This was an actual headline concerning the mueller report release

It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
What proof do you have of intent? Because it seems wildly more likely he was pissed off about the collusion claims he was clubbed over the head with over 5,000 times (actual number not hyperbole) for 2 full years that was all BS. We already know his MO is to cover up the embarrassing shit he does, and he’s not at all adept at it. Example given: Stormy Fucking Daniels. Not a crime, he just doesn’t want it out there. NO ONE WOULD EVER TAKE AN OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST HIM, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME FACTS AT HAND. Another big fact to mention...not a very good look to try someone for obstruction of justice, with the claim being they obstructed for crime they never committed. This is that Monty python ATHG black knight shit again. You have no arms or legs, you need to stop trying.

Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process.

Are you fucking assholes REALLY this fucking stupid, that you cannot fucking read a goddam fucking report & figure this shit out on your own?

Fuck; why even bother discuss it here if you cannot even get off your fucking lazy fucking ass & read something. Fuck ............
You clearly don’t understand what intent is. You have to prove he was motivated to obstruct the investigation vs he was rightfully pissed that he was constantly accused of a crime he didn’t commit and didn’t want embarrassing stuff to come out, which is a very sane motivation. As president he absolutely could have fired mueller. He’s pretty shitty at obstruction if that’s what you wanna go with.

BTW, why the sudden concern over intent now, vs the Clinton emails, which was a crime that had no standard of intent? Leaking and mishandling classified info is crime regardless of intent. Yet Hillary was “let off the hook” by comey because she didn’t “intend” too (in reality Obama DOJ said they weren’t going to prosecute long before the investigation was over). Um, where’s the claims of a AG and DOJ totally in the tank and covering up for political reasons. That’s a way more clear cut case. Do y’all have any standards whatsoever?
And you don’t understand what the report says.
Why does everything the voters get to see have to be redacted? Redact this redact about the average American voter get to see unredacted reports? It's been this way forever.
Why does everything the voters get to see have to be redacted? Redact this redact about the average American voter get to see unredacted reports? It's been this way forever.
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
What proof do you have of intent? Because it seems wildly more likely he was pissed off about the collusion claims he was clubbed over the head with over 5,000 times (actual number not hyperbole) for 2 full years that was all BS. We already know his MO is to cover up the embarrassing shit he does, and he’s not at all adept at it. Example given: Stormy Fucking Daniels. Not a crime, he just doesn’t want it out there. NO ONE WOULD EVER TAKE AN OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST HIM, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME FACTS AT HAND. Another big fact to mention...not a very good look to try someone for obstruction of justice, with the claim being they obstructed for crime they never committed. This is that Monty python ATHG black knight shit again. You have no arms or legs, you need to stop trying.

Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process.

Are you fucking assholes REALLY this fucking stupid, that you cannot fucking read a goddam fucking report & figure this shit out on your own?

Fuck; why even bother discuss it here if you cannot even get off your fucking lazy fucking ass & read something. Fuck ............
You clearly don’t understand what intent is. You have to prove he was motivated to obstruct the investigation vs he was rightfully pissed that he was constantly accused of a crime he didn’t commit and didn’t want embarrassing stuff to come out, which is a very sane motivation. As president he absolutely could have fired mueller. He’s pretty shitty at obstruction if that’s what you wanna go with.

BTW, why the sudden concern over intent now, vs the Clinton emails, which was a crime that had no standard of intent? Leaking and mishandling classified info is crime regardless of intent. Yet Hillary was “let off the hook” by comey because she didn’t “intend” too (in reality Obama DOJ said they weren’t going to prosecute long before the investigation was over). Um, where’s the claims of a AG and DOJ totally in the tank and covering up for political reasons. That’s a way more clear cut case. Do y’all have any standards whatsoever?
And you don’t understand what the report says.
And if it was about your messiah, you would have had a different answer, Jill.
You are too bias to make an honest assessment of the issue.
You should just recuse yourself.
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
What proof do you have of intent? Because it seems wildly more likely he was pissed off about the collusion claims he was clubbed over the head with over 5,000 times (actual number not hyperbole) for 2 full years that was all BS. We already know his MO is to cover up the embarrassing shit he does, and he’s not at all adept at it. Example given: Stormy Fucking Daniels. Not a crime, he just doesn’t want it out there. NO ONE WOULD EVER TAKE AN OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST HIM, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME FACTS AT HAND. Another big fact to mention...not a very good look to try someone for obstruction of justice, with the claim being they obstructed for crime they never committed. This is that Monty python ATHG black knight shit again. You have no arms or legs, you need to stop trying.

Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process.

Are you fucking assholes REALLY this fucking stupid, that you cannot fucking read a goddam fucking report & figure this shit out on your own?

Fuck; why even bother discuss it here if you cannot even get off your fucking lazy fucking ass & read something. Fuck ............
You clearly don’t understand what intent is. You have to prove he was motivated to obstruct the investigation vs he was rightfully pissed that he was constantly accused of a crime he didn’t commit and didn’t want embarrassing stuff to come out, which is a very sane motivation. As president he absolutely could have fired mueller. He’s pretty shitty at obstruction if that’s what you wanna go with.

BTW, why the sudden concern over intent now, vs the Clinton emails, which was a crime that had no standard of intent? Leaking and mishandling classified info is crime regardless of intent. Yet Hillary was “let off the hook” by comey because she didn’t “intend” too (in reality Obama DOJ said they weren’t going to prosecute long before the investigation was over). Um, where’s the claims of a AG and DOJ totally in the tank and covering up for political reasons. That’s a way more clear cut case. Do y’all have any standards whatsoever?
And you don’t understand what the report says.
Mmkay, whatever you say pumpkin. Even you’re own party leaders aren’t hopping on the obstruction claim. But I spose it’s the rest of the world, not you. It would be absolutely retarded to try someone for obstruction of a crime they didn’t commit, that fact really flies hard in the face of intent. Why obstruct for a crime you didn’t commit? Tough one to answer. I guess trump is so evil, he needs to find a way to be evil even when he didn’t break the law. I can just hear him rubbing his hands together and plotting his next weirdly evil deed for no apparent reason. I shouldn’t say for no evil reason, he’s so far evil than us that we just can’t understand his evil ways.
Why does everything the voters get to see have to be redacted? Redact this redact about the average American voter get to see unredacted reports? It's been this way forever.
This was an investigation. One where you’d interview people and hopefully they divulge stuff that they do not want out into the open if it’s unnecessary. You want to be able to have people coroporate in the future. They will be much less wiling to do so if their dirty laundry might wind up out there for the world to see. That’s why this law is in place.
Why does everything the voters get to see have to be redacted? Redact this redact about the average American voter get to see unredacted reports? It's been this way forever.
So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
What proof do you have of intent? Because it seems wildly more likely he was pissed off about the collusion claims he was clubbed over the head with over 5,000 times (actual number not hyperbole) for 2 full years that was all BS. We already know his MO is to cover up the embarrassing shit he does, and he’s not at all adept at it. Example given: Stormy Fucking Daniels. Not a crime, he just doesn’t want it out there. NO ONE WOULD EVER TAKE AN OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST HIM, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME FACTS AT HAND. Another big fact to mention...not a very good look to try someone for obstruction of justice, with the claim being they obstructed for crime they never committed. This is that Monty python ATHG black knight shit again. You have no arms or legs, you need to stop trying.

Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process.

Are you fucking assholes REALLY this fucking stupid, that you cannot fucking read a goddam fucking report & figure this shit out on your own?

Fuck; why even bother discuss it here if you cannot even get off your fucking lazy fucking ass & read something. Fuck ............
You clearly don’t understand what intent is. You have to prove he was motivated to obstruct the investigation vs he was rightfully pissed that he was constantly accused of a crime he didn’t commit and didn’t want embarrassing stuff to come out, which is a very sane motivation. As president he absolutely could have fired mueller. He’s pretty shitty at obstruction if that’s what you wanna go with.

