This was an actual headline concerning the mueller report release

Why? It's all spin and bullshit.

It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
Where, post that part of mueller’s Ir nunes reports!

It is in the report. WHY in Hell are you fuck wads too fucking lazy to go & read the goddamn fucking report?
dude it's over. no criminal intent. and again, you can post the line from the report that says there was. I'm offering you the opportunity to prove your claim. I know it's over. Criminally trump and his campaign are cleared, exonerated. anything nadler does is his political suicide. urge him on for me.
It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
What proof do you have of intent? Because it seems wildly more likely he was pissed off about the collusion claims he was clubbed over the head with over 5,000 times (actual number not hyperbole) for 2 full years that was all BS. We already know his MO is to cover up the embarrassing shit he does, and he’s not at all adept at it. Example given: Stormy Fucking Daniels. Not a crime, he just doesn’t want it out there. NO ONE WOULD EVER TAKE AN OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST HIM, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME FACTS AT HAND. Another big fact to mention...not a very good look to try someone for obstruction of justice, with the claim being they obstructed for crime they never committed. This is that Monty python ATHG black knight shit again. You have no arms or legs, you need to stop trying.

Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process.

Are you fucking assholes REALLY this fucking stupid, that you cannot fucking read a goddam fucking report & figure this shit out on your own?

Fuck; why even bother discuss it here if you cannot even get off your fucking lazy fucking ass & read something. Fuck ............
so what? it's over. Nadler can't do shit. it's all political. they can walk the plank and jump off if they like. EXONERATION
They have no agenda, the only thing they have is the House and endless investigations going forward.
Sad thing for them is that they ended up with a nothing burger and going forward nothing is going to change.
It doesn't help them whatsoever coming into the next election fact, it's bad optics for them.
With the way this economy is humming along and unemployment at historic lows, tRump is a shoe-in
They have no agenda, the only thing they have is the House and endless investigations going forward.
Sad thing for them is that they ended up with a nothing burger and going forward nothing is going to change.
It doesn't help them whatsoever coming into the next election fact, it's bad optics for them.
With the way this economy is humming along and unemployment at historic lows, tRump is a shoe-in

There's a lot of people out there right about now regretting their vote for a dimocrap in 2018.

I suspect they'll make amends come 2020 with a vengeance.

It really could be the end of the dimocrap party as we know it.

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of scumbags
It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
Where, post that part of mueller’s Ir nunes reports!

It is in the report. WHY in Hell are you fuck wads too fucking lazy to go & read the goddamn fucking report?
dude it's over. no criminal intent. and again, you can post the line from the report that says there was. I'm offering you the opportunity to prove your claim. I know it's over. Criminally trump and his campaign are cleared, exonerated. anything nadler does is his political suicide. urge him on for me.
caddo just can't come to grips that it's over and he lost. When you lose, it's bad enough.
But, when you have the TDS affliction and's a guaranteed psychotic episode as you just witnessed.

There is nothing criminal....that is the bottom line.
Wow; here we have a moderator that is shitting on someone that obviously HAS READ the report, when obviously the moderator has NOT READ the report.

The world is obviously fucking up fucking side down .................
Got your panties all in a twist, son? Jealous because I'm a mod...or are you pissed that I can be a poster too?
Which is it?
Jillian happens to be one of the most biased people on this board and really can't give an honest assessment.
I doubt she has read 400 pages of the report, and if she did she still would be too biased.

a moderator SHOULD be much more reserved in their bitchfest.

The post you replied to was very simple; very restrained = "And you don’t understand what the report says."

Yet you come in with your primary bitch fest like some wanna B super hero of the TrumpRight.

You may be a poster but you need to remember that some here see your replies as a representation of the administration/mod staff.

When a member of the mod staff comes across so strong, as you have in this instance, you will lose credibility even if you view yourself as just a poster; you are still a member of the 'house' and folks see you as such, if they have a brain.

