This Map Permits People To See Where Experts’ Stay-At-Home Warnings Are Being Followed


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

This Map Permits People To See Where Experts’ Stay-At-Home Warnings Are Being Followed

MA nyt_coronavirus_stop_traveling.jpg

This map, published in the New York Times shows areas of the nation where Americans are staying at home as medical and scientific experts advise. Also shown, are the states where people are not staying home, and are primarily in the Southeast.

The map looks this way in the South, in part, because many of those unwilling to stay at home are conservative, blue collar white men, who, as they leave for work, the last voice they hear is from FOX Noise. Most also listen to conservative talk radio throughout the day, hearing Rush Limbaugh and others reaffirm their right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class.

When quitting time rolls around, for some it’s to the bar, where FOX Noise is on the tube, for most, it's home to the same FOX Noise. Yes, where the talking heads of FOX Noise continue reaffirming the right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class. But in the evening, the FOX programming includes a generous amount of new video that has been broadcast all day repeating the impeached president trump telling his devoted fanatics the coronavirus is “just a bad cold.” That “within a couple of days it’s going to be down to close to zero.” That the hysteria was nothing but a “new hoax” from Democrats who want to bring down the president.

For weeks that’s what they heard and believed, so they refused to take the warnings from experts seriously. However, that’s starting to shift now that the impeached president trump and the conservative noise machine have changed their tune, but it’s several weeks too late. It's a pitiful and unnecessary situation.

But it is somewhat unfair to blame the stronghold that COVID-19 has gained in the Southeastern states on conservative propaganda and blind loyalty to the impeached president trump alone. While these are significant factors, income inequality, poor infrastructure, poverty, food deserts, and a whole host of other reasons, some of them political, must also be considered.

Families of the working poor, many of which are black, are included on the NYT map. Unlike progressive states, unemployment insurance in the southern red states will not pay the breadwinners of these families to self-isolate to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These poor households, where budgets are already stretched, cannot afford to miss even a small portion of a paycheck. So, staying at home is impossible for most of these people.

There is no question that conservatism’s prioritizing protecting the wealth of the 0.1% over human life led to the slow response to the COVID-19 crisis. That inaction will, inevitably, cause the disease to remain with us for many months, resulting in many needless deaths. We’ll also see whether Republican conservatism’s myopic inaction has a negative or positive effect on the economy, and the wealth of the 0.1%. (Everyone knows the answer is negative and that numerous tax cuts for the 0.1% will be passed during the next eighteen to twenty four months, Even if the Democrats win the congressional majority and the White House in November, Democrats who accept political contributions from the billionaire class are also obliged to do the bidding of the 0.1%.)

Of course, the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics will blame the Democrats, they always do. But, everyone must understand, these people voted for both the impeached president trump AND Dubya. Neither man can walk and chew gum at the same time, so, if distracted, even slightly, neither of them can function as a person, let alone as POTUS.


This Map Permits People To See Where Experts’ Stay-At-Home Warnings Are Being Followed

View attachment 320292

This map, published in the New York Times shows areas of the nation where Americans are staying at home as medical and scientific experts advise. Also shown, are the states where people are not staying home, and are primarily in the Southeast.

The map looks this way in the South, in part, because many of those unwilling to stay at home are conservative, blue collar white men, who, as they leave for work, the last voice they hear is from FOX Noise. Most also listen to conservative talk radio throughout the day, hearing Rush Limbaugh and others reaffirm their right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class.

When quitting time rolls around, for some it’s to the bar, where FOX Noise is on the tube, for most, it's home to the same FOX Noise. Yes, where the talking heads of FOX Noise continue reaffirming the right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class. But in the evening, the FOX programming includes a generous amount of new video that has been broadcast all day repeating the impeached president trump telling his devoted fanatics the coronavirus is “just a bad cold.” That “within a couple of days it’s going to be down to close to zero.” That the hysteria was nothing but a “new hoax” from Democrats who want to bring down the president.

For weeks that’s what they heard and believed, so they refused to take the warnings from experts seriously. However, that’s starting to shift now that the impeached president trump and the conservative noise machine have changed their tune, but it’s several weeks too late. It's a pitiful and unnecessary situation.