BTW, why the sudden concern over intent now, vs the Clinton emails, which was a crime that had no standard of intent? Leaking and mishandling classified info is crime regardless of intent. Yet Hillary was “let off the hook” by comey because she didn’t “intend” too (in reality Obama DOJ said they weren’t going to prosecute long before the investigation was over). Um, where’s the claims of a AG and DOJ totally in the tank and covering up for political reasons. That’s a way more clear cut case. Do y’all have any standards whatsoever?
And you don’t understand what the report says.
And if it was about your messiah, you would have had a different answer, Jill.
You are too bias to make an honest assessment of the issue.
You should just recuse yourself.

Wow; here we have a moderator that is shitting on someone that obviously HAS READ the report, when obviously the moderator has NOT READ the report.

The world is obviously fucking up fucking side down .................
Why does everything the voters get to see have to be redacted? Redact this redact about the average American voter get to see unredacted reports? It's been this way forever.
What proof do you have of intent? Because it seems wildly more likely he was pissed off about the collusion claims he was clubbed over the head with over 5,000 times (actual number not hyperbole) for 2 full years that was all BS. We already know his MO is to cover up the embarrassing shit he does, and he’s not at all adept at it. Example given: Stormy Fucking Daniels. Not a crime, he just doesn’t want it out there. NO ONE WOULD EVER TAKE AN OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST HIM, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME FACTS AT HAND. Another big fact to mention...not a very good look to try someone for obstruction of justice, with the claim being they obstructed for crime they never committed. This is that Monty python ATHG black knight shit again. You have no arms or legs, you need to stop trying.

Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process.

Are you fucking assholes REALLY this fucking stupid, that you cannot fucking read a goddam fucking report & figure this shit out on your own?

Fuck; why even bother discuss it here if you cannot even get off your fucking lazy fucking ass & read something. Fuck ............
You clearly don’t understand what intent is. You have to prove he was motivated to obstruct the investigation vs he was rightfully pissed that he was constantly accused of a crime he didn’t commit and didn’t want embarrassing stuff to come out, which is a very sane motivation. As president he absolutely could have fired mueller. He’s pretty shitty at obstruction if that’s what you wanna go with.

BTW, why the sudden concern over intent now, vs the Clinton emails, which was a crime that had no standard of intent? Leaking and mishandling classified info is crime regardless of intent. Yet Hillary was “let off the hook” by comey because she didn’t “intend” too (in reality Obama DOJ said they weren’t going to prosecute long before the investigation was over). Um, where’s the claims of a AG and DOJ totally in the tank and covering up for political reasons. That’s a way more clear cut case. Do y’all have any standards whatsoever?
And you don’t understand what the report says.
And if it was about your messiah, you would have had a different answer, Jill.
You are too bias to make an honest assessment of the issue.
You should just recuse yourself.

Wow; here we have a moderator that is shitting on someone that obviously HAS READ the report, when obviously the moderator has NOT READ the report.

The world is obviously fucking up fucking side down .................
Got your panties all in a twist, son? Jealous because I'm a mod...or are you pissed that I can be a poster too?
Which is it?
Jillian happens to be one of the most biased people on this board and really can't give an honest assessment.
I doubt she has read 400 pages of the report, and if she did she still would be too biased.
Last edited:
I understand that. It's just hard to know who to believe etc. But it's always been this way. The stuff that goes on behind closed doors. It would scare most all honest people who work their tails off just to barely hang on. But it's been accepted for a long long time. And we wonder why political apathy is a growing trend.
Why does everything the voters get to see have to be redacted? Redact this redact about the average American voter get to see unredacted reports? It's been this way forever.
Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process.

Are you fucking assholes REALLY this fucking stupid, that you cannot fucking read a goddam fucking report & figure this shit out on your own?

Fuck; why even bother discuss it here if you cannot even get off your fucking lazy fucking ass & read something. Fuck ............
You clearly don’t understand what intent is. You have to prove he was motivated to obstruct the investigation vs he was rightfully pissed that he was constantly accused of a crime he didn’t commit and didn’t want embarrassing stuff to come out, which is a very sane motivation. As president he absolutely could have fired mueller. He’s pretty shitty at obstruction if that’s what you wanna go with.