Sure; maybe the 'house' does win 97% of the time but do you really want to make the house look like a collection of dickheads?
You don't know shit, caddo....let's get that straight right now. I can post however I want without running it
by your sorry ass.
Don't tell me how I can or can't post.....especially a foul mouthed punk such as yourself.
Now, go stick your head up your ass and roll down the sidewalk, son.
I hope that was tame enough for you.
I've seen enough of the report to understand the meat of it, you buffoon. You people are scrambling for damage control.

I am not 'telling' you how to post but any moderator of any forum would WISELY step more sofly when they post, than you did.

Next time try farting, instead of taking a shit, when you post. Just a suggestion, dear.

but any moderator of any forum would WISELY step more sofly when they post, than you did.

why aren't you on one of those more pleasant forums?


"more pleasant?"

Have you ever noticed the typical Trump supporter here comes out of the gate posting insults, profanities, and other various & sundry bullshit, even before they are 'insulted?'

At least I wait to unload after I get shit on.

Banned? LOFL .........
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
What proof do you have of intent? Because it seems wildly more likely he was pissed off about the collusion claims he was clubbed over the head with over 5,000 times (actual number not hyperbole) for 2 full years that was all BS. We already know his MO is to cover up the embarrassing shit he does, and he’s not at all adept at it. Example given: Stormy Fucking Daniels. Not a crime, he just doesn’t want it out there. NO ONE WOULD EVER TAKE AN OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST HIM, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME FACTS AT HAND. Another big fact to mention...not a very good look to try someone for obstruction of justice, with the claim being they obstructed for crime they never committed. This is that Monty python ATHG black knight shit again. You have no arms or legs, you need to stop trying.

Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process.

Are you fucking assholes REALLY this fucking stupid, that you cannot fucking read a goddam fucking report & figure this shit out on your own?

Fuck; why even bother discuss it here if you cannot even get off your fucking lazy fucking ass & read something. Fuck ............
so what? it's over. Nadler can't do shit. it's all political. they can walk the plank and jump off if they like. EXONERATION
They have no agenda, the only thing they have is the House and endless investigations going forward.
Sad thing for them is that they ended up with a nothing burger and going forward nothing is going to change.
It doesn't help them whatsoever coming into the next election fact, it's bad optics for them.
With the way this economy is humming along and unemployment at historic lows, tRump is a shoe-in
you know what, it does prove one thing. They were never concerned about russia or collusion. this is just a get the bum out and take away my vote. Voter Suppression going on.

whiny loser demolosers.
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’
I put a link in my signature line. That gives people the chance to point out things Trump actually said.
What I like are the parts about why some people quit because they became afraid when Trump tried to get them to lie or fabricate false documents. Like Trump's Lawyer. He gave 30 hours of testimony...
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’
I put a link in my signature line. That gives people the chance to point out things Trump actually said.
What I like are the parts about why some people quit because they became afraid when Trump tried to get them to lie or fabricate false documents. Like Trump's Lawyer. He gave 30 hours of testimony...
who cares? the witch hunt is over. anything forward is all political bullshit. thanks for playing.
Got your panties all in a twist, son? Jealous because I'm a mod...or are you pissed that I can be a poster too?
Which is it?
Jillian happens to be one of the most biased people on this board and really can't give an honest assessment.
I doubt she has read 400 pages of the report, and if she did she still would be too biased.

a moderator SHOULD be much more reserved in their bitchfest.

The post you replied to was very simple; very restrained = "And you don’t understand what the report says."

Yet you come in with your primary bitch fest like some wanna B super hero of the TrumpRight.

You may be a poster but you need to remember that some here see your replies as a representation of the administration/mod staff.

When a member of the mod staff comes across so strong, as you have in this instance, you will lose credibility even if you view yourself as just a poster; you are still a member of the 'house' and folks see you as such, if they have a brain.

Sure; maybe the 'house' does win 97% of the time but do you really want to make the house look like a collection of dickheads?
You don't know shit, caddo....let's get that straight right now. I can post however I want without running it
by your sorry ass.
Don't tell me how I can or can't post.....especially a foul mouthed punk such as yourself.
Now, go stick your head up your ass and roll down the sidewalk, son.
I hope that was tame enough for you.
I've seen enough of the report to understand the meat of it, you buffoon. You people are scrambling for damage control.

