". The electoral college sent her into retirement, and election day 2016 should become a national holiday because of it.
There you go. We have it and it elects the president. Sounds like the best thing to do is play the game by the rules in action. Hillary forgot that and lost.
Looks like Trump forgot the rules and lost. And lost bad 306 to 232. And by 7 million votes on top of that.
Paper votes. Sure like to see those signatures. COVID rules beat Trump.
The Electoral process is dead in the US. So is our republic.

The Democrat Dirty Tricks Department has learned how to steal elections by the scam of counting unverified mail in ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

They have graduated from knowing how to do it in a few districts to knowing how to do in any district where they control the counting.

We will never have another honest election. If anybody thinks otherwise they are being either naive or delusional.
I already posted it to you.

Did you bother reading section 9?
Yes, and it says nothing about condoning slavery. It also expired in 1808. In fact during the time Section 9 was in affect, there was more and more support gathering for abolition. In 1806 Thomas Jefferson said:

" I congratulate you, fellow-citizens, on the approach of the period at which you may interpose your authority constitutionally to withdraw the citizens of the United States from all further participation in those violations of human rights which have been so long continued on the unoffending inhabitants of Africa, and which the morality, the reputation, and the best interests of our country have long been eager to proscribe.”

You need to stop getting your history anti-American sources.
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The STATES elect the President. Not the "Majority" of the Vox Populi. This is NOT a 'Democracy'. It is a Representative Republic.
The states elect the President only in the case of no candidate getting a majority of EC votes.

The EC gives suffrage based on both population, along with a bias. And granted it to the legislatures, not the people.
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Irrelvant. Hillary lost because she assumed she could ignore "flyover country". The electoral college sent her into retirement,
And Vladimir Putin helped.

That's why a grand jury indicted 12 russians in the GRU for election interference.
Did you bother reading section 9?
Yes, and it says nothing about condoning slavery. It also expired in 1808. In fact during the time Section 9 was in affect, there was more and more support gathering for abolition.
And yet you claim section 9 didn't apply to slavery.

And as per condoning. You need to read a dictionary before using big words.

condone -


accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue
How is it that Joe Biden is turning out a bunch of executive orders that upend the tranquility we had going?

Because his predecessors set the stage for it and the American people let them.

Yep... and it will be a cold day in hell before any future president relinquishes any of the powers the asshole before him or her established through precedent or legislation (see The Patriot Act... nothing patriotic about that POS).
Half the US population lives in these blue counties.

This is why we have an Electoral College. Civics 101. You're welcome.
Yeah, some people just don't understand this concept.
It's called giving those supporting slavery an advantage to make up for their lack of population. Making their suffrage big enough to overturn the will of the majority.

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