But it is somewhat unfair to blame the stronghold that COVID-19 has gained in the Southeastern states on conservative propaganda and blind loyalty to the impeached president trump alone. While these are significant factors, income inequality, poor infrastructure, poverty, food deserts, and a whole host of other reasons, some of them political, must also be considered.

Families of the working poor, many of which are black, are included on the NYT map. Unlike progressive states, unemployment insurance in the southern red states will not pay the breadwinners of these families to self-isolate to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These poor households, where budgets are already stretched, cannot afford to miss even a small portion of a paycheck. So, staying at home is impossible for most of these people.

There is no question that conservatism’s prioritizing protecting the wealth of the 0.1% over human life led to the slow response to the COVID-19 crisis. That inaction will, inevitably, cause the disease to remain with us for many months, resulting in many needless deaths. We’ll also see whether Republican conservatism’s myopic inaction has a negative or positive effect on the economy, and the wealth of the 0.1%. (Everyone knows the answer is negative and that numerous tax cuts for the 0.1% will be passed during the next eighteen to twenty four months, Even if the Democrats win the congressional majority and the White House in November, Democrats who accept political contributions from the billionaire class are also obliged to do the bidding of the 0.1%.)

Of course, the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics will blame the Democrats, they always do. But, everyone must understand, these people voted for both the impeached president trump AND Dubya. Neither man can walk and chew gum at the same time, so, if distracted, even slightly, neither of them can function as a person, let alone as POTUS.

I'd like to know what the NYT used as data for their map. I live in the purple nose of Maine, and I can assure you people are staying home.
The map looks this way in the South, in part, because many of those unwilling to stay at home are conservative, blue collar white men, who, as they leave for work, the last voice they hear is from FOX Noise. Most also listen to conservative talk radio throughout the day, hearing Rush Limbaugh and others reaffirm their right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class.

Ad Hominem Fallacy: (abusive and circumstantial): the fallacy of attacking the character or circumstances of an individual who is advancing a statement or an argument instead of seeking to disprove the truth of the statement or the soundness of the argument.

This Map Permits People To See Where Experts’ Stay-At-Home Warnings Are Being Followed

View attachment 320292

This map, published in the New York Times shows areas of the nation where Americans are staying at home as medical and scientific experts advise. Also shown, are the states where people are not staying home, and are primarily in the Southeast.

The map looks this way in the South, in part, because many of those unwilling to stay at home are conservative, blue collar white men, who, as they leave for work, the last voice they hear is from FOX Noise. Most also listen to conservative talk radio throughout the day, hearing Rush Limbaugh and others reaffirm their right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class.

When quitting time rolls around, for some it’s to the bar, where FOX Noise is on the tube, for most, it's home to the same FOX Noise. Yes, where the talking heads of FOX Noise continue reaffirming the right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class. But in the evening, the FOX programming includes a generous amount of new video that has been broadcast all day repeating the impeached president trump telling his devoted fanatics the coronavirus is “just a bad cold.” That “within a couple of days it’s going to be down to close to zero.” That the hysteria was nothing but a “new hoax” from Democrats who want to bring down the president.

For weeks that’s what they heard and believed, so they refused to take the warnings from experts seriously. However, that’s starting to shift now that the impeached president trump and the conservative noise machine have changed their tune, but it’s several weeks too late. It's a pitiful and unnecessary situation.

But it is somewhat unfair to blame the stronghold that COVID-19 has gained in the Southeastern states on conservative propaganda and blind loyalty to the impeached president trump alone. While these are significant factors, income inequality, poor infrastructure, poverty, food deserts, and a whole host of other reasons, some of them political, must also be considered.

Families of the working poor, many of which are black, are included on the NYT map. Unlike progressive states, unemployment insurance in the southern red states will not pay the breadwinners of these families to self-isolate to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These poor households, where budgets are already stretched, cannot afford to miss even a small portion of a paycheck. So, staying at home is impossible for most of these people.

