This Is Why We Have An Electoral College

Irrelvant. Hillary lost because she assumed she could ignore "flyover country". The electoral college sent her into retirement,
And Vladimir Putin helped.

That's why a grand jury indicted 12 russians in the GRU for election interference.
Back to THAT shit? PFFFFFTTTT! The only thing that happened is that people hated Hitlery more than anything. except in Screw York ,LA ,and DC.
And yet you claim section 9 didn't apply to slavery.

And as per condoning. You need to read a dictionary before using big words.

condone -


accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue
So, what's your point? That you
It's called giving those supporting slavery an advantage to make up for their lack of population. Making their suffrage big enough to overturn the will of the majority.
If that is so, it didn't work very well.
Irrelvant. Hillary lost because she assumed she could ignore "flyover country". The electoral college sent her into retirement,
And Vladimir Putin helped.

That's why a grand jury indicted 12 russians in the GRU for election interference.
Funny thing about that. Russia! Russia! Russia! was all the rage in '16 and for several years afterward. Heck, we even spent millions of dollars, multiple years and destroyed several lives trying to prove it, all to no avail (excepting of course for the die hards who bought it hook line and sinker and won't let go of it no matter what. You know who you are). It was the greatest threat to our elections that we had ever faced. Then we were told that TRUMP! wasn't doing anything to prevent it from happening again. Then, the '20 election, when the media was poised like a panda, on the lookout for the slightest hint that Russia! was going to steal yet another election from democrats by running FB ads. Yet, there were crickets. No one said word one about Russia! stealing the election. Why do you think that was?

1. Russia! got scared of democrats getting mad at them and decided to stay out of it?
2. Russia! decided influencing the election was no big deal and sat this one out?
3. TRUMP! put such strong prohibitions in place that Russia! tried but failed?
- or -
4. The "right" guy won so there was no need to whine and wail about Russia!.

I think we know which one it was.
You have to be shitting me.
They were able to stop congress from abolishing slavery as long as they had a say in it.
OK you have a point if you think you are living back then. A lot as gone on since then you know. What is your point anyway? Do you hate certain people of a certain skin color or ethnicity or something?
Why does the presidency means so much?

Is it possible that the government powers are not balanced or constructed?

What are the government powers?
Actually what is at stake are congresses "speed bump" powers. Specifically how republicans acting as a deterrent to the federal government being able to function in service of the people.

Put simply, republicans believe in small government, and to prove large government doesn't work, they do whatever they can stop the federal government from functioning.
I dont think taking away people's rights is what the federal government is supposed to do, which is why Republicans are opposed to the liberal agenda. Are you a prog slave
No one said word one about Russia! stealing the election. Why do you think that was?

1. Russia! got scared of democrats getting mad at them and decided to stay out of it?
2. Russia! decided influencing the election was no big deal and sat this one out?
3. TRUMP! put such strong prohibitions in place that Russia! tried but failed?
- or -
4. The "right" guy won so there was no need to whine and wail about Russia!.

I think we know which one it was.
Actually the NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, DHS turned their surveillance up to 11. The russians sat out the 2020 election, just like the Chinese, and the Iranians
You are a fucking moron. Southern White Democrats supported slavery, the Republicans want everyone to be free.

Are you a jiggaboo?
Remember, the republican of the early 1900's became the democrats after 1965, and the democrats of the 1900's became the republicans after 1965.

Similar to the way the earths magnetic field reversed positions 780,000 years ago.
That is a lie, which the progressive party has foisted upon idiots like you. Yes, Strom Thurmond left to go to the Republicans, only because he didnt like where the Democrats were headed, while Senator Robert Byrd(KKK Kleagle) stayed in the Democrat party and he and Joe Biden were against segregating public schools while Joe called Black men super predators. Are you mentally ill?

It's called giving those supporting slavery an advantage to make up for their lack of population. Making their suffrage big enough to overturn the will of the majority.
If that is so, it didn't work very well.
You have to be shitting me.
They were able to stop congress from abolishing slavery as long as they had a say in it.
OK you have a point if you think you are living back then. A lot as gone on since then you know. What is your point anyway? Do you hate certain people of a certain skin color or ethnicity or something?
I'm stating a historical fact. That as long as they had a vote in congress, they were able to stop any legislation from abolishing the practice of slavery.
It's called giving those supporting slavery an advantage to make up for their lack of population. Making their suffrage big enough to overturn the will of the majority.
If that is so, it didn't work very well.
You have to be shitting me.
They were able to stop congress from abolishing slavery as long as they had a say in it.
OK you have a point if you think you are living back then. A lot as gone on since then you know. What is your point anyway? Do you hate certain people of a certain skin color or ethnicity or something?
I'm stating a historical fact. That as long as they had a vote in congress, they were able to stop any legislation from abolishing the practice of slavery.
No you are not.. It has been proven wrong.

The ‘great switch’ is a lie. Democrats try to get around the historical flaws in the supposed ‘great switch’ by claiming that Richard Nixon employed a ‘Southern Strategy’ to get elected. We can look at that too, against the historic record, to see if there is any truth to it.
The Myth of the 'Southern Strategy' - The Daily Libertarian
I'm stating a historical fact. That as long as they had a vote in congress, they were able to stop any legislation from abolishing the practice of slavery.
What does that have to do with today? You did not answer. What is your point? Just to argue?

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