I am not 'telling' you how to post but any moderator of any forum would WISELY step more sofly when they post, than you did.

Next time try farting, instead of taking a shit, when you post. Just a suggestion, dear.

but any moderator of any forum would WISELY step more sofly when they post, than you did.

why aren't you on one of those more pleasant forums?


"more pleasant?"

Have you ever noticed the typical Trump supporter here comes out of the gate posting insults, profanities, and other various & sundry bullshit, even before they are 'insulted?'

At least I wait to unload after I get shit on.

Banned? LOFL .........
dude, you've lost. accept it now. it's over. witch hunt is done. you should focus on 2020, or push your traitors to keep up the walk on the gangplank. I'm sure they'll jump.
It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
What proof do you have of intent? Because it seems wildly more likely he was pissed off about the collusion claims he was clubbed over the head with over 5,000 times (actual number not hyperbole) for 2 full years that was all BS. We already know his MO is to cover up the embarrassing shit he does, and he’s not at all adept at it. Example given: Stormy Fucking Daniels. Not a crime, he just doesn’t want it out there. NO ONE WOULD EVER TAKE AN OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST HIM, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME FACTS AT HAND. Another big fact to mention...not a very good look to try someone for obstruction of justice, with the claim being they obstructed for crime they never committed. This is that Monty python ATHG black knight shit again. You have no arms or legs, you need to stop trying.

Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process.

Are you fucking assholes REALLY this fucking stupid, that you cannot fucking read a goddam fucking report & figure this shit out on your own?

Fuck; why even bother discuss it here if you cannot even get off your fucking lazy fucking ass & read something. Fuck ............
so what? it's over. Nadler can't do shit. it's all political. they can walk the plank and jump off if they like. EXONERATION
Ahhhhh yes. The sweet smell of victory!
It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
What proof do you have of intent? Because it seems wildly more likely he was pissed off about the collusion claims he was clubbed over the head with over 5,000 times (actual number not hyperbole) for 2 full years that was all BS. We already know his MO is to cover up the embarrassing shit he does, and he’s not at all adept at it. Example given: Stormy Fucking Daniels. Not a crime, he just doesn’t want it out there. NO ONE WOULD EVER TAKE AN OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST HIM, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME FACTS AT HAND. Another big fact to mention...not a very good look to try someone for obstruction of justice, with the claim being they obstructed for crime they never committed. This is that Monty python ATHG black knight shit again. You have no arms or legs, you need to stop trying.

Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process.

Are you fucking assholes REALLY this fucking stupid, that you cannot fucking read a goddam fucking report & figure this shit out on your own?

Fuck; why even bother discuss it here if you cannot even get off your fucking lazy fucking ass & read something. Fuck ............
Mueller made a recommendation for charges being drawn up? Nope. Because the case is weak. Question is: “Did any violations occur?” “Attempting” to is a judgement call and an opinion. Holds no legal standing in a court of law.

I made no such claim; maybe you are blind. Try some different Coke bottle bottoms in your glass frames, next time.
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
What proof do you have of intent? Because it seems wildly more likely he was pissed off about the collusion claims he was clubbed over the head with over 5,000 times (actual number not hyperbole) for 2 full years that was all BS. We already know his MO is to cover up the embarrassing shit he does, and he’s not at all adept at it. Example given: Stormy Fucking Daniels. Not a crime, he just doesn’t want it out there. NO ONE WOULD EVER TAKE AN OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST HIM, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME FACTS AT HAND. Another big fact to mention...not a very good look to try someone for obstruction of justice, with the claim being they obstructed for crime they never committed. This is that Monty python ATHG black knight shit again. You have no arms or legs, you need to stop trying.

Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process.

Are you fucking assholes REALLY this fucking stupid, that you cannot fucking read a goddam fucking report & figure this shit out on your own?