There is no question that conservatism’s prioritizing protecting the wealth of the 0.1% over human life led to the slow response to the COVID-19 crisis. That inaction will, inevitably, cause the disease to remain with us for many months, resulting in many needless deaths. We’ll also see whether Republican conservatism’s myopic inaction has a negative or positive effect on the economy, and the wealth of the 0.1%. (Everyone knows the answer is negative and that numerous tax cuts for the 0.1% will be passed during the next eighteen to twenty four months, Even if the Democrats win the congressional majority and the White House in November, Democrats who accept political contributions from the billionaire class are also obliged to do the bidding of the 0.1%.)

Of course, the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics will blame the Democrats, they always do. But, everyone must understand, these people voted for both the impeached president trump AND Dubya. Neither man can walk and chew gum at the same time, so, if distracted, even slightly, neither of them can function as a person, let alone as POTUS.

You sure are one stupid brainwashed idiot.
"Unlike progressive states, unemployment insurance in the southern red states will not pay the breadwinners of these families to self-isolate to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These poor households, where budgets are already stretched, cannot afford to miss even a small portion of a paycheck. So, staying at home is impossible for most of these people."

That is absolutely, 100% false. A great many employers are either still paying their employees, or the employees are collecting unemployment. Off the top of my head I could name two dozen of my friends who fit into one group or the other.

Why do libs always lie when they try to make a point?

This Map Permits People To See Where Experts’ Stay-At-Home Warnings Are Being Followed

View attachment 320292

This map, published in the New York Times shows areas of the nation where Americans are staying at home as medical and scientific experts advise. Also shown, are the states where people are not staying home, and are primarily in the Southeast.

The map looks this way in the South, in part, because many of those unwilling to stay at home are conservative, blue collar white men, who, as they leave for work, the last voice they hear is from FOX Noise. Most also listen to conservative talk radio throughout the day, hearing Rush Limbaugh and others reaffirm their right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class.

When quitting time rolls around, for some it’s to the bar, where FOX Noise is on the tube, for most, it's home to the same FOX Noise. Yes, where the talking heads of FOX Noise continue reaffirming the right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class. But in the evening, the FOX programming includes a generous amount of new video that has been broadcast all day repeating the impeached president trump telling his devoted fanatics the coronavirus is “just a bad cold.” That “within a couple of days it’s going to be down to close to zero.” That the hysteria was nothing but a “new hoax” from Democrats who want to bring down the president.

For weeks that’s what they heard and believed, so they refused to take the warnings from experts seriously. However, that’s starting to shift now that the impeached president trump and the conservative noise machine have changed their tune, but it’s several weeks too late. It's a pitiful and unnecessary situation.

But it is somewhat unfair to blame the stronghold that COVID-19 has gained in the Southeastern states on conservative propaganda and blind loyalty to the impeached president trump alone. While these are significant factors, income inequality, poor infrastructure, poverty, food deserts, and a whole host of other reasons, some of them political, must also be considered.

Families of the working poor, many of which are black, are included on the NYT map. Unlike progressive states, unemployment insurance in the southern red states will not pay the breadwinners of these families to self-isolate to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These poor households, where budgets are already stretched, cannot afford to miss even a small portion of a paycheck. So, staying at home is impossible for most of these people.

There is no question that conservatism’s prioritizing protecting the wealth of the 0.1% over human life led to the slow response to the COVID-19 crisis. That inaction will, inevitably, cause the disease to remain with us for many months, resulting in many needless deaths. We’ll also see whether Republican conservatism’s myopic inaction has a negative or positive effect on the economy, and the wealth of the 0.1%. (Everyone knows the answer is negative and that numerous tax cuts for the 0.1% will be passed during the next eighteen to twenty four months, Even if the Democrats win the congressional majority and the White House in November, Democrats who accept political contributions from the billionaire class are also obliged to do the bidding of the 0.1%.)

Of course, the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics will blame the Democrats, they always do. But, everyone must understand, these people voted for both the impeached president trump AND Dubya. Neither man can walk and chew gum at the same time, so, if distracted, even slightly, neither of them can function as a person, let alone as POTUS.

