this president is putting himself and family in danger just like lincoln

I see that you two are mentally ill, but that's not news, being you're ODSers. Mentally healthy people don't get sucked into the ODS cult. That sick crew of predators preys on the mewling sissies who need the emotional affirmation that the cult gives them.

Anyways, you all keep it up with the "I hope nobody takes action!" (winkwinknudgenudge) posts. Nobody sees through that at all. Really they don't. You don't look craven at all.
I have been very hesitant to post this but with this eo he's doing Thursday this thread is very relavent.

He's at high risk of being assinated during and after his presidency. His family also. Is there a point where as president you have an obligation to consider your and your family's safety?
I have noticed some Republican elected officials are using violent rhetoric without directly calling for violence. They are walking a very fine line.

"Gosh, if the President keeps this up, somebody might get violent!"

Shit like that. A wink and a nod to people who are soft in the head who might take a cue from that shit.

Politicians like that should be ousted from office at the soonest primary.

GOP senator warns of violence after immigration order

"The country's going to go nuts, because they're going to see it as a move outside the authority of the president, and it's going to be a very serious situation," Coburn said on Capital Download. "You're going to see — hopefully not — but you could see instances of anarchy. ... You could see violence."

Wink wink. Nudge nudge. Say no more, say no more. We'll take it from here, boss.

I have been very hesitant to post this but with this eo he's doing Thursday this thread is very relavent.

He's at high risk of being assinated during and after his presidency. His family also. Is there a point where as president you have an obligation to consider your and your family's safety?
Sounds like someone really really really doesn't want the democrats getting credit for immigration reform.

Solution isn't to kill our elected leader or make veiled threats to do so to him or his family which is what the "reluctant OP' is really all about... It sounds like a classic mafia threat to me. "It would pain me to hear, god forbid, that something terrible should happen to you or your family.."

The solution is for the republicans to actually come up with their own immigration reform that is compassionate but firm. I suspect that Obama's act today is probably going to be pretty close with what the GOP would've come up with. After all, Obama has been known to be a deporter-in-chief. Too bad the GOP has invested so heavily in not cooperating with the democrats to the point that they're behind the game and now will look like idiots for waiting too long to pass something they could've actually agreed with democrats with...well, not Pelosi or Reed democrats, the ones who still have their sanity intact..there are a few in Congress still..

GOP senator warns of violence after immigration order

"The country's going to go nuts, because they're going to see it as a move outside the authority of the president, and it's going to be a very serious situation," Coburn said on Capital Download. "You're going to see — hopefully not — but you could see instances of anarchy. ... You could see violence."

Wink wink. Nudge nudge. Say no more, say no more. We'll take it from here, boss.

It's really quite amazing how much Obama has accomplished during his years in office with that kind of idiocy from Republicans.
Indeed, the community organizing centrist has disappointed many hysterical , unstable, progressive , neo-communists...
Revolucion Obamanistas !!!
In 2014 it would be very difficult to assasinate the president.

Having said that, this president is the most divisive bastard I've ever seen, and it wouldn't surprise me if someone completely fed up with what he has done to this country, made an attempt.
Obama sending blacks to the back of the bus in favor of millions of hispanic illegals is certain to anger many. Well, those intelligent enough to realize it anyway....
I've been afraid the nutters would get him from day one.

This Exec Order makes no difference.

None of them will ever be safe again.
Better make sure he stays in a GUN FREE ZONE then huh? Like a school, or Chicago maybe. They're excellent GUN FREE ZONES, HE'LL BE SAFE THERE!

Right, progtard?
GOP senator warns of violence after immigration order

"The country's going to go nuts, because they're going to see it as a move outside the authority of the president, and it's going to be a very serious situation," Coburn said on Capital Download. "You're going to see — hopefully not — but you could see instances of anarchy. ... You could see violence."

Wink wink. Nudge nudge. Say no more, say no more. We'll take it from here, boss.
It's really quite amazing how much Obama has accomplished during his years in office with that kind of idiocy from Republicans.
Yeah... but he can thank dingy harry for sitting on 350 bills in the senate for all his help too, aye? And we can't forget his little lap dog, holder, for running cover for him either.

But, we all know that none of you progtards will be happy until your messiah is happy...

If you're truly concerned, work on showing that southern man how he's been brainwashed into believing nonsense.

Yup, like the GOP only helps the rich.
That is true. #1 priority is the Keystone Pipeline. Not jobs for Americans. A pipeline for the rich.


Never mind that the oil is being transported as we speak In trucks and by rail owned by Obama friend Warren Buffet.
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I have been very hesitant to post this but with this eo he's doing Thursday this thread is very relavent.

He's at high risk of being assinated during and after his presidency. His family also. Is there a point where as president you have an obligation to consider your and your family's safety?
Sounds like someone really really really doesn't want the democrats getting credit for immigration reform.

Solution isn't to kill our elected leader or make veiled threats to do so to him or his family which is what the "reluctant OP' is really all about... It sounds like a classic mafia threat to me. "It would pain me to hear, god forbid, that something terrible should happen to you or your family.."

The solution is for the republicans to actually come up with their own immigration reform that is compassionate but firm. I suspect that Obama's act today is probably going to be pretty close with what the GOP would've come up with. After all, Obama has been known to be a deporter-in-chief. Too bad the GOP has invested so heavily in not cooperating with the democrats to the point that they're behind the game and now will look like idiots for waiting too long to pass something they could've actually agreed with democrats with...well, not Pelosi or Reed democrats, the ones who still have their sanity intact..there are a few in Congress still..

He won't get credit for it. We saw how he reformed our Health care. Into one giant GOVERNMENT pos just like what Obama is
A narcissist would gladly surrender all for a permanent place in history. Somebody may have stumbled on exactly the most effective way so the most viable suspect, in the event of an attempt to secure such acclaim would be.......the narcissist himself!

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