This was an actual headline concerning the mueller report release

There are 10 specific instances laid out in the report in which Mueller demonstrates Trump made attempts to obstruct the investigation.

Go read the report; I am not doing your goddamn reading for you, lazy ass.

YOU are a lying piece of fucking shit.

Give us ONE example where Trump even came close to obstruction and watch as I shove it up your ass.

scumbag liar

here is a clue, jackass: Don McGahn. He may have saved Trump's presidency by refusing to do as Trump ordered him to do.
McGahn twice refused Trump's orders to obstruct the investigation.

Now, get off your lazy ass & go read the report if you want to understand.
here you are again arguing against trump. he won, it's over, why are you still going on about McGahn. so what. what is it you think can happen? I told you the only option. you don't believe me? LOL.

Look shithead, I replied to the other member, HE wants me to do his reading for him. I told him the info is in the report & that he can go read the material himself, If you don't like that = not my problem. Why in Hell are you replying to me?
Where, post that part of mueller’s Ir nunes reports!

It is in the report. WHY in Hell are you fuck wads too fucking lazy to go & read the goddamn fucking report?
dude it's over. no criminal intent. and again, you can post the line from the report that says there was. I'm offering you the opportunity to prove your claim. I know it's over. Criminally trump and his campaign are cleared, exonerated. anything nadler does is his political suicide. urge him on for me.
caddo just can't come to grips that it's over and he lost. When you lose, it's bad enough.
But, when you have the TDS affliction and's a guaranteed psychotic episode as you just witnessed.

There is nothing criminal....that is the bottom line.

I haven't lost a thing.

If you're OK with any POTUS making massive amounts of attempts to obstruct DOJ investigations then I am not surprised that you hate the rule of law.

That isn't my problem; that is your lack of morality as far as the rule of law is concerned.

That means you lost something; not me.
“Attempt’s” to is an opinion. I saw none.

Yes, Mueller's opinion. Not mine. You're welcome.
I made no such claim; maybe you are blind. Try some different Coke bottle bottoms in your glass frames, next time.
sure you did. you should go learn how to read, especially what you wrote.

Again; I made no such claim.

If you insist on being a jack ass then post a quote in which I stated such; otherwise you can go fly a kite.
"Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process."

What did you mean by this? you think trump can be arrested. dude, the house can't arrest anyone. you've been played like a fiddle cause you believe nadler can arrest Trump. too funny.

All of those demoloser reps screaming over and over, just wait, we're gonna subpoena, go for it, they can't do jack shit but kill their party. I say go for it.

As I have stated: I made NO CLAIM concerning Mueller recommending charges against Trump.

AGAIN: If you can quote where I did that, then post it.

Otherwise go fuck off.
again, I asked what you meant by the statement if not that he should be charged for it? explain?

And now you back peddle; great .......... you can go away now ..........
I lost nothing
Trump won. so what did you win?

I did not win, nor lose; I have no skin in the game.

Why are you so fucking stupid?
then why are you here arguing for the demolosers so fervently?

not your concern; is it?
well I'm here and so are you. what is your purpose if not to push and agenda at Trump? I'll defend him all the way buck.

defend all you like; you go girl ..........
here is a clue, jackass: Don McGahn. He may have saved Trump's presidency by refusing to do as Trump ordered him to do.
McGahn twice refused Trump's orders to obstruct the investigation.

Now, get off your lazy ass & go read the report if you want to understand.


For one thing, POTUS has the power to fire ANY Executive Branch Employee at any FUCKING time without cause and without recourse. It's in Article II of the US Constitution, you fucking imbecile.

But he didn't. It would have caused a shitstorm, so he didn't do it. It would NOT have been illegal, but it would have been politically insensitive and unwise. But NOT illegal.

Besides, I thought this Country was set so that ELECTED Officials ran it and not so that BUREAUCRATS run it. But, being a good commie apparatchik, I'm sure you believe in letting bureaucrats run everything, right comrade?

End of that bullshit.


fucking idiot

So, you didn't read the report. No surprise .........
There are 10 specific instances laid out in the report in which Mueller demonstrates Trump made attempts to obstruct the investigation.

Go read the report; I am not doing your goddamn reading for you, lazy ass.

YOU are a lying piece of fucking shit.

Give us ONE example where Trump even came close to obstruction and watch as I shove it up your ass.

scumbag liar

here is a clue, jackass: Don McGahn. He may have saved Trump's presidency by refusing to do as Trump ordered him to do.
McGahn twice refused Trump's orders to obstruct the investigation.

Now, get off your lazy ass & go read the report if you want to understand.
here you are again arguing against trump. he won, it's over, why are you still going on about McGahn. so what. what is it you think can happen? I told you the only option. you don't believe me? LOL.