I'd like to know what the NYT used as data for their map. I live in the purple nose of Maine, and I can assure you people are staying home.
It's the NYT. Fake news.
"Unlike progressive states, unemployment insurance in the southern red states will not pay the breadwinners of these families to self-isolate to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These poor households, where budgets are already stretched, cannot afford to miss even a small portion of a paycheck. So, staying at home is impossible for most of these people."

That is absolutely, 100% false. A great many employers are either still paying their employees, or the employees are collecting unemployment. Off the top of my head I could name two dozen of my friends who fit into one group or the other.

Why do libs always lie when they try to make a point?
They are not liberals, dumbass.
The map looks this way in the South, in part, because many of those unwilling to stay at home are conservative, blue collar white men, who, as they leave for work, the last voice they hear is from FOX Noise. Most also listen to conservative talk radio throughout the day, hearing Rush Limbaugh and others reaffirm their right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class.

Ad Hominem Fallacy: (abusive and circumstantial): the fallacy of attacking the character or circumstances of an individual who is advancing a statement or an argument instead of seeking to disprove the truth of the statement or the soundness of the argument.

I hope you've got that quote copied and saved somewhere. It applies to three fourths of the garbage on here of late.

This Map Permits People To See Where Experts’ Stay-At-Home Warnings Are Being Followed

View attachment 320292

This map, published in the New York Times shows areas of the nation where Americans are staying at home as medical and scientific experts advise. Also shown, are the states where people are not staying home, and are primarily in the Southeast.

The map looks this way in the South, in part, because many of those unwilling to stay at home are conservative, blue collar white men, who, as they leave for work, the last voice they hear is from FOX Noise. Most also listen to conservative talk radio throughout the day, hearing Rush Limbaugh and others reaffirm their right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class.

When quitting time rolls around, for some it’s to the bar, where FOX Noise is on the tube, for most, it's home to the same FOX Noise. Yes, where the talking heads of FOX Noise continue reaffirming the right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class. But in the evening, the FOX programming includes a generous amount of new video that has been broadcast all day repeating the impeached president trump telling his devoted fanatics the coronavirus is “just a bad cold.” That “within a couple of days it’s going to be down to close to zero.” That the hysteria was nothing but a “new hoax” from Democrats who want to bring down the president.

For weeks that’s what they heard and believed, so they refused to take the warnings from experts seriously. However, that’s starting to shift now that the impeached president trump and the conservative noise machine have changed their tune, but it’s several weeks too late. It's a pitiful and unnecessary situation.

But it is somewhat unfair to blame the stronghold that COVID-19 has gained in the Southeastern states on conservative propaganda and blind loyalty to the impeached president trump alone. While these are significant factors, income inequality, poor infrastructure, poverty, food deserts, and a whole host of other reasons, some of them political, must also be considered.

Families of the working poor, many of which are black, are included on the NYT map. Unlike progressive states, unemployment insurance in the southern red states will not pay the breadwinners of these families to self-isolate to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These poor households, where budgets are already stretched, cannot afford to miss even a small portion of a paycheck. So, staying at home is impossible for most of these people.

There is no question that conservatism’s prioritizing protecting the wealth of the 0.1% over human life led to the slow response to the COVID-19 crisis. That inaction will, inevitably, cause the disease to remain with us for many months, resulting in many needless deaths. We’ll also see whether Republican conservatism’s myopic inaction has a negative or positive effect on the economy, and the wealth of the 0.1%. (Everyone knows the answer is negative and that numerous tax cuts for the 0.1% will be passed during the next eighteen to twenty four months, Even if the Democrats win the congressional majority and the White House in November, Democrats who accept political contributions from the billionaire class are also obliged to do the bidding of the 0.1%.)

Of course, the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics will blame the Democrats, they always do. But, everyone must understand, these people voted for both the impeached president trump AND Dubya. Neither man can walk and chew gum at the same time, so, if distracted, even slightly, neither of them can function as a person, let alone as POTUS.


I am ashamed I even read this, So are you and the link saying the blue states are a bunch of pussys?

This Map Permits People To See Where Experts’ Stay-At-Home Warnings Are Being Followed

View attachment 320292

This map, published in the New York Times shows areas of the nation where Americans are staying at home as medical and scientific experts advise. Also shown, are the states where people are not staying home, and are primarily in the Southeast.

