This might explain the Noah's Ark parable in the bible

Ziusudra - Wikipedia

Ziusudra (Old Babylonian: zi-ud-su₃-ra₂, Neo-Assyrian: zi-sud-da, Greek: Ξίσουθρος, translit. Xísouthros) of Shuruppak (c. 2900 BC) is listed in the WB-62 Sumerian king list recension as the last king of Sumer prior to the Great Flood.

He is subsequently recorded as the hero of the Sumerian creation myth and appears in the writings of Berossus as ...

The Great Flood: Sumerian version - Livius
The story of the Great Flood has its origins in Sumer, the southern part of ancient Babylonia. Even though the younger Epic of Atrahasis and the Epic of Gilgameš, written in Babylonian, change many details, they continue to refer to Šuruppak as the city of the hero of the Flood story, even though the Sumerian name of the hero, Ziusudra, has been changed into Atra h asis or Ut-napištim.
The flooding in Europe is not worldwide.
No shit ! WOW
The rains also didn't last 40 days and the ground didn't purge it stores(aquifers---Goofle it).
How ya reckon that would have worked out ?
Niggaz on da roof with the TV and hair hatz B shit outa luck dis tyme, word ?
Ziusudra - Wikipedia

Ziusudra (Old Babylonian: zi-ud-su₃-ra₂, Neo-Assyrian: zi-sud-da, Greek: Ξίσουθρος, translit. Xísouthros) of Shuruppak (c. 2900 BC) is listed in the WB-62 Sumerian king list recension as the last king of Sumer prior to the Great Flood.

He is subsequently recorded as the hero of the Sumerian creation myth and appears in the writings of Berossus as ...


You could be correct I suppose.. If the lakes and oceans are warmer and more water is evaporating.
Well. Being da urff is flat and encased in a dome the water is still contained albeit displaced.

Most people that read the Bible don't understand what they are reading.

Like I said, The Book of Genesis is not a history or science book. It is mostly about the relationship between Man and God.

The stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah etc are lessons in that relationship.

If you look at the scripture like that it all makes sense and it is good. If you try to make scientific or historical sense out of it then everything falls apart.

It is analogous to looking up at the sky at night and seeing the vast universe. God made that universe but trying to figure out how stars that are really exploding nuclear bombs only held together by gravity contributes to God's plan will blow your mind.
The stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah etc are lessons in that relationship.

If you look at the scripture like that it all makes sense and it is good. If you try to make scientific or historical sense out of it then everything falls apart.
do you really believe - all life in Garden Earth - would be put to death as portrayed by the desert parable to exact punishment against humanities decent into irreversible evil and would not in itself be evil - and is an errant message contrary to the intent of the passage and its meaning.

correcting the error of the passage is why it is more often brought up than whether the flood actually occurred or not - remove the unjustified taking of innocent lives and the parable will meet its true objective.

- not found in the desert religions.


do you really believe - all life in Garden Earth - would be put to death as portrayed by the desert parable to exact punishment against humanities decent into irreversible evil and would not in itself be evil - and is an errant message contrary to the intent of the passage and its meaning.

correcting the error of the passage is why it is more often brought up than whether the flood actually occurred or not - remove the unjustified taking of innocent lives and the parable will meet its true objective.

- not found in the desert religions.

The whole point of the Noah story is the realization that God cannot destroy evil every time it gets out of hand. We are given free will and makes us sinners by nature. We can't help it. That is why we need the Grace of God. Grace is a lot better than having God destroy the world every time evil becomes rampant, isn't it?
The whole point of the Noah story is the realization that God cannot destroy evil every time it gets out of hand. We are given free will and makes us sinners by nature. We can't help it. That is why we need the Grace of God. Grace is a lot better than having God destroy the world every time evil becomes rampant, isn't it?
sinners are who made cause for the parable ... and who were the example.

the parable is an understanding in regards for the future of humanity - and is made misunderstood by the desert religions that have abandoned the parables principle.

for admission to the Everlasting - the prescribed religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - purity, as the requirement necessary for entry - noah and a few others. the desert religions are at best window dressing if not what was meant to be purged and have reemerged as the threat they previously were.
The whole point of the Noah story is the realization that God cannot destroy evil every time it gets out of hand. We are given free will and makes us sinners by nature. We can't help it. That is why we need the Grace of God. Grace is a lot better than having God destroy the world every time evil becomes rampant, isn't it?

We can be more careful of saying what God cannot do. The only limit to what God may do is God's goodness. Evil can be entirely destroyed, along with destroying all of us. God's goodness includes longsuffering, patience, love, grace, and mercy. God's plan is to redeem as many as respond to these things from God made known to them, which happens through Christ, that they are restored from life with sin and can enter into God's realm without sin to always be with God, with communion and relationship with God, in bliss forever. That is how God overcomes evil. Those not repenting will not be covered in coming judgment, and will come to suffer consequences from then on and they do not overcome God, as evil will not continue.
So many indigenous cultures in places around the world have accounts of floods or destruction on previous society with a significant number of common elements, there would be more to the worldwide flood account than parabolic teaching just representing other things.

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