Fuck; why even bother discuss it here if you cannot even get off your fucking lazy fucking ass & read something. Fuck ............
so what? it's over. Nadler can't do shit. it's all political. they can walk the plank and jump off if they like. EXONERATION
Ahhhhh yes. The sweet smell of victory!
Right? time for trump to move on.
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
What proof do you have of intent? Because it seems wildly more likely he was pissed off about the collusion claims he was clubbed over the head with over 5,000 times (actual number not hyperbole) for 2 full years that was all BS. We already know his MO is to cover up the embarrassing shit he does, and he’s not at all adept at it. Example given: Stormy Fucking Daniels. Not a crime, he just doesn’t want it out there. NO ONE WOULD EVER TAKE AN OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST HIM, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME FACTS AT HAND. Another big fact to mention...not a very good look to try someone for obstruction of justice, with the claim being they obstructed for crime they never committed. This is that Monty python ATHG black knight shit again. You have no arms or legs, you need to stop trying.

Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process.

Are you fucking assholes REALLY this fucking stupid, that you cannot fucking read a goddam fucking report & figure this shit out on your own?

Fuck; why even bother discuss it here if you cannot even get off your fucking lazy fucking ass & read something. Fuck ............
Mueller made a recommendation for charges being drawn up? Nope. Because the case is weak. Question is: “Did any violations occur?” “Attempting” to is a judgement call and an opinion. Holds no legal standing in a court of law.

I made no such claim; maybe you are blind. Try some different Coke bottle bottoms in your glass frames, next time.
sure you did. you should go learn how to read, especially what you wrote.
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
What proof do you have of intent? Because it seems wildly more likely he was pissed off about the collusion claims he was clubbed over the head with over 5,000 times (actual number not hyperbole) for 2 full years that was all BS. We already know his MO is to cover up the embarrassing shit he does, and he’s not at all adept at it. Example given: Stormy Fucking Daniels. Not a crime, he just doesn’t want it out there. NO ONE WOULD EVER TAKE AN OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST HIM, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME FACTS AT HAND. Another big fact to mention...not a very good look to try someone for obstruction of justice, with the claim being they obstructed for crime they never committed. This is that Monty python ATHG black knight shit again. You have no arms or legs, you need to stop trying.

Look shit head; the information is in Mueller's report. There ARE at least TEN instances that Mueller specifically explains DID occur in which Trump attempted to obstruct the justice process.

Are you fucking assholes REALLY this fucking stupid, that you cannot fucking read a goddam fucking report & figure this shit out on your own?

Fuck; why even bother discuss it here if you cannot even get off your fucking lazy fucking ass & read something. Fuck ............
Mueller made a recommendation for charges being drawn up? Nope. Because the case is weak. Question is: “Did any violations occur?” “Attempting” to is a judgement call and an opinion. Holds no legal standing in a court of law.

I made no such claim; maybe you are blind. Try some different Coke bottle bottoms in your glass frames, next time.
Your words...”10 Times Trump ATTEMPTED to obstruct the investigation” meaning obstruction of justice. Optimum word here being “attempted.”
dude, you've lost. accept it now. it's over. witch hunt is done. you should focus on 2020, or push your traitors to keep up the walk on the gangplank. I'm sure they'll jump.

dimocrap scum are incapable of introspection.

Why? Because they are so disgustingly certain of the rightness of their disgusting causes coupled with a lot of arrogance and REALLY a lot of stupidity

But dimocrap scum don't really qualify as human. At least, not like the rest of us.

Not kidding

One thing to ALWAYS remember......

Tattoo this on your Forehead, people

dimocrap scum do NOT hate Trump....

They HATE you. And me. And the people that put him in Office.

I hate them back. more
Last edited:
It's in the report; go read it IF your lazy ass is so inclined
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
Where, post that part of mueller’s Ir nunes reports!

It is in the report. WHY in Hell are you fuck wads too fucking lazy to go & read the goddamn fucking report?
dude it's over. no criminal intent. and again, you can post the line from the report that says there was. I'm offering you the opportunity to prove your claim. I know it's over. Criminally trump and his campaign are cleared, exonerated. anything nadler does is his political suicide. urge him on for me.