The map looks this way in the South, in part, because many of those unwilling to stay at home are conservative, blue collar white men, who, as they leave for work, the last voice they hear is from FOX Noise. Most also listen to conservative talk radio throughout the day, hearing Rush Limbaugh and others reaffirm their right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class.

When quitting time rolls around, for some it’s to the bar, where FOX Noise is on the tube, for most, it's home to the same FOX Noise. Yes, where the talking heads of FOX Noise continue reaffirming the right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class. But in the evening, the FOX programming includes a generous amount of new video that has been broadcast all day repeating the impeached president trump telling his devoted fanatics the coronavirus is “just a bad cold.” That “within a couple of days it’s going to be down to close to zero.” That the hysteria was nothing but a “new hoax” from Democrats who want to bring down the president.

For weeks that’s what they heard and believed, so they refused to take the warnings from experts seriously. However, that’s starting to shift now that the impeached president trump and the conservative noise machine have changed their tune, but it’s several weeks too late. It's a pitiful and unnecessary situation.

But it is somewhat unfair to blame the stronghold that COVID-19 has gained in the Southeastern states on conservative propaganda and blind loyalty to the impeached president trump alone. While these are significant factors, income inequality, poor infrastructure, poverty, food deserts, and a whole host of other reasons, some of them political, must also be considered.

Families of the working poor, many of which are black, are included on the NYT map. Unlike progressive states, unemployment insurance in the southern red states will not pay the breadwinners of these families to self-isolate to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These poor households, where budgets are already stretched, cannot afford to miss even a small portion of a paycheck. So, staying at home is impossible for most of these people.

There is no question that conservatism’s prioritizing protecting the wealth of the 0.1% over human life led to the slow response to the COVID-19 crisis. That inaction will, inevitably, cause the disease to remain with us for many months, resulting in many needless deaths. We’ll also see whether Republican conservatism’s myopic inaction has a negative or positive effect on the economy, and the wealth of the 0.1%. (Everyone knows the answer is negative and that numerous tax cuts for the 0.1% will be passed during the next eighteen to twenty four months, Even if the Democrats win the congressional majority and the White House in November, Democrats who accept political contributions from the billionaire class are also obliged to do the bidding of the 0.1%.)

Of course, the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics will blame the Democrats, they always do. But, everyone must understand, these people voted for both the impeached president trump AND Dubya. Neither man can walk and chew gum at the same time, so, if distracted, even slightly, neither of them can function as a person, let alone as POTUS.


I am ashamed I even read this, So are you and the link saying the blue states are a bunch of pussys?

so go find a crowd and rub elbows -

This Map Permits People To See Where Experts’ Stay-At-Home Warnings Are Being Followed

View attachment 320292

This map, published in the New York Times shows areas of the nation where Americans are staying at home as medical and scientific experts advise. Also shown, are the states where people are not staying home, and are primarily in the Southeast.

The map looks this way in the South, in part, because many of those unwilling to stay at home are conservative, blue collar white men, who, as they leave for work, the last voice they hear is from FOX Noise. Most also listen to conservative talk radio throughout the day, hearing Rush Limbaugh and others reaffirm their right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class.

When quitting time rolls around, for some it’s to the bar, where FOX Noise is on the tube, for most, it's home to the same FOX Noise. Yes, where the talking heads of FOX Noise continue reaffirming the right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class. But in the evening, the FOX programming includes a generous amount of new video that has been broadcast all day repeating the impeached president trump telling his devoted fanatics the coronavirus is “just a bad cold.” That “within a couple of days it’s going to be down to close to zero.” That the hysteria was nothing but a “new hoax” from Democrats who want to bring down the president.

For weeks that’s what they heard and believed, so they refused to take the warnings from experts seriously. However, that’s starting to shift now that the impeached president trump and the conservative noise machine have changed their tune, but it’s several weeks too late. It's a pitiful and unnecessary situation.

But it is somewhat unfair to blame the stronghold that COVID-19 has gained in the Southeastern states on conservative propaganda and blind loyalty to the impeached president trump alone. While these are significant factors, income inequality, poor infrastructure, poverty, food deserts, and a whole host of other reasons, some of them political, must also be considered.