Look shithead, I replied to the other member, HE wants me to do his reading for him. I told him the info is in the report & that he can go read the material himself, If you don't like that = not my problem. Why in Hell are you replying to me?
But there is nothing in the report about collusion or obstruction to charge trump. why is it important otherwise? just to bitch. we're use to that.
What’s sad is that this actually works on people. There’s hordes out there who still believe that he is guilty of collusion, and that Barr, and I guess the entire mueller team, are gonna cover it up in the redactions. The mueller probe turned trumps “fixer” in Cohen with tax evasion charges, he took a deal, and they didn’t get squat off of his info.
Yeah. It's tough to say. I think it's possible that this whole circus won't change anyone's mind on Trump one way or the other. Even Independents.
Oh that’s totally what it is. Problem is, it works, people buy into it. They haven’t caught onto the fact that this is basically the new version of Nigerian prince emails, they don’t necessarily steal money...but they keep this stupid media dinosaur alive. Just die already. You’re old, you’re antiquated, and you’re terrible at your job mainstream media. Ugh, I wanna wash the sliminess and antiquatedness off of me now.
Why would people "buy it?" Unless they only read headlines, they are going to know almost immediately when and in what context those remarks were made.
Without the press, our democracy dies. Jefferson said he would rather see press and no government than government and no press.
You cannot take the press away. Sorry. I won't let you.

They need to be held to a minimum of standards, don't you think? They're tearing the nation apart. You can't possibly think otherwise. You lefties are all for controlling what the common man says, thinks and owns. What makes the "press" exempt from your rules?
As I've said many times, the party has completely lost its shit. And that includes the media.

It makes me so angry. They can't see how close we are to forging a new path. Trump voters are by and large coming around to a more "left" leaning economic and foreign policies but they won't stop hammering us with their identity and gender hysteria which is the main point of contention between the two camps. No self respecting white male will ever, ever, ever sign on to that stuff.

And they know it. That's why they want to destroy us. Then they call us racist for getting defensive.
Okay, this is just a strange thing to say.

I am no Trump supporter, but no sane person moves leftward.

Supporting never ending military intervention is not sane. Supporting multinational corporations' rape of the world is not sane.
There are 10 specific instances laid out in the report in which Mueller demonstrates Trump made attempts to obstruct the investigation.

Go read the report; I am not doing your goddamn reading for you, lazy ass.

YOU are a lying piece of fucking shit.

Give us ONE example where Trump even came close to obstruction and watch as I shove it up your ass.

scumbag liar

here is a clue, jackass: Don McGahn. He may have saved Trump's presidency by refusing to do as Trump ordered him to do.
McGahn twice refused Trump's orders to obstruct the investigation.

Now, get off your lazy ass & go read the report if you want to understand.
here you are again arguing against trump. he won, it's over, why are you still going on about McGahn. so what. what is it you think can happen? I told you the only option. you don't believe me? LOL.

Look shithead, I replied to the other member, HE wants me to do his reading for him. I told him the info is in the report & that he can go read the material himself, If you don't like that = not my problem. Why in Hell are you replying to me?
But there is nothing in the report about collusion or obstruction to charge trump. why is it important otherwise? just to bitch. we're use to that.

It goes to the very foundations of the system of checks & balances, just as Mueller himself stated within the report.

Mueller's opinion is that it is the function of Congress to hold (any) POTUS accountable for attempts at obstruction.

If you would have read the report you would already know this, and you would not be asking me, here.

Next time; don't be so fucking lazy. Read.
YOU are a lying piece of fucking shit.

Give us ONE example where Trump even came close to obstruction and watch as I shove it up your ass.

scumbag liar

here is a clue, jackass: Don McGahn. He may have saved Trump's presidency by refusing to do as Trump ordered him to do.
McGahn twice refused Trump's orders to obstruct the investigation.

Now, get off your lazy ass & go read the report if you want to understand.
here you are again arguing against trump. he won, it's over, why are you still going on about McGahn. so what. what is it you think can happen? I told you the only option. you don't believe me? LOL.

Look shithead, I replied to the other member, HE wants me to do his reading for him. I told him the info is in the report & that he can go read the material himself, If you don't like that = not my problem. Why in Hell are you replying to me?
But there is nothing in the report about collusion or obstruction to charge trump. why is it important otherwise? just to bitch. we're use to that.

It goes to the very foundations of the system of checks & balances, just as Mueller himself stated within the report.

Mueller's opinion is that it is the function of Congress to hold (any) POTUS accountable for attempts at obstruction.

If you would have read the report you would already know this, and you would not be asking me, here.