There are 10 specific instances laid out in the report in which Mueller demonstrates Trump made attempts to obstruct the investigation.

Go read the report; I am not doing your goddamn reading for you, lazy ass.
dude, you've lost. accept it now. it's over. witch hunt is done. you should focus on 2020, or push your traitors to keep up the walk on the gangplank. I'm sure they'll jump.

dimocrap scum are incapable of introspection.

Why? Because they are so disgustingly certain of the rightness of their disgusting causes coupled with a lot of arrogance and REALLY a lot of stupidity

But dimocrap scum don't really qualify as human. At least, not like the rest of us.

Not kidding

One thing to remember ALWAYS remember......

Tattoo this on your Forehead, people

dimocrap scum do NOT hate Trump....

They HATE you. And me. And the people that put him in Office.

I hate them back. more
I already know enough will never be enough with them. they are stuck in a loop they can't spin out of.
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
Where, post that part of mueller’s Ir nunes reports!

It is in the report. WHY in Hell are you fuck wads too fucking lazy to go & read the goddamn fucking report?
dude it's over. no criminal intent. and again, you can post the line from the report that says there was. I'm offering you the opportunity to prove your claim. I know it's over. Criminally trump and his campaign are cleared, exonerated. anything nadler does is his political suicide. urge him on for me.

There are 10 specific instances laid out in the report in which Mueller demonstrates Trump made attempts to obstruct the investigation.

Go read the report; I am not doing your goddamn reading for you, lazy ass.
So what? that's only for your political losers in the house. no crime in the report. Justice department charges people, the house can only impeach. go for it. it's political suicide. Americans already know it's over.
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
Where, post that part of mueller’s Ir nunes reports!

It is in the report. WHY in Hell are you fuck wads too fucking lazy to go & read the goddamn fucking report?
dude it's over. no criminal intent. and again, you can post the line from the report that says there was. I'm offering you the opportunity to prove your claim. I know it's over. Criminally trump and his campaign are cleared, exonerated. anything nadler does is his political suicide. urge him on for me.
caddo just can't come to grips that it's over and he lost. When you lose, it's bad enough.
But, when you have the TDS affliction and's a guaranteed psychotic episode as you just witnessed.

There is nothing criminal....that is the bottom line.

I haven't lost a thing.

If you're OK with any POTUS making massive amounts of attempts to obstruct DOJ investigations then I am not surprised that you hate the rule of law.

That isn't my problem; that is your lack of morality as far as the rule of law is concerned.

That means you lost something; not me.
No, the question isn’t whether it’s in the report or not. It’s why did they choose to highlight this incredibly insignificant point? The only obvious answer is because it gives them the slightest opening for spin. Why “journalism” is going this far to try to spin with such incredible bias is the entire point of the thread. Duh

So, YOU blame "they" and you blame "journalism" for putting this out there for public consumption; BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Does that mean it did not happen? NO, it does NOT.

What YOU & your kind need to get over is the FACT that Trump had CRIMINAL INTENT as far as the 'obstruction' issue is concerned BUT Trump subordinates actually saved Trump from an 'obstruction' charge by refusing Trump's numerous requests.

WHY in Hell are YOU & others here too goddamn fucking stupid to grasp that?
Where, post that part of mueller’s Ir nunes reports!

It is in the report. WHY in Hell are you fuck wads too fucking lazy to go & read the goddamn fucking report?
dude it's over. no criminal intent. and again, you can post the line from the report that says there was. I'm offering you the opportunity to prove your claim. I know it's over. Criminally trump and his campaign are cleared, exonerated. anything nadler does is his political suicide. urge him on for me.
caddo just can't come to grips that it's over and he lost. When you lose, it's bad enough.
But, when you have the TDS affliction and's a guaranteed psychotic episode as you just witnessed.

There is nothing criminal....that is the bottom line.

I lost nothing

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