Families of the working poor, many of which are black, are included on the NYT map. Unlike progressive states, unemployment insurance in the southern red states will not pay the breadwinners of these families to self-isolate to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These poor households, where budgets are already stretched, cannot afford to miss even a small portion of a paycheck. So, staying at home is impossible for most of these people.

There is no question that conservatism’s prioritizing protecting the wealth of the 0.1% over human life led to the slow response to the COVID-19 crisis. That inaction will, inevitably, cause the disease to remain with us for many months, resulting in many needless deaths. We’ll also see whether Republican conservatism’s myopic inaction has a negative or positive effect on the economy, and the wealth of the 0.1%. (Everyone knows the answer is negative and that numerous tax cuts for the 0.1% will be passed during the next eighteen to twenty four months, Even if the Democrats win the congressional majority and the White House in November, Democrats who accept political contributions from the billionaire class are also obliged to do the bidding of the 0.1%.)

Of course, the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics will blame the Democrats, they always do. But, everyone must understand, these people voted for both the impeached president trump AND Dubya. Neither man can walk and chew gum at the same time, so, if distracted, even slightly, neither of them can function as a person, let alone as POTUS.

There's been a lot of reaction to this map.
So let me offer a real-life example: My house growing up was in downtown Mount Airy, and the closest Food Lion was 1.3 miles away. If my family needed more than food, Walmart was 4.3 miles away. If we had to go to the ER, it was 2.2 miles. For folks who live farther out, the shortest distance you can travel is at least two miles.

I promise you, Michael Barbaro, they aren’t driving for the hell of it.

LOL I'm eight miles from the nearest store in one direction, 17 in the other. Walmart is 50 (on the shortcut road). And I'm on the main drag in the "center" of my little town. I imagine it's that way for a lot of the purples on the map.
"Unlike progressive states, unemployment insurance in the southern red states will not pay the breadwinners of these families to self-isolate to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These poor households, where budgets are already stretched, cannot afford to miss even a small portion of a paycheck. So, staying at home is impossible for most of these people."

That is absolutely, 100% false. A great many employers are either still paying their employees, or the employees are collecting unemployment. Off the top of my head I could name two dozen of my friends who fit into one group or the other.

Why do libs always lie when they try to make a point?
They are not liberals, dumbass.

I'm willing to bet that the person who started this thread is. How do we know? Because it's critical of conservatives.

Now, go eat a dick and be gone, Shithead...

This Map Permits People To See Where Experts’ Stay-At-Home Warnings Are Being Followed

View attachment 320292

This map, published in the New York Times shows areas of the nation where Americans are staying at home as medical and scientific experts advise. Also shown, are the states where people are not staying home, and are primarily in the Southeast.

The map looks this way in the South, in part, because many of those unwilling to stay at home are conservative, blue collar white men, who, as they leave for work, the last voice they hear is from FOX Noise. Most also listen to conservative talk radio throughout the day, hearing Rush Limbaugh and others reaffirm their right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class.

When quitting time rolls around, for some it’s to the bar, where FOX Noise is on the tube, for most, it's home to the same FOX Noise. Yes, where the talking heads of FOX Noise continue reaffirming the right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class. But in the evening, the FOX programming includes a generous amount of new video that has been broadcast all day repeating the impeached president trump telling his devoted fanatics the coronavirus is “just a bad cold.” That “within a couple of days it’s going to be down to close to zero.” That the hysteria was nothing but a “new hoax” from Democrats who want to bring down the president.

For weeks that’s what they heard and believed, so they refused to take the warnings from experts seriously. However, that’s starting to shift now that the impeached president trump and the conservative noise machine have changed their tune, but it’s several weeks too late. It's a pitiful and unnecessary situation.

But it is somewhat unfair to blame the stronghold that COVID-19 has gained in the Southeastern states on conservative propaganda and blind loyalty to the impeached president trump alone. While these are significant factors, income inequality, poor infrastructure, poverty, food deserts, and a whole host of other reasons, some of them political, must also be considered.