Next time; don't be so fucking lazy. Read.
correct, Mueller cannot bring charges, that is Barr. and he said nope as did Rosenstein the guy that hates the president. so again, what's your point?
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’

"I'm fucked" is in the Mueller report. Sure, it's a sensationalist part of the Mueller report however unlike your post the press was accurately representing the Mueller report.

Say you started a new job and were accused of a horrendous crime.
Whether you committed the crime or not your fucked!

Neat, what does that have to do with my post?

I know you dems are shallow thinkers but damn!!!
Shallow thinkers? Hell they don't think at all and most aren't equipped to think. Their masters ring a bell and they start to drool on cue. Just like they do right here.
It goes to the very foundations of the system of checks & balances, just as Mueller himself stated within the report.

Mueller's opinion is that it is the function of Congress to hold (any) POTUS accountable for attempts at obstruction.

If you would have read the report you would already know this, and you would not be asking me, here.

Next time; don't be so fucking lazy. Read.

Then let Congress do just that. Write your Congresscritter, if you know how to write.

But you're talking out your fucking ass like POTUS can be tried in Court for some shit like 'obstruction'. Whatever the fuck your demented mind sees that as.

Let the dimocrap scum COWARDS in Congress Impeach Trump.

Go for it. Do it. PLEASE

Meanwhile, you might want to study up on some Law

In Bowsher v. Synar (1986) SCOTUS ruled that Congress cannot create an administrative agency that performs purely executive functions and retain full authority over the removal of its members. In subsequent cases, the Court has ruled that Congress cannot unduly restrict the president's power to remove officials from offices that immediately affect his ability to fulfill his constitutional responsibilities.

Go back to watching Comedy Central. It's all your tiny brain can handle
here is a clue, jackass: Don McGahn. He may have saved Trump's presidency by refusing to do as Trump ordered him to do.
McGahn twice refused Trump's orders to obstruct the investigation.

Now, get off your lazy ass & go read the report if you want to understand.
here you are again arguing against trump. he won, it's over, why are you still going on about McGahn. so what. what is it you think can happen? I told you the only option. you don't believe me? LOL.

Look shithead, I replied to the other member, HE wants me to do his reading for him. I told him the info is in the report & that he can go read the material himself, If you don't like that = not my problem. Why in Hell are you replying to me?
But there is nothing in the report about collusion or obstruction to charge trump. why is it important otherwise? just to bitch. we're use to that.

It goes to the very foundations of the system of checks & balances, just as Mueller himself stated within the report.

Mueller's opinion is that it is the function of Congress to hold (any) POTUS accountable for attempts at obstruction.

If you would have read the report you would already know this, and you would not be asking me, here.

Next time; don't be so fucking lazy. Read.
correct, Mueller cannot bring charges, that is Barr. and he said nope as did Rosenstein the guy that hates the president. so again, what's your point?

I just fucking told you the POINT. Here, I will copy & paste it for you. Try reading it & understanding WHAT IT MEANS.

It goes to the very foundations of the system of checks & balances, just as Mueller himself stated within the report.

Mueller's opinion is that it is the function of Congress to hold (any) POTUS accountable for attempts at obstruction.

If you would have read the report you would already know this, and you would not be asking me, here.
here you are again arguing against trump. he won, it's over, why are you still going on about McGahn. so what. what is it you think can happen? I told you the only option. you don't believe me? LOL.

Look shithead, I replied to the other member, HE wants me to do his reading for him. I told him the info is in the report & that he can go read the material himself, If you don't like that = not my problem. Why in Hell are you replying to me?
But there is nothing in the report about collusion or obstruction to charge trump. why is it important otherwise? just to bitch. we're use to that.

It goes to the very foundations of the system of checks & balances, just as Mueller himself stated within the report.

Mueller's opinion is that it is the function of Congress to hold (any) POTUS accountable for attempts at obstruction.

If you would have read the report you would already know this, and you would not be asking me, here.

Next time; don't be so fucking lazy. Read.
correct, Mueller cannot bring charges, that is Barr. and he said nope as did Rosenstein the guy that hates the president. so again, what's your point?

I just fucking told you the POINT. Here, I will copy & paste it for you. Try reading it & understanding WHAT IT MEANS.

It goes to the very foundations of the system of checks & balances, just as Mueller himself stated within the report.

Mueller's opinion is that it is the function of Congress to hold (any) POTUS accountable for attempts at obstruction.

If you would have read the report you would already know this, and you would not be asking me, here.
that means absolutely nothing to me. Trump is exonerated. period end of story. what else you want to discuss?
Look shithead, I replied to the other member, HE wants me to do his reading for him. I told him the info is in the report & that he can go read the material himself, If you don't like that = not my problem. Why in Hell are you replying to me?
But there is nothing in the report about collusion or obstruction to charge trump. why is it important otherwise? just to bitch. we're use to that.

It goes to the very foundations of the system of checks & balances, just as Mueller himself stated within the report.

Mueller's opinion is that it is the function of Congress to hold (any) POTUS accountable for attempts at obstruction.

If you would have read the report you would already know this, and you would not be asking me, here.

Next time; don't be so fucking lazy. Read.
correct, Mueller cannot bring charges, that is Barr. and he said nope as did Rosenstein the guy that hates the president. so again, what's your point?

I just fucking told you the POINT. Here, I will copy & paste it for you. Try reading it & understanding WHAT IT MEANS.

It goes to the very foundations of the system of checks & balances, just as Mueller himself stated within the report.

Mueller's opinion is that it is the function of Congress to hold (any) POTUS accountable for attempts at obstruction.

If you would have read the report you would already know this, and you would not be asking me, here.
that means absolutely nothing to me. Trump is exonerated. period end of story. what else you want to discuss?

nothing with you
But there is nothing in the report about collusion or obstruction to charge trump. why is it important otherwise? just to bitch. we're use to that.

It goes to the very foundations of the system of checks & balances, just as Mueller himself stated within the report.

Mueller's opinion is that it is the function of Congress to hold (any) POTUS accountable for attempts at obstruction.

If you would have read the report you would already know this, and you would not be asking me, here.

Next time; don't be so fucking lazy. Read.
correct, Mueller cannot bring charges, that is Barr. and he said nope as did Rosenstein the guy that hates the president. so again, what's your point?

I just fucking told you the POINT. Here, I will copy & paste it for you. Try reading it & understanding WHAT IT MEANS.

It goes to the very foundations of the system of checks & balances, just as Mueller himself stated within the report.

Mueller's opinion is that it is the function of Congress to hold (any) POTUS accountable for attempts at obstruction.

If you would have read the report you would already know this, and you would not be asking me, here.
that means absolutely nothing to me. Trump is exonerated. period end of story. what else you want to discuss?

nothing with you
I know. I'd understand when one like you loses a debate.
Yeah. It's tough to say. I think it's possible that this whole circus won't change anyone's mind on Trump one way or the other. Even Independents.
Why would people "buy it?" Unless they only read headlines, they are going to know almost immediately when and in what context those remarks were made.
Without the press, our democracy dies. Jefferson said he would rather see press and no government than government and no press.
You cannot take the press away. Sorry. I won't let you.

They need to be held to a minimum of standards, don't you think? They're tearing the nation apart. You can't possibly think otherwise. You lefties are all for controlling what the common man says, thinks and owns. What makes the "press" exempt from your rules?
As I've said many times, the party has completely lost its shit. And that includes the media.

It makes me so angry. They can't see how close we are to forging a new path. Trump voters are by and large coming around to a more "left" leaning economic and foreign policies but they won't stop hammering us with their identity and gender hysteria which is the main point of contention between the two camps. No self respecting white male will ever, ever, ever sign on to that stuff.

And they know it. That's why they want to destroy us. Then they call us racist for getting defensive.
Okay, this is just a strange thing to say.

I am no Trump supporter, but no sane person moves leftward.

Supporting never ending military intervention is not sane. Supporting multinational corporations' rape of the world is not sane.
As I said, no sane person goes leftward.
They need to be held to a minimum of standards, don't you think? They're tearing the nation apart. You can't possibly think otherwise. You lefties are all for controlling what the common man says, thinks and owns. What makes the "press" exempt from your rules?
As I've said many times, the party has completely lost its shit. And that includes the media.

It makes me so angry. They can't see how close we are to forging a new path. Trump voters are by and large coming around to a more "left" leaning economic and foreign policies but they won't stop hammering us with their identity and gender hysteria which is the main point of contention between the two camps. No self respecting white male will ever, ever, ever sign on to that stuff.

And they know it. That's why they want to destroy us. Then they call us racist for getting defensive.
Okay, this is just a strange thing to say.

I am no Trump supporter, but no sane person moves leftward.

Supporting never ending military intervention is not sane. Supporting multinational corporations' rape of the world is not sane.
As I said, no sane person goes leftward.

Globalist capitalism will eventually result in a system of government functionally identical to communism.
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’

"I'm fucked" is in the Mueller report. Sure, it's a sensationalist part of the Mueller report however unlike your post the press was accurately representing the Mueller report.

Say you started a new job and were accused of a horrendous crime.
Whether you committed the crime or not your fucked!

Neat, what does that have to do with my post?

I know you dems are shallow thinkers but damn!!!
Shallow thinkers? Hell they don't think at all and most aren't equipped to think. Their masters ring a bell and they start to drool on cue. Just like they do right here.

Dems are like Browns fans,always losing.

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