BTW, why the sudden concern over intent now, vs the Clinton emails, which was a crime that had no standard of intent? Leaking and mishandling classified info is crime regardless of intent. Yet Hillary was “let off the hook” by comey because she didn’t “intend” too (in reality Obama DOJ said they weren’t going to prosecute long before the investigation was over). Um, where’s the claims of a AG and DOJ totally in the tank and covering up for political reasons. That’s a way more clear cut case. Do y’all have any standards whatsoever?
And you don’t understand what the report says.
And if it was about your messiah, you would have had a different answer, Jill.
You are too bias to make an honest assessment of the issue.
You should just recuse yourself.

Wow; here we have a moderator that is shitting on someone that obviously HAS READ the report, when obviously the moderator has NOT READ the report.

The world is obviously fucking up fucking side down .................
Got your panties all in a twist, son? Jealous because I'm a mod...or are you pissed that I can be a poster too?
Which is it?
Jillian happens to be one of the most biased people on this board and really can't give an honest assessment.
I doubt she has read 400 pages of the report, and if she did she still would be too biased.

a moderator SHOULD be much more reserved in their bitchfest.

The post you replied to was very simple; very restrained = "And you don’t understand what the report says."

Yet you come in with your primary bitch fest like some wanna B super hero of the TrumpRight.

You may be a poster but you need to remember that some here see your replies as a representation of the administration/mod staff.

When a member of the mod staff comes across so strong, as you have in this instance, you will lose credibility even if you view yourself as just a poster; you are still a member of the 'house' and folks see you as such, if they have a brain.

Sure; maybe the 'house' does win 97% of the time but do you really want to make the house look like a collection of dickheads?
Why does everything the voters get to see have to be redacted? Redact this redact about the average American voter get to see unredacted reports? It's been this way forever.
You clearly don’t understand what intent is. You have to prove he was motivated to obstruct the investigation vs he was rightfully pissed that he was constantly accused of a crime he didn’t commit and didn’t want embarrassing stuff to come out, which is a very sane motivation. As president he absolutely could have fired mueller. He’s pretty shitty at obstruction if that’s what you wanna go with.

BTW, why the sudden concern over intent now, vs the Clinton emails, which was a crime that had no standard of intent? Leaking and mishandling classified info is crime regardless of intent. Yet Hillary was “let off the hook” by comey because she didn’t “intend” too (in reality Obama DOJ said they weren’t going to prosecute long before the investigation was over). Um, where’s the claims of a AG and DOJ totally in the tank and covering up for political reasons. That’s a way more clear cut case. Do y’all have any standards whatsoever?
And you don’t understand what the report says.
And if it was about your messiah, you would have had a different answer, Jill.
You are too bias to make an honest assessment of the issue.
You should just recuse yourself.

Wow; here we have a moderator that is shitting on someone that obviously HAS READ the report, when obviously the moderator has NOT READ the report.

The world is obviously fucking up fucking side down .................
Got your panties all in a twist, son? Jealous because I'm a mod...or are you pissed that I can be a poster too?
Which is it?
Jillian happens to be one of the most biased people on this board and really can't give an honest assessment.
I doubt she has read 400 pages of the report, and if she did she still would be too biased.

a moderator SHOULD be much more reserved in their bitchfest.

The post you replied to was very simple; very restrained = "And you don’t understand what the report says."

Yet you come in with your primary bitch fest like some wanna B super hero of the TrumpRight.

You may be a poster but you need to remember that some here see your replies as a representation of the administration/mod staff.

When a member of the mod staff comes across so strong, as you have in this instance, you will lose credibility even if you view yourself as just a poster; you are still a member of the 'house' and folks see you as such, if they have a brain.

Sure; maybe the 'house' does win 97% of the time but do you really want to make the house look like a collection of dickheads?
You don't know shit, caddo....let's get that straight right now. I can post however I want without running it
by your sorry ass.
Don't tell me how I can or can't post.....especially a foul mouthed punk such as yourself.
Now, go stick your head up your ass and roll down the sidewalk, son.
I hope that was tame enough for you.
I've seen enough of the report to understand the meat of it, you buffoon. You people are scrambling for damage control.
Why does everything the voters get to see have to be redacted? Redact this redact about the average American voter get to see unredacted reports? It's been this way forever.
And you don’t understand what the report says.
And if it was about your messiah, you would have had a different answer, Jill.
You are too bias to make an honest assessment of the issue.
You should just recuse yourself.