Families of the working poor, many of which are black, are included on the NYT map. Unlike progressive states, unemployment insurance in the southern red states will not pay the breadwinners of these families to self-isolate to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These poor households, where budgets are already stretched, cannot afford to miss even a small portion of a paycheck. So, staying at home is impossible for most of these people.

There is no question that conservatism’s prioritizing protecting the wealth of the 0.1% over human life led to the slow response to the COVID-19 crisis. That inaction will, inevitably, cause the disease to remain with us for many months, resulting in many needless deaths. We’ll also see whether Republican conservatism’s myopic inaction has a negative or positive effect on the economy, and the wealth of the 0.1%. (Everyone knows the answer is negative and that numerous tax cuts for the 0.1% will be passed during the next eighteen to twenty four months, Even if the Democrats win the congressional majority and the White House in November, Democrats who accept political contributions from the billionaire class are also obliged to do the bidding of the 0.1%.)

Of course, the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics will blame the Democrats, they always do. But, everyone must understand, these people voted for both the impeached president trump AND Dubya. Neither man can walk and chew gum at the same time, so, if distracted, even slightly, neither of them can function as a person, let alone as POTUS.


I am ashamed I even read this, So are you and the link saying the blue states are a bunch of pussys?

so go find a crowd and rub elbows -

I do..come in over here you big hunk of love, I will give you a big wet kiss

This Map Permits People To See Where Experts’ Stay-At-Home Warnings Are Being Followed

View attachment 320292

This map, published in the New York Times shows areas of the nation where Americans are staying at home as medical and scientific experts advise. Also shown, are the states where people are not staying home, and are primarily in the Southeast.

The map looks this way in the South, in part, because many of those unwilling to stay at home are conservative, blue collar white men, who, as they leave for work, the last voice they hear is from FOX Noise. Most also listen to conservative talk radio throughout the day, hearing Rush Limbaugh and others reaffirm their right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class.

When quitting time rolls around, for some it’s to the bar, where FOX Noise is on the tube, for most, it's home to the same FOX Noise. Yes, where the talking heads of FOX Noise continue reaffirming the right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class. But in the evening, the FOX programming includes a generous amount of new video that has been broadcast all day repeating the impeached president trump telling his devoted fanatics the coronavirus is “just a bad cold.” That “within a couple of days it’s going to be down to close to zero.” That the hysteria was nothing but a “new hoax” from Democrats who want to bring down the president.

For weeks that’s what they heard and believed, so they refused to take the warnings from experts seriously. However, that’s starting to shift now that the impeached president trump and the conservative noise machine have changed their tune, but it’s several weeks too late. It's a pitiful and unnecessary situation.

But it is somewhat unfair to blame the stronghold that COVID-19 has gained in the Southeastern states on conservative propaganda and blind loyalty to the impeached president trump alone. While these are significant factors, income inequality, poor infrastructure, poverty, food deserts, and a whole host of other reasons, some of them political, must also be considered.

Families of the working poor, many of which are black, are included on the NYT map. Unlike progressive states, unemployment insurance in the southern red states will not pay the breadwinners of these families to self-isolate to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These poor households, where budgets are already stretched, cannot afford to miss even a small portion of a paycheck. So, staying at home is impossible for most of these people.

There is no question that conservatism’s prioritizing protecting the wealth of the 0.1% over human life led to the slow response to the COVID-19 crisis. That inaction will, inevitably, cause the disease to remain with us for many months, resulting in many needless deaths. We’ll also see whether Republican conservatism’s myopic inaction has a negative or positive effect on the economy, and the wealth of the 0.1%. (Everyone knows the answer is negative and that numerous tax cuts for the 0.1% will be passed during the next eighteen to twenty four months, Even if the Democrats win the congressional majority and the White House in November, Democrats who accept political contributions from the billionaire class are also obliged to do the bidding of the 0.1%.)

Of course, the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics will blame the Democrats, they always do. But, everyone must understand, these people voted for both the impeached president trump AND Dubya. Neither man can walk and chew gum at the same time, so, if distracted, even slightly, neither of them can function as a person, let alone as POTUS.


