This was an actual headline concerning the mueller report release

What a quote: "we're out to get you."
You do know that you are supporting the paranoia of the same man (Trump) that was the main driving force behind the whole 'birther' movement, right?

Was there a special counsel appointed to investigate whether Obama was actually born in America?

If Trump would have
(1) acted innocent
(2) kept his goddamn mouth shut
(3) NOT directed so many of his staff to pursue 'obstruction of justice' objectives
this whole Mueller shit would have been over a year ago.

1) Trump did act innocent.
2) Why should he keep his mouth shut while a witch hunt against him is being conducted? I realize all you delusional Trump haters would like your victim to be compliant, but that isn't required by any rule of justice that I'm aware of.
3) What "obstruction of justice objectives?"

Mueller would have dragged it out until someone made him finish it, regardless.

Trump acted like a completely GUILTY asshole.

Trump was on Twitter 24/7/365 Tweeting shit that made him seem guilty.

As far as the THIRD POINT:

Robert Mueller’s report paints a vivid picture of President Trump’s aides repeatedly ignoring or brushing aside his dictates — both in the interest of guarding the President from his own worst instincts and of protecting themselves from further legal implications.

At the same time, it portrays aides as willfully misleading the public (and, at times, each other) about his actions and mindset around some key developments.

It also characterizes deep enmity and tension between the President and his top officials, some of whom told Mueller they were themselves shocked by certain developments related to the investigation.

According to White House officials, that dynamic has been a constant undercurrent to Trump’s presidency, including on matters of policy. The report bolsters that impression, and is peppered with examples of Presidential underlings spurning Trump’s orders.

Advisers Corey Lewandowski and Rick Dearborn each declined to deliver a message from the President to Jeff Sessions saying he should curtail the scope of the special counsel’s investigation.

Lewandowski, who took dictation of the message from the President, initially told Trump he would handle the matter himself, and took steps to arrange a meeting with Sessions that would avoid any public record.

But later he passed the note on to Dearborn, who he believed would be a better messenger, without saying the President had dictated the message himself. Reading the message, Dearborn said it “definitely raised an eyebrow.”

He never passed along the note, but told Lewandowski he had “handled the situation,” according to Mueller.

In another example, then-staff secretary Robert Porter declined to contact Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand after Trump asked him to reach out to her in order to gauge whether she was “on the team” and might be interested in overseeing the special counsel’s investigation.

“Porter didn’t reach out to her because he was uncomfortable with the task,” the report states.

And Trump and then-White House Counsel Don McGahn engaged in a bitter dispute over whether Trump ordered Mueller’s firing, one that resulted in Trump castigating McGahn as a “lying bastard” and comparing him unfavorably to his onetime lawyer Roy Cohn.

McGahn refused Trump’s request to deny media reports about the firing, and later declined to draft a formal letter “for our records” that would deny the stories.
Fake news sucked off the fake media.

The above information is all in the report; go read it.
You must have read a different report than the one I read.
I am going to enjoy watching The Democrat Party Twist in the wind for the next two years and 4 after that.

They should have fought honorably and lost.

Now they are screwed for at least the next 6 years.
For all of you people who believe Trump and are saying that the report exonerates him, it doesn't. Matter of fact, it doesn't say one way or the other.

What We Know So Far From the Mueller Report

“The evidence we obtained about the president’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”
The report also blew the lefts concocted investigation and lies out the window. Get ready, our turn.

What a quote: "we're out to get you."
You do know that you are supporting the paranoia of the same man (Trump) that was the main driving force behind the whole 'birther' movement, right?

Was there a special counsel appointed to investigate whether Obama was actually born in America?

If Trump would have
(1) acted innocent
(2) kept his goddamn mouth shut
(3) NOT directed so many of his staff to pursue 'obstruction of justice' objectives
this whole Mueller shit would have been over a year ago.

1) Trump did act innocent.
2) Why should he keep his mouth shut while a witch hunt against him is being conducted? I realize all you delusional Trump haters would like your victim to be compliant, but that isn't required by any rule of justice that I'm aware of.
3) What "obstruction of justice objectives?"

Mueller would have dragged it out until someone made him finish it, regardless.

Trump acted like a completely GUILTY asshole.

Trump was on Twitter 24/7/365 Tweeting shit that made him seem guilty.

As far as the THIRD POINT:

Robert Mueller’s report paints a vivid picture of President Trump’s aides repeatedly ignoring or brushing aside his dictates — both in the interest of guarding the President from his own worst instincts and of protecting themselves from further legal implications.

At the same time, it portrays aides as willfully misleading the public (and, at times, each other) about his actions and mindset around some key developments.

It also characterizes deep enmity and tension between the President and his top officials, some of whom told Mueller they were themselves shocked by certain developments related to the investigation.

According to White House officials, that dynamic has been a constant undercurrent to Trump’s presidency, including on matters of policy. The report bolsters that impression, and is peppered with examples of Presidential underlings spurning Trump’s orders.

Advisers Corey Lewandowski and Rick Dearborn each declined to deliver a message from the President to Jeff Sessions saying he should curtail the scope of the special counsel’s investigation.

Lewandowski, who took dictation of the message from the President, initially told Trump he would handle the matter himself, and took steps to arrange a meeting with Sessions that would avoid any public record.

But later he passed the note on to Dearborn, who he believed would be a better messenger, without saying the President had dictated the message himself. Reading the message, Dearborn said it “definitely raised an eyebrow.”

He never passed along the note, but told Lewandowski he had “handled the situation,” according to Mueller.

In another example, then-staff secretary Robert Porter declined to contact Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand after Trump asked him to reach out to her in order to gauge whether she was “on the team” and might be interested in overseeing the special counsel’s investigation.

“Porter didn’t reach out to her because he was uncomfortable with the task,” the report states.

And Trump and then-White House Counsel Don McGahn engaged in a bitter dispute over whether Trump ordered Mueller’s firing, one that resulted in Trump castigating McGahn as a “lying bastard” and comparing him unfavorably to his onetime lawyer Roy Cohn.

McGahn refused Trump’s request to deny media reports about the firing, and later declined to draft a formal letter “for our records” that would deny the stories.
Fake news sucked off the fake media.

The above information is all in the report; go read it.
Why? It's all spin and bullshit.
What a quote: "we're out to get you."
You do know that you are supporting the paranoia of the same man (Trump) that was the main driving force behind the whole 'birther' movement, right?

Was there a special counsel appointed to investigate whether Obama was actually born in America?

If Trump would have
(1) acted innocent
(2) kept his goddamn mouth shut
(3) NOT directed so many of his staff to pursue 'obstruction of justice' objectives
this whole Mueller shit would have been over a year ago.

1) Trump did act innocent.
2) Why should he keep his mouth shut while a witch hunt against him is being conducted? I realize all you delusional Trump haters would like your victim to be compliant, but that isn't required by any rule of justice that I'm aware of.
3) What "obstruction of justice objectives?"

Mueller would have dragged it out until someone made him finish it, regardless.

Trump acted like a completely GUILTY asshole.

Trump was on Twitter 24/7/365 Tweeting shit that made him seem guilty.

As far as the THIRD POINT:

Robert Mueller’s report paints a vivid picture of President Trump’s aides repeatedly ignoring or brushing aside his dictates — both in the interest of guarding the President from his own worst instincts and of protecting themselves from further legal implications.

At the same time, it portrays aides as willfully misleading the public (and, at times, each other) about his actions and mindset around some key developments.

It also characterizes deep enmity and tension between the President and his top officials, some of whom told Mueller they were themselves shocked by certain developments related to the investigation.

According to White House officials, that dynamic has been a constant undercurrent to Trump’s presidency, including on matters of policy. The report bolsters that impression, and is peppered with examples of Presidential underlings spurning Trump’s orders.

Advisers Corey Lewandowski and Rick Dearborn each declined to deliver a message from the President to Jeff Sessions saying he should curtail the scope of the special counsel’s investigation.

Lewandowski, who took dictation of the message from the President, initially told Trump he would handle the matter himself, and took steps to arrange a meeting with Sessions that would avoid any public record.

But later he passed the note on to Dearborn, who he believed would be a better messenger, without saying the President had dictated the message himself. Reading the message, Dearborn said it “definitely raised an eyebrow.”

He never passed along the note, but told Lewandowski he had “handled the situation,” according to Mueller.

In another example, then-staff secretary Robert Porter declined to contact Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand after Trump asked him to reach out to her in order to gauge whether she was “on the team” and might be interested in overseeing the special counsel’s investigation.

“Porter didn’t reach out to her because he was uncomfortable with the task,” the report states.

And Trump and then-White House Counsel Don McGahn engaged in a bitter dispute over whether Trump ordered Mueller’s firing, one that resulted in Trump castigating McGahn as a “lying bastard” and comparing him unfavorably to his onetime lawyer Roy Cohn.

McGahn refused Trump’s request to deny media reports about the firing, and later declined to draft a formal letter “for our records” that would deny the stories.
Fake news sucked off the fake media.

The above information is all in the report; go read it.
Why? It's all spin and bullshit.

It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’
The media is so in the tank of the left they can't even camouflage their intent.
Isn’t the press supposed to be objective? Party over country
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’
The media is so in the tank of the left they can't even camouflage their intent.
Isn’t the press supposed to be objective? Party over country
Oh you're being an old fuddy duddy. You need to catch up to globalization and what it takes.
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.
It's an attention-getter. Even MindWars has started a thread on it, and you know how much she loves Trump.
I agree with you it is misleading, but it's all about drawing in readers. Everyone will be using it to grab customers. Trump said the F word and it sounds a lot worse than it is.
Oh that’s totally what it is. Problem is, it works, people buy into it. They haven’t caught onto the fact that this is basically the new version of Nigerian prince emails, they don’t necessarily steal money...but they keep this stupid media dinosaur alive. Just die already. You’re old, you’re antiquated, and you’re terrible at your job mainstream media. Ugh, I wanna wash the sliminess and antiquatedness off of me now.
Why would people "buy it?" Unless they only read headlines, they are going to know almost immediately when and in what context those remarks were made.
Without the press, our democracy dies. Jefferson said he would rather see press and no government than government and no press.
You cannot take the press away. Sorry. I won't let you.
The media is already doing it. And quite successfully. Then there’s the Assange debacle...
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.
It's an attention-getter. Even MindWars has started a thread on it, and you know how much she loves Trump.
I agree with you it is misleading, but it's all about drawing in readers. Everyone will be using it to grab customers. Trump said the F word and it sounds a lot worse than it is.
Oh that’s totally what it is. Problem is, it works, people buy into it. They haven’t caught onto the fact that this is basically the new version of Nigerian prince emails, they don’t necessarily steal money...but they keep this stupid media dinosaur alive. Just die already. You’re old, you’re antiquated, and you’re terrible at your job mainstream media. Ugh, I wanna wash the sliminess and antiquatedness off of me now.
Why would people "buy it?" Unless they only read headlines, they are going to know almost immediately when and in what context those remarks were made.
Without the press, our democracy dies. Jefferson said he would rather see press and no government than government and no press.
You cannot take the press away. Sorry. I won't let you.
What!? Who said I wanted to take the press away? It wasn’t me. No. I want the stupid, old ass, antiquated, already on its way out, what we refer to as mainstream media to hurry up and die off. They are blockbuster in a world of streaming, and to stay alive they’re starting their own redbox service not realizing that DVDs are a loosing bet. In this scenario, redbox is the click bait headlines, the reality tv like talking heads that yell at each other, and the fact they take complex subjects and condense into 6 minute segments that are just confirmation bias fodder for the few who cling. Their model is NEVER going to work long term. And the tactics they take to stay alive on life support is absolutely damaging to the country. Because confirmation bias is very real, and yes people do buy into it because it’s what they want to hear. I don’t want to get rid of them, I want them to go ahead and keep prison shanking themselves to death. They just seem to be like will ferrel in Austin powers, and they just never seem to die when they’re supposed to
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’
The media is so in the tank of the left they can't even camouflage their intent.
Isn’t the press supposed to be objective? Party over country
Oh you're being an old fuddy duddy. You need to catch up to globalization and what it takes.
I’m a nationalist
Was there a special counsel appointed to investigate whether Obama was actually born in America?

1) Trump did act innocent.
2) Why should he keep his mouth shut while a witch hunt against him is being conducted? I realize all you delusional Trump haters would like your victim to be compliant, but that isn't required by any rule of justice that I'm aware of.
3) What "obstruction of justice objectives?"

Mueller would have dragged it out until someone made him finish it, regardless.

Trump acted like a completely GUILTY asshole.

Trump was on Twitter 24/7/365 Tweeting shit that made him seem guilty.

As far as the THIRD POINT:

Robert Mueller’s report paints a vivid picture of President Trump’s aides repeatedly ignoring or brushing aside his dictates — both in the interest of guarding the President from his own worst instincts and of protecting themselves from further legal implications.

At the same time, it portrays aides as willfully misleading the public (and, at times, each other) about his actions and mindset around some key developments.

It also characterizes deep enmity and tension between the President and his top officials, some of whom told Mueller they were themselves shocked by certain developments related to the investigation.

According to White House officials, that dynamic has been a constant undercurrent to Trump’s presidency, including on matters of policy. The report bolsters that impression, and is peppered with examples of Presidential underlings spurning Trump’s orders.

Advisers Corey Lewandowski and Rick Dearborn each declined to deliver a message from the President to Jeff Sessions saying he should curtail the scope of the special counsel’s investigation.

Lewandowski, who took dictation of the message from the President, initially told Trump he would handle the matter himself, and took steps to arrange a meeting with Sessions that would avoid any public record.

But later he passed the note on to Dearborn, who he believed would be a better messenger, without saying the President had dictated the message himself. Reading the message, Dearborn said it “definitely raised an eyebrow.”

He never passed along the note, but told Lewandowski he had “handled the situation,” according to Mueller.

In another example, then-staff secretary Robert Porter declined to contact Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand after Trump asked him to reach out to her in order to gauge whether she was “on the team” and might be interested in overseeing the special counsel’s investigation.

“Porter didn’t reach out to her because he was uncomfortable with the task,” the report states.

And Trump and then-White House Counsel Don McGahn engaged in a bitter dispute over whether Trump ordered Mueller’s firing, one that resulted in Trump castigating McGahn as a “lying bastard” and comparing him unfavorably to his onetime lawyer Roy Cohn.

McGahn refused Trump’s request to deny media reports about the firing, and later declined to draft a formal letter “for our records” that would deny the stories.
Fake news sucked off the fake media.

The above information is all in the report; go read it.
Why? It's all spin and bullshit.

It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh
Apparently it's the At tourney General and the president who are politicizing the report by lying about it's conclusions and not releasing an unredacted version of it to Congress. The only way we will ever know the truth about the report is to put sunshine on it and get Mueller, his team and those who are quoted in it on the stand.
It is already published. Anyone who wants to can read it. What more sunshine is required?

Allowing Congress to read an unredacted report.
It would be illegal for Barr to publish such a report. You're demanding that Barr break the law.

If a congressional committee requests the unredacted report, and they have the authority, it has to be released to them at a minimum.
Wrong, dumbass. The law makes no such requirement. Congress has no such authority.
They’d have to change the law, which they can do...but they’d never be able to justify removing what is a good law for a good reason. You want more people to testify and cooperate with investigations in the future. You will not get that if they think you’re gonna hang them out to dry.
Trump acted like a completely GUILTY asshole.

Trump was on Twitter 24/7/365 Tweeting shit that made him seem guilty.

As far as the THIRD POINT:

Robert Mueller’s report paints a vivid picture of President Trump’s aides repeatedly ignoring or brushing aside his dictates — both in the interest of guarding the President from his own worst instincts and of protecting themselves from further legal implications.

At the same time, it portrays aides as willfully misleading the public (and, at times, each other) about his actions and mindset around some key developments.

It also characterizes deep enmity and tension between the President and his top officials, some of whom told Mueller they were themselves shocked by certain developments related to the investigation.

According to White House officials, that dynamic has been a constant undercurrent to Trump’s presidency, including on matters of policy. The report bolsters that impression, and is peppered with examples of Presidential underlings spurning Trump’s orders.

Advisers Corey Lewandowski and Rick Dearborn each declined to deliver a message from the President to Jeff Sessions saying he should curtail the scope of the special counsel’s investigation.

Lewandowski, who took dictation of the message from the President, initially told Trump he would handle the matter himself, and took steps to arrange a meeting with Sessions that would avoid any public record.

But later he passed the note on to Dearborn, who he believed would be a better messenger, without saying the President had dictated the message himself. Reading the message, Dearborn said it “definitely raised an eyebrow.”

He never passed along the note, but told Lewandowski he had “handled the situation,” according to Mueller.

In another example, then-staff secretary Robert Porter declined to contact Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand after Trump asked him to reach out to her in order to gauge whether she was “on the team” and might be interested in overseeing the special counsel’s investigation.

“Porter didn’t reach out to her because he was uncomfortable with the task,” the report states.

And Trump and then-White House Counsel Don McGahn engaged in a bitter dispute over whether Trump ordered Mueller’s firing, one that resulted in Trump castigating McGahn as a “lying bastard” and comparing him unfavorably to his onetime lawyer Roy Cohn.

McGahn refused Trump’s request to deny media reports about the firing, and later declined to draft a formal letter “for our records” that would deny the stories.
Fake news sucked off the fake media.

The above information is all in the report; go read it.
Why? It's all spin and bullshit.

It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’

"I'm fucked" is in the Mueller report. Sure, it's a sensationalist part of the Mueller report however unlike your post the press was accurately representing the Mueller report.
He said that because he knew the DC establishment was out to get him at any and all cost. The Special Counsel was going to politicized by liberals and he knew it.

Apparently it's the At tourney General and the president who are politicizing the report by lying about it's conclusions and not releasing an unredacted version of it to Congress. The only way we will ever know the truth about the report is to put sunshine on it and get Mueller, his team and those who are quoted in it on the stand.
OldLady...this is the bullshit I’m talking about. People are still buying this.
Fake news sucked off the fake media.

The above information is all in the report; go read it.
Why? It's all spin and bullshit.

It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
That's just not true, you fucking douchebag
Fake news sucked off the fake media.

The above information is all in the report; go read it.
Why? It's all spin and bullshit.

It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
What proof do you have of intent? Because it seems wildly more likely he was pissed off about the collusion claims he was clubbed over the head with over 5,000 times (actual number not hyperbole) for 2 full years that was all BS. We already know his MO is to cover up the embarrassing shit he does, and he’s not at all adept at it. Example given: Stormy Fucking Daniels. Not a crime, he just doesn’t want it out there. NO ONE WOULD EVER TAKE AN OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST HIM, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME FACTS AT HAND. Another big fact to mention...not a very good look to try someone for obstruction of justice, with the claim being they obstructed for crime they never committed. This is that Monty python ATHG black knight shit again. You have no arms or legs, you need to stop trying.
Fake news sucked off the fake media.

The above information is all in the report; go read it.
Why? It's all spin and bullshit.

It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
Where, post that part of mueller’s Ir nunes reports!
The above information is all in the report; go read it.
Why? It's all spin and bullshit.

It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
What proof do you have of intent? Because it seems wildly more likely he was pissed off about the collusion claims he was clubbed over the head with over 5,000 times (actual number not hyperbole) for 2 full years that was all BS. We already know his MO is to cover up the embarrassing shit he does, and he’s not at all adept at it. Example given: Stormy Fucking Daniels. Not a crime, he just doesn’t want it out there. NO ONE WOULD EVER TAKE AN OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST HIM, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME FACTS AT HAND. Another big fact to mention...not a very good look to try someone for obstruction of justice, with the claim being they obstructed for crime they never committed. This is that Monty python ATHG black knight shit again. You have no arms or legs, you need to stop trying.

Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process.

Are you fucking assholes REALLY this fucking stupid, that you cannot fucking read a goddam fucking report & figure this shit out on your own?

Fuck; why even bother discuss it here if you cannot even get off your fucking lazy fucking ass & read something. Fuck ............
The above information is all in the report; go read it.
Why? It's all spin and bullshit.

It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
Where, post that part of mueller’s Ir nunes reports!

It is in the report. WHY in Hell are you fuck wads too fucking lazy to go & read the goddamn fucking report?
Why? It's all spin and bullshit.

It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
What proof do you have of intent? Because it seems wildly more likely he was pissed off about the collusion claims he was clubbed over the head with over 5,000 times (actual number not hyperbole) for 2 full years that was all BS. We already know his MO is to cover up the embarrassing shit he does, and he’s not at all adept at it. Example given: Stormy Fucking Daniels. Not a crime, he just doesn’t want it out there. NO ONE WOULD EVER TAKE AN OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST HIM, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME FACTS AT HAND. Another big fact to mention...not a very good look to try someone for obstruction of justice, with the claim being they obstructed for crime they never committed. This is that Monty python ATHG black knight shit again. You have no arms or legs, you need to stop trying.

Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process.

Are you fucking assholes REALLY this fucking stupid, that you cannot fucking read a goddam fucking report & figure this shit out on your own?

Fuck; why even bother discuss it here if you cannot even get off your fucking lazy fucking ass & read something. Fuck ............
You clearly don’t understand what intent is. You have to prove he was motivated to obstruct the investigation vs he was rightfully pissed that he was constantly accused of a crime he didn’t commit and didn’t want embarrassing stuff to come out, which is a very sane motivation. As president he absolutely could have fired mueller. He’s pretty shitty at obstruction if that’s what you wanna go with.

BTW, why the sudden concern over intent now, vs the Clinton emails, which was a crime that had no standard of intent? Leaking and mishandling classified info is crime regardless of intent. Yet Hillary was “let off the hook” by comey because she didn’t “intend” too (in reality Obama DOJ said they weren’t going to prosecute long before the investigation was over). Um, where’s the claims of a AG and DOJ totally in the tank and covering up for political reasons. That’s a way more clear cut case. Do y’all have any standards whatsoever?

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