Wow; here we have a moderator that is shitting on someone that obviously HAS READ the report, when obviously the moderator has NOT READ the report.

The world is obviously fucking up fucking side down .................
Got your panties all in a twist, son? Jealous because I'm a mod...or are you pissed that I can be a poster too?
Which is it?
Jillian happens to be one of the most biased people on this board and really can't give an honest assessment.
I doubt she has read 400 pages of the report, and if she did she still would be too biased.

a moderator SHOULD be much more reserved in their bitchfest.

The post you replied to was very simple; very restrained = "And you don’t understand what the report says."

Yet you come in with your primary bitch fest like some wanna B super hero of the TrumpRight.

You may be a poster but you need to remember that some here see your replies as a representation of the administration/mod staff.

When a member of the mod staff comes across so strong, as you have in this instance, you will lose credibility even if you view yourself as just a poster; you are still a member of the 'house' and folks see you as such, if they have a brain.

Sure; maybe the 'house' does win 97% of the time but do you really want to make the house look like a collection of dickheads?
You don't know shit, caddo....let's get that straight right now. I can post however I want without running it
by your sorry ass.
Don't tell me how I can or can't post.....especially a foul mouthed punk such as yourself.
Now, go stick your head up your ass and roll down the sidewalk, son.
I hope that was tame enough for you.
I've seen enough of the report to understand the meat of it, you buffoon. You people are scrambling for damage control.

I am not 'telling' you how to post but any moderator of any forum would WISELY step more sofly when they post, than you did.

Next time try farting, instead of taking a shit, when you post. Just a suggestion, dear.
And if it was about your messiah, you would have had a different answer, Jill.
You are too bias to make an honest assessment of the issue.
You should just recuse yourself.

Wow; here we have a moderator that is shitting on someone that obviously HAS READ the report, when obviously the moderator has NOT READ the report.

The world is obviously fucking up fucking side down .................
Got your panties all in a twist, son? Jealous because I'm a mod...or are you pissed that I can be a poster too?
Which is it?
Jillian happens to be one of the most biased people on this board and really can't give an honest assessment.
I doubt she has read 400 pages of the report, and if she did she still would be too biased.

a moderator SHOULD be much more reserved in their bitchfest.

The post you replied to was very simple; very restrained = "And you don’t understand what the report says."

Yet you come in with your primary bitch fest like some wanna B super hero of the TrumpRight.

You may be a poster but you need to remember that some here see your replies as a representation of the administration/mod staff.

When a member of the mod staff comes across so strong, as you have in this instance, you will lose credibility even if you view yourself as just a poster; you are still a member of the 'house' and folks see you as such, if they have a brain.

Sure; maybe the 'house' does win 97% of the time but do you really want to make the house look like a collection of dickheads?
You don't know shit, caddo....let's get that straight right now. I can post however I want without running it
by your sorry ass.
Don't tell me how I can or can't post.....especially a foul mouthed punk such as yourself.
Now, go stick your head up your ass and roll down the sidewalk, son.
I hope that was tame enough for you.
I've seen enough of the report to understand the meat of it, you buffoon. You people are scrambling for damage control.

I am not 'telling' you how to post but any moderator of any forum would WISELY step more sofly when they post, than you did.

Next time try farting, instead of taking a shit, when you post. Just a suggestion, dear.

but any moderator of any forum would WISELY step more sofly when they post, than you did.

why aren't you on one of those more pleasant forums?

And if it was about your messiah, you would have had a different answer, Jill.
You are too bias to make an honest assessment of the issue.
You should just recuse yourself.

Wow; here we have a moderator that is shitting on someone that obviously HAS READ the report, when obviously the moderator has NOT READ the report.

The world is obviously fucking up fucking side down .................
Got your panties all in a twist, son? Jealous because I'm a mod...or are you pissed that I can be a poster too?
Which is it?
Jillian happens to be one of the most biased people on this board and really can't give an honest assessment.
I doubt she has read 400 pages of the report, and if she did she still would be too biased.

a moderator SHOULD be much more reserved in their bitchfest.

The post you replied to was very simple; very restrained = "And you don’t understand what the report says."

Yet you come in with your primary bitch fest like some wanna B super hero of the TrumpRight.

You may be a poster but you need to remember that some here see your replies as a representation of the administration/mod staff.

When a member of the mod staff comes across so strong, as you have in this instance, you will lose credibility even if you view yourself as just a poster; you are still a member of the 'house' and folks see you as such, if they have a brain.

Sure; maybe the 'house' does win 97% of the time but do you really want to make the house look like a collection of dickheads?
You don't know shit, caddo....let's get that straight right now. I can post however I want without running it
by your sorry ass.
Don't tell me how I can or can't post.....especially a foul mouthed punk such as yourself.
Now, go stick your head up your ass and roll down the sidewalk, son.
I hope that was tame enough for you.
I've seen enough of the report to understand the meat of it, you buffoon. You people are scrambling for damage control.

I am not 'telling' you how to post but any moderator of any forum would WISELY step more sofly when they post, than you did.

Next time try farting, instead of taking a shit, when you post. Just a suggestion, dear.
Shut up snowflake...mods have free speech here just like you moron....
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’
Several sources said he did it. . Trump was correct.
Why? It's all spin and bullshit.

It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
What proof do you have of intent? Because it seems wildly more likely he was pissed off about the collusion claims he was clubbed over the head with over 5,000 times (actual number not hyperbole) for 2 full years that was all BS. We already know his MO is to cover up the embarrassing shit he does, and he’s not at all adept at it. Example given: Stormy Fucking Daniels. Not a crime, he just doesn’t want it out there. NO ONE WOULD EVER TAKE AN OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST HIM, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME FACTS AT HAND. Another big fact to mention...not a very good look to try someone for obstruction of justice, with the claim being they obstructed for crime they never committed. This is that Monty python ATHG black knight shit again. You have no arms or legs, you need to stop trying.

Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process.

Are you fucking assholes REALLY this fucking stupid, that you cannot fucking read a goddam fucking report & figure this shit out on your own?

Fuck; why even bother discuss it here if you cannot even get off your fucking lazy fucking ass & read something. Fuck ............
Mueller made a recommendation for charges being drawn up? Nope. Because the case is weak. Question is: “Did any violations occur?” “Attempting” to is a judgement call and an opinion. Holds no legal standing in a court of law.
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’
Several sources said he did it. . Trump was correct.
Who were the sources? Strok and his girlfriend? :auiqs.jpg:
It’s honestly bewildering.
It's become a mania.

My wife thinks even less of Trump than I do, and she thinks the Dems and the media are being ridiculous and desperate.

This is insane.
Yes how dare anyone tell the truth about the orange sociopath
Because liberals don’t deal in the world of truth. Just a fantasy world of conspiracy and then running out to scream at the sky.
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’
Liberals reaction to “no collusion and no obstruction” shall be this...
Why? It's all spin and bullshit.

It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
What proof do you have of intent? Because it seems wildly more likely he was pissed off about the collusion claims he was clubbed over the head with over 5,000 times (actual number not hyperbole) for 2 full years that was all BS. We already know his MO is to cover up the embarrassing shit he does, and he’s not at all adept at it. Example given: Stormy Fucking Daniels. Not a crime, he just doesn’t want it out there. NO ONE WOULD EVER TAKE AN OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST HIM, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME FACTS AT HAND. Another big fact to mention...not a very good look to try someone for obstruction of justice, with the claim being they obstructed for crime they never committed. This is that Monty python ATHG black knight shit again. You have no arms or legs, you need to stop trying.

Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process.

Are you fucking assholes REALLY this fucking stupid, that you cannot fucking read a goddam fucking report & figure this shit out on your own?

Fuck; why even bother discuss it here if you cannot even get off your fucking lazy fucking ass & read something. Fuck ............
so what? it's over. Nadler can't do shit. it's all political. they can walk the plank and jump off if they like. EXONERATION

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