Theyll hate you forever
Such angry over nothing pathetic twats they be

Down here some peoples driveways are 2 miles
"Unlike progressive states, unemployment insurance in the southern red states will not pay the breadwinners of these families to self-isolate to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These poor households, where budgets are already stretched, cannot afford to miss even a small portion of a paycheck. So, staying at home is impossible for most of these people."

That is absolutely, 100% false. A great many employers are either still paying their employees, or the employees are collecting unemployment. Off the top of my head I could name two dozen of my friends who fit into one group or the other.

Why do libs always lie when they try to make a point?
They are not liberals, dumbass.

I'm willing to bet that the person who started this thread is. How do we know? Because it's critical of conservatives.

Now, go eat a dick and be gone, Shithead...
I think the distinction he's trying to make is the use of the word liberal. Liberal used to mean you were tolerant and respectful of others and their ideas and of different things even if you did not use or like them. That does not describe these hate filled lying vermin we see here and other places. So I refer to them as progressive scum, because there is nothing "liberal" about them.

This Map Permits People To See Where Experts’ Stay-At-Home Warnings Are Being Followed

View attachment 320292

This map, published in the New York Times shows areas of the nation where Americans are staying at home as medical and scientific experts advise. Also shown, are the states where people are not staying home, and are primarily in the Southeast.

The map looks this way in the South, in part, because many of those unwilling to stay at home are conservative, blue collar white men, who, as they leave for work, the last voice they hear is from FOX Noise. Most also listen to conservative talk radio throughout the day, hearing Rush Limbaugh and others reaffirm their right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class.

When quitting time rolls around, for some it’s to the bar, where FOX Noise is on the tube, for most, it's home to the same FOX Noise. Yes, where the talking heads of FOX Noise continue reaffirming the right wing hatred and mistrust of scientific experts, liberals, minorities, foreigners, women, and other perceived oppressors of the white conservative working class. But in the evening, the FOX programming includes a generous amount of new video that has been broadcast all day repeating the impeached president trump telling his devoted fanatics the coronavirus is “just a bad cold.” That “within a couple of days it’s going to be down to close to zero.” That the hysteria was nothing but a “new hoax” from Democrats who want to bring down the president.

For weeks that’s what they heard and believed, so they refused to take the warnings from experts seriously. However, that’s starting to shift now that the impeached president trump and the conservative noise machine have changed their tune, but it’s several weeks too late. It's a pitiful and unnecessary situation.

But it is somewhat unfair to blame the stronghold that COVID-19 has gained in the Southeastern states on conservative propaganda and blind loyalty to the impeached president trump alone. While these are significant factors, income inequality, poor infrastructure, poverty, food deserts, and a whole host of other reasons, some of them political, must also be considered.

Families of the working poor, many of which are black, are included on the NYT map. Unlike progressive states, unemployment insurance in the southern red states will not pay the breadwinners of these families to self-isolate to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These poor households, where budgets are already stretched, cannot afford to miss even a small portion of a paycheck. So, staying at home is impossible for most of these people.

There is no question that conservatism’s prioritizing protecting the wealth of the 0.1% over human life led to the slow response to the COVID-19 crisis. That inaction will, inevitably, cause the disease to remain with us for many months, resulting in many needless deaths. We’ll also see whether Republican conservatism’s myopic inaction has a negative or positive effect on the economy, and the wealth of the 0.1%. (Everyone knows the answer is negative and that numerous tax cuts for the 0.1% will be passed during the next eighteen to twenty four months, Even if the Democrats win the congressional majority and the White House in November, Democrats who accept political contributions from the billionaire class are also obliged to do the bidding of the 0.1%.)

Of course, the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics will blame the Democrats, they always do. But, everyone must understand, these people voted for both the impeached president trump AND Dubya. Neither man can walk and chew gum at the same time, so, if distracted, even slightly, neither of them can function as a person, let alone as POTUS.

Well then please tell us why all the people are dying in blue states and democommie run cities like NYC in particular? Could it be that you're simply full of shit and haven't the foggiest notion of anything but just like to make stupid noises?

Yep I'm betting that's it right there. You're full of shit and like to make noise by ratteling your tiny little pea brain around inside of